EXC_BAD_ACCESS using Generics in Swift - ios

Related question: Generic completion handler in Swift
In a Swift app I'm writing, I'm downloading JSON and I want to convert it into model objects. Right now, I'm doing that like this:
func convertJSONData<T: Entity>(jsonData: NSData?, jsonKey: JSONKey, _: T.Type) -> [T]? {
var entities = [T]()
if let data = jsonData {
// Left out error checking for brevity
var json = JSON(data: data, options: nil, error: nil)
var entitiesJSON = json[jsonKey.rawValue]
for (index: String, subJson: JSON) in entitiesJSON {
// Error: EXC_BAD_ACCESS(code=EXC_I386_GPFLT)
let entity = T(json: subJson)
return entities
Each object conforming to Entity implements init(json: JSON). JSON is a type defined in the SwiftyJSON library. That's also the reason the enumeration looks a bit weird.
I call convertJSONData() in this method:
public func performJSONRequest<T where T: Entity>(jsonRequest: JSONRequest<T>) {
var urlString = ...
Alamofire.request(.GET, urlString, parameters: nil, encoding: .JSON).response { (request, response, data, error) -> Void in
var books = self.convertJSONData(data as? NSData, jsonKey: jsonRequest.jsonKey, T.self)
jsonRequest.completionHandler(books, error)
I get a runtime EXC_BAD_ACCESS(code=EXC_I386_GPFLT) error calling T(json: subJSON). There are no compiler warnings or errors. Although I left out error checking in the above code, there is error checking in the actual code and error is nil.
I'm not sure whether this is a compiler bug or my fault and any help figuring that out is much appreciated.

Several things are going on here, and I suspect the problem lies somewhere in the initializer of the class implementing the Entity protocol.
Assuming the code resembles the following:
protocol Entity {
init(json: JSON)
class EntityBase: Entity {
var name: String = ""
required init(json: JSON) { // required keyword is vital for correct type inference
if let nameFromJson = json["name"].string {
self.name = nameFromJson
func getName() -> String { return "Base with \(name)" }
class EntitySub: EntityBase {
convenience required init(json: JSON) {
self.init(json: json) // the offending line
override func getName() -> String { return "Sub with \(name)" }
The code compiles with self.init(json: json) in the sub-class, but actually trying to initialize the instance using the convenience method results in an EXC_BAD_ACCESS.
Either remove the initializer on the sub-class or simply implement required init and call super.
class EntitySub: EntityBase {
required init(json: JSON) {
super.init(json: json)
override func getName() -> String { return "Sub with \(name)" }
The method to convert the jsonData to an Entity (modified slightly to specifically return .None when jsonData is nil):
func convertJSONData<T:Entity>(jsonData: NSData?, jsonKey: JSONKey, type _:T.Type) -> [T]? {
if let jsonData = jsonData {
var entities = [T]()
let json = JSON(data: jsonData, options:nil, error:nil)
let entitiesJSON = json[jsonKey.rawValue]
for (index:String, subJson:JSON) in entitiesJSON {
let entity:T = T(json: subJson)
return entities
return .None


Cannot cast/decode data from server into Swift data model?

I need to cast the below response from my server as [UserResult] but I cannot get it to work??
What am I doing wrong?
func userSearch(keyword: String, completion: #escaping (Result<[UserResult], ResponseError>) -> Void ) {
socket.emit("userSearch", keyword)
socket.on("userFound") { ( data, ack) in
print(data) // prints below NSArray
if !data.isEmpty {
if let response = data as? [UserResult] {
print("USERS \(response)") // WILL NOT WORK?
} else {
completion(.failure(.badRequest("No users found")))
Data from server
[<__NSArrayM 0x60000040e5b0>(
profileUrl = "www.address1.com";
username = chrissmith;
profileUrl = "www.address2.com";
username = johnsmith;
profileUrl = "www.address3.com";
username = alicesmith;
UserResult Model
struct UserResult: Decodable {
let username: String
let profileUrl: String
Well you are using Socket.IO library and specifically method
socket.on(clientEvent: .connect) {data, ack in
defined as
open func on(clientEvent event: SocketClientEvent, callback: #escaping NormalCallback) -> UUID
using typealias:
public typealias NormalCallback = ([Any], SocketAckEmitter) -> ()
So basically at the and you are being returned data of type [Any] according to documentation.
Since you do not know what is inside your data it is better for you to unwrap objects in your array one by one (instead casting it directly to [UserResult]) and try to find out what Type there are by comparing to some set of known types as some of answers from this question suggest.
I would start with verifying the data structure with example code below , and only move on with casting to various type afterwards:
Lets assume example data1 is your data:
let dict1 = ["profileUrl":"www.address1.com","username":"chrissmith"]
let data1: NSArray = [dict1]
//printed data1:
// (
// {
// profileUrl = "www.address1.com";
// username = chrissmith;
// }
// )
if data1[0] as? [String:String] != nil {
print("We found out that first object is dictionary of [String:String]!")
else if data1[0] as? Dictionary<NSObject, AnyObject> != nil {
print("We found out that first object is dictionary of mixed values!")
} else {
print("We found out that first object has different data structure")
Hopefully this answer was at least a little bit helpfull, even though not providing direct easy solution for your problem.

