Customize TFS build definition template - tfs

I want to create a build definition template on TFS that would keep a check on the files being checked in. I want to retrieve the path of the files that are being checked in and these files should be saved to the SQL server.
I want to search the files (contents of the file also) on TFS and show the relevant file(s) to the end user based on the search term. As we know TFS saves Data to SQL server but doesn't stores in a way that we can use SQL full text index. So, I am planning to save the files to the SQL server using the TFS Build definition template that would watch the files being checked in and save the file to the SQL Server.
Please help with any pointers on TFS build definition template on how get the path of files on TFS and how to trigger the save event to SQL server.
Thanks in Advance.

Install a build controller and register at least one build agent (prerequisite for the TFS build system).
Create a new build definition and set the trigger to "Gated check-in".
Download the default process template and modify it. Follow the instructions over here: Customize your build process template.
Remove everything that belongs to calling MSBuild from the workflow (inside the "Run on agent" activity).
Create your own activity and put it there. The activity should use the downloaded sources, inspect them and write build errors if something is not to your liking. (see Use and develop custom build process activities)


Modify setting in web.config on TFS build

Is it possible to modify a web.config file in one of my projects during a Team Foundation Server build? Inside of my web.config file I have two setting keys: VersionNumber and BuildNumber.
Is it possible to change the value of BuildNumber based on the ID of the build in TFS?
Since you're using TFS 2013 you have an easier option than the old way of modifying the workflow - Use PowerShell.
If you're using the build template TfvcTemplate.12.xaml (which is the new default in TFS 2013), then you have some extra build definition parameters you can set to specify Powershell scripts to run. This way you just write a little bit of powershell code that gets the TFS Build Number (from an environment variable), then finds your web.config file(s) and changes them.
There is a sample script published in the TFS Community Build Extensions project that will do something very similar that you could modify. It finds all AssemblyInfo.cs files, then uses RegEx to modify them to update the build number based on the TFS Build number.
See the sample PS script here:
See some docs on how to modify the build to run PowerShell here:
The answer is yes, though it's non-trivial. I've done this in the past using two methods.
Method 1: Use CodeActivities and alter the TFS Build workflow XAML file to include the new CodeActivity as a workflow step.
Here's an article on creating custom workflows with custom code activities (it's a little dated but still relevant):
Basically, you create a new object that inherits from CodeActivity, create properties for your inputs (BuildNumber,VersionNumber, TargetFile), perform your actions on the TargetFile and save it. Then you wire up this new DLL with your activity to the TFS Workflow XAML, injecting your activity in the desired build step (post-build & pre-package in your case I bet to ensure xml transforms are applied).
Method 2:
Tag the desired properties onto the MSBuild invocation inside the TFS XAML file so they are passed in to MSBuild and available for your to use as $(BuildNumber) and $(VersionNumber). Then you can use MSBuild tasks to inject the properties into the file at the right time.

Dropping a build in a fixed location

I have a build process that I've defined with a custom build process template, and I'm looking for some advice on how I can solve a problem I've run up against.
The build process (TFS 2012) is used to build the code that drives our load tests, and I have a separate process that needs to reference a specific path within the drop folder so that it is always using the latest version of the load test code. Automated load testing, pretty standard stuff.
However, I'm wondering if there is a way to get the TFS build to overwrite files it finds in the drop folder. Right now I have it set up to drop to a very specific folder, and not put anything that would change in the folder name (no build number, date, etc.). The thought is, this way the automated utilities that rely on those files have a fixed point to look at.
However, when I currently run the build it gives me error TF42064: The build number '<build>' already exists for build definition '<build>'.
Currently I have the build definition set up to only retain the latest build, because this process is specifically for those automated tools. We have other build processes that are fired for debugging/troubleshooting/logging purposes. Is there a way to get the build definition to overwrite the drop folder each time, or will I have to dig into the .XAML template file to have it delete the folder it finds before the build fires?
The way I approached this requirement was to start with the default template and let the build copy to the normal drop location which allows me to keep historical builds in the same way as all other builds.
Once the build has been completed I then copied to a single drop location from the standard drop location by extending the standard build template, the activity was added just before Check-In gated changes.
The steps involved were as follows:
Within SharedResourceScope:
Delete Unified Drop Location
Create Unified Drop Location
Copy Directory (source: BuildDetail.DropLocation)
By default TFS Build creates a new folder, using the unique build name/number, and drops the files there.
If you want to change this behaviour to overwrite files in a known location (instead of creating a new folder each build) you need to modify the build workflow/XAML (as #Oswald mentioned in the comments).
You can read about customizing TFS Builds from the ALM Ranger Build Guidance on CodePlex:

