custom formula conditional formating - Only weekedays and 3 days in future - google-sheets

Can anyone shed light on the following dilemma, please?
I have the need for a custom formula that allows conditional formatting for any rows who's date in columnB is 3 weekdays AHEAD of today's current date.
For example, if today was Wednesday 12/3 then I need to format any rows who's colB date is 3 working days in the future Thus (Monday 12/8) would be formatted....skipping any weekend days. No other days before or after (Monday 12/8) would be formatted.
To explain the premise, Sales staff can view this page and know that all jobs due to be installed 3 days from today (highlighted, say in yellow) must be turned in for processing today. Thus the need to exclude all weekend days.
This forum has helped me so very much to accomplish my Production Schedule using Sheets, as I have zero experience. You guys have been the best and I am in hopes this too can be resolved.
For reference you can view the test data sheet named "DUE_AMBER" at the below link where all rows having date of "Mon, Dec 8" would be only rows impacted

Seems OP is happy enough with this answer of his own:


Count the number of days in each month between two dates that span two different years

First time asking a question here so please forgive me. I am trying to count the number of days in each month between two dates. I have found an answer on here that solves this. However, it breaks down and gives me "0" as a result when the beginning date is in December and the end date is in January.
This answer by Tom Sharpe is the closest that I have been able to get to this answer. Tom's Answer!
I wish I knew how to format code or screenshots on this website. I'm sorry! The link to the question has everything, I just need it to work when the Date Range spans two different years.
Please let me know if I can help.
I just checked the previous answer and it seems to work just fine for me.
=SUMPRODUCT(--(TEXT(ROW(INDIRECT($A2 & ":" & IF($B2="",TODAY(),$B$2))),"mmm")=C$1))
I tweaked it a small amount, making the B2 from the original post an absolute value. I took this under January in cell C2 and handle dragged to fill in to December and everything calculated just fine even over multiple years. My initial thought is that your headings (jan-dec) have something that isn't a 3 letter abbreviation.

How to Link custom week numbers with an existing time tree graph up to minutes in Neo4J?

I already have a graph (time tree) that contains Year, Month, Day, Hour and Minutes. It is something like that of what Mark Needham shows in his blog link but it goes until Minutes instead of days. So the link looks something like this :
I also have Year to week number relation. The starting and ending dates of the Workweek are custom. For eg my week 2 in 2017 starts from 2017-01-05 19:00 (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) and ends on 2017-01-12 18:59. I have all the nodes between those 2 dates in my time tree but I am not able link them to week 2 node. Is there a way to do this? I am not using graphaware. I managed to do something for this one week by collecting all the days from 5th to 12th and then removing the hours 0 to 18 from 5th and 20th to 23rd on 12. But I need to do this for a couple of years and this method may be very cumbersome. Is there a better way for this?
You can use apoc plugin already :) uses JAVA simpledateformat under the hood I think. Looking at this is already possible. But you have to first parse it into unix and then back.
with "2017-01-05 19:00" as date
with,"s","yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") as unix
return,"s","yyyy ww")

Highlight google sheet cell if age is under 18 on a specific date

So I have kind of an odd question, and I don't know if this is possible in google sheets.
I work with a volunteer group that helps staff about six different conventions a year. For a couple of departments, you have to be 18 to work in that department. One of the questions we ask them for is their birth date. I'm curious if there is a way to tell google to highlight a cell red if an applicant will not be 18 by a certain date.
Say for example there is a convention on January 1st, 2017. Is there a way to get the conditional formatting to look at the birth date cell, compare it to January 1st, 2017, and turn the cell fill red if the date is not at least 18 years in the past?
Assuming dates of birth are in ColumnA and the relevant conference date is in F1, please try selecting ColumnA and Format, Conditional formatting..., Custom formula is:
red fill and Done.

Start Date Calculation in google sheets

Recently Google analytics became available as an add on for google sheets.
It is fairly intuitive however I need a way to auto calculate the start date of a month starting with todays date eg today is the 11/02/15 so I would like it to return the 01/02/15 utilising the available date functions.
My purpose is to run a report for this months data only which can be updated as the month continues. In the next month it would need to start again.
I have an absolute fix but this is not scalable, If you have a function based solution please help.
is a formula that takes the date for today, finds the end of the preceeding month and then adds one day.

Calculating days to next birthday in Google Spreadsheet

I have the date of birth of a person and want to calculate the days until his/her next birthday. How to do this in a way to deal with leapyears and other "odd" things?
Using google spreadsheet internal functions:
where A2 is the cell with the birthday of the person.
The IF at the beginning is for testing if the next birthday is this year or next year.
A slightly shorter neater version using pure sheets functions is:
This simpler, and uses the DATEDIF(...,"y") to get complete years that have passed and adds one, rather than needing an If around the entire calculation.
Having figured this out working on the problem myself, I then came across the same solution on this site, which includes some more explanation.
following the nice and short version that Jon Egerton posted, here is a small change that returns 0 when the birthday is on the current day (instead of returning 365), and also handles future dates
I found that using WolframAlpha for calculating the days is the most "simple" way to do it. Use the following code:
REGEXEXTRACT(JOIN("";ImportXML(JOIN("";"";YEAR(A2);"-";MONTH(A2);"-";DAY(A2);"&asynchronous=false&equal=Submit"); "//script")); "(\d+) days until next")
Where A2 is the cell with the birthday of the person.
