OutputCache attribute and VaryByCustom without parameter - asp.net-mvc

I'm trying to use the OutputCache attribute to cache pages depending on the language users selected.
[OutputCache(Duration = 86400, Location = OutputCacheLocation.Client, VaryByParam = "", VaryByCustom = "lang")]
public ActionResult MyActionMethod()
It works fine when we are on the page and we change the language, cool!
But the thing is: when a user calls the page for the first time, there is no "lang" parameter. So the cache will be created without parameter and it won't be replace if we change the language after.
How can I manage this case, when there is no parameter?
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

You are talking about there is not "lang" parameter, you mean, there is no "lang" custom?
In global.asax you should have something like this:
public override string GetVaryByCustomString(HttpContext context, string custom)
if (custom == "lang")
string lang = null;
if (Request.UserLanguages != null && Request.UserLanguages.Length > 0)
lang = Request.UserLanguages.First().Split(new char[] { ';' }).First();
// Default
lang = "en-US";
return string.Format("lang={0}", lang.ToLower());
return base.GetVaryByCustomString(context, custom);
Then it will have the value "en-US" as default and otherwise get it from the browser in this case, or implement it using cookie.


Outputcache 1 action, 2 views

So I have the following action which I am trying to add output caching to:
[OutputCache(CacheProfile = OutputCacheProfileNames.Hours24)]
public ActionResult ContactUs()
ContactUsModel model = _modelBuilder.BuildContactUsModel();
if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
return Json(StringFromPartial(partialTemplate, model), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
return View(model);
But this seem to cache the first view that is requested - ie either the json OR the normal view.
Is there a way to get the output caching to work for both views, without having to split them out of the same action?
You beat me to the punch in answering your own question, but I thought this code may still be helpful. Since varying by user is such a common scenario, you should probably account for being able to do that and your AJAX vary. This code will allow you vary on any number of custom parameters, by appending to a single string to vary on.
public override string GetVaryByCustomString(System.Web.HttpContext context, string custom)
var args = custom.ToLower().Split(';');
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var arg in args)
switch (arg)
case "user":
case "ajax":
if (context.Request.Headers["X-Requested-With"] != null)
// "XMLHttpRequest" will be appended if it's an AJAX request
return sb.ToString();
Then, you would just do something like the following if you need to vary by multiple custom params.
[OutputCache(CacheProfile = OutputCacheProfileNames.Hours24, VaryByCustom = "User;Ajax")]
Then, if you ever need additional custom vary params, you just keep adding case statements to cover those scenarios.
Thanks to the comments by REDEVI_ for pointing me in the right direction, I have been able to solve this.
I changed my output caching to:
[OutputCache(CacheProfile = OutputCacheProfileNames.Hours24, VaryByCustom = "IsAjax")]
And then in my global.asax file, I added the following override:
public override string GetVaryByCustomString(HttpContext context, string custom)
if (context != null)
switch (custom)
case "IsAjax":
return new HttpRequestWrapper(context.Request).IsAjaxRequest() ? "IsAjax" : "IsNotAjax";
return base.GetVaryByCustomString(context, custom);

Routing with parameter conflicts issue

MY route config :
new { controller = "LastTwo", action = "Index",
cityID = "MB",
pnumbers = "",
pdays = 1000,
ponlySpecial = false
The controller :
public ActionResult Index(string cityID, string pnumbers, int pdays, bool ponlySpecial)
public ActionResult Index(string cityID, string pnumbers, int pdays, bool ponlySpecial)
LastTwoParameters lastTwoParameters = new LastTwoParameters();
lastTwoParameters.listCities = Common.GetDropDownCitiesList();
lastTwoParameters.Numbers = pnumbers;
lastTwoParameters.Days = pdays;
lastTwoParameters.OnlySpecial = ponlySpecial;
lastTwoParameters.listLastTwoResult = new List<getReport_LastTwo_Result>();
if (TempData["Redirection"] != null || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(pnumbers) )
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cityID) && pdays > 0)
using (KQXS context = new KQXS())
lastTwoParameters.listLastTwoResult = context.getReport_LastTwo(cityID, pnumbers, pdays, ponlySpecial).ToList();
return View(lastTwoParameters);
[HttpPost]//Run action method on form submission
public ActionResult Index(List<Cities> c, string cityID, string numbers, int days, bool onlySpecial)
TempData["Redirection"] = true;
return RedirectToRoute("LastTwoRoute", new {
cityID = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cityID) ? "MB" : cityID ),
pnumbers = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(numbers) ? string.Empty : numbers) ,
pdays = (days == 0 ? 1000 : days),
ponlySpecial = onlySpecial});
When I frist access the controller :
and hit the submit button without entering/modifying any parameter, there are no errors :
but if I modify the third or the fourth parameter, I will have this error :
No route in the route table matches the supplied values.
I debuged the code, and at the line RedirectToRoute in HttpPost, every parameters are about the same except the parameter that I modified. I can't think of a reason why is this error happening!
If I enter/modified the second parameter (the second text box counting from top to bottom), I have no errors either!
Any help is greatly appreciated!
P/s : If this is not clarify enough for you because of my poor English, I can provide a screen video which records how I get the error!
You have pnumbers = "" in your route but it's not marked as an optional field (and you wouldn't be able to have it as optional if it's in the middle with required fields around it).
Try defaulting it to "0" or something.
Another alternative is to move this option to the end of the required parameters and mark it as optional like:
pnumbers = UrlParameter.Optional
It's worth installing route debugger if you are having routing issues as it adds a nice interface at the bottom of the page which shows which routes will trigger and which wont. It's essential with complex routes IMO.

