Robotics Project based on slam algorithm [closed] - robotics

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am very beginner in robotics. I want to make a robotics project based on slam algorithms. I know many algorithm and i have the confidence to implement it in any language but i dont have any idea based on image processing and hardware. So, can anyone give a tuotorial based on slam based robotics projects[including how hardware organized and how image processing is done for that project], after seeing that i can make a slam based robotics project from my own.
In addition, If anyone give me a video lecture series for that then it would be very helpful.
Thanks in advance.

I have tried to do something similar last year. I created two systems. The first system made use of a camera and laser to detect objects and determine their location relative to the system itself. The second system was a little robot with tracks (wheels would be better), that used dead reckoning to keep track of its own location relative to its starting location. The techniques worked really well, but unfortunately I did not have the time to combine the two systems. I can however provide you with some documentation that was incredibly useful for me at that time.
These tutorials provide information on both the hardware and the software.
Optical Triangulation (detection of objects with a camera and laser) :
Dead Reckoning (a technique to keep track of one's own location) :


How can we do theft detection in shopping malls by cctv? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have a problem related to computer vision and machine learning. Basically we are working on video surveillance system which will be trained to detect any suspicious activity like theft or shop lifting in stores.We are confused that is that will be able to solve this problem or not. We don't know that is it feasible or not. So kindly just suggest us something. Any help will be appreciated.
While I understand that Open CV is great for face-detection and usable for face-recognition, can it be used for analyzing "actions", s.a. the act of sitting, the act of lifting an object off the shelf ? If so, what are some of these algorithms I should dig deeper into ?
Are there other libraries (other than OpenCV) which need to be used for such tasks? Are there open-source libraries for the same?
What you are trying to achieve is currently a very active area in computer vision and machine learning research called Behaviour Analysis or Activity Detection. State of the art approaches can be found in journals like PAMI or conferences like CVPR or NIPS. As of today, it is nowhere near the performance you would require to build an automatic theft-detection system in the general case (i.e., any surveillance camera looking into any scene in any orientation). Behaviour Analysis is based on many underlying techniques, such as identifying the pose of people in images. Current research is still trying to figure out if there's a person in the picture and the position of its limbs in the general case.
Here's what might be feasible with the current research state: A system that help an operator focus on potential threats when cameras have a clear unobstructed view to a clear and mostly static environment (e.g., glass displays). An operator could therefore monitor many more cameras than before, because the system will automatically hide the cameras that clearly does not contain suspicious activity or movement.
To know more about current possibilities, I recommend you to check the literature (like this example), decompose the problem into subparts and leverage your priors (your a priori knowledge of the scene and people you're looking at) as much as possible.
By using object recognition (by helping deep learning) we can detect object and by using the data set of recorded object in the shop we can assess to the detailed (price) of that object. based on the number of objects and information about the object we can recognize the issue such as thrift in the counter.

Better Human detection from a UAV? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am working on a project wherein I am supposed to detect human beings from a live video stream which I get from a UAV's camera module. I do not need to create any rectangles or boxes around detected subjects, but just need to reply with a yes or no. I am fairly new to Open-CV and have no prior experience.
What I have tried:
I started by training my SVM on HOG features. My team gathered a few images from a UAV we had, with people in it. I then trained the SVM from the crops of those people. We got unsatisfactory results when we used the trained detector on the a video from sky with people. Moreover processing each frame turned out to be very slow , therefore the system became unusable.(it did work on still images to some extent).
My question:
I wanted to know if there is some other technique, library etc I could try for achieving good results. Please point me to the next step.

Is there a good library for cutting out people in a still photo? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Are there any libraries, in any language, out there to help identify and grab the images of people in a still photo? Something similar in effect to the way the Kinect can isolate users.
Thanks much!
I think it depends very much on the setup (e.g. simple bg. with decent lighting condition vs. random bg. with random lighting). If you can make life easier for yourself and isolate a few simpler use cases that would be great. Still there are other available method, look at the plethora of research around pedestrian detection for example.
One thing I did try and it works surprisingly well although computationally intensive is the Histogram of Gradient Orientations, implemented in OpenCV as the HoG descriptor. For a still photo this should produce decent results. You can have a look at the OpenCV sample. I also recommend having a look at Dramanan's excellent papers.
Long story short, thanks for years of inspiring research in computer vision, there are quite a few interesting options out there, it's up to how willing you are to go into detail. Still, regardless of how clever algorithms can be, I believe it's far more important to get a decent setup that allows simple and efficient solutions rather than complex solutions that try to cater for every possible situation. Goodluck!

Image and Face detection libraries/image mining [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am looking for open source Face/ Image Detection, Recognition, Video Face Mining libraries similar to the ones that were at one time available from Pittsburg Pattern Recognition. I am also interested in libraries that detect various states of facial expressions that would work on captured still images.libra I looked at OpenCV but I was not able to find a cohesive library. Also, I would be interested in getting in touch with any group that would do contract development or license available libraries. Much thanks in advance.
OpenCV has support for Face Detection and even gesture recognition, such as smile recognition, like this: auto-smiley.
openFrameworks is a good library which wraps OpenCV and makes life considerably easier, very sophisticated image processing can be done with the two.

People Tracking Library [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Can anyone direct me to a free people tracking library? I would like to be able to use an input image (or video) and get the position of people in it. I have looked at the Reading People Tracker but cannot compile it! I am on Linux (Ubuntu) but windows would be okay (if anyone can tell me how, this would be great). Preferably, it would be for C/C++ but java, c#, ruby and python would be okay too. Thanks in advance, ell.
Not specifically a people tracking library, but as a general tracking approach "Predator" is very highly regarded: - Authors site includes some very impressive demonstration of results on youtube
This article fully explains an algorithm used for tracking moving people, and the accompanying source code is here; it is pure Java. You can see it in action in this video.
(Disclaimer: I'm the author; but I do think this is very useful, and have successfully used the algorithm a lot myself.)
The algorithm tracks moving objects in general, finds their bounding rectangle (which the application draws), counts the number of pixels in each objects, and consistently assigns them the same integer ID throughout the video frames.
When it comes to commercial computer vision applications, OpenCV and the Point Cloud Library aka PCL are your best friends (C++, but there are Java and C# bindings). And articles like the one linked explains how to use tools like OpenCV to accomplish full stack motion tracking. (The pure Java implementation shows how it works down to the individual pixels.)
