I am trying to establish a many-to-many relationship between tables in sqlite using sequelize.
I want to add records to a join table (assign tasks to a user) and retrieve data from that table. For some reason, this does not work. Here is my code:
var orm = new Sequelize('db_name', '', '', {
dialect: 'sqlite',
storage: path.join(__dirname, 'db_name')
var User = orm.define('User', {
username: {type: Sequelize.STRING, unique: true}
var Task = orm.define('Task', {
id: {type: Sequelize.STRING, unique: true},
taskName: Sequelize.STRING
Having read documentation (http://sequelize.readthedocs.org/en/latest/api/associations/#hasmanytarget-options), I expect that a join table TasksUsers should be created. I also expect .addTask method do be available. Then in another file I have:
db.User.findOrCreate({where:{username: "fakeUser"}}); //this seems to work
//some code to populate "Tasks" table;
db.User.find({where: {username: "fakeUser"}}).
console.log("user", user); //the user is found
db.Task.find({where: {id: "some_value"}}).
complete(function(err, task) {
console.log("task", task); //the task is found, so it works up to this point
user.addTask(task). //this line does not work
complete(function(err, results){
console.log("posting error", err);
I get an error "Possibly unhandled SequelizeDatabaseError: Error: SQLITE_ERROR: no such table: TasksUsers". The user.getTasks() method (without any arguments in the parentheses) does not work for the same reason.
Another observation: for testing purposes, I added these lines of code after establishing hasMany relationships:
orm.query("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table'").success(function (res) {
console.log("tables", res);
The result that I get is tables [ 'Tasks', 'Users' ]
The versions: sequelize 2.0.0-rc2, sqlite3 3.0.4. I would be very grateful for any help.
I've seen this question and I want to do the same thing with the GraphQL driver for Neo4j. I think the answer lies somewhere in combining AND and OR operators found here, of some sort, but not sure how.
To illustrate the question, say I have this type:
type Comment {
id: ID #id
timeAdded: DateTime! #timestamp(
operations: [CREATE]
writer: User! #relationship(
type: "WRITTEN_BY",
direction: IN
content: String
type User {
id: ID #id
name: String
commentsWritten: [Comment!]! #relationship(
type: "WRITTEN_BY",
direction: OUT
type Mutation {
addComment(authorID: String)
and this resolver to add a new comment (where "Comment" is a reference to the OGM model of the Comment type):
addComment: async (
) => {
var authorID = args/*edit*/.authorID //let's say this is passed
//from request headers / JWT token or something
var adCom = await Comment.create({
input: [
content: args.content,
writer: {
connect: {
where: {
node: {
users: {
id: authorID
return adCom;
So it attempts to connect to that user with that ID. but if there is no user with that ID, I don't want to create anything [not only do I not want to connect it].
I could run another query to find a User with that ID, and test if it went through, but was wondering if it's possible to do everything in one call
// didn't add node definitions because this problem occurs on initial data fetch
// user type
const userType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'User',
fields: () => ({
id: globalIdField('User'),
email: { type: GraphQLString },
posts: {
type: postConnection,
args: connectionArgs,
// getUserPosts() function is below
resolve: (user, args) => connectionFromArray(getUserPosts(user.id), args),
interfaces: [nodeInterface],
// post type
const postType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'Post',
fields: () => ({
id: globalIdField('Post'),
title: { type: GraphQLString },
content: { type: GraphQLString },
interfaces: [nodeInterface],
// connection type
const {connectionType: postConnection} =
connectionDefinitions({name: 'Post', nodeType: postType})
// Mongoose query on other file
exports.getUserPosts = (userid) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
Post.find({'author': userid}).exec((err, res) => {
err ? reject(err) : resolve(res)
I get the following warning in browser console:
Server request for query App failed for the following reasons:
Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
_posts40BFVD:posts(first:10) {
That's the only information I got, there's no more errors or references. What could be the reason?
This code is from relay-starter-kit, I only replaced all the Widget code with Post. Everything is almost the same as in starter, therefore I think the cause is somewhere around the database code.