How to create a wrapper function for "ObjectMapper" library in swift

I am using ObjectMapper library to map my JSON object to Swift object. The traditional method of library is working fine for me like below code.
tmpArray1 = Mapper<UserModel>().mapArray(JSONArray: result1)
tmpArray2 = Mapper<CompanyModel>().mapArray(JSONArray: result2)
Now, I want to create a generic method to return dynamic object according to argument which i pass in that function. I want somewhat like below.
tmpArray1 = WrapperClass.shared.getModelObject(objType: UserModel, data: Any)
tmpArray2 = WrapperClass.shared.getModelObject(objType: CompanyModel, data: Any)
Here is my WrapperClass.swift class code:
open class WrapperClass: NSObject {
static let shared = WrapperClass()
open func getModelObject(objType: Mappable, data: Any) -> Any? {
// Need Help Here
return <dynamic object>
I don't know my approach is 100% right but i want somewhat like whatever object type i pass in the argument of the function i want same object type in return with mapped with ObjectMapper object. I am using Swift 4.0 version.
You can find the ObjectMapper
I have tried below thing but it will not work, show an error
func getModelObject<T: Mappable>(modelType: T.Type, data: Any) -> [T]? {
if data is Array<Any> {
return Mapper<modelType>().mapArray(JSONArray: data as! [[String: Any]])
//ERROR: Use of undeclared type 'modelType'
return nil
You can achieve that by combination of generics and Type. It allows you to instantiate the mappable object with generic T (no Mapper<...> here):
func getModelObject<T: Mappable>(objType: T.Type, data: Any) -> T? {
if let data = data as? [String: Any] {
return T(JSON: data)
} else if let data = data as? String {
return T(JSONString: data)
return nil
Example of usage:
class User: Mappable {
var name: String!
var age: Int!
required init?(map: Map) {}
func mapping(map: Map) {
name <- map["name"]
age <- map["age"]
let json = "{\"name\":\"Bob\",\"age\":100}"
if let user = WrapperClass.shared.getModelObject(objType: User.self, data: json) {
print(user.name, user.age)
Answer with Mapper<...>:
func getModelObject<T: Mappable>(data: Any) -> [T]? {
if let data = data as? [[String: Any]] {
return Mapper<T>().mapArray(JSONArray: data)
return nil

