int main()
char arr[] = "geeksforgeeks";
char *ptr = arr;
while(*ptr != '\0')
printf("%s %s", arr, ptr);
return 0;
The statement inside while loop ++ptr++ behaves in a way that I don't understand. The post increment should have been evaluated first because of its high priority and the first output value should have been f(incrementing e). But that does not happen. To understand i changed the statement to ++*(ptr++), so it may give the output what i expect(ffltgpshfflt is the output i expected;but actual output hffltgpshfflt). But still the output does not change. () operator has higher precedence than the pre-increment. But why does not the output change?
We have:
First, the postfix operator is applied as you said. However, as per definition of the postfix increment operator, ptr++ evaluates to ptr and increases ptr by 1. The expression does not evaluate to the increased value, but to the original value.
So *(ptr++) evaluates to the same value as *ptr, the former just also increases ptr. Therefore, the first element in the array is modified in the first pass of the algorithm.
The parentheses don't matter because the postfix increment already has precedence.
If you replace this with:
you get
where the order of execution of operators is the same; the difference is that prefix ++ works differently than postfix ++ - it evaluates to the increased value. Note that this also messes up the null terminator, as ptr is modified before it is checked for equality to 0.
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int x=5, y;
printf("%d", x);
printf("%d", y);
What I found is that postfix increment has higher precedence than prefix.
But when I execute the program :y=11,x=6
Please correct me if I am understanding anything wrong
Splitting it down and remembering that there is also the "right-left rule"
This is a simple rule that allows you to interpret any declaration. It runs as follows:
Start reading the declaration from the innermost parentheses, go right, and then go left.
So, parsing Right-to-Left in the absence of parentheses:
x=5, so using the prefix operator ++x increments the value before y is assigned.
Then an assignment is made to y equivalent to 5+6 (i.e. x+(++x))
x was incremented, so x=6
Let's say, I want to declare an elliptic integral as
K(k):=elliptic_kc (k^2);
k:=<something like tanh()*coth()...>
The problem is that maxima will always substitute elliptic_kc(x^2) in place of K(x), and k's definition in place of k.
I want to prevent it, while still allowing numeric evaluation of K(), k, and simplifying expressions with these symbols.
A function, can be declared as "noun" for disabling substitution. But this also disables its evaluation.
Well, I use various strategies. Sometimes one approach works better than another.
(1) Put a single quote ' on function names to nounify that specific function call. At a later time, ev(expr, nouns) verbifies any nouns, so the functions are called. E.g. foo: 'integrate(sin(x), x); yields a noun expression. Then ev(foo, nouns); (which can be abbreviated to foo, nouns; at the console input) to actually calculate it.
(2) Don't define functions, but just let them be undefined symbols. Then substitute a lambda expression when you want to evaluate them. E.g. foo: f(2); then later subst(f = lambda([x], x + 1), foo);.
(3) Don't assign values, but let them be undefined, then substitute values later on. E.g. foo: a + b; then later subst([a = 123, b = y*z], foo);.
The function string.find(char) returns the first occurrence of the pattern in char, but is there any way I can do the reverse: give the position as an int and return the character/number that is there and else returns nil.
I have searched for it if any function exists in the official libraries of the Lua programming language, no results.
I want to make a program which converts a formula of a substance(chemistry) like glucose for example, to the mass in units(u) it has, that is why I need a way to look what is next to the symbol and look if what lies next to the symbol, is a number.
The string.sub function does what you want here.
string.sub (s, i [, j])
Returns the substring of s that starts at i and continues until j; i and j can be negative. If j is absent, then it is assumed to be equal to -1 (which is the same as the string length). In particular, the call string.sub(s,1,j) returns a prefix of s with length j, and string.sub(s, -i) returns a suffix of s with length i.
Why delphi perform mathematical 'not' of integer rather than force to cast to boolean value in while do looping ?
var myint:integer;
while not myint=5 do
showmessage('myint now is : '+inttostr(myint));
Your expression uses two operators: not and =. In order to understand how it is parsed you need to consult the table of operator precedence.
