How do I implement queue structure in assembly (x86, 32bit protected mode)?
It's simple to implement it like stack, but then I have to move every item one place when taking object from it. Linked list is also possible, but it is not very memory-efficients nor fast.
I'm developing my own operating system in plain assembly, so I can not use OS functions.
If you maintain start and end pointers, you can still use the CPU stack. Yes, you do have to move items from time to time, but not every single time: only when you hit the top of the stack. Because you're maintaining start and end pointers, you don't have to shift by one every time, but can shift by, say, 16, and then you can insert 15 more items before having to shift again.
For bonus points, make the shift quantity exponential (you'd have to use a third register for keeping the shift quantity), so that the first time you shift 16, the next time you shift 32, etc.
This one's kind of an open ended design question I'm afraid.
Anyway: I have a big two-dimensional array of stuff. This array is mutable, and is accessed by a bunch of threads. For now I've just been dealing with this as a Arc<Mutex<Vec<Vec<--owned stuff-->>>>, which has been fine.
The problem is that stuff is about to grow considerably in size, and I'll want to start holding references rather than complete structures. I could do this by inverting everything and going to Vec<Vec<Arc<Mutex>>, but I feel like that would be a ton of overhead, especially because each thread would need a complete copy of the grid rather than a single Arc/Mutex.
What I want to do is have this be an array of references, but somehow communicate that the items being referenced all live long enough according to a single top-level Arc or something similar. Is that possible?
As an aside, is Vec even the correct data type for this? For the grid in particular I really want a large, fixed-size block of memory that will live for the entire length of the program once it's initialized, and has a lot of reference locality (along either dimension.) Is there something else/more specialized I should be using?
EDIT:Giving some more specifics on my code (away from home so this is rough):
What I want:
Outer scope initializes a bunch of Ts and somehow collectively ensures they live long enough (that's the hard part)
Outer scope initializes a grid :Something<Vec<Vec<&T>>> that stores references to the Ts
Outer scope creates a bunch of threads and passes grid to them
Threads dive in and out of some sort of (problable RW) lock on grid, reading the Tsand changing the &Ts in the process.
What I have:
Outer thread creates a grid: Arc<RwLock<Vector<Vector<T>>>>
Arc::clone(& grid)s are passed to individual threads
Read-heavy threads mostly share the lock and sometimes kick each other out for the writes.
The only problem with this is that the grid is storing actual Ts which might be problematically large. (Don't worry too much about the RwLock/thread exclusivity stuff, I think it's perpendicular to the question unless something about it jumps out at you.)
What I don't want to do:
Top level creates a bunch of Arc<Mutex<T>> for individual T
Top level creates a `grid : Vec<Vec<Arc<Mutex>>> and passes it to threads
The problem with that is that I worry about the size of Arc/Mutex on every grid element (I've been going up to 2000x2000 so far and may go larger). Also while the threads would lock each other out less (only if they're actually looking at the same square), they'd have to pick up and drop locks way more as they explore the array, and I think that would be worse than my current RwLock implementation.
Let me start of by your "aside" question, as I feel it's the one that can be answered:
As an aside, is Vec even the correct data type for this? For the grid in particular I really want a large, fixed-size block of memory that will live for the entire length of the program once it's initialized, and has a lot of reference locality (along either dimension.) Is there something else/more specialized I should be using?
The documenation of std::vec::Vec specifies that the layout is essentially a pointer with size information. That means that any Vec<Vec<T>> is a pointer to a densely packed array of pointers to densely packed arrays of Ts. So if block of memory means a contiguous block to you, then no, Vec<Vec<T>> cannot give that you. If that is part of your requirements, you'd have to deal with a datatype (let's call it Grid) that is basically a (pointer, n_rows, n_columns) and define for yourself if the layout should be row-first or column-first.
The next part is that if you want different threads to mutate e.g. columns/rows of your grid at the same time, Arc<Mutex<Grid>> won't cut it, but you already figured that out. You should get clarity whether you can split your problem such that each thread can only operate on rows OR columns. Remember that if any thread holds a &mut Row, no other thread must hold a &mut Column: There will be an overlapping element, and it will be very easy for you to create a data races. If you can assign a static range of of rows to a thread (e.g. thread 1 processes rows 1-3, thread 2 processes row 3-6, etc.), that should make your life considerably easier. To get into "row-wise" processing if it doesn't arise naturally from the problem, you might consider breaking it into e.g. a row-wise step, where all threads operate on rows only, and then a column-wise step, possibly repeating those.
