trying to upgrade to Rails 4.2, using delayed_job_active_record. I've not set the delayed_job backend for test environment as thought that way jobs would execute straight away.
I'm trying to test the new 'deliver_later' method with RSpec, but I'm not sure how.
Old controller code:
New controller code:
I USED to test it like so:
expect(ServiceMailer).to receive(:new_user).with(#user).and_return(double("mailer", :deliver => true))
Now I get errors using that. (Double "mailer" received unexpected message :deliver_later with (no args))
expect(ServiceMailer).to receive(:new_user)
fails too with 'undefined method `deliver_later' for nil:NilClass'
I've tried some examples that allow you to see if jobs are enqueued using test_helper in ActiveJob but I haven't managed to test that the correct job is queued.
expect(enqueued_jobs.size).to eq(1)
This passes if the test_helper is included, but it doesn't allow me to check it is the correct email that is being sent.
What I want to do is:
test that the correct email is queued (or executed straight away in test env)
with the correct parameters (#user)
Any ideas??
If I understand you correctly, you could do:
message_delivery = instance_double(ActionMailer::MessageDelivery)
expect(ServiceMailer).to receive(:new_user).with(#user).and_return(message_delivery)
allow(message_delivery).to receive(:deliver_later)
The key thing is that you need to somehow provide a double for deliver_later.
Using ActiveJob and rspec-rails 3.4+, you could use have_enqueued_job like this:
expect {
# or any other method that eventually would trigger mail enqueuing
# `with` isn't mandatory, but it will help if you want to make sure is
# the correct enqueued mail.
'YourMailer', 'your_method', 'deliver_now', any_param_you_want_to_check
also double check in config/environments/test.rb you have:
config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :test
config.active_job.queue_adapter = :test
Another option would be to run inline jobs:
config.active_job.queue_adapter = :inline
But keep in mind this would affect the overall performance of your test suite, as all your jobs will run as soon as they're enqueued.
If you find this question but are using ActiveJob rather than simply DelayedJob on its own, and are using Rails 5, I recommend configuring ActionMailer in config/environments/test.rb:
config.active_job.queue_adapter = :inline
(this was the default behavior prior to Rails 5)
I will add my answer because none of the others was good enough for me:
1) There is no need to mock the Mailer: Rails basically does that already for you.
2) There is no need to really trigger the creation of the email: this will consume time and slow down your test!
That's why in environments/test.rb you should have the following options set:
config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :test
config.active_job.queue_adapter = :test
Again: don't deliver your emails using deliver_now but always use deliver_later. That prevents your users from waiting for the effective delivering of the email. If you don't have sidekiq, sucker_punch, or any other in production, simply use config.active_job.queue_adapter = :async. And either async or inline for development environment.
Given the following configuration for the testing environment, you emails will always be enqueued and never executed for delivery: this prevents your from mocking them and you can check that they are enqueued correctly.
In you tests, always split the test in two:
1) One unit test to check that the email is enqueued correctly and with the correct parameters
2) One unit test for the mail to check that the subject, sender, receiver and content are correct.
Given the following scenario:
class User
after_update :send_email
def send_email
Write a test to check the email is enqueued correctly:
include ActiveJob::TestHelper
expect { user.update(name: 'Hello') }.to have_enqueued_job(ActionMailer::DeliveryJob).with('ReportMailer', 'update_mail', 'deliver_now',
and write a separate test for your email
Rspec.describe ReportMailer do
describe '#update_email' do
subject(:mailer) { described_class.update_email( }
it { expect(mailer.subject).to eq 'whatever' }
You have tested exactly that your email has been enqueued and not a generic job.
Your test is fast
You needed no mocking
When you write a system test, feel free to decide if you want to really deliver emails there, since speed doesn't matter that much anymore. I personally like to configure the following:
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.around(:each, :mailer) do |example|
perform_enqueued_jobs do
and assign the :mailer attribute to the tests were I want to actually send emails.
For more about how to correctly configure your email in Rails read this article:
Add this:
# spec/support/message_delivery.rb
class ActionMailer::MessageDelivery
def deliver_later
A nicer solution (than monkeypatching deliver_later) is:
require 'spec_helper'
include ActiveJob::TestHelper
describe YourObject do
around { |example| perform_enqueued_jobs(&example) }
it "sends an email" do
expect { something_that.sends_an_email }.to change(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries, :length)
The around { |example| perform_enqueued_jobs(&example) } ensures that background tasks are run before checking the test values.
I came with the same doubt and resolved in a less verbose (single line) way inspired by this answer
expect(ServiceMailer).to receive_message_chain(:new_user, :deliver_later).with(#user).with(no_args)
Note that the last with(no_args) is essential.