Operators Precedence
# first (highest)
* second
+ third
= fourth (lowest)
This shows that not has the highest precedence of all operators, and is of higher precedence than =. Which means that your expression is parsed as if it were:
(not myint) = 5
In this expression, because it is bound to an integral variable, not is biwise negation.
In order to get the result that you desire you must use parentheses to indicate that you wish to perform the equality test before the not:
not (myint = 5)
Now, in this expression, (myint = 5) is a logical expression and so the not operator is now logical negation.
The answer to a question of this nature is always found in the table of operator precedence and it will pay dividends to become familiar with this table. This table will tell you how any expression that omits parentheses is parsed.
Finally as Rudy points out, your specific expression is most cleanly written using the <> operator:
myint <> 5
The reason why delphi is doing this is that the not operator has a higher order than the equal comparison operator. It is an unary operator which is calculated first. In fact, is has to be calculated first before the = operator comes into action (which -of course- has the lowest order).
To force delphi calculating what you want, use parenthes:
if not (myint = 5) then....
// vs
if (not myint) = 5 then
// vs
if not myint = 5 then
As you know by now the latter two are equivalent.
BTW: Something similar (order precedence) happens with calculations like 3+4*5. Here, the multiplication is carried out before the addition because the * operator has a higher order compared to the + operator.
I have trouble with integer division in Dart as it gives me error: 'Breaking on exception: type 'double' is not a subtype of type 'int' of 'c'.'
Here's the following code:
int a = 500;
int b = 250;
int c;
c = a / b; // <-- Gives warning in Dart Editor, and throws an error in runtime.
As you see, I was expecting that the result should be 2, or say, even if division of 'a' or 'b' would have a result of a float/double value, it should be converted directly to integer value, instead of throwing error like that.
I have a workaround by using .round()/.ceil()/.floor(), but this won't suffice as in my program, this little operation is critical as it is called thousands of times in one game update (or you can say in requestAnimationFrame).
I have not found any other solution to this yet, any idea? Thanks.
Dart version: 1.0.0_r30798
That is because Dart uses double to represent all numbers in dart2js. You can get interesting results, if you play with that:
int a = 1;
a is int;
a is double;
Actually, it is recommended to use type num when it comes to numbers, unless you have strong reasons to make it int (in for loop, for example). If you want to keep using int, use truncating division like this:
int a = 500;
int b = 250;
int c;
c = a ~/ b;
Otherwise, I would recommend to utilize num type.
Integer division is
c = a ~/ b;
you could also use
c = (a / b).floor();
c = (a / b).ceil();
if you want to define how fractions should be handled.
Short Answer
Use c = a ~/ b.
Long Answer
According to the docs, int are numbers without a decimal point, while double are numbers with a decimal point.
Both double and int are subtypes of num.
When two integers are divided using the / operator, the result is evaluated into a double. And the c variable was initialized as an integer. There are at least two things you can do:
Use c = a ~/ b.
The ~/ operator returns an int.
Use var c;. This creates a dynamic variable that can be assigned to any type, including a double and int and String etc.
Truncating division operator
You can use the truncating division operator ~/ to get an integer result from a division operation:
4 ~/ 2; // 2 (int)
Division operator
The regular division operator / will always return a double value at runtime (see the docs):
for (var i = 4; i == 4; i = 3) {
i / 2; // 2 (double)
Runtime versus compile time
You might have noticed that I wrote a loop for the second example (for the regular division operator) instead of 4 / 2.
The reason for this is the following:
When an expression can be evaluated at compile time, it will be simplified at that stage and also be typed accordingly. The compiler would simply convert 4 / 2 to 2 at compile time, which is then obviously an int. The loop prevents the compiler from evaluating the expression.
As long as your division happens at runtime (i.e. with variables that cannot be predicted at compile time), the return types of the / (double) and ~/ (int) operators will be the types you will see for your expressions at runtime.
See this fun example for further reference.
Generally speaking, the regular division operator / always returns a double value and truncate divide can be used to get an int result instead.
Compiler optimization might, however, cause some funky results :)