Using Output Cache in MVC for Object Parameter

This is my controller method. Can anyone explain how I could write outputcache for the following method on the server.
public JsonResult GetCenterByStateCityName(string name, string state, string city, bool sportOnly, bool rvpOnly)
var result = GetCenterServiceClient().GetCentersByLocation(name, city, state, sportOnly, rvpOnly).OrderBy(c => c.Name).ToList();
return Json(result);
Thank you
Have you looked at the documentation?
In a nutshell, just set the Attribute on your Action
[OutputCache(CacheProfile = "SaveContactProfile", Duration = 10)]
public JsonResult SaveContact(Contact contact)
var result = GetContactServiceClient().SaveContact(contact);
return Json(result);
-- UPDATE --
If you're making a direct Ajax call via jQuery, the OutPutCache could be ignored based on the "cache" parameter - which is set to true by default.
For instance, your parameter would be ignored if you're doing something like:
url: someUrlVar,
cache: true, /* this is true by default */
success : function(data) {
Just something to look at as you can cache that call two ways.
[OutputCache(Duration = 3600, VaryByParam = "name;state;city;sportOnly;rvpOnly")]
public JsonResult GetCenterByStateCityName(string name, string state, string city, bool sportOnly, bool rvpOnly)
var result = GetCenterServiceClient().GetCentersByLocation(name, city, state, sportOnly, rvpOnly).OrderBy(c => c.Name).ToList();
return Json(result);
The Duration value is 3600 seconds here. Sot the cache will be valid for 1 hour. You need to give the VaryByParam property values because you want different results for different parameters.

Get CultureInfo from current visitor and setting resources based on that?

How can I (in ASP .NET MVC) get the CultureInfo of the current visitor (based on his/her browser languages)?
I have no idea where to start. I tried looking into the "Accept-Languages" header sent by the browser. But is that the best way of doing it?
Request.UserLanguages is the property you're looking for. Just keep in mind that this array may contain arbitrary (even non-exsitent) languages as set by request headers.
// Get Browser languages.
var userLanguages = Request.UserLanguages;
CultureInfo ci;
if (userLanguages.Count() > 0)
ci = new CultureInfo(userLanguages[0]);
ci = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
ci = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
// Here CultureInfo should already be set to either user's prefereable language
// or to InvariantCulture if user transmitted invalid culture ID
Asp.Net Core version: using RequestLocalization ie the culture is retrieved form the HTTP Request.
in Startup.cs - Configure
Then in your Controller/Razor Page.cs
var locale = Request.HttpContext.Features.Get<IRequestCultureFeature>();
var BrowserCulture = locale.RequestCulture.UICulture.ToString();
You can use code similar to the following to get various details from your user (including languages):
MembershipUser user = Membership.GetUser(model.UserName);
string browser = HttpContext.Request.Browser.Browser;
string version = HttpContext.Request.Browser.Version;
string type = HttpContext.Request.Browser.Type;
string platform = HttpContext.Request.Browser.Platform;
string userAgent = HttpContext.Request.UserAgent;
string[] userLang = HttpContext.Request.UserLanguages
It appears Request.UserLanguages is not available in later mvc versions (Asp.net core mvc 2.0.2 didn't have it.)
I made an extension method for HTTPRequest. Use it as follows:
var requestedLanguages = Request.GetAcceptLanguageCultures();
The method will give you the cultures from the Accept-Language header in order of preference (a.k.a. "quality").
public static class HttpRequestExtensions
public static IList<CultureInfo> GetAcceptLanguageCultures(this HttpRequest request)
var requestedLanguages = request.Headers["Accept-Language"];
if (StringValues.IsNullOrEmpty(requestedLanguages) || requestedLanguages.Count == 0)
return null;
var preferredCultures = requestedLanguages.ToString().Split(',')
// Parse the header values
.Select(s => new StringSegment(s))
// Ignore the "any language" rule
.Where(sv => sv.Value != "*")
// Remove duplicate rules with a lower value
.GroupBy(sv => sv.Value).Select(svg => svg.OrderByDescending(sv => sv.Quality.GetValueOrDefault(1)).First())
// Sort by preference level
.OrderByDescending(sv => sv.Quality.GetValueOrDefault(1))
.Select(sv => new CultureInfo(sv.Value.ToString()))
return preferredCultures;
Tested with ASP.NET Core MVC 2.0.2
It's similar to #mare's answer, but a bit more up-to-date and the q (quality) is not ignored. Also, you may want to append the CultureInfo.InvariantCulture to the end of the list, depending on your usage.
I am marking this question for myself with a star and sharing here some code that essentially turns the Request.UserLanguages into an array of CultureInfo instances for further use in your application. It is also more flexible to work with CultureInfo than just the ISO codes, because with CultureInfo you get access to all the properties of a culture (like Name, Two character language name, Native name, ...):
// Create array of CultureInfo objects
string locale = string.Empty;
CultureInfo[] cultures = new CultureInfo[Request.UserLanguages.Length + 1];
for (int ctr = Request.UserLanguages.GetLowerBound(0); ctr <= Request.UserLanguages.GetUpperBound(0);
locale = Request.UserLanguages[ctr];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(locale))
// Remove quality specifier, if present.
if (locale.Contains(";"))
locale = locale.Substring(0, locale.IndexOf(';'));
cultures[ctr] = new CultureInfo(locale, false);
catch (Exception) { continue; }
cultures[ctr] = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;
cultures[Request.UserLanguages.Length] = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
var userLanguage = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture;