But, if you don't bother if deliver_later is being called, just do:
expect(ServiceMailer).to expect(:new_user).with(#user).and_call_original
A simple way is:
# subject
This answer is for Rails Test, not for rspec...
If you are using delivery_later like this:
# app/controllers/users_controller.rb
class UsersController < ApplicationController
def create
# Yes, Ruby 2.0+ keyword arguments are preferred
UserMailer.welcome_email(user: #user).deliver_later
You can check in your test if the email has been added to the queue:
# test/controllers/users_controller_test.rb
require 'test_helper'
class UsersControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
test 'email is enqueued to be delivered later' do
assert_enqueued_jobs 1 do
post :create, {…}
If you do this though, you’ll surprised by the failing test that tells you assert_enqueued_jobs is not defined for us to use.
This is because our test inherits from ActionController::TestCase which, at the time of writing, does not include ActiveJob::TestHelper.
But we can quickly fix this:
# test/test_helper.rb
class ActionController::TestCase
include ActiveJob::TestHelper
For recent Googlers:
allow(YourMailer).to receive(:mailer_method).and_call_original
expect(YourMailer).to have_received(:mailer_method)
I think one of the better ways to test this is to check the status of job alongside the basic response json checks like:
expect(ActionMailer::MailDeliveryJob).to have_been_enqueued.on_queue('mailers').with('mailer_name', 'mailer_method', 'delivery_now', { :params => {}, :args=>[] } )
I have come here looking for an answer for a complete testing, so, not just asking if there is one mail waiting to be sent, in addition, for its recipient, subject...etc
I have a solution, than comes from here, but with a little change:
As it says, the curial part is
mail = perform_enqueued_jobs { ActionMailer::DeliveryJob.perform_now(*enqueued_jobs.first[:args]) }
The problem is that the parameters than mailer receives, in this case, is different from the parameters than receives in production, in production, if the first parameter is a Model, now in testing will receive a hash, so will crash
["UserMailer", "welcome_email", "deliver_now", {"_aj_globalid"=>"gid://forjartistica/User/1"}]
So, if we call the mailer as UserMailer.welcome_email(#user).deliver_later the mailer receives in production a User, but in testing will receive {"_aj_globalid"=>"gid://forjartistica/User/1"}
All comments will be appreciate,
The less painful solution I have found is changing the way that I call the mailers, passing, the model's id and not the model:
This answer is a little bit different, but may help in cases like a new change in the rails API, or a change in the way you want to deliver (like use deliver_now instead of deliver_later).
What I do most of the time is to pass a mailer as a dependency to the method that I am testing, but I don't pass an mailer from rails, I instead pass an object that will do the the things in the "way that I want"...
For example if I want to check that I am sending the right mail after the registration of a user... I could do...
class DummyMailer
def self.send_welcome_message(user)
it "sends a welcome email" do
allow(store).to receive(:create).and_return(user)
expect(mailer).to receive(:send_welcome_message).with(user)
register_user(params, store, mailer)
And then in the controller where I will be calling that method, I would write the "real" implementation of that mailer...
class RegistrationsController < ApplicationController
def create
Registrations.register_user(params[:user], User, Mailer)
# ...
class Mailer
def self.send_welcome_message(user)
In this way I feel that I am testing that I am sending the right message, to the right object, with the right data (arguments). And I am just in need of creating a very simple object that has no logic, just the responsibility of knowing how ActionMailer wants to be called.
I prefer to do this because I prefer to have more control over the dependencies I have. This is form me an example of the "Dependency inversion principle".
I am not sure if it is your taste, but is another way to solve the problem =).
Hi i am working with a RoR project with ruby-2.5.0 and rails 5. I am using AWS SQS. I have created a job as follows:-
class ReceiptsProcessingJob < ActiveJob::Base
queue_as 'abc'
def perform(receipt_id)
Now i want to write unit test for it. I tried like:-
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'rails_helper'
describe ReceiptsProcessingJob do
describe "#perform_later" do
it "scan a receipt" do
ActiveJob::Base.queue_adapter = :test
expect {
}.to have_enqueued_job
But it doesnot cover StoreParserInteractor.process_reciept(receipt_id). Please help how can i cover this. Thanks in advance.
The example is testing the job class. You need to write a spec for StoreParserInteractor and test the method process_reciept.
Something along the lines of (pseudo code):
describe StoreParserInteractor do
describe "#process_receipt" do
it "does that" do
result = StoreParserInteractor.process_receipt(your_data_here)
expect(result to be something)...
But, the Rails guide suggests this kind of test:
assert_enqueued_with(job: ReceiptsProcessingJob) do
Maybe this increases code coverage as well.
In my opinion, you shouldn't actually test the ActiveJob itself, but the logic behind it.