Speculative starting point
I would suggest that your main thread holds the Grid struct which will almost inevitably be implemented with some unsafe methods, e.g. get_row(usize), get_row_mut(usize) if you can split your problem into rows/colmns or get(usize, usize) and get(usize, usize) if you can't. I cannot tell you what exactly these should return, but they might even be custom references to Grid, which:
can only be obtained when the usual borrowing rules are fulfilled (e.g. by blocking the thread until any other GridRefMut is dropped)
implement Drop such that you don't create a deadlock
Every thread holds a Arc<Grid>, and can draw cells/rows/columns for reading/mutating out of the grid as needed, while the grid itself keeps book of references being created and dropped.
The downside of this approach is that you basically implement a runtime borrow-checker yourself. It's tedious and probably error-prone. You should browse before you do that, but your problem sounds specific enough that you might not find a fitting solution, let alone one that's sufficiently documented.
I realized Data memory implementation in nand2tetris course. But I really don't understand some parts of my implementation:
CHIP Memory {
IN in[16], load, address[15];
OUT out[16];
DMux4Way(in=load, sel=address[13..14], a=RAM1, b=RAM2, c=scr, d=kbr);
Or(a=RAM1, b=RAM2, out=RAM);
RAM16K(in=in, load=RAM, address=address[0..13], out=RAMout);
Screen(in=in, load=scr, address=address[0..12], out=ScreenOut);
Mux4Way16(a=RAMout, b=RAMout, c=ScreenOut, d=KeyboardOut, sel=address[13..14], out=out);
Is responsible for what load here. I understand that if load is 0 - out of Dmux4Way in any case will be 0 0 0 0. But i don't understand how it works in that case after that. Namely how it allows don't load data in Memory.
At least incomprehensible why in Screen we fed address[0..12] instead address[0..14] - full address. In my opinion we should use second because Screen memory map stay after RAM memory map and if we want to request for Screen memory map - we should use range (16 384 - 24 575) - decimal or (100000000000000 - 101111111111111) - binary. But how we can represent that range use just 13 width buss (address[0..12]) ??? It's impossible.
Therefore if we want to represent Screen memory map we should use range which was presented above. And that range has 15 width or address[0..14] BUT not address[0..12] (width 13). But why works just address[0..12] and doesn't work address[0..14](full address)
DMux4Way(in=load, sel=address[13..14], a=RAM1, b=RAM2, c=scr, d=kbr);
I'm sorry to criticize you at the beginning, but questions you ask suggest that you didn't do this exercise yourself or didn't start the whole course from the beginning.
To answer your questions:
You demultiplex a single bit (load bit) to the correct memory part. Thereafter, you then feed the input data to all memory parts at the same time.
It's easier and neater than doing it the other way around, namely, to direct 16-bit input to the correct part (RAM16K, screen, or keyboard) while having a load bit that is connected and active at every register in all the parts.
To clarify. You have 2 possible destinations when writing data: RAM and Screen. The smallest demultiplexer you have is a 4-way multiplexer and that's what you're using. When you write into memory, you need to provide 2 pieces of information: the data and destination, both at the same time.
You might demultiplex the input data with DMux4Way16 and separately single load bit with DMux4Way but that would take 2 demultiplexers, and we can do better than that. That's what's done here, you direct data input to both RAM and Screen and then only use one demultiplexer : DMux4Way to select one of 2 possible destinations, only the one selected will be loaded with new data, on the other data input will be ignored. Knowing that, you need to study A-instruction format: when bit 14 and 13 of A-instruction (or data residing in A-register) have the binary value 00 or 01, the destination is RAM. When bit 14 and 13 have the binary value 10, it means the screen is the destination.
When you notice that you choose these 2 bits as sel for your demultiplexer. Selections 0 and 1 have the same meaning, so you can OR them and feed the output as load to RAM. Selection 2 means Screen will be loaded with a, new value, so load bit goes there. Selection 3 is never used so we don't care about it - output d of demultiplexer will not be connected anywhere. We make use of the demultiplexer's feature: The selected output will have value 1 and all other outputs will yield 0 as a result. It means only 1 memory destination will be loaded.
Screen is separate device, it has nothing to do with RAM, ROM or Keyboard memory devices here. You, and only you, give meaning to what bits mean what to this specific device. To answer your question, when you address some register in Screen you address it in its own internal address space. In its internal address space first address will be 0, but from whole Memory it will be 16384. It's your job to make this transition. In this particular case, size of Screen memory device it is not necessary to use 14-bit address bus, 13 bits is all you need. What would 14th bit mean in this case? It wouldn't add any value. Also, you are user and not designer of Screen, you only look at and follow its interface description.
Hope it answers your questions, if not I urge you to go back and study more carefully previous hardware related chapters from course.
If a technical indicator works very slow, and I wish to include it in an EA ( using iCustom() ), is there a some "wrapper" that could cache the indicator results to a file based on the particular indicator inputs?
This way I could get a better speed next time when I backtest it using the same set of parameters, since the "wrapper" could read the result from file rather than recalculate the result from the indicator.