Is there a way to maintain IsAjaxRequest() across RedirectToAction?

If you don't want any context or an example of why I need this, then skip to The question(s) at the bottom!
In a bid to keep things tidy I initially built my application without JavaScript. I am now attempting to add a layer of unobtrusive JavaScript on the top of it.
In the spirit of MVC I took advantage of the easy routing and re-routing you can do with things like RedirectToAction().
Suppose I have the following URL to kick off the sign up process:
And suppose the sign up process is two steps long:
And suppose I want, if JavaScript is enabled, the sign up form to appear in a dialog box like ThickBox.
If the user leaves the sign up process at step 2, but later clicks the "sign up" button, I want this URL:
To perform some business logic, checking the session. If they left a previous sign up effort half way through then I want to prompt them to resume that or start over.
I might end up with the following methods:
public ActionResult SignUp(int? step)
if((bool)Session["SignUpInProgress"] == true)
return RedirectToAction("WouldYouLikeToResume");
step = 1;
public ActionResult WouldYouLikeToResume()
return View("WouldYouLikeToResumeControl");
return View();
The logic in WouldYouLikeToResume being:
If it's an AJAX request, only return the user control, or "partial", so that the modal popup box does not contain the master page.
Otherwise return the normal view
This fails, however, because once I redirect out of SignUp, IsAjaxRequest() becomes false.
Obviously there are very easy ways to fix this particular redirect, but I'd like to maintain the knowledge of the Ajax request globally to resolve this issue across my site.
The question(s):
ASP.NET MVC is very, very extensible.
Is it possible to intercept calls to RedirectToAction and inject something like "isAjaxRequest" in the parameters?
Is there some other way I can detect, safely, that the originating call was an AJAX one?
Am I going about this the completely wrong way?
As requested by #joshcomley, an automated answer using the TempData approach:
This assumes that you have a BaseController and your controllers are inheriting from it.
public class AjaxianController : /*Base?*/Controller
private const string AjaxTempKey = "__isAjax";
public bool IsAjax
get { return Request.IsAjaxRequest() || (TempData.ContainsKey(AjaxTempKey)); }
protected override RedirectResult Redirect(string url)
return base.Redirect(url);
protected override RedirectToRouteResult RedirectToAction(string actionName, string controllerName, System.Web.Routing.RouteValueDictionary routeValues)
return base.RedirectToAction(actionName, controllerName, routeValues);
protected override RedirectToRouteResult RedirectToRoute(string routeName, System.Web.Routing.RouteValueDictionary routeValues)
return base.RedirectToRoute(routeName, routeValues);
private void ensureAjaxFlag()
if (IsAjax)
TempData[AjaxTempKey] = true;
else if (TempData.ContainsKey(AjaxTempKey))
To use this, make your controller inherit from AjaxianController and use the "IsAjax" property instead of the IsAjaxRequest extension method, then all redirects on the controller will automatically maintain the ajax-or-not flag.
Havn't tested it though, so be wary of bugs :-)
Another generic approach that doesn't require using state that I can think of may requires you to modify your routes.
Specifically, you need to be able to add a generic word into your route, i.e.
And then instead of checking for TempData, you'd check for RouteData["ajax"] instead.
And on the extension points, instead of setting the TempData key, you add "ajax" to your RouteData instead.
See this question on multiple format route for more info.
This worked for me.
Please note that this doesn't require any session state which is a potential concurrency issue:
protected override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
if (this.Request.IsAjaxRequest)
if (filterContext.Result is RedirectToRouteResult)
RedirectToRouteResult rrr = (RedirectToRouteResult)filterContext.Result;
Perhaps you can add a AjaxRedirected key in the TempData property before doing the redirection?
One way to transfer state is to add an extra route parameter i.e.
public ActionResult WouldYouLikeToResume(bool isAjax)
if(isAjax || Request.IsAjaxRequest())
return PartialView("WouldYouLikeToResumeControl");
return View();
and then in the Signup method:
return RedirectToAction("WouldYouLikeToResume", new { isAjax = Request.IsAjaxRequest() });
