Changing Project Name textures render wrong : Cant reverse - ios

I changed the name of the app as it appears on the device under its icon by first changing the project name as suggested here.
Suddenly on the simulator:
the textures were not rendering correctly
or could could not be found ( a large x appeared where the Sprtite Halo should of been)
They were significantly freezes during run time
The textures that did render were allot smaller
After panicking a bit I undid the change and everything was back to normal.
I then changed the name by changing the Bundle Display Name, see link above.
Everything still worked fine on simulators and name did change on app icon.
To my dismay now running the app on a real device I can see the very same problems, although not evident in the emulator.
Tried deleting app from device. It looks like the device is using image from an old atlas and not rendering them correctly ie a where a small 8kb spaceship should be is a chunk of a background image 600kb although the background image is no longer in the atlas of current project!!
Interestingly the same unwanted issues are seen in both simulators and device run form Xcode 6, but app runs as expected on Xcode 5.1 simulators.
Have cleaned and built several times.
Any suggestions welcome!!

This could not be fixed, spent two days re-working an older version.
For those looking to change there project/app name please follow the documentation here.
By not following the second step caused me two days work and a mild yet uncomfortable heart attack.
The second step in Xcode 5.1.1, I had incorrectly chosen the default which had all checboxes checked and not just the Application as depicted below:


iPhone app is running at iPhone 4 size with black bars after update

Previously the app supported the iPhone 5s/SE screen and iPhone 6-8 screens (not the plus sizes), this was done using launch images. So on Plus sized devices and iPhone X* devices it would display black bars above and below the app.
We then released an update where among other things a launch storyboard was added. All through the development of this update the screen size worked perfectly on every device we had. However after releasing the update on the App Store, for some users, the app now shows at iPhone 4 size (height/width ratio is 1.5). So now affected users on an SE have the black bars, and X* users have bigger black bars the before. This doesn't seem to affect everyone, and we can't replicate on our devices.
The deployment target is 10, so there should be no reason to use the old launch images method. And the update is definitely using a storyboard for the launch screens.
Has a similar thing happened to anyone else? Or is there something you have to do specially when releasing an update that moves to the storyboard method from individual launch images?
All the existing answers either say to make sure you have the correct screenshots, or use a xib/storyboard. We don't have any screenshots and are definitely using a storyboard.
EDIT: now after a few hours of restarting the app users are starting to see the correct sizes, implying it’s an iOS caching issue.
I have experienced it lot before.
Reason: iOS commonly keeps launch screens of all apps in its own cache system, So, unless your app get loaded,it can show that launch images/screen to user from cache. Now, As your app was previously having launch images and now moved to storyboard, it makes this problem.
Also note that, iOS always render your app in screensize which it have in launchscreen, thats why you are seeing black bars at top and bottom.
Way to reproduce: This will happen everytime you update your launch screen. Try adding some label or some other component to your launchscreen.storyboard and install it. You will not see updated launch screen for some duration.
Best Solution(It works almost for all): Just update your app's version number and install on the device. After version number get updated, it will take new updated resources.
If above solution didn't worked for you, then you can try for these alternate solutions:
Solution 01: Your user might have to delete older app and install new one
Solution 02: Your user needed to reboot their device after update.
Solution 03: iOS System itself refreshes its own cache after certain interval, so your customers might face issue just after updating... but will get resolved automatically after some duration(around 3-4 hours).
I experienced similar issues with LaunchScreen Storyboard changes and when switching from Launch Images. It is an iOS Bug, sometimes you need to reboot the device in order to see the correct LaunchScreen when changes are made, it is very odd and difficult to reproduce.
Most probably there is nothing wrong with your App...
Yes Jonathan, it has happened to others as well.
Sadly it seems that this is a real iOS issue, the problem is real (those negationists please believe).
I called the Apple Support and the developer/support staff that I talked with, seemed aware and/or heard the issue, although the response was unclear I did, nonetheless, report the issue properly. "They will check it out". Typical Apple sideways answer...
Now, current solutions:
It seems that what has worked is the On/off iPhone solution, drastic and heavily inconvenient but currently it's the only workaround "tested".
I am deeply sorry for not solving you inquire straight, but I think this affair is beyond any of us developers field of action, it seems (yet to confirm) an OS problem, which Apple and only Apple can fix for real.