I heard that some developers did that for their needs in order to speed up backtesting, but as far as i know, there's no publicly available solution.
If I had to solve this problem, I would create a class with two fields (datetime and indicator value, or N buffers of the indicator), and a collection class similar to CArrayObj.mqh but with an option to apply binary search, or to start looking for element from a specific index, not from the very beginning of the array.
Recent MT4 Builds added VERY restrictive conditions for Indicators
In early years of MT4, this was not so cruel as it is these days.
FACT#1: fileIO is 10.000x ~ 100.000x slower than memIO:
This means, there is no benefit from "pre-caching" values to disk.
FACT#2: Processing Performance has HARD CEILING:
All, yes ALL, Custom Indicators, that are being used in MetaTrader4 Terminal ( be it directly in GUI, or indirectly, via Template(s) or called via iCustom() calls & in Strategy Tester via .tpl + iCustom() ) ALL THESE SHARE A SINGLE THREAD ...
FACT#3: Strategy Tester has the most demanding needs for speed:
Thus - eliminate all, indeed ALL, non-core indicators from tester.tpl template and save it as "blank", to avoid any part of such non-core processing.
Next, re-design the Custom Indicator, where possible, so as to avoid any CPU-ops & MEM-allocation(s), that are not necessary.
I remember a Custom Indicatore designs with indeed deep-convolutions, which could have been re-engineered so as to keep just a triangular sparse-matrix with necessary updates, that has increased the speed of Indicator processing more than 10.000x, so code-revision is the way.
So, rather run a separate MetaTrader4 Terminal, just for BackTesting, than having to wait for many hours just due to un-compressible nature of numerical processing under a traffic-jam congestion in the shared use of the CustomIndicator-solo-Thread that none scheduling could improve.
FACT#4: O/S can increase a process priority:
Having got to the Devil's zone, it is a common practice to spin-up the PRIO for the StrategyTester MT4, up to the "RealTime PRIO" in the O/S tools.
One may even additionally "lock" this MT4-process onto a certain CPU-core(s) and setup all other processes with adjacent CPU-core-AFFINITY, so that these two distinct groups of processes do not jump one to the other group's CPU-core(s). Hard, but if squeezing the performance to the bleeding edge, this is a must.
My project (running on Delphi 6!) requires a list of memory allocations (TMemoryAllocation) which I store within an object that also holds the information about the size of the allocation (FSize) and if the allocation is in use or free (FUsed). I use this basically as a GarbageCollector and a way to keep my application of allocating/deallocating memory all the time (and there are plenty allocations/deallocations needed).
Whenever my project needs an allocation it looks up the list to find a free allocation that fits the required size. To achieve that I use a simple for loop:
for I := 0 to FAllocationList.Count - 1 do
if MemoryAllocation.FUsed and (MemoryAllocation.FSize = Size) then
The longer my application runs this list grows to several thousand items and it slows down considerably as I run it up very frequently (several times per second).
I am trying to find a way to accelerate this solution. I thought about sorting the TList by size of allocation. If I do that I should use some intelligent way of accessing the list for the particular size I need at every call. Is there some easy way to do this?
Another way I was thinking about was to have two TLists. One for the Unused and one of the Used allocations. That would mean though that I would have to Extract TList.Items from one list and add to the other all the time. And I would still need to use a for-loop to go through the (now) smaller list. Would this be the right way?
Other suggestions are VERY welcome as well!
You have several possibilities:
Of course, use a proven Memory Manager as FastMM4 or some others dedicated to better scale for multi-threaded applications;
Reinvent the wheel.
If your application is very sensitive to memory allocation, perhaps some feedback about reinventing the wheel:
Leverage your blocks size e.g. per 16 bytes multiples, then maintain one list per block size - so you can quickly reach the good block "family", and won't have to store each individual block size in memory (if it's own in the 32 bytes list, it is a 32 bytes blocks);
If you need reallocation, try to guess the best increasing factor to reduce memory copy;
Sort your blocks per size, then use binary search, which will be much faster than a plain for i := 0 to Count-1 loop;
Maintain a block of deleted items in the list, in which to lookup when you need a new item (so you won't have to delete the item, just mark it as free - this will speed up a lot if the list is huge);
Instead of using a list (which will have some speed issues when deleting or inserting sorted items with a huge number of items) use a linked list, for both items and freed items.
It's definitively not so simple, so you may want to look at some existing code before, or just rely on existing libraries. I think you don't have to code this memory allocation in your application, unless FastMM4 is not fast enough for you, which I'll doubt very much, because this is a great piece of code!
I am a Delphi programmer.
In a program I have to generate bidimensional arrays with different "branch" lengths.
They are very big and the operation takes a few seconds (annoying).