// Don't forget to also set the "ajax" parameter to false in your RouteTable
// So normal views is not considered Ajax
Then in your RouteTable, default the "ajax" parameter to false.
Or another way to go would be override extension points in your BaseController (you do have one, right?) to always pass along the IsAjaxRequest state.
The TempData approaches are valid too, but I'm a little allergic of states when doing anything that looks RESTful :-)
Havn't tested/prettify the route though but you should get the idea.
I would just like to offer what I believe is a MUCH better answer than the current accepted one.
Use this:
public class BaseController : Controller
private string _headerValue = "X-Requested-With";
protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
var ajaxHeader = TempData[_headerValue] as string;
if (!Request.IsAjaxRequest() && ajaxHeader != null)
Request.Headers.Add(_headerValue, ajaxHeader);
protected override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
if (Request.IsAjaxRequest() && IsRedirectResult(filterContext.Result))
TempData[_headerValue] = Request.Headers[_headerValue];
private bool IsRedirectResult(ActionResult result)
return result.GetType().Name.ToLower().Contains("redirect");
Then make all your controllers inherit from this.
What it does:
Before an action executes this checks to see if there is a value in TempData. If there is then it manually adds its value to the Request object's header collection.
After an action executes it checks if the result was a redirect. If it was a redirect and the request was an Ajax Request before this action was hit then it reads the value of the custom ajax header that was sent and stores it in temp data.
This is better because of two things.
It is shorter and cleaner.
It adds the request header to the Request object after reading the temp data. This allows Request.IsAjaxRequest() to work normally. No calling a custom IsAjax property.
Credit to: queen3 for his question containing this solution. I did modify it to clean it up a bit but it is his solution originally.
The Problem is in the Client-Cache.
To overcome this, just add a cachebreaker
like "?_=XXXXXX" to Location Url in the 302 Response.
Here is my working Filter. Regisiter it in the GlobalFilter Collection.
I added the Location Header to the Redirected Response, so the client script can get the destination url, in the ajax call. (for Google-Analytics)
public class PNetAjaxFilterAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
var request = filterContext.HttpContext.Request;
if(request.QueryString["_"] == "ajax")
filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Headers["X-Requested-With"] = "XMLHttpRequest";
public override void OnResultExecuted(ResultExecutedContext filterContext)
//public override void OnResultExecuting(ResultExecutingContext filterContext)
var context = filterContext.HttpContext;
if (!context.Request.IsAjaxRequest())
var request = context.Request;
String noCacheQuery = String.Empty;
if (request.HttpMethod == "GET")
noCacheQuery = request.QueryString["_"];
else if (context.Response.IsRequestBeingRedirected)
var pragma = request.Headers["Pragma"] ?? String.Empty;
if (pragma.StartsWith("no-cache", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
noCacheQuery = DateTime.Now.ToUnixTimestamp().ToString();
//mode switch: one spezial cache For AjaxResponse
noCacheQuery = "ajax";
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(noCacheQuery))
if (context.Response.IsRequestBeingRedirected)
var location = context.Response.RedirectLocation;
if (location.Contains('?'))
location += "&_=" + noCacheQuery;
location += "?_=" + noCacheQuery;
context.Response.RedirectLocation = location;
var url = new UriBuilder(request.Url);
if (url.Port == 80 && url.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttp)
url.Port = -1;
else if(url.Port == 443 && url.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttps)
url.Port = -1;
url.Query = String.Join("&", url.Query.Substring(1).Split('&').Where(s => !s.StartsWith("_=")));
context.Response.AppendHeader("Location", url.ToString());
And here the jQuery:
var $form = $("form");
var action = $form.attr("action");
var $item = $("body");
type: "POST",
url: action,
data: $form.serialize(),
success: function (data, status, xhr) {
var source = xhr.getResponseHeader('Location');
if (source == null) //if no redirect
source = action;
$(document).trigger("partialLoaded", { source: source, item: $item });
