I'm currently learning F# and hitting a few stumbling blocks; I think a lot of it is learning to think functionally.
One of the things I'm learning at the moment are computation expressions, and I want to be able to define a computation expression that handles some tracking state, e.g:
let myOptions = optionListBuilder {
let! opt1 = {name="a";value=10}
let! opt2 = {name="b";value=12}
I want to be able to have it so that myOptions is a Option<'T> list, so each let! bind operation effectively causes the builder to "track" the defined options as it goes along.
I don't want to have to do it using mutable state - e.g. having a list maintained by the builder and updated with each bind call.
Is there some way of having it so that this is possible?
Update: The resultant Option<'T> list type is just representative, in reality I'll likely have an OptionGroup<'T> type to contain a list as well as some additional information - so as Daniel mentioned below, I could use a list comprehension for a simple list.
I wrote a string builder computation expression here.
open System.Text
type StringBuilderUnion =
| Builder of StringBuilder
| StringItem of string
let build sb =
type StringBuilderCE () =
member __.Yield (txt : string) = StringItem(txt)
member __.Yield (c : char) = StringItem(c.ToString())
member __.Combine(f,g) = Builder(match f,g with
| Builder(F), Builder(G) ->F.Append(G.ToString())
| Builder(F), StringItem(G)->F.Append(G)
| StringItem(F),Builder(G) ->G.Append(F)
| StringItem(F),StringItem(G)->StringBuilder(F).Append(G))
member __.Delay f = f()
member __.Zero () = StringItem("")
member __.For (xs : 'a seq, f : 'a -> StringBuilderUnion) =
let sb = StringBuilder()
for item in xs do
match f item with
| StringItem(s)-> sb.Append(s)|>ignore
| Builder(b)-> sb.Append(b.ToString())|>ignore
let builder1 = new StringBuilderCE ()
Noticed the underlying type is immutable (the contained StringBuilder is mutable, but it doesn't have to be). Instead of updating the existing data, each yield combines the current state and the incoming input resulting in a new instance of StringBuilderUnion You could do this with an F# list since adding an element to the head of the list is merely the construction of a new value rather than mutating the existing values.
Using the StringBuilderCE looks like this:
//Create a function which builds a string from an list of bytes
let bytes2hex (bytes : byte []) =
string {
for byte in bytes -> sprintf "%02x" byte
} |> build
//builds a string from four strings
string {
yield "one"
yield "two"
yield "three"
yield "four"
} |> build
Noticed the yield instead of let! since I don't actually want to use the value inside the computation expression.
With the base-line StringBuilder CE builder provided by mydogisbox, I was able to produce the following solution that works a charm:
type Option<'T> = {Name:string;Item:'T}
type OptionBuilderUnion<'T> =
| OptionItems of Option<'T> list
| OptionItem of Option<'T>
type OptionBuilder () =
member this.Yield (opt: Option<'t>) = OptionItem(opt)
member this.Yield (tup: string * 't) = OptionItem({Name=fst tup;Item=snd tup})
member this.Combine (f,g) =
match f,g with
| OptionItem(F), OptionItem(G) -> [F;G]
| OptionItems(F), OptionItem(G) -> G :: F
| OptionItem(F), OptionItems(G) -> F :: G
| OptionItems(F), OptionItems(G) -> F # G
member this.Delay f = f()
member this.Run (f) = match f with |OptionItems items -> items |OptionItem item -> [item]
let options = OptionBuilder()
let opts = options {
yield ("a",12)
yield ("b",10)
yield {Name = "k"; Item = 20}
opts |> Dump
F# supports list comprehensions out-of-the-box.
let myOptions =
yield computeOptionValue()
yield computeOptionValue()
This is a follow-up question to this question.
I'm trying to create a computation expression builder that accumulates a value through custom operations, and also supports standard F# language constructs at the same time. For the purposes of having a simple example to talk about, I'm using a computation expression that builds F# lists. Thanks to suggestions from kvb and Daniel I'm further along, but still having trouble with for loops.