iOS Networking Layer Architecture

Reason For Post
There are so many different solutions & examples on how to build a proper networking layer, but every app has different constraints, and design decisions are made based on trade-offs, leaving me uncertain about the quality of code I've written. If there are any Anti-Patterns, redundancies, or flat out bad solutions within my code that I have overlooked or simply lacked the knowledge to address, please do critique. This is a project I'd like to add to my portfolio, so I'm posting it here to get eyes on it, with some advice/tips.
Thanks for your time in advanced!
Some characteristics of my networking layer that I think could raise eyebrows:
Method contains a GETALL case, to indicate a list of data that must be fetched. I have not seen this in any of the open source code I've read. Is this a code smell?
enum Method {
case GET
/// Indicates how JSON response should be handled differently to abastract a list of entities
case PUT
I've made it, so each Swift Entity conforms to JSONable protocol, meaning it can be initialized with json and converted to json.
protocol JSONable {
init?(json: [String: AnyObject])
func toJSON() -> Data?
JSONable in practice with one of my entities:
struct User {
var id: String
var name: String
var location: String
var rating: Double
var keywords: NSArray
var profileImageUrl: String
extension User: JSONable {
init?(json: [String : AnyObject]) {
guard let id = json[Constant.id] as? String, let name = json[Constant.name] as? String, let location = json[Constant.location] as? String, let rating = json[Constant.rating] as? Double, let keywords = json[Constant.keywords] as? NSArray, let profileImageUrl = json[Constant.profileImageUrl] as? String else {
return nil
self.init(id: id, name: name, location: location, rating: rating, keywords: keywords, profileImageUrl: profileImageUrl)
func toJSON() -> Data? {
let data: [String: Any] = [Constant.id: id, Constant.name: name, Constant.location: location, Constant.rating: rating, Constant.keywords: keywords, Constant.profileImageUrl: profileImageUrl]
let jsonData = try? JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: data, options: [])
return jsonData
This allows me to use generics to initialize all my entities in my client- FirebaseAPI, after I retrieve JSON response. I also haven't seen this technique in the code I've read.
In the code below, notice how GETALL is implemented to flatten the list of JSON objects. Should I have to do this at all? Is there a better way to handle any type of Json structure response?
AND Entities are initialized generically, and returned as an Observable ( Using RxSwift ).
Do you sense any code smells?
/// Responsible for Making actual API requests & Handling response
/// Returns an observable object that conforms to JSONable protocol.
/// Entities that confrom to JSONable just means they can be initialized with json & transformed from swift to JSON.
func rx_fireRequest<Entity: JSONable>(_ endpoint: FirebaseEndpoint, ofType _: Entity.Type ) -> Observable<[Entity]> {
return Observable.create { [weak self] observer in
self?.session.dataTask(with: endpoint.request, completionHandler: { (data, response, error) in
/// Parse response from request.
let parsedResponse = Parser(data: data, response: response, error: error)
switch parsedResponse {
case .error(let error):
case .success(let data):
var entities = [Entity]()
switch endpoint.method {
/// Flatten JSON strucuture to retrieve a list of entities.
/// Denoted by 'GETALL' method.
case .GETALL:
/// Key (underscored) is unique identifier for each entity
/// value is k/v pairs of entity attributes.
for (_, value) in data {
if let value = value as? [String: AnyObject], let entity = Entity(json: value) {
/// Force downcast for generic type inference.
observer.onNext(entities as! [Entity])
/// All other methods return JSON that can be used to initialize JSONable entities
if let entity = Entity(json: data) {
observer.onNext([entity] as! [Entity])
} else {
return Disposables.create()
I manage different endpoints like so:
enum FirebaseEndpoint {
case saveUser(data: [String: AnyObject])
case fetchUser(id: String)
case removeUser(id: String)
case saveItem(data: [String: AnyObject])
case fetchItem(id: String)
case fetchItems
case removeItem(id: String)
case saveMessage(data: [String: AnyObject])
case fetchMessages(chatroomId: String)
case removeMessage(id: String)