For example:
var a: array of array of Word;
i: Integer;
SetLength(a, 5000000);
for i := 0 to 4999999 do
SetLength(a[i], Diff_Values);
I am aware of the command SetLength(a, dim1, dim2) but is not applicable. Not even setting a min value (> 0) for dim2 and continuing from there because min of dim2 is 0 (some "branches" can be empty).
So, is there a way to make it fast? Not just by 5..10% but really FAST...
Thank you.
When dealing with a large amount of data, there's a lot of work that has to be done, and this places a theoretical minimum on the amount of time it can be done in.
For each of 5 million iterations, you need to:
Determine the size of the "branch" somehow
Allocate a new array of the appropriate size from the memory manager
Zero out all the memory used by the new array (SetLength does this for you automatically)
Step 1 is completely under your control and can possibly be optimized. 2 and 3, though, are about as fast as they're gonna get if you're using a modern version of Delphi. (If you're on an old version, you might benefit from installing FastMM and FastCode, which can speed up these operations.)
The other thing you might do, if appropriate, is lazy initialization. Instead of trying to allocate all 5 million arrays at once, just do the SetLength(a, 5000000); at first. Then when you need to get at a "branch", first check if its length = 0. If so, it hasn't been initialized, so initialize it to the proper length. This doesn't save time overall, in fact it will take slightly longer in total, but it does spread out the initialization time so the user doesn't notice.
If your initialization is already as fast as it will get, and your situation is such that lazy initialization can't be used here, then you're basically out of luck. That's the price of dealing with large amounts of data.
I just tested your exact code, with a constant for Diff_Values, timed it using GetTickCount() for rudimentary timing. If Diff_Values is 186 it takes 1466 milliseconds, if Diff_Values is 187 it fails with Out of Memory. You know, Out of Memory means Out of Address Space, not really Out of Memory.
In my opinion you're allocating so much data you run out of RAM and Windows starts paging, that's why it's slow. On my system I've got enough RAM for the process to allocate as much as it wants; And it does, until it fails.
Possible solutions
The obvious one: Don't allocate that much!
Figure out a way to allocate all data into one contiguous block of memory: helps with address space fragmentation. Similar to how a bi dimensional array with fixed size on the "branches" is allocated, but if your "branches" have different sizes, you'll need to figure a different mathematical formula, based on your data.
Look into other data structures, possibly ones that cache on disk (to brake the 2Gb address space limit).
In addition to Mason's points, here are some more ideas to consider:
If the branch lengths never change after they are allocated, and you have an upper bound on the total number of items that will be stored in the array across all branches, then you might be able to save some time by allocating one huge chunk of memory and divvying up the "branches" within that chunk yourself. Your array would become a 1 dimensional array of pointers, and each entry in that array points to the start of the data for that branch. You keep track of the "end" of the used space in your big block with a single pointer variable, and when you need to reserve space for a new "branch" you take the current "end" pointer value as the start of the new branch and increment the "end" pointer by the amount of space that branch requires. Don't forget to round up to dword boundaries to avoid misalignment penalties.
This technique will require more use of pointers, but it offers the potential of eliminating all the heap allocation overhead, or at least replacing the general purpose heap allocation with a purpose-built very simple, very fast suballocator that matches your specific use pattern. It should be faster to execute, but it will require more time to write and test.
This technique will also avoid heap fragmentation and reduces the releasing of all the memory to a single deallocation (instead of millions of separate allocations in your present model).
Another tip to consider: If the first thing you always do with the each newly allocated array "branch" is assign data into every slot, then you can eliminate step 3 in Mason's example - you don't need to zero out the memory if all you're going to do is immediately assign real data into it. This will cut your memory write operations by half.
Assuming you can fit the entire data structure into a contiguous block of memory, you can do the allocation in one shot and then take over the indexing.
Note: Even if you can't fit the data into a single contiguous block of memory, you can still use this technique by allocating multiple large blocks and then piecing them together.
First off form a helper array, colIndex, which is to contain the index of the first column of each row. Set the length of colIndex to RowCount+1. You build this by setting colIndex[0] := 0 and then colIndex[i+1] := colIndex[i] + ColCount[i]. Do this in a for loop which runs up to and including RowCount. So, in the final entry, colIndex[RowCount], you store the total number of elements.
Now set the length of a to be colIndex[RowCount]. This may take a little while, but it will be quicker than what you were doing before.
Now you need to write a couple of indexers. Put them in a class or a record.
The getter looks like this:
function GetItem(row, col: Integer): Word;
Result := a[colIndex[row]+col];
The setter is obvious. You can inline these access methods for increased performance. Expose them as an indexed property for convenience to the object's clients.
You'll want to add some code to check for validity of row and col. You need to use colIndex for the latter. You can make this checking optional with {$IFOPT R+} if you want to mimic range checking for native indexing.
Of course, this is a total non-starter if you want to change any of your column counts after the initial instantiation!