The builder:
type Items<'a> = Items of 'a list
type ListBuilder() =
member x.Yield(vars) = Items [], vars
member x.Run(l,_) = l
member x.Zero() = Items [], ()
member x.Delay f = f()
member x.ReturnFrom f = f
member x.Combine((Items curLeft, _), (Items curRight, vars)) =
(Items (curLeft # curRight), vars)
member x.Bind(m: Items<'a> * 'v, f: 'v -> Items<'a> * 'o) : Items<'a> * 'o =
let (Items current, vals) = m
x.Combine(m, f vals)
member x.While(guard, body) =
if not (guard()) then
x.Bind(body, fun () -> x.While(guard, body))
member x.TryWith(body, handler) =
with e ->
handler e
member x.TryFinally(body, compensation) =
member x.Using(disposable:#System.IDisposable, body) =
let body' = fun() -> body disposable
x.TryFinally(body', fun () ->
match disposable with
| null -> ()
| disp -> disp.Dispose())
member x.For(xs:seq<'a>, body) =
x.Using(xs.GetEnumerator(), fun enum ->
x.While(enum.MoveNext, x.Delay(fun () -> body enum.Current)))
[<CustomOperation("add", MaintainsVariableSpace=true)>]
member x.Add((Items current, vars), [<ProjectionParameter>] f) =
Items (current # [f vars]), vars
[<CustomOperation("addMany", MaintainsVariableSpace=true)>]
member x.AddMany((Items current, vars), [<ProjectionParameter>] f) =
Items (current # f vars), vars
let listBuilder = ListBuilder()
let build (Items items) = items
This version allows for things I could not do before, such as:
let stuff =
listBuilder {
let x = 5 * 47
printfn "hey"
add x
addMany [x .. x + 10]
} |> build
However, I'm still getting a compiler error on this one:
let stuff2 =
listBuilder {
for x in 1 .. 50 do
add x
} |> build
In this case, the IDE is underlining the x in for x in and telling me, "This expression was expected to have type unit, but here has type int."
It's not really clear to me why it's expecting the loop variable to be of type unit. Clearly I've got the wrong method signature somewhere, and I suspect I'm not passing through my accumulated state in every place I should be, but the compiler error is really not helping me narrow down where I went wrong. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
The immediate cause is that your While function constrains the type of body. However, in general you can't use both custom operations and also control flow operators in the same computation expression, so I don't think you'll ever be able to do exactly what you want even if you fix the signature.
I want a function that receives a seq<DateTime*int> and returns a DateTime*seq<DateTime*int>. The first part of the tuple is the DateTime of the first element of the incoming argument, and the list is the rest of the elements.
I've tried to code this in F# this way, but it gives a compiler error:
static member TheFunc(lst: seq<DateTime*int>)=
match lst with
| (h_d, h_i)::tail -> (h_d,tail)
| [] -> raise (new ArgumentException("lst"))
The error, highlighted in (h_d, h_i), is:
The expression was expected to have type
but here has type
'a list
If I use a list instead of a sequence in the signature:
static member TheFunc(lst: List<DateTime*int>)=
match lst with
| (h_d, h_i)::tail -> (h_d,tail)
| [] -> raise (new ArgumentException("lst"))
The expression was expected to have type
but here has type
'a list
Any idea why this doesn't work and how to make it work?
Use (DateTime * int) list instead of List<DateTime * int>.
The types List<T> and T list are different if you opened System.Collections.Generic. Remarkably, if you didn't, they're not!
If you did, then List<int> is an instance of the mutable lists typically used in C#:
> open System.Collections.Generic
> let t0 = typeof<List<int>>
val t0 : Type = System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]
And int list is an instance of the immutable lists typically used in F#:
> let t1 = typeof<int list>
val t1 : Type = Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpList`1[System.Int32]
Confusingly, if you did not open System.Collections.Generic, they are the same:
(* New session *)
> let t0 = typeof<List<int>>
val t0 : Type = Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpList`1[System.Int32]
> let t1 = typeof<int list>
val t1 : Type = Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpList`1[System.Int32]
The problem is you are trying to match a seq with a list (as the error says). You want to use
static member TheFunc(lst: seq<DateTime*int>)=
match lst |> List.ofSeq with
| (h_d, h_i)::tail -> (h_d,tail)
| [] -> raise (new ArgumentException("lst"))
(convert the list to a seq then pattern match).
