Setting UILabel to width of screen and height to fit contained text - ios

I am trying to layout a detail view of my application. The view has a title, some information, and a description. I would like to set the width of my title label and the description label to be the width of the screen and the height of those labels to accommodate the contents of the labels. I also want the entire view to scroll if the height of the content is too large to fit on the screen.
I currently have a xib with the labels inside a view, with autolayout constraints to position the objects and set the width of the title label and description label to the size of the containing view. That view is inside a UIScrollView but does not have any constraints on it. I set the labels to accommodate multiple lines in the attributes inspector. I set the width of the view with the content and the scroll view content size and frame in my viewDidLoad method.
Currently I cannot get the labels to be the width of the screen and the height to automatically accommodate the text. Am I on the right path or do I need to try a different method?

To accommodate the height of the text inside, use 0 as the number of lines in the UILabel. That will automatically make them grow according to the text inside. You will also need to add a constraint from the last element inside your UIScrollView to the bottom of the scroll view, to avoid ambiguous content size.
To get the labels to be the width of the screen, it should be a straightforward constraint from the label to it's container. However, if the label is within the scroll view, you might have to constrain the label to have the same width as the scroll view, because constraining the label to the leading and trailing edges of the scroll view will constrain it to the scrollview's content view, which grows according to its contained views.


How to make auto resizing label inside scrollview?

I am using a view inside a scrollview and inside the view, there are two labels with fixed width. and I want to make these labels auto-resizing in respect of height. For this I have given the height of the view >= but it's breaking the constraints. How can I achieve auto resizing content within scrollview.
While using scrollview it's mandatory to give the height of the elements inside scrollview. But if we want to make an element self height adjusting then we can give the minimum height with the priority 250
First, you need a content view inside the scroll that has constraints with the controller's view (equally both width and height) and top, leading, trailing, bottom with scroll view.
Then, add any subviews inside that content view. In your case is the label's bound view.
Something like:
The red one is the content of your scroll view
The gray one is bound label view
Just embed all these labels in stack view. And that's it.

Scrollview in storyboard does not scroll

I created a scrollview in storyboard with multiple views but the scrollview does not scroll. See the screenshot. I have a scrollview with images and another view embedded that spans outside the view area. I would like the scroll view to scroll down but it does not when I see the code in the simulator.
You need to add a UIView with 1000(or whatever you want) height constant to scrollView and make the UIView equal width to view
ScrollView needs to know its scrollable area, so you need to provide information about width and height for ScrollView's content:
width - you can create empty view (with height constraint equal to 1), place it inside scrollView, set its leading and trailing constraints to scrollView and set width constraint equal to main view. Then, scrollView will know that its scrollable area has the same width as screen.
height - you need to provide top and bottom constraints for first and last components inside scrollView (and all components should have specified height). I guess you forgot about setting bottom constraint for the last item.

Working with UIScrollViews

I've watched many Youtube videos on UIScrollView. Here, here and here. However nothing there is solving my issue.
Here I've a sample storyboard that I'm working with.
What I require:
The ViewController must be embedded in a Navigation Controller.
BlueView and CyanView will adjust its height accordingly to screen size based on aspect ratio.
YellowView will have a variable height as it contains a ContainerView with embedded UITableView or UICollectionView. Meaning my users can switch between views to look at similar data, with different format. Its information is grabbed from server side. This means that if there is no content, it doesn't require any scrolling. If there are many rows of data to fetch, scrolling should work to display all my information.
Problem faced
If I do not set specific heights to each of my views, IB will complain about the need for constraints on height or Y position.
When I try specifying the height in IB (so as to avoid the complain), during runtime, I attempt to change the height of my yellowView and myScrollView, the scrolling doesn't happen at all.
Inside the UIScrollView add a container View. That will contain rest of your views. So the heirarchy becomes like this:
|---Blue View
|---Cyan View
|---Yellow View
This container view will have a leading, trailing and bottom and top to the UIScrollView. Also add a equal width and equal height constraint to your UIViewControllers main view. Give a priority of 250 to the equal height constraint. And then:
To the blue view, add a leading, trailing and top constraint to its superView and add the aspect ratio constraint. Tinker with the values till you see a UIView which looks nice to you.
To the cyan view, add a leading and trailing to its superView and add a top spacing to the blue view. Add the same aspect ratio as the blue view.
Now for your yellow view, add a top to the cyan view, and leading, trailing and bottom spacing to its superView.
Now your UITableView will have a leading, trailing, bottom and top to the container view or just directly use a UITableView.
If you wish to embed a UITableView inside the yellow view or just use a UITableView directly and expect the main UIScrollView to be scrollable, you will have to manually get a height constraint outlet for your UITableView and update it accordingly depending on the number of rows of the UITableView and height of each row so that the yellow view can increase its height based on the height of the embedded UITableView and hence update the content view accordingly which will in turn update the total content size of the UIScrollView.

