Weird space in iOS7 - ios

I just ran a demo app on iOS 7 target, this is what I get:
I'm using a storyboard and it looks well in iOS8. Constraints are correct.
I already checked e.g.
UITableView is starting with an offset in iOS 7
but the issue in this case is the whole thing, incl. status bar has the offset, no idea what this is. I played around with the layout settings of the view controller in the storyboard without any effect.
I also created a brand new (single view) project, ran it without changing anything, got the same issue. Don't know what can go wrong in a new project concerning autolayout as I can't set any constraints in the root view controller's view...
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.

Try adding a "Default-568h#2x.png" launch screen to keep your iOS 7 device from running the app in Letterbox mode.
What Apple really wants you to do is use Auto-layout (see point 1 in the linked blog), which is what I suspect your demo app isn't doing.


iOS app not taking up entire screen in iOS 12 or 13

I have an old iOS app last built on iOS 8. When the app runs on iOS 10 or higher on larger phones the view doesn't take up the entire screen, there is a black bar on the top and bottom of the screen. In the past, Apple would just expand the app so it was stretched a little.
Not sure how to fix this? I am sure there has to be an expand setting or something? I believe it has to do with setting a Launch Screen, but not sure where to set that or how to? I do have a LaunchScreen.storyboard in my files.
I have tried multiple things to fix the issue, but nothing seems to work?
Also, not sure if it is related, but the Navigation Item (deprecated?) was once sticking to the top and now just randomly floats.
I have solved this problem on my older project by adding launch screen.
Try this if you are missing launch screen:
Add a new launch screen by going to File -> New -> File... -> Launch
Make sure the newly added LaunchScreen.storyboard is selected as
the launch screen file under project settings.
to check this follow this steps:
1)Choose your project name in Xcode. 2)Select your project target. 3)Then select app icons and launch images and choose your newly added LaunchScreen.storyboard.
Given the age of the app I suspect it uses fixed sizes or size classes for its layout?
You will need to update the code that controls the layout. If the design is simple and vertical based, you may be able to a 'quick and dirty" solution by embedding everything in a stack view. However you should really update your code and/or storyboard to use Autolayout. This will fix the current problem and ensure it will work with future devices of different sizes.

App resizes on deployment to iphone 6s - xcode

I have a simple single screen app with two buttons that looks great on the story board on xcode. As soon as I run the app on my iphone 6s, it resizes the screen and the buttons at the bottom disappear. It looks like the resolution has changed and the app is not meant for an iphone 6s screen.
I have already tried the following without any success:
1) Enabled "Use Auto Layout" for my View controller in the File Inspector menu(under utilities)
2) Set the deployment target to "10.3", Devices to "iPhone" and checked "portrait, landscape left and landscape right" for Device orientation under the General Settings.
Is there any other setting that I might have missed to check that is causing this scaling? I am using xcode 8.3
Edit: I recieved some great feedback in the comments section, and learnt about adding constraints. I am here adding screenshots of what my app looks like before and after adding constraints:
Here is my xcode storyboard (what I am looking to get on my iPhone 6s)
And here is a screenshot of what I have on my phone (prior to constraining)
I have tried constraining the view like so with no luck (same output on the phone):
Is there a specific set of constraints that will do the job here?
Your screenshots show that you have not set your constraints. The last screenshot shows that you have set some constraints on the root view. Like mentioned by Martin you need to have constraints for each object.
To place the button correctly at the bottom of the view, you need to draw from your button to your view (holding the ctrl-key) and then select the bottom, leading and trailing constraints.
I suggest to make a beginner tutorial in Autolayout with InterfaceBuilder.
Thank you for your great responses. Turns out the solution was a little different than just experimenting with constraints. It took me about 3 hours to figure this out, and I wanted to share the simple solution here in case someone else goes through the same thing in the future.
The problem was in the General section of the settings. Your Launch Screen File must reflect the MainStoryboard like so:
My Launch Screen File option was previously set to nothing which caused the problem. As soon as I changed it to the MainStoryboard, things look just fine.
Hope this helps someone!

How to resolve Autolayout issues after updating to Xcode 8.1

I have designed user interface in storyboard in Xcode 7 its working fine when i updated Xcode 8.1 and opened the storyboard the result is below.
I don't know what apple actually doing with this, When ever new update came i struggling on this kind of issue. Can some one guide me how to resolve this?
Click on the red button that shows the problems, and see what's wrong, and fix them. Very often you just fix the frames of your views. And then you tap on the various device sizes and check if your layout works with every size.
They did make changes with new xcode 8.0, but I believe its easier then ever.
The concept is same behind only few changes.
Like before you need to do update frames, but now they make it easy so you can view a live preview of your layout without going into preview in show assistant editor.
Just click on device button and it automatically updates frames and shows you your layout.
For more information see: A Beginner’s Guide to Auto Layout with Xcode 8

Why is my App always shifted to the right in the iOS Simulator?

I am building a simple iOS app using Storyboards. Currently running Xcode 7.2.1. I have previously built one using .XIB files and never had an issue with layouts on devices.
I have a UIViewController that has a UINavigationBar and Bar Button Item. When I run the app in the simulator, everything looks shifted to the right and partly off screen. The title should be shown in the centre. I am simulating using iPhone 6 and everything in Simulated Metrics are set to Inferred. Could someone help me understand, am I missing a step?
The views are shifted because you didn't set the auto layout constraints. To fix this, add missing constraints.

All of my objects disappear in my iOS simulator, why is that?

I'm currently working with one navigation controller, and 3 view controllers. when i run my program, everything runs smooth, but none of my objects on my second and third view controller appear in the simulator ( labels, buttons, text fields etc.), how ever the navigation bar is there. why is that? how do i fix it?
For me, the issue was that I had added the button to the LaunchScreen.storyboard, instead of the Main.storyboard.
Credit to this post:
Apparently it was an auto layout error. I removed auto layout and disabled size classes from my project and the simulator showed every object within the interface. I then enabled both auto layout and size classes once again & manually added my constraints instead of allowing Xcode to do it for me. Worked out fine once i ran the simulator again. I think this is a bug in Xcode's iOS sim.
