why a good choice of mod is "a prime not too close to an exact of 2" - hash-function

To generate a hash function, Map a key k into one of m slots by taking the remainder of k divided by m. That is, the hash function is
h(k) = k mod m.
I have read at several places that a good choice of m will be
A prime - I understand that we want to remove common factors, hence a prime number is chosen
not too close to an exact power of 2 - why is that?

From Introduction to algorithms :
When using the division method we avoid certain values of m. For
example m should not be power of 2. Since if m=2^p then h(k) is p
lowest-order bits of k. Unless it is known that all low-order p-bit
patterns are equally likely,
it is better to make a hash function
depend on all bits of the key.
As you se from the below image if i chose 2^3 which mean p=3 and m=8. The hashed keys are only dependent to lowest 3(p) bits which is bad because when you hash you want to include as much data as possible for a good distribution.


Quantum computing vs traditional base10 systems

This may show my naiveté but it is my understanding that quantum computing's obstacle is stabilizing the qbits. I also understand that standard computers use binary (on/off); but it seems like it may be easier with today's tech to read electric states between 0 and 9. Binary was the answer because it was very hard to read the varying amounts of electricity, components degrade over time, and maybe maintaining a clean electrical "signal" was challenging.
But wouldn't it be easier to try to solve the problem of reading varying levels of electricity so we can go from 2 inputs to 10 and thereby increasing the smallest unit of storage and exponentially increasing the number of paths through the logic gates?
I know I am missing quite a bit (sorry the puns were painful) so I would love to hear why or why not.
Thank you
"Exponentially increasing the number of paths through the logic gates" is exactly the problem. More possible states for each n-ary digit means more transistors, larger gates and more complex CPUs. That's not to say no one is working on ternary and similar systems, but the reason binary is ubiquitous is its simplicity. For storage, more possible states also means we need more sensitive electronics for reading and writing, and a much higher error frequency during these operations. There's a lot of hype around using DNA (base-4) for storage, but this is more on account of the density and durability of the substrate.
You're correct, though that your question is missing quite a bit - qubits are entirely different from classical information, whether we use bits or digits. Classical bits and trits respectively correspond to vectors like
Binary: |0> = [1,0]; |1> = [0,1];
Ternary: |0> = [1,0,0]; |1> = [0,1,0]; |2> = [0,0,1];
A qubit, on the other hand, can be a linear combination of classical states
Qubit: |Ψ> = α |0> + β |1>
where α and β are arbitrary complex numbers such that such that |α|2 + |β|2 = 1.
This is called a superposition, meaning even a single qubit can be in one of an infinite number of states. Moreover, unless you prepared the qubit yourself or received some classical information about α and β, there is no way to determine the values of α and β. If you want to extract information from the qubit you must perform a measurement, which collapses the superposition and returns |0> with probability |α|2 and |1> with probability |β|2.
We can extend the idea to qutrits (though, just like trits, these are even more difficult to effectively realize than qubits):
Qutrit: |Ψ> = α |0> + β |1> + γ |2>
These requirements mean that qubits are much more difficult to realize than classical bits of any base.

Sum of all the bits in a Bit Vector of Z3

Given a bit vector in Z3, I am wondering how can I sum up each individual bit of this vector?
a = BitVecVal(3, 2)
sum_all_bit(a) = 2
Is there any pre-implemented APIs/functions that support this? Thank you!
It isn't part of the bit-vector operations.
You can create an expression as follows:
def sub(b):
n = b.size()
bits = [ Extract(i, i, b) for i in range(n) ]
bvs = [ Concat(BitVecVal(0, n - 1), b) for b in bits ]
nb = reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, bvs)
return nb
print sub(BitVecVal(4,7))
Of course, log(n) bits for the result will suffice if you prefer.
The page:
has various algorithms for counting the bits; which can be translated to Z3/Python with relative ease, I suppose.
My favorite is: https://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#CountBitsSetKernighan
which has the nice property that it loops as many times as there are set bits in the input. (But you shouldn't extrapolate from that to any meaningful complexity metric, as you do arithmetic in each loop, which might be costly. The same is true for all these algorithms.)
Having said that, if your input is fully symbolic, you can't really beat the simple iterative algorithm, as you can't short-cut the iteration count. Above methods might work faster if the input has concrete bits.
So you're computing the Hamming Weight of a bit vector. Based on a previous question I had, one of the developers had this answer. Based on that original answer, this is how I do it today:
def HW(bvec):
return Sum([ ZeroExt(int(ceil(log2(bvec.size()))), Extract(i,i,bvec)) for i in range(bvec.size())])