Alternatively, use
static member TheFunc(lst: list<DateTime*int>)=
The lower case l in list is because you probably have System.Collections.Generic open, and the List there is not the same as the F# list
From the MSDN documentation I understand that if Run is implemented it will be called automatically at the end of the computational expression. It says that:
builder.Run(builder.Delay(fun () -> {| cexpr |}))
will be generated for the computational expression. Run and/or Delay will be omitted if they are not defined in the workflow builder. I was expecting my ReaderBuilder to return a list of MyItem objects when Run is called automatically. So I do not understand why I'm getting a type mismatch error. The errors are generated by the return statement inside the ProcedureBuilder foo at the end of my code listing here. Could someone please explain what I'm misunderstanding about workflow builders and what I have implemented incorrectly?
I'm getting the following errors:
The type ''a list' is not compatible with the type 'ReaderBuilder'
Type constraint mismatch. The type 'a list is not compatible with type ReaderBuilder The type ''a list' is not compatible with the type 'ReaderBuilder'
open System
open System.Data
open System.Data.Common
open System.Configuration
let config = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings.Item("db")
let factory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(config.ProviderName)
type Direction =
| In
| Out
| Ref
| Return
type dbType =
| Int32
| String of int
type ReaderBuilder(cmd) =
let mutable items = []
member x.Foo = 2
member x.YieldFrom item =
items <- item::items
member x.Run item =
type ProcBuilder(procedureName:string) =
let name = procedureName
let mutable parameters = []
let mutable cmd:DbCommand = null
let mutable data = []
member x.Command with get() = cmd
member x.CreateCommand() =
member x.AddParameter(p:string*dbType*Direction) =
parameters <- p::parameters
member x.Bind(v,f) =
f v
member x.Reader = ReaderBuilder(cmd)
member x.Return(rBuilder:ReaderBuilder) =
let (?<-) (builder:ProcBuilder) (prop:string) (value:'t) =
builder.Command.Parameters.[prop].Value <- value
type MyItem() =
let mutable _a = 0
let mutable _b = String.Empty
let mutable _c = DateTime.Now
member x.a
with get() = _a
and set n = _a <- n
member x.b
with get() = _b
and set n = _b <- n
member x.c
with get() = _c
and set n = _c <- n
let proc name = ProcBuilder(name)
let (%) (builder:ProcBuilder) (p:string*dbType*Direction) =
let (?) (r:DbDataReader) (s:string) = r.GetOrdinal(s)
let foo x y =
let foo = proc "foo" % ("x", Int32, In) % ("y", String(15), In)
foo?x <- x
foo?y <- y
foo {
do! foo?x <- x
do! foo?y <- y
return foo.Reader {
let item = MyItem()
item.a <- r.GetInt32("a")
item.b <- r.GetString("b")
item.c <- r.GetDateTime("c")
yield! item
The problem in your example is that the foo.Reader { ... } block has a return type MyItem list (because this is what the Run member of the ReaderBuilder type returns). However, the Return member of ProcBuilder expects an argument of type ReaderBuilder.
The data field of ReaderBuilder will be always an empty list, so this is also suspicious. I think you probably want to change the Return of ProcBuilder to take an argument MyItem list instead.
However, I think that using custom computation builder for database access doesn't really give you much advantage. You're not creating a "non-standard computation" in some sense. Instead, you probably just want a nice syntax for calling commands & reading data. Using the dynamic operator can make this quite elegant even without computation builders - I wrote an article about this some time ago.
