Issue building URLs in swift using relativeToURL initializer - ios

I'm building an iPhone app that interacts with an api. I was building a class that looked something like this:
class Api {
let base_url = NSURL(string: "http://localhost:3000/api/v1/")
func users(){
let url = NSURL(string: "users", relativeToURL: base_url)
My intent is to have a base URL for the API and then the URLs for all the endpoints in the API are built using that base URL. However, I am finding that even tho I am able to successfully build URLs like I show above in a Playground project (so in the example above url represents "http://localhost:3000/api/v1"), when I try to do this in my app It does not work, it builds a weird url (something like "users --ttp://localhost:3000/api/v1/".
I'm a bit puzzled because it works on the playground project, but if I do the same on my app it doesn't.
Would appreciate some help with this.

It built the right URL, it just displays weird. You can use absoluteURL() (or absoluteString()) to get a version of the URL that prints nicely.
Even though the description() returns a weird string, the correct URL would be used in NSURLRequest or any other object which takes a NSURL.


How to get the redirect url from deeplink in Swift

How to get the URL from the given redirect deeplink string?
For example, if I have a deeplink string as
I would like to get the return result as
I tried several methods from Apple documentation
Accessing the Parts of a URL,
the closest one was to combine path and query like below screenshot
Does anyone have a better way to do this?
I get your question, I think you want to get only the url starting from https://, please correct me.
If so I think I could remove the deeplink url scheme myapp:// and the host open-browser/ like
let url = "myapp://open-browser/"
let deeplinkBase = "myapp://open-browser/"
let newUrl = url.absoluteString.replacingOccurrences(of: deeplinkBase, with: "")
Then you could use the newUrl as you like since we got the expected result now
My example for the deeplinkBase string is hardcoded, but I guess you could use enums or any handlers for it later.

Swift/iOS Parse image from instagram post

I'm trying to find the way to parse image from instagram post by link with no login in to instagram.
For now I tried to use Kanna but my xpath request dont work.
I have this code:
import Kanna
func getparse(){
if let doc = try? Kanna.HTML(url: URL(string: "")!, encoding: .utf8){
for link in doc.xpath(#"//*[#id="react-root"]/section/main/div/div[1]/article/div[2]/div/div/div[1]/div[1]/img/#src"#) {
How can I parse it correctly and maybe I can use cocoapod or something?
I guess you copied the xpath from chrome. The DOM presented in the browser gets modified, thats why the xpath query fails.
Use a tool like postman to see the actual structure of the response from your request.
Try something like:
The image url is the "content" attribute of the meta tag with the attribute property set to 'og:image'.

Crystal-lang: How to Find End URL After a Redirect?

I'm just dipping a toe in the water with Crystal at the moment and, as an exercise, trying to port one of my Python scripts across.
The script in question downloads the 'latest' PDF from a URL which takes the form: "". When visited that URL automatically redirects to the page for the latest download eg. ""
I'm having difficulty working out how to implement this in Crystal so that I can grab the actual URL that the redirect ends up on.
In Python I do:
currenturl = urllib.request.urlopen(latesturl)
#above will redirect to URL of format
#where XXXXX is the current d/load
endurl = currenturl.geturl()
...which gives me the end URL in the "endurl" variable.
But, reading the docs for Crystal's "http/client" I can't see any way to return the actual URL that a redirect ends up on. Is it possible?
Crystal's HTTP::Client currently can't automatically follow redirects.
Please note that you're reading an outdated version of the API docs, the current is at (I don't think there have been relevant changes between 0.24.1 and 0.26.1 though).
But you can easily access the redirect URL from reading the Location header of an HTTP response:
response = HTTP::Client.get latesturl
endurl = response.headers["Location"]

Create URL with /#/ in path and open in safari

I use firebase dynamic links which contain an URL to our webapp.
If the dynamic link is opened, the deep link is fetched.
So far so good. As we use the /#/path pattern in our webapp to redirect a user to different sections, we have a problem now, creating such an url in our iOS application after we have to append a new parameter in the url
If this example URL is in our dynamic link
i get it and have to append a parameter for autologin mechanism in our webapp.
So here is the point where i fail at two different approaches.
Getting the string from the url and appending the token parameter and value.
This approach works fine until I have to parse the urlString back to an URL object. The /#/ inside causes an error when creating a new URL object.
I try to replace /#/ with /%23/ (encoded #), but this does not work on our ngnix / webapp infrastructure.
Appending the token parameter with new URLQueryItem in URLComponents.
This approach leads to a wrong URL resulting in (token is the added parameter)
I append the URL Query Item with this extension
extension URL {
func addQueryParams(newParams: [URLQueryItem]) -> URL? {
let urlComponents = NSURLComponents.init(url: self, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: false)
guard urlComponents != nil else { return nil; }
if (urlComponents?.queryItems == nil) {
urlComponents!.queryItems = []
urlComponents!.queryItems!.append(contentsOf: newParams)
return urlComponents?.url
does anybody has an idea how I could solve this problem? I personally prefer the second approach, if it is possible to append the parameters at the end
I figured it out how it has to be done with firebase and utm parameters (this link can be added as deep link in a dynamic link for firebase)
This way all utm parameters are applied and the path will be available in the web application too.
You can add new query params using the iOS SDK but be aware, they are added at the utm parameters location.
If you need to add them at the end, check if there already exists an ? in the path and write your own appending at the end of the url.

How to construct/get Office Web App URL for sharepoint documents

I am trying to get the right redirection URL for my sharepoint documents which then I can use to open documents in WebView of iOS. Currently I am giving the absolute URL for the document where the doc is rendered inside WebView as PDF(Image/Readonly). Whereas I want to redirect to office webapp. Now my issue is I dont know if the URL for office web app is something which I can construct like appending /_layouts/15/WopiFrame.aspx?sourcedoc= or is the URL custom based on installations and we need to call some Sharepoint API which will let us know what is the base URL for Wopi service.
Currently I am passing URL like -
Whereas I want to pass URL like -
Looking forward for help.
Thanks in advance,
File f = clientContext.Web.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl("/sites/ /Shared%20Documents/Title.docx");
ClientResult<String> result = f.ListItemAllFields.GetWOPIFrameUrl(SPWOPIFrameAction.Edit);
result.Value contains a URL, something like this:
Also you can extract the extract Office Web Apps URL from the above page, if you don't want to hit the sharepoint at all.
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Utilities;
// Assume we have these variables:
// ctx: A valid client context
// serverRelativeUrl: the URL of the document
File f = ctx.Web.GetFileByServerRelativeUrl (serverRelativeUrl);
result = f.ListItemAllFields.GetWOPIFrameUrl(SPWOPIFrameAction.Edit);
This builds on the answer from #thebitlic which was the silver bullet for sure! However he or she is doing two calls to the server. Through the wonders of CSOM batching, it's possible to do it in one round trip, and no need to bring back the File object at all.