TFS Build Queries for Non .NET supported files

We are using TFS for maintain file versions of our database.
We do not have any .NET application in our Source Control; only HTML and supported CSS files only.
Is it possible through TFS Build Automation process to create Zip package and Deploy the package to drop location?
Note: We Do not have any .NET project or solutions only need to deploy folder(with HTML and supported files) in zip format.
I somewhere read that TFS build definition compulsorily needs .SLN files to have build project.
We don't want to build anything or test anything
Just want to create zip and deploy same to drop location.
I have tried some tweaking of Build Definition.
But in New Build definition in process tab it asks me for Items to build, where my selection is restricted to .NET supported files only.
You will need to create a custom MSBuild project file (.proj) to perform the work that you need. You can test this file locally in the command line and then when it is ready, you can point the Build process at it.
This is a good starting point for you
The MSBuild Community Tasks ( contains a Zip task which should make the job a lot easier.
Judging by your description, you are using 2010 or later. What I would do is to create a custom build template that does all of what you are looking for. If you start with default template obviously you would want to remove all of the compile and test activities and replace it with the zip and copy it to the binaries directory (From there it will be moved to the drop). You could do 1 of two things for the solution file requirement, create a fake solution file in the workspace and use that knowing it won't be compiled. Or you could, in the template, remove the Argument BuildSettings which is the object that contains the solution file and configurations.

Retrieving path to solution(s)?

We are currently setting up Team Build 2010 for our company, and I am trying to use workflow activities to retrieve the exact local path to the current solution being built. I haven't found a way to get this value, does anybody know how (without writing a custom activity)?
Either one of server or local path would suffice (i.e $/TeamProject/Branch/OurProject or C:\TeamBuild\src\path\to\branch\OurProject) since we can use the conversion activities on the server item.
The reason we need this path is for updating version info files, and that needs to be done for only the current solution being built, and the files have the same names (AssemblyInfo.cs, for example).
In this similar question, the solution is to define a parameter, but since this information is particular to the solution being built and not some external path, we were hoping that this info would retrievable.
You can retrieve this particular info without adding anything. If you navigate within your Build Process Template to the position where MSBuild breaks out, you will see that the solution that shall be build is set as a string named localProject. This will contain the local path where TFS has downloaded your SLN, something like C:\TeamBuild\src\path\to\branch\OurProject\OurProject.sln.Open the XAML and navigate to:
Run On Agent
Try Compile, Test, and Associate Changesets and Work Items
Compile, Test, and Associate Changesets and Work Items
Try Compile and Test
Compile and Test
For Each Configuration in BuildSettings.PlatformConfigurations
Compile and Test for Configuration
If BuildSettings.HasProjectsToBuild
For Each Project in BuildSettings.ProjectsToBuild
Try to Compile the Project
Compile the Project
Run MSBuild for Project
if you select Run MSBuild for Project & hit F4 you see it.
In order to retrieve what you are after you can define another string-variable solutionPath in your Build Process Template & insert under the Run MSBuild for Project a new Assign activity withTo : solutionPath andValue : Path.GetDirectoryName(localProject)
Have you looked at the TFS Community Build Extensions, they give you a assembly versioning out of the box?
You can use the variable called SourcesDirectory to get the current Source Directory on the Build Server. You can also use an ConvertWorkspaceItem activity to convert between server and local paths.
There's also a blog post that cover's all of this here.

How can I create custom sections in TFS build reports?

I know how to add custom BuildStep task; however, it would be nice to create a new section, similar to the Summary and Build Steps sections.
We are selectively deploying the files on a successful build based on the difference between the workspace and destination environment. We do create an HTML and XML log of the files we move and the files they overwrite. It would be nice to add a section to the build report to display this information.
Something like this:
Any ideas?
Currently Microsoft do not provide any mechanism for extending the build report in VS 2008 or VS 2005. They are doing heavy changes to the build report for TFS 2010 however and I know that customization of that report has been a much requested feature but I'm not sure what the status is of that yet.