extension FirebaseEndpoint: Endpoint {
var base: String {
// Add this as a constant to APP Secrts struct & dont include secrets file when pushed to github.
return "https://AppName.firebaseio.com"
var path: String {
switch self {
case .saveUser(let data): return "/\(Constant.users)/\(data[Constant.id])"
case .fetchUser(let id): return "/\(Constant.users)/\(id)"
case .removeUser(let id): return "/\(Constant.users)/\(id)"
case .saveItem(let data): return "/\(Constant.items)/\(data[Constant.id])"
case .fetchItem(let id): return "/\(Constant.items)/\(id)"
case .fetchItems: return "/\(Constant.items)"
case .removeItem(let id): return "/\(Constant.items)/\(id)"
case .saveMessage(let data): return "/\(Constant.messages)/\(data[Constant.id])"
case .fetchMessages(let chatroomId): return "\(Constant.messages)/\(chatroomId)"
case .removeMessage(let id): return "/\(Constant.messages)/\(id)"
var method: Method {
switch self {
case .fetchUser, .fetchItem: return .GET
case .fetchItems, .fetchMessages: return .GETALL
case .saveUser, .saveItem, .saveMessage: return .PUT
case .removeUser, .removeItem, .removeMessage: return .DELETE
var body: [String : AnyObject]? {
switch self {
case .saveItem(let data), .saveUser(let data), .saveMessage(let data): return data
default: return nil
Last thing, I'd like someone with professional eyes to look at is, how I use MVVM. I make all network requests from view model, which comes out looking something like this:
struct SearchViewModel {
// Outputs
var collectionItems: Observable<[Item]>
var error: Observable<Error>
init(controlValue: Observable<Int>, api: FirebaseAPI, user: User) {
let serverItems = controlValue
.map { ItemCategory(rawValue: $0) }
.filter { $0 != nil }.map { $0! }
.flatMap { api.rx_fetchItems(for: user, category: $0)
.filter { !$0.isCompleted }
collectionItems = serverItems.filter { $0.element != nil }.dematerialize()
error = serverItems.filter { $0.error != nil }.map { $0.error! }
In order to call api requests in a more expressive, formalized way, I am able to call api.rx_fetchItems(for:) inside flatmap above, because I extend FirebaseAPI to conform to FetchItemsAPI. I will probably have to follow the same pattern for most other requests.
extension FirebaseAPI: FetchItemsAPI {
// MARK: Fetch Items Protocol
func rx_fetchItems(for user: User, category: ItemCategory) -> Observable<[Item]> {
// fetched items returns all items in database as Observable<[Item]>
let fetchedItems = rx_fireRequest(.fetchItems, ofType: Item.self)
switch category {
case .Local:
let localItems = fetchedItems
.flatMapLatest { (itemList) -> Observable<[Item]> in
return self.rx_localItems(user: user, items: itemList)
return localItems
case .RecentlyAdded:
// Compare current date to creation date of item. If its within 24 hours, It makes the cut.
let recentlyAddedItems = fetchedItems
.flatMapLatest { (itemList) -> Observable<[Item]> in
return self.rx_recentlyAddedItems(items: itemList)
return recentlyAddedItems
case .Trending:
let trendingItems = fetchedItems
.flatMapLatest { (itemList) -> Observable<[Item]> in
return self.rx_trendingItems(items: itemList)
return trendingItems
let stubItem = Item(id: "DEFAULT", createdById: "createdBy", creationDate: 1.3, expirationDate: 2.4, title: "title", price: 2, info: "info", imageUrl: "url", bidCount: 4, location: "LA")
return Observable.just([stubItem])
// MARK: Helper Methods
private func rx_localItems(user: User, items: [Item]) -> Observable<[Item]> {
return Observable<[Item]>.create { observer in
observer.onNext(items.filter { $0.location == user.location }) // LA Matches stubs in db
return Disposables.create()
func rx_recentlyAddedItems(items: [Item]) -> Observable<[Item]> {
return Observable<[Item]>.create { observer in
let recentItems = items
.filter {
let now = Date(timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: 0)
let creationDate = Date(timeIntervalSince1970: $0.creationDate)
if let hoursAgo = now.offset(from: creationDate, units: [.hour], maxUnits: 1) {
return Int(hoursAgo)! < 24
} else {
return false
return Disposables.create()
func rx_trendingItems(items: [Item]) -> Observable<[Item]> {
return Observable<[Item]>.create { observer in
observer.onNext(items.filter { $0.bidCount > 8 })
return Disposables.create()
I'm attempting to follow SOLID principles, and level up with RxSWift + MVVM, so I'm still unsure about the best OOP design for clean, maintainable code.

