node-inspector doesn't let me open a specific js file - node-inspector

When debugging with node-inspector, I can see all of the files in a folder except one.
I checked on the filesystem and the .js is there.
Ctrl+O doesn't let me select the file as well.
How can I open the file to place a breakpoint?
PS: I'm using Node Inspector v0.8.0 and node v0.10.33 on a Win7 32 bits

Node Inspector has two mechanisms for loading files in the GUI.
All files loaded by Node.js (V8) runtime are always listed in the GUI, this works very reliably. The downside is that files not loaded yet are not listed. This typically happens when your application is stared via node-debug or node --debug-brk.
There is a speculative algorithm trying to guess what files are part of your project and included them in the GUI even though they are not loaded in the runtime yet. The algorithm assumes that your project has package.json in the root directory and that the main script file is either in the project root directory (node index.js) or one-level deep (node bin/gpii.js). Additionally, if there is package.json in the current working directory, all javascript files in the current working directory and subdirectories are included too.
See lib/ScriptFileStorage.js for more details.
I suspect that your project is laid out in such way that Node Inspector does not recognise it and thus does not scan it for all javascript files.
You can verify this assumption by running the following code in Node Inspector's Console window while the process is paused, replacing ROOT with the real path to your project root:
The file FlowManager.js should appear in Node Inspector after the command has finished.


Get path of Electron OS standalone scripts

I am creating an application in electron and I need to obtain the path to the script files of the same application (regardless of the operating system) to modify these scripts and do file preloading actions, the path in which the scripts are generated is as follows:
However that path will always vary since the user can put the folder where the electron EXE is located anywhere they want, so I need to find the path to get to resources\app regardless of the operating system and regardless of where the user is. located the electron folder (electron-win32-x64 this is the root folder where the exe is)
Any help on this please?

Using Atom with Hydrogen. The working directory for Atom is one folder up from the current file's location. How do i change it to the current folder?

In both Hydrogen and using a plug-in terminal platform, the default directory is one folder up from where my code file resides.
E.g., I’ll be working on a file with path, say, parent/code/ When I run pwd in the plug-in's terminal or the equivalent via Hydrogen in the python script I get parent/, but I need it to be parent/code/ to import files etc.
Perhaps the default directory for Atom is the project that is folder of the project that is open?
Any ideas how to change the default current directory for Atom (or is it package specific) to the file i’m working on/executing in Hydrogen?
In the hydrogen settings you can choose the location where the kernel should be started.
The default is the 'First started project's directory'. You can choose 'Current directory of the file' there, which should give you what you want.

Delphi 5 Installation Error

I am trying installing Delphi 5 on my computer. As soon as the installation starts I get:
Error copying File
followed by:
Setup has detected a -113 error while attempting to copy files. This
indicates that setup could not find a file in the "RunImage" directory.
Now the setup file does includes "RunImage" directory. The File is located in the D drive on another computer which I have mapped to my computer as Drive Z and I am running it from the Mapped Drive Z.
I searched online for this Error. Some recommend that if I am installing from a network location then the location has to mapped to my computer as a Driver with a name to solve the issue. I did map the location but still getting the same error.
As J.. already suggested in his comment: Windows >= Vista automatically runs programs containing the string "setup" in the name in elevated mode. In that mode, you don't have the same mapped drives as in your normal user mode. So, the program starts (which is actually inconsistent with security model, because in elevated mode, the executable itself should not be available) and then cannot find any additional files because the drive mapping does not exist.
Solution: Copy the whole installation directory to a local drive. You can delete it after the installation has finished.
Note: While I think this will solve that particular problem, it does not mean, that the rest of the installation will work.
i had same problem and i solved it by this method:
After unpacking the archive(the delphi5 zip file that you downloaded), make the root directory with the command Subst X: "path to installer". Run the standard Borland installer, the Install.exe program, there.

Re-sync folders via command line

I am currently working out how best to go about syncing files in my folders which will be included in my installer.
It works fine through the interface, but doesn't seem to work out well when doing it through the command line.
My folder structure is essentially:
Installer Config
My code 1
My code 2
My installer is to set up my two code folders when installed. Like I mentioned, I have this set up working for building the installer through the interface.
In my project, I have My code 1 and My code 2 folders set as sync folders in the Files and Folders section.
In the Installer Config folder, I am running a couple of scripts which essentially boil down to a batch file which does:
"" /loadpathvars PathVariables.xml
"" /execute myproject.aip commands.txt
and my commands.txt which does:
ResetSync APPDIR\mycode1
ResetSync APPDIR\mycode2
When the ResetSync calls are made, I get the error: Folder not synchronized: APPDIR\mycode1. but when I just hit refresh in the Files and Folders section in interface, it works fine.
To create this error I add a new file to the 'My code 1' folder. Run the scripts, and I get the 'Folder not synchronized' error.
Solved on Advanced Installer forums.

LuaEdit can't find module when Lua files all in the same folder

I downloaded LuaEdit to use as an IDE and debug tool however I'm having trouble using it for even the simplest things. I've created a solution with 2 files in it, all of which are stored in the same folder. My files are as follows:
test("Testing", "testing", "one, two, three")
foo = {}
print("In foo.lua")
function test(a,b,c) print(a,b,c) end
This works fine when in my C++ compiler when accessed through some embed code, however when I attempt to use the same code in LuaEdit, it crashes on line 3 require("foo") with an error stating:
module 'foo' not found:
no field package.preload['foo']
no file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\LuaEdit 2010\lua\foo.lua'
no file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\LuaEdit 2010\lua\foo\init.lua'
no file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\LuaEdit 2010\foo.lua'
no file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\LuaEdit 2010\foo\init.lua'
no file '.\foo.lua'
no file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\LuaEdit 2010\foo.dll'
no file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\LuaEdit 2010\loadall.dll'
no file '.\battle.dll'
I have also tried creating these files prior to adding them to a solution and still get the same error. Is there some setting I'm missing? It would be great to have an IDE/debugger but it's useless to me if it can't run linked functions.
The issue is probably that your Lua files are not on the path in package.path (for C files this is package.cpath).
My guess is that the LuaEdit program is not launched in the directory you have your files in, and hence does not have a match for eg .\foo.lua.
You have 3 simple solutions to this (from dumb to smarter):
Find out what path LuaEdit considers as ./ and put your files there.
Open up a terminal in the right directory (the one containing your files), and run LuaEdit from there.
Add the path the files are on to package.path and package.cpath before doing any require's
You may need to put:
package.path = package.path..";c:/path/to/my/files/?.lua"
at the beginning of your files before any require (as jpjacobs indicated). I couldn't find any way to provide this from LuaEdit itself. It appears it runs the script using its full path, but keeps its current dir set to whatever it was when the IDE was started. If you run LuaEdit using full path from your application folder, it should work fine even without package.path changes.
While the IDE itself works fine with its own modules/libraries, it doesn't mean it makes them available to the application it runs.
(shameless plug) If you're still not happy with LuaEdit, I'd offer ZeroBrane Studio Lua IDE as an alternative, It's based on the same wxLua framework, but provides a bit more functionality and doesn't have this particular issue you're facing. It also supports remote debugging, so you should be able to debug your Lua scripts directly from your application.