But I can't see the problem because getUserPosts() returns same structure: array of objects..
What was the problem?
resolve: (user, args) => connectionFromArray(getUserPosts(user.id), args)
getUserPosts() returned a promise (blocking code would probably be a bad idea) but there was no callback. What happened in my opinion was that connectionFromArray() continued executing the code but it didn't have the data from getUserPosts() yet, which caused the whole system to fail.
One possible solution
I use Babel and JavaScript "future features" anyway, therefore I decided to use async and await. But there still was a problem and getUserPosts() returned an empty array.
Then I discovered that if another function is called with await in a async function, that another function has to be async as well, otherwise all await-s fail. Here's my final solution that works:
// async function that makes db query
exports.getUserPosts = async (userId) => {
try {
// db query
const posts = await Post.find({author: args}).exec()
return posts
} catch (err) {
return err
// and resolve method in Schema, also async
resolve: async (user, args) => {
const posts = await getUserPosts(user._id)
return connectionFromArray(posts, args)
Im not still sure though if it's the best way. My logic tells me that I should use async as much as possible in Node but Im far from Node expert. I'll update the question when I know more about it.
I would be glad to know if there's a better or even a recommended way to deal with this database query situation using Relay.
The problem is with the resolve function of posts field.
resolve: (user, args) => connectionFromArray(getUserPosts(user.id), args),
First, getUserPosts is an asynchronous function which returns a promise. You have to take that into account while writing resolve function. Second, user.id is a global ID field generated for you by graphql-relay module's globalIdField helper function. That ID should be converted to local ID.
With relay-starter-kit, you can use async and await. The code will look like:
resolve: async (user, args) => {
let userId = fromGlobalId(user.id).id;
// convert this userId string to Mongo ID if needed
// userId = mongoose.Types.ObjectId(userId).
const posts = await getUserPosts(userId);
return connectionFromArray(posts, args),
In your async version of getUserPosts, the err object is returned in case of error.
exports.getUserPosts = async (userId) => {
try {
// db query
const posts = await Post.find({author: args}).exec()
return posts
} catch (err) {
return err
A good practice is to either re-throw the error or return an empty array.
graphql-relay provides a connectionFromPromisedArray function which waits until the promise resolves. resolve: (user, args) => connectionFromPromisedArray(getUserPosts(user.id), args), which probably is the most recommended/easiest way when dealing with promised connections.
If your user.id is a global ID field then you have to extract the real DB ID from the base64 string const { type, id } = fromGlobalId(user.id);.
resolve: (user, args) => connectionFromPromisedArray(getUserPosts(fromGlobalId(user.id).id), args),
In a app I work on which is using Relay and Mongoose I found it better to write my own connection implementation to handle pagination and filtering on the DB level rather than on the app level. I took a lot of inspiration from graffiti-mongoose when I wrote it.
I'm using Node-Neo4j client for my db. I want to create unique node, but I couldn't find how to do that in the documentation of Node-Neo4j. I used the logic below to check if a node exists or not:
person_param = {'name': namesurname, 'userid': userid };
person_node = db.createNode(person_param);
if (!person_node.exists){
person_node.save(function(err, result){
//if(err) and if(!err) stuff
But, from what I understand, createNode creates a new node from scratch, and when I use exists on it, it just checks if the newly created node saved into database or not.
How can I check if a node with supplied properties already exists in db or not?
Thanks in advance.
The only solution I can think of, is the following:
Create your properties object
Query the Neo4J instance for those properties
If a result is returned use that
otherwise save it
In code:
var person_param = {'name': namesurname, 'userid': userid };
// Build a Cypher query
var query = [
'MATCH (user: {name: {name}, id: {userid}})',
'RETURN user'
// use your params in the query
var params = person_param;
// Send the Cypher query
db.query(query, params, function (err, results) {
if (err) throw err;
// no node with such properties found
saveNode(params, callback)
} else {
// carry on with your code...
function saveNode(person_param, callback){
var person_node = db.createNode(person_param);
person_node.save(function(err, result){
//if(err) and if(!err) stuff
// call the callback here
The downside of this approach is that you need to build a Cypher query for each type of node you have, because there's no way (as far as I know) to pass both properties name and values to Cypher.