LaunchScreen.storyboard bug in swift

I was using LaunchScreen.storyboard without problems.
but I changed LaunchScreen.storyboard file name to LaunchScreen2.storyboard since I hoped not to use the splash image.
(I thought it could decrease loading time)
However, I couldn't see the loading time differences.
So I renamed the file to LaunchScreen.storyboard to use splash image again.
But the problem began from here.
Even though I change images in LaunchScreen.Storyboard:-
Only black screen is shown shortly when I run my app on simulators.
Old LaunscScreen.storyboard is shown when I run the app on my iPad.
I took some.. actions but it didn't work.
(use image in Assets.cassettes, make sure Launch Screen File name in project option)
Is there anyone who can help me?
*I attached screenshots
(I'm using the latest Xcode, Version 9.1 (9B55))
I think I found out the root cause of the issue that lasted for more than a month.
At least in my case, the issue was occurred because there was no entry point in the LaunchScreen file.
After entry point was set I could see the LaunchScreen.
This is iOS issue(OS Level) iOS caching LaunchScreen.storyboard image resource and reuse it
why your action did't work because
app on simulators have not cached LaunchScreen so show black screen(LaunchScreen.storyboard not found)
iPad has cached and used LaunchScreen Resource(LaunchScreen.storyboard) so old Resource shown
Common solution is delete app or shut down and on iPhone or iPad for removing cashed resource. iOS mananing this resource in Srpingboard(OS Level) so It is not a complete solution but promotes the cache to be quickly erased from OS. just waiting.. until iOS erase it

App runs in simulator but removes stack x/y constraints after running on device

Wondering if anyone else has run into this problem and knows how to solve it. I have 3 vertical stack views, each consisting of a text view and label. They are all contained in one super stack view. The app runs fine for each device on the simmulator. When I connect my iphone and run on that device, I get missing constraints in the storyboard and the fields are all misaligned. The strange thing is that even with the alignment errors, the app runs fine in all the simulated devices and my actual iPhone, with the alignment being perfect - not as seen on the storyboard. I have tried the various options - update constraints, update frames, reset to suggested constraints, etc. - but it doesn't get back to where it should be. I am working with a copy of my project. I did File-Duplicate in the finder. It is really annoying because each time I have to backtrack.
Picture of errors and messy screen
I was researching similar problems on the web and came across one post/article that mentioned downloading something called "Duplicate" to copy folders from the finder vs directly from the finder.
I downloaded it and followed instructions to copy the same folder my problem app was copied from. I ran it on all the simulator devices and my own iPhone without any issues. I'm hoping the problem was that everything wasn't copied over correctly from finder the first time and that now, using Duplicate, it is and it resolves the problem. I'll add to this if the subject problem emerges again.
link to the post I found

Image does not update when changed if that image is used on LaunchScreen.storyboard

First of all this question has nothing to do with other similar questions on SO because this problem involves using LaunchScreen.storyboard and the solutions presented on SO don't solve this problem.
I am using an image inside LaunchScreen.storyboard. I change that image and every time the app starts it shows the old image. Things I have tried:
Name the image differently every time
Delete de DerivedData contents
Move the image from the Assets file to the outside
Product > Clean
Delete the app from the device.
Do all 1-4 plus quit and restart Xcode.
It is amazing but nothing works. I have tried everything except voodoo.
The techniques above seem to work for images used elsewhere but not for images used by LaunchScreen.storyboard.
I am running it on the device.
Any ideas?
The likely problem is that Springboard caches the launch image by bundle ID. To force a rebuild, the necessary steps are
Delete app from device.
Restart device.
Install and run app.
However, there does appear to be a so far undefined complete failure case. If the above brute force method fails to work, take a look at this Radar filing: UIImageView missing images in Launch Screen on device which appears to describe a permanent caching failure. In that case, changing your bundle ID and seeing if the expected image shows up is about all you've got left.

UIImageView not loading image on all devices

This is my first time posting a questions here. So far I have been able to find the solution to all issues I have had. For 2 weeks now I'm struggling with a strange issue.
Issue Description:
I'm developing an universal application for iOS 5+. I'm having an issue with one image, which is not displayed everywhere. This is my background image and it displays correctly on all iPhones (3GS, 4, 4S, 5) and iPad retina. Unfortunately there are 3 screens on which it doesn't displays. This happens only on iPad without Retina display. The images appears on the other screens and I can't determine what is different so it doesn't display on these 3 screens.
What have I tested:
I have tried to delete the image and add it again - nothing changes.
I have double checked the naming of the file - everything is fine.
I have tried to load the image in another view controller and it loads.
I have cleaned my application and deleted it from all devices - issue stays.
If you happen to have any suggestions on what can be the cause of that strange behavior please give me a hint.
OK, since your image is already in the project and the target, here's a couple of other reasons which could cause the issue
The file extension and the type of file don't match. Try saving the in another format and use it in the app. See if that works
You mentioned this is a universal app? Are you naming the images correctly (image.png, image#2x.png, image~ipad.png and image#2x~ipad.png
