Couture death information from SoftKinetic DS311 using openCV? - opencv

I wonder if there is a possibility to get a depth information from SoftKinetic DS311 using only opencv?

No, it's not possible. You need to setup a callback using the SoftKinetic SDK to be notified of new depth frames, and that convert that to cv::Mat.
You might be interested on this project since it shows how to do exactly that.


Is it possible to use ARCore with CameraX?

I am trying to use ARCore to return a depth image and also use the CameraX to return an RGB image.
I can do both individually but when I combine both together the cameraX doesn't work.
I see that I must allow the shared camera but as far I searched, it can only be possible using the Camera2 API.
Does anyone know any way of using the CameraX instead?
Unfortunately, only one client can use a camera at a time, and both ARCore and CameraX assume they're the only user.
This would require explicit sharing a camera instance between the two, and while I believe ARCore has some provisions for this, I don't believe CameraX is able to use ARCore's interfaces.
So if you need the RGB image, you probably need to figure out how to ask ARCore for it, and not use CameraX at all.

Convert pcl xyzrgb(a) point cloud to images from different angles of the cloud

I would like to generate images from my point cloud (Kinect) from different angles, but the only function to take snapshots seems to require an open Viewer (open Window) and saves the images to a file. I would like to process them later and show them in a custom viewer, so storing in RAM is necessary.
Is the point cloud library providing such a method? Or does anybody knows how the approach with pcl would look like?
My second approach is to use opencv mats. Then use the projectPoints method for the projection, but this works on xyz-coordinates not xyzrgb(a) and I will loose the information which color from the pointcloud point belongs to the new projected image.
I stuck a little bit here :( and hope you can help me :)
Many thanks
I don't believe there is a way to do that using PCL functions. However PCL uses VTK to build it's viewer and I believe you would be able to do what you're talking about by using VTK functionality, though it's likely going to be more complicated. This article might be a good start.

Use similar technology as CMMotionActivity on older iPhones

I'm looking to use the CMMotionActivity for iPhone 5s's, but also want to be able to use similar functionality on older iPhone's, is this possible?
Could I create a less accurate alternative maybe, by tracking GPS and not using the M7 chip? Any advice/tutorials/sample code?
You can create your own algorithm which will utilize accelerometer data and estimate number of steps taken. Its not as accurate and its not a good idea to have 2 separate logic in the same app.
In case, you want to give it a try, check this answer..How to count steps using an Accelerometer?

Streaming opencv Video

I need some ideas about how to stream video feed coming from opencv to a webpage. I currently have gStreamer, but I don't know if this is the right tool for the job. Any advice on using gStreamer or any hyperlinks to tutorials would be helpful and appreciated!
OpenCV doesn't provide an interface for streaming video, which means that you'll need to use some other techonology for this purpose.
I've used GStreamer in several professional projects: this is the droid you are looking for.
I do not have any experience w/ streaming OpenCV output to a website. However I'm sure this is possible using gstreamer.
Using a gstreamer stream, it is possible to get data and convert the data in to OpenCV format. I recommend you read up on GstAppSink and GstBuffer.
Basically, if I remember correctly, you must run a pipeline in the a background thread. Then using some function in gst_app_sink, you can get the buffer data from the sink.
A quick lookup on the issue, you had to use GST_BUFFER_DATA for this
I remember having to convert the result from yCBCr to bgr, a collegue had problems as the conversion of opencv was inadequate. So you might have to write your own. (This was back in the IplImage* days)

Creating 3D model using set of 2D images on Windows

I want to create a 3D model using set of 2D images on windows which can be send through webservice to iphone to display on it.
I know it can be done through Opengl but don't know how to start and also if I succeeded in creating it,is it compatible with iphone as iphone uses opengl es.
Thanks in advance.
What kind of transformation do you have in mind to create the 3D models? I once worked on an application using such a concept to create a model from three images of an object. It didn't really work well. The models that could be created were very limited.
OpenGL does not have a built in functionality to do such stuff. Are there any reasosns why you do not want to use a real 3D-model? It sounds as if you are looking for a fast solution for your problem. But I'm afraid if you do not have any OpenGL experience, you should prepare prepare for lots of stuff to learn.
If you want to create 3D models automatically from 2D photos, you're going to have a fair bit of work to do. AFAIK, this is not something where you can get a cheap pre-packaged solution. Autodesk charge a small fortune for ImageModeler.
MeshLab may be a good starting point, but even that can't automatically convert photos to a 3D model AFAIK.
Take a look at David Lowes site. I found the "Distinctive image features from scale-invariant keypoints" paper quite interesting, though I haven't re-read it in a while. If nothing else, this should give you some idea why this is far from a trivial problem.