You should write a test for StoreParserInteractor#process_reciept. Think of ActiveJob as an "external framework" and it is not your responsibility to test the internals of it (e.g. if the job was enqueued or not).
As kitschmaster said, don't test ActiveJob classes, in short
I am using rspec-rails and I want to test that my mailer is rendering the correct view template.
describe MyMailer do
describe '#notify_customer' do
it 'sends a notification' do
# fire
email = MyMailer.notify_customer.deliver
expect(ActionMailer::Base.deliveries).not_to be_empty
expect(email.from).to include ""
# I would like to test here something like
# ***** HOW ? *****
expect(template_path).to eq("mailers/my_mailer/notify_customer")
Is this a valid approach? Or shall I do something completely different to that?
MyMailer#notify_customer might have some logic (e.g. depending on the locale of the customer) to choose different template under different circumstances. It is more or less similar problem with controllers rendering different view templates under different circumstances. With RSpec you can write
expect(response).to render_template "....."
and it works. I am looking for something similar for the mailers.
I think this is a step closer to the answer above, since it does test for implicit templates.
# must copy
it 'renders foo_mail' do
allow_next_instance_of(described_class) do |mailer|
allow(mailer).to receive(:render_to_body).and_wrap_original do |m, options|
expect(options[:template]).to eq('foo_mail')
body = subject.body.encoded
OK, I understand what you're trying to achieve now.
You should be able to test which template is called by setting expectations on your mailer for the mail method having been called with particular arguments.
Try this in your test:
MyMailer.should_receive(:mail).with(hash_including(:template => 'expected_template'))
So based on my understanding, I beleive when you do
Resque.inline = Rails.env.test?
Your resque tasks will run synchronously. I am writing a test on resque task that gets enqueue during an after_commit callback.
after_commit :enqueue_several_jobs
#class PingsEvent < ActiveRecord::Base
def enqueue_several_jobs
In the .perform methd of my Resque task class, I am doing a and in my test, I am doing something like
Rails.logger.should_receive(:info).with("PingFacebook sent with id #{}")
And I have the same test for PingTwitter and PingPinterest.
I am getting failure on the 2nd and third expectation because it seems like the tests actually finish before all the resque jobs get run. Only the first test actually passes. RSpec then throws a MockExpectationError telling me that Rails.logger did not receive .info for the other two tests. Anyone has had experience with this before?
Someone mentioned that should_receive acts like a mock and that I should do .exactly(n).times instead. Sorry for not making this clear earlier, but I have my expectations in different it blocks and I don't think a should_receive in one it block will mock it for the next it block? Let me know if i'm wrong about this.
class A
def bar(arg)
def foo
describe "A" do
let(:a) { }
it "Example 1" do
a.should_receive(:bar).with("baz") # fails 'undefined method bar'
it "Example 2" do
a.should_receive(:bar).with("quux") # fails 'received :bar with unexpected arguments
it "Example 3" do
a.should_receive(:bar).with("quux") # passes
it "Example 4" do
a.should_receive(:bar).with("quux") # passes
Like a stub, a message expectation replaces the implementation of the method. After the expectation is fulfilled, the object will not respond to the method call again -- this results in 'undefined method' (as in Example 1).
Example 2 shows what happens when the expectation fails because the argument is incorrect.
Example 3 shows how to stub multiple invocations of the same method -- stub out each call with the correct arguments in the order they are received.
Example 4 shows that you can reduce this coupling somewhat with the any_args() helper.
Using should_receive behaves like a mock. Having multiple expectations on the same object with different arguments won't work. If you change the expectation to Rails.logger.should_receive(:info).exactly(3).times your spec will probably past.
All that said, you may want to assert something more pertinent than what is being logged for these specs, and then you could have multiple targeted expectations.
The Rails.logger does not get torn down between specs, so it doesn't matter if the expectations are in different examples. Spitting out the logger's object id for two separate examples illustrates this:
it 'does not tear down rails logger' do
puts Rails.logger.object_id # 70362221063740
it 'really does not' do
puts Rails.logger.object_id # 70362221063740
So I'm using Delayed Jobs and I'm trying to figure out how to get all of my mailers to be delayed. Right now, I've put handle_asynchronously on all of my action mailer methods… but I don't think that is going to work.
def first_notification(time)
#time = time
mail :to =>,
:from => "",
:subject => "#{} wants to say hi"
handle_asynchronously :advisor_first_notification, :priority => 20
The reason I don't think this is going to work is because I call it as such:
So how would it handle the .deliver part of this? Right now I get an exception.
EXCEPTION: #<ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)>
Which makes me feel that something is getting messed up in the deliver aspect.
I would rather not have a separate job file for each email (as I have a lot of them), so what is the proper way to handle this?
The only other option I can think of is to encapsulate the calls into a method within my models and have them have the handle_asynchronously - that way they can call the entire thing at once.
