has_many of the same table through several others - ruby-on-rails

What am trying to do is:
i have a User model and i have a Task model
Task has 2 types of users Owners and Supervisors all of them are users !
so what i have so far is:
Task Model
class Task < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :task_owners, dependent: :destroy
has_many :task_supervisors, dependent: :destroy
has_many :users, through: :task_owners
has_many :users, through: :task_supervisors
TaskSupervisor Model
class TaskSupervisor < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :task
belongs_to :user
TaskOwner Model
class TaskOwner < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :task
belongs_to :user
and finally the User Model
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :task_owners
has_many :task_supervisors
has_many :tasks, through: :task_owners
has_many :tasks, through: :task_supervisors
now as you can imagine ... my problem is when i get a task and retrieve the users i only get one of my associations ... what i need is a way to change the getters name or identify them some how basically to be able to say something like

class Task < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :task_owners, dependent: :destroy
has_many :task_supervisors, dependent: :destroy
has_many :owners, through: :task_owners, source: :users
has_many :supervisors, through: :task_supervisors, source: :users
You should be able to do this.
Then you should get your task.owners and task.supervisors
You will need to change your user model to
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :task_owners
has_many :task_supervisors
has_many :owned_tasks, through: :task_owners, source: :tasks
has_many :supervised_tasks, through: :task_supervisors, source: :tasks


How to differentiate similar has_many :through associations in Rails?

I'll start off with my models:
class Project < ApplicationRecord
has_many :permissions
has_many :wallets, through: :permissions
has_many :follows
has_many :wallets, through: :follows
class Permission < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :project
belongs_to :wallet
class Follow < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :project
belongs_to :wallet
class Wallet < ApplicationRecord
has_many :permissions
has_many :projects, through: :permissions
has_many :follows
has_many :projects, through: :follows
As you can see, Permission and Follow are both through associations for Projects and Wallets.
They serve different purposes (Permission gives Wallets access to manage Projects while Follow lets Wallets "follow" projects for updates).
So how can I differentiate them? For example, if I do Wallet.find(1).projects, it defaults to using the "Follow" model...though in some scenarios I'd want it to actually use the "Permission" model.
Believe you'd find it will default to the has_many :projects that is defined last.
Need to give the associations different names, which will require something like ...
class Wallet < ApplicationRecord
has_many :permissions
has_many :projects, through: :permissions
has_many :follows
has_many :follow_projects, through: :follows, source: :project

Deleting the through association record when deassociating

In a Rails 6.1 app, I have a standard has_many through association
class Enrollment < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :topic
belongs_to :job_description, optional: true
class Topic < ApplicationRecord
has_many :enrollments
has_many :job_descriptions, through: :enrollments
class JobDescription < ApplicationRecord
has_many :enrollments
has_many :topics, through: :enrollments
Now, when updating a topic (removing a job description)
#topic.job_descriptions = [...]
The topic_id in the enrollments having the job_description_id no longer associated with the topic is set to NULL.
Is there a way to delete the row instead?
try changing
has_many :job_descriptions, through: :enrollments
has_many :job_descriptions, through: :enrollments, dependent: :destroy

ActiveRecord grab shared model from polymorphic association

I'm looking for a better way to query Users from 2 different Models used in a polymorphic association. Here is the setup
class Schedule < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :announcement
has_many :targets, dependent: :destroy
has_many :lists, through: :targets, source: :target, source_type: 'List'
has_many :accounts, through: :targets, source: :target