I have gone from incorporating extjs in my original asp.net application which worked when hardcoding any data stores and binding them to the charts/grids. When I tried proxy url calls or even fetching the data from code behind and wrapping in json I still do not get the data into the grid. So I gave up and went with extjs and nodejs and still using mongodb; this worked perfectly but I still have to learn to create a better UI using express/jade etc which is a different project now. But then I came across using MVC with extjs and with a sample project tried the same thing (the sample had hardcoded data) and I cannot for the life of me get it to display the data.
Ext.onReady(function () {
// setup the state provider, all state information will be saved to a cookie
Ext.define('User', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Model',
fields: [
{ name: 'username', type: 'string' }
Ext.define('UserStore', {
extend: 'Ext.data.Store',
model: 'User',
autoload: true,
proxy: {
type: 'ajax',
url: '/dashboard.aspx/getDBData',
reader: {
type: 'json',
root: 'users'
exception: function (proxy, response, operation) {
msg: operation.getError(), icon: Ext.MessageBox.ERROR, buttons: Ext.Msg.OK
var myStore = Ext.getStore('UserStore');
the url I am including here is the codebehind function that I initially tried which accesses the mongodb and returns json result. Not working.
Now from the extjs node.js application I have results coming into localhost:3000/userlist which returns a list from mongodb and displays it as follows:
extends layout
block content
User List
each user, i in userlist
a(href="mailto:#{user.email}")= user.username
Now would it be possible to use the same server and call the base url and then change the route.js file to return the mongodb json result or call the mongodb localhost:27017 and get a result. Really confused here
exports.index = function(db) {
return function(req, res) {
var collection = db.get('usercollection');
collection.find({},{}, function(e,docs){
res.render('userlist', {
"userlist" : docs
First thing I realized from asp.net perspective was that I was not calling a webservice just a codebehind method. Any comments will still be appreciated.
You have identified a root in your store as 'users'
reader: {
type: 'json',
root: 'users'
But there is no root in your returned json such as:
I am trying to use Node CSV Parser to read in a query result from my Mongo database and write it out to a csv file.
When I run my script, I get a csv file with two [object] entries on the first line and everything else blank.
This is my code:
// node samples/sample.js
var csv = require('csv');
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var User = require('../models/userModel').User;
dsn = "mongodb://localhost/test";
console.log ("here");
var users = User.find({}, function(err, result){
var columns = ['userName','agencyName','email','password','id'];
.from(users, {
columns: true
columns: ['userName','agencyName','email','password','id']
return data;
console.log('#'+index+' '+JSON.stringify(data));
console.log('Number of lines: '+count);
This is the data displayed in terminal:
[ { userName: 'LasVegas',
agencyName: 'City of Las Vegas',
email: 'lasvegas#gmail.com',
password: 'upload1',
_id: 4ffe2e6bddc0c02b15000001 } ]
I have only entered one user into the database so I believe it is correct.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Here is my code after trying to call csv in the callback:
// node samples/sample.js
var csv = require('csv');
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var User = require('../models/userModel').User;
dsn = "mongodb://localhost/test";
console.log ("here");
var columns = ['userName','agencyName','email','password','id'];
var users = User.find({}, function(err, result){
if (err){
.from(users, {
columns: true
columns: ['userName','agencyName','email','password','id']
return data;
console.log('#'+index+' '+JSON.stringify(data));
console.log('Number of lines: '+count);
Now instead of two [object] fields, the fields contain weird symbols and I am asked to choose a filter when opening the file.
Your call to User.find() is asynchronous; it's not assigning the results of the search to users. You need to move your call to csv into the callback and either replace the reference to users there with results or rename the callback parameter to users.