Using sklearn DictVectorizer in real-time systems

Any binary one-hot encoding is aware of only values seen in training, so features not encountered during fitting will be silently ignored. For real time, where you have millions of records in a second, and features have very high cardinality, you need to keep your hasher/mapper updated with the data.
How can we do an incremental update to the hasher (rather calculating the entire fit() every time we incounter a new feature-value pair)? What is the suggested approach here the tackle this?
It depends on the learning algorithm that you are using. If you are using a method that has been designated for sparse data sets (FTRL, FFM, linear SVM) one possible approach is the following (note that it will introduce collisions in the features and a lot of constant columns).
First allocate for each element of your sample a (as large as possible) vector V, of length D.
For each categorical variable, evaluate hash(var_name + "_" + var_value) % D. This gives you an integer i, and you can store V[i] = 1.
Therefore, V never grows larger as new features appear. However, as soon as the number of features is large enough, some features will collide (i.e. be written at the same place) and this may result in an increased error rate...
Edit. You can write your own vectorizer to avoid collisions. First call L the current number of features. Prepare the same vector V of length 2L (this 2 will allow you to avoid collisions as new features arrive - at least for some time, depending of the arrival rate of new features).
Starting with an emty dictionary<input_type,int>, associate to each feature an integer. If have already seen the feature, return the int corresponding to the feature. If not, create a new entry with an integer corresponding to the new index. I think (but I am not sure) this is what LabelEncoder does for you.

NLP: How to correctly normalise a feature for gender classification?

NOTE Before I begin, this F-measure is not related to precision and recall, and its title and definition is taken from this paper.
I have a feature known as the F-measure, which is used to measure formality in a given text. It is mostly used in gender classification of text which is what I'm working on as a project.
The F-measure is defined as:
F = 0.5 * (noun freq. + adjective freq. + preposition freq. + article freq. – pronoun
freq. – verb freq. – adverb freq. – interjection freq. + 100)
where the frequencies are taken from a given text (for example, a blog post).
I would like to normalize this feature for use in a classification task. Initially, my first thought was that since the value F is bound by the number of words in the given text (text_length), I thought of first taking F and dividing by text_length. Secondly, and finally, since this measure can take on both positive and negative values (as can be inferred from the equation) I then thought of squaring (F/text_length) to only get a positive value.
Trying this I found that the normalised values did not seem to be too correct as I started getting really small values in (below 0.10) for all the cases I tested the feature with and I am thinking that the reason might be because I am squaring the value which would essentially make it smaller since its the square of a fraction. However this is required if I want to guarantee positive values only. I am not sure what else to consider to improve the normalisation such that a nice distribution within [0,1] is produced, and would like to know if there is some kind of strategy involved to correctly normalise NLP features.
How should I approach the normalisation of my feature, and what might I be doing wrong?
If you carefully read the article, you'll find that the measure is already normalized:
F will then vary between 0 and 100%
The reason for this is that "frequencies" in the formula are calculated as follows:
The frequencies are here expressed as percentages of the number of words belonging to a particular category with respect to the total number of words in the excerpt.
I.e. you should normalize them by the total number of words (just as you suggested). But afterwards don't forget to multiply each one by 100.

Why is modulus operator slow?

Paraphrasing from in "Programming Pearls" book (about c language on older machines, since book is from the late 90's):
Integer arithmetic operations (+, -, *) can take around 10 nano seconds whereas the % operator takes up to 100 nano seconds.
Why there is that much difference?
How does a modulus operator work internally?
Is it same as division (/) in terms of time?
The modulus/modulo operation is usually understood as the integer equivalent of the remainder operation - a side effect or counterpart to division.
Except for some degenerate cases (where the divisor is a power of the operating base - i.e. a power of 2 for most number formats) this is just as expensive as integer division!
So the question is really, why is integer division so expensive?
I don't have the time or expertise to analyze this mathematically, so I'm going to appeal to grade school maths:
Consider the number of lines of working out in the notebook (not including the inputs) required for:
Equality: (Boolean operations) essentially none - in computer "big O" terms this is known a O(1)
addition: two, working left to right, one line for the output and one line for the carry. This is an O(N) operation
long multiplication: n*(n+1) + 2: two lines for each of the digit products (one for total, one for carry) plus a final total and carry. So O(N^2) but with a fixed N (32 or 64), and it can be pipelined in silicon to less than that
long division: unknown, depends upon the argument size - it's a recursive descent and some instances descend faster than others (1,000,000 / 500,000 requires less lines than 1,000 / 7). Also each step is essentially a series of multiplications to isolate the closest factors. (Although multiple algorithms exist). Feels like an O(N^3) with variable N
So in simple terms, this should give you a feel for why division and hence modulo is slower: computers still have to do long division in the same stepwise fashion tha you did in grade school.
If this makes no sense to you; you may have been brought up on school math a little more modern than mine (30+ years ago).
The Order/Big O notation used above as O(something) expresses the complexity of a computation in terms of the size of its inputs, and expresses a fact about its execution time. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_O_notation
O(1) executes in constant (but possibly large) time. O(N) takes as much time as the size of its data-so if the data is 32 bits it takes 32 times the O(1) time of the step to calculate one of its N steps, and O(N^2) takes N times N (N squared) the time of its N steps (or possibly N times MN for some constant M). Etc.
In the above working I have used O(N) rather than O(N^2) for addition since the 32 or 64 bits of the first input are calculated in parallel by the CPU. In a hypothetical 1 bit machine a 32 bit addition operation would be O(32^2) and change. The same order reduction applies to the other operations too.