The mailer is a bit tricky... Instead of using the handle_asynchronously syntax:
The 'trick' is having delay() before the mailer method
Further to Jesse's answer, the collectiveidea's fork of delayed_job indicates that you should definitely not use the deliver method at all with Rails 3 Mailer code:
# without delayed_job
# with delayed_job
I've gotten it to work by doing the following:
class MyMailer < ActionMailer::Base
def send_my_mail_method(*args)
handle_asynchronously :send_my_mail_method
def my_mail_method(*args)
# mail call ...
I like this way because it allows me to test that delivery happens interactively, without having to do something stupid like mock the delay call.
Currently in my tests I do something like this to test if an email is queued to be sent
assert_difference('ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size', 1) do
get :create_from_spreedly, {:user_id =>}
but if i a controller action can send two different emails i.e. one to the user if sign up goes fine or a notification to admin if something went wrong - how can i test which one actually got sent. The code above would pass regardless.
As of rails 3 ActionMailer::Base.deliveries is an array of Mail::Message's. From the mail documentation:
# mail['from'] = ''
# mail[:to] = ''
# mail.subject 'This is a test email'
# mail.body = 'This is a body'
# mail.to_s #=> "From:\r\nTo: you#...
From that it should be easy to test your mail's in an integration
mail = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last
assert_equal '', mail['from'].to_s
assert_equal '', mail['to'].to_s
When using the ActionMailer during tests, all mails are put in a big array called deliveries. What you basically are doing (and is sufficient mostly) is checking if emails are present in the array.
But if you want to specifically check for a certain email, you have to know what is actually stored in the array. Luckily the emails themselves are stored, thus you are able to iterate through the array and check each email.
See ActionMailer::Base to see what configuration methods are available, which you can use to determine what emails are present in the array. Some of the most suitable methods for your case probably are
recipients: Takes one or more email addresses. These addresses are where your email will be delivered to. Sets the To: header.
subject: The subject of your email. Sets the Subject: header.
Using current Rspec syntax, I ended up using the following:
last_email = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last
expect( eq ['']
expect(last_email.subject).to have_content 'Welcome'
The context of my test was a feature spec where I wanted to make sure a welcome email was sent to a user after signing up.
As of 2020 (Rails 6 era, probably introduced earlier) you can do the following:
(using a SystemTest example) TL;DR: use assert_emails from ActionMailer::TestHelper and ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last to access the mail itself.
require "application_system_test_case"
require 'test_helper'
require 'action_mailer/test_helper'
class ContactTest < ApplicationSystemTestCase
include ActionMailer::TestHelper
test "Send mail via contact form on landing page" do
visit root_url
fill_in "Message", with: 'message text'
# Asserting a mail is sent
assert_emails 1 do
click_on "Send"
# Asserting stuff within that mail
last_email = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last
assert_equal ['whatever'], last_email.reply_to
assert_equal "contact", last_email.subject
assert_match /Mail from someone/, last_email.body.to_s
Official doc:
ActionMailer Guide/Testing
Testing Guide/ActionMailer
Instead of manually checking the content of the mail as in the system test above, you can also test whether a specific mailer action was used, like this:
assert_enqueued_email_with ContactMailer, :welcome, args: ["Hello", "Goodbye"]
And some other handy assertion, see .
The test framework shoulda has an excellent helper which lets you assert certain conditions about an email that was sent. Yes, you could do it yourself with ActionMailer.deliveries, but shoulda makes it all one neat little block
A little late, but it may help others:
You could use Email-spec, a collection of Rspec/Minitest matchers and Cucumber steps.
Here is the best way I've found to do it.
1) Include the action mailer callbacks plugin like this:
script/plugin install git://
I don't really use the plugin's main features, but it does provide the nice functionality of being able to figure out which method was used to send an email.
2) Now you can put some methods in your test_helper.rb like this:
def assert_sent(method_name)
assert sent_num_times(method_name) > 0
def assert_not_sent(method_name)
assert sent_num_times(method_name) == 0
def assert_sent_once(method_name)
assert sent_num_times(method_name) == 1
def sent_num_times(method_name)
count = 0
#emails.each do |email|
count += 1 if method_name == email.instance_variable_get("#method_name")
3) Now you can write sweet tests like this:
require 'test_helper'
class MailingTest < ActionController::IntegrationTest
def setup
#emails = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries
test "should send a mailing" do
assert_difference "Mailing.count", 1 do
assert_sent_once "broadcast"
assert_not_sent "failed_mailing"
Here "broadcast" and "mailing_failed" are the names of the methods in my ActionMailer::Base class. These are the ones you normally use by calling Mailer.deliver_broadcast(some_data) or Mailer.deliver_failed_mailing(some_data) etc. That's it!