How to use scrollview with subviews of a dynamic height?

I have a label inside a scrollview that has can be as few as 1 lines and as many as 10 lines. I'm having trouble figuring out how to make the scrollview content size dynamic so that it will stretch accordingly.
I tried adding a height constraint of >= 100 (arbitrary number) but then it complained about it being an Inequality Constraint Ambiguity.
Quick answer
Remove the current height constraint on your label.
Ensure the labels Lines property is set to 0 and Line Breaks is set to Word Wrap.
Add vertical spacing constraints to the views above and below the label.
Ensure that every view has vertical spacing constraints from the top to bottom margins, in order for the scroll view to infer the height of its contentView.
In order for the scroll view to infer its content size it must have constraints from margin to subviews to margin - imagine it like a balloon the content is the air inside that pushes on the wall to make the balloon the size it is. The constraints from the subviews to margins allow the size of the subviews to push the walls of the content view out.
For the label setting the Lines property to 0 means it will have a variable amount of lines just as you want. The Line Breaks property being set to Word Wrap means it will ensure words are not cut off (truncated) or broken up into characters and instead pushed onto the next line as whole words.
If you don't specify a height constraint for a UILabel it will take a height that fits the whole text. Just make sure that number of lines is set to 0 and that your label has all the margin constraints set.
This tech note from Apple explains how to correctly configure a scrollview with scrollable content using auto layout only
Conceptually, in your case, this is what you need to do:
View hierarchy:
MainView -> ScrollView -> ContentView -> UILabel
Scrollview is constrained to all edges of the main view,
ContentView is constrained to all edges of the ScrollView
and the UILabel is constrained to all edges of the ContentView (set UILabel number of lines to 0 and remove the height constraint you currently have applied)
The key here is to realise that the size of the contentView only depends on the size of the UILabel so as the UILabel height stretches so does the contentView. This will allow the scrollView to automatically infer the contentSize and enable scrolling if required.

How do I add UIView on UIScrollView

I wanted to add some labels and textfields on my view and that view should scroll, so I am thinking of putting view on scrollview.
I wanted to add some labels and textfields on my view
And that view should scroll
So I am thinking of putting scrollView
And then I wanted to put my view having labels and Textfields
Is it possible?
Please check scrollview property Bounces Vertically is checked or not if not check it
May be, your content is less, than ScrollView, that's why scrolling is disabled
Put view with labels in scrollview. Scrollview should be less in height than view. View should have height considering all ui cvontrols in it. should work like this
Make sure your scroll view height is not greater than view its content size has to be greater as all people says. You get confused between content size and scroll view height.
Meas using nib suppose your scroll view height is 300 and when you use the code content size should be greater than 480 so it will be scroll-able on iPhone 4 size device who's height is 480
To make sure your constraints are well defined, first check these steps:
Make sure your base view is a UIView
Put into a UIScrollView and add constraints to the edges of UIView
Put into the scrollview a UIView and add constraints to the edges of the scrollview. I call this "content view".
You should assign a width to the content view. I usually set the width of the content view equal to the width of the scrollview.
Put your labels/views/images/whatever into the content view and use autolayout constraints to resize them automatically to fit the target screen.
Please consider that:
Your scrollview must always have a height, fixed or dynamic. In order to avoid errors with autolayout, consider that:
the last element on the bottom of the content view must always have a constraint to the bottom edge of the scrollview, or
the content view must have a fixed height
If the height of your content view is less than the height of the scrollview, the view will not scroll. You should add more views or more margin to the bottom constraint of the content view.