Write Generic Swift Method to load data from property list

I have a method that loads an array of dictionaries from a propertylist. Then I change those arrays of dictionaries to array of a defined custom type;
I want to write that method in generic form so I call that method with the type I expect, then the method loads it and returns an array of my custom type rather than dictionaries
func loadPropertyList(fileName: String) -> [[String:AnyObject]]?
if let path = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource(fileName, ofType: "plist")
if let plistXML = NSFileManager.defaultManager().contentsAtPath(path)
do {
if let temp = try NSPropertyListSerialization.propertyListWithData(plistXML, options: .Immutable, format: nil) as? [[String:AnyObject]]
return temp
return nil
func loadList<T>(fileName: String) -> [T]?{//**Here the answer I am expecting**}
I am assuming your function to read from a Plist works and that you don't want to subclass NSObject.
Since Swift reflecting does not support setting values this is not possible without some implementation for each Type you want this to work for.
It can however be done in a pretty elegant way.
struct PlistUtils { // encapsulate everything
static func loadPropertyList(fileName: String) -> [[String:AnyObject]]? {
if let path = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource(fileName, ofType: "plist") {
if let plistXML = NSFileManager.defaultManager().contentsAtPath(path) {
do {
if let temp = try NSPropertyListSerialization.propertyListWithData(plistXML, options: .Immutable, format: nil) as? [[String:AnyObject]] {
return temp
} catch {
return nil
return nil
This protocol will be used in a generic fashion to get the Type name and read the corresponding Plist.
protocol PListConstructible {
static func read() -> [Self]
This protocol will be used to implement Key Value setters.
protocol KeyValueSettable {
static func set(fromKeyValueStore values:[String:AnyObject]) -> Self
This is the combination of both to generate an array of objects. This does require that the Plist is named after the Type.
extension PListConstructible where Self : KeyValueSettable {
static func read() -> [Self] {
let name = String(reflecting: self)
var instances : [Self] = []
if let data = PlistUtils.loadPropertyList(name) {
for entry in data {
instances.append(Self.set(fromKeyValueStore: entry))
return instances
This is some Type.
struct Some : PListConstructible {
var alpha : Int = 0
var beta : String = ""
All you have to do is implement the Key Value setter and it will now be able to be read from a Plist.
extension Some : KeyValueSettable {
static func set(fromKeyValueStore values: [String : AnyObject]) -> Some {
var some = Some()
some.alpha = (values["alpha"] as? Int) ?? some.alpha
some.beta = (values["beta"] as? String) ?? some.beta
return some
This is how you use it.

AnyObject to array in swift

Following function is given:
class func collection(#response: NSHTTPURLResponse,
representation: AnyObject) -> [City] {
return []
So this function should return an array of city objects. I have to somehow transform the representation variable that is of type AnyObject to a city array.
I don't know what the exact type of representation is but I can do things like
and it will print the object. Any ideas how to transform representation to [City] array?
println(representation as [City])
prints nil.
final class City : ResponseCollectionSerializable {
let id: String
let name: String
class func collection(#response: NSHTTPURLResponse, representation: AnyObject) -> [City] {
return []
This is just copy and pasted from https://github.com/Alamofire/Alamofire#generic-response-object-serialization It should serialize a JSON response into objects:
#objc public protocol ResponseCollectionSerializable {
class func collection(#response: NSHTTPURLResponse, representation: AnyObject) -> [Self]
extension Alamofire.Request {
public func responseCollection<T: ResponseCollectionSerializable>(completionHandler: (NSURLRequest, NSHTTPURLResponse?, [T]?, NSError?) -> Void) -> Self {
let serializer: Serializer = { (request, response, data) in
let JSONSerializer = Request.JSONResponseSerializer(options: .AllowFragments)
let (JSON: AnyObject?, serializationError) = JSONSerializer(request, response, data)
if response != nil && JSON != nil {
return (T.collection(response: response!, representation: JSON!), nil)
} else {
return (nil, serializationError)
return response(serializer: serializer, completionHandler: { (request, response, object, error) in
completionHandler(request, response, object as? [T], error)
The representation parameter you're getting back is the result of a call to NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData..., so it's either a NSArray or a NSDictionary. Since you get a value for representation[0], we know it's an NSArray. Exactly what your code looks like will depend on the JSON (a sample of which you should include in a question like this), but your code will need to be something like (untested code ahead):
class func collection(#response: NSHTTPURLResponse, representation: AnyObject) -> [City] {
var cities: [City] = []
for cityRep in representation {
// these next two lines should grab the city data using the correct key
let id = cityRep.valueForKey("cityID") as String
let name = cityRep.valueForKey("cityName") as String
// now add the city to our list
cities.append(City(id: id, name: name))
return cities
Assuming (and although I hate to make assumptions, your question is a bit vague about the details) that the representation is either an NSData object that represents the response, or an Array that you have created from the response.
In my experience, such a response is an array of dictionaries that you can use to create city objects. So you need to write a function that transforms this dictionary into a City object. Something with the signature:
parser (AnyObject) -> City
Now, you could just iterate through the array, apply this function to each dictionary, collect the results into an Array and return the result.
But you could be classier and map your function over the array and return the result.