I continue to work on a printer for F# quoted expressions, it doesn't have to be perfect, but I'd like to see what is possible. The active patterns in Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.Patterns and Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.DerivedPatterns used for decomposing quoted expressions will typically provide MemberInfo instances when appropriate, these can be used to obtain the name of a property, function, etc. and their "declaring" type, such as a module or static class. The problem is, I only know how to obtain the CompiledName from these instances but I'd like the F# name. For example,
> <# List.mapi (fun i j -> i+j) [1;2;3] #> |> (function Call(_,mi,_) -> mi.DeclaringType.Name, mi.Name);;
val it : string * string = ("ListModule", "MapIndexed")
How can this match be rewritten to return ("List", "mapi")? Is it possible?
FYI, here is my final polished solution from Stringer Bell and pblasucci's help:
let moduleSourceName (declaringType:Type) =
let methodSourceName (mi:MemberInfo) =
|> Array.tryPick
| :? CompilationSourceNameAttribute as csna -> Some(csna)
| _ -> None)
|> (function | Some(csna) -> csna.SourceName | None -> mi.Name)
let sourceNames =
<# List.mapi (fun i j -> i+j) [1;2;3] #>
|> (function Call(_,mi,_) -> mi.DeclaringType |> moduleSourceName, mi |> methodSourceName);
You can use F# powerpack for that purpose:
open Microsoft.FSharp.Metadata
| Call(_, mi, _) ->
let ty = Microsoft.FSharp.Metadata.FSharpEntity.FromType(mi.DeclaringType)
let name = ty.DisplayName // name is List
However, I don't think if it's possible to retrieve function name with powerpack.
As hinted by pblasucci, you can use CompilationSourceName attribute for retrieving source name:
let infos = mi.DeclaringType.GetMember(mi.Name)
let att = infos.[0].GetCustomAttributes(true)
let fName =
(att.[1] :?> CompilationSourceNameAttribute).SourceName // fName is mapi
I'm wondering what others have come up with for dealing with Nullable<'T> in F#. I want to use Nullable<'T> on data types so that serialization works properly (i.e., doesn't write out F# option type to XML). But, I don't want my code stuck dealing with the ugliness of dealing with Nullable<'T> directly. Any suggestions?
Is it better to use active patterns to match directly on Nullable, or just a converter to option and use Some/None matching?
Additionally, I'd love to hear ideas on dealing with nullable references in a nice manner too. If I use, say "string option", then I end up with the F# option type wrapping things. If I don't then I can't distinguish between truly optional strings and strings that shouldn't be null.
Any chance .NET 4 will take on an Option<'T> to help out? (If it's part of the BCL, then we might see better support for it...)
As active patterns as options plays nicely with pattern matching, but is seems by using active patterns (i.e. typeof and ??) your code will eat more ticks.
The base question is how you will deal with your nullable references?
In case your code is long chained computations it's nice to use monadic syntax:
type Maybe<'a> = (unit -> 'a option)
let succeed x : Maybe<'a> = fun () -> Some(x)
let fail : Maybe<'a> = fun () -> None
let run (a: Maybe<'a>) = a()
let bind p rest = match run p with None -> fail | Some r -> (rest r)
let delay f = fun () -> run (f ())
type MaybeBuilder() =
member this.Return(x) = succeed x
member this.Let(p,rest) = rest p
member this.Bind(p,rest) = bind p rest
member this.Delay(f) = delay f
let maybe = new MaybeBuilder()
let add (a:'a) (b:'a) =
maybe {
match TryGetNumericAssociation<'a>() with
| Some v -> return (v.Add(a,b))
| _ -> return! fail
let add3 (a:'a) (b:'a) (c:'a) =
maybe {
let! ab = add a b
let! abc = add ab c
return abc
> let r1 = add 1 2;;
val r1 : (unit -> int option)
> r1();;
val it : int option = Some 3
> let r2 = add "1" "2";;
val r2 : (unit -> string option)
> r2();;
val it : string option = None
> let r3 = add3 "one" "two" "three";;
val r3 : (unit -> string option)
> r3();;
val it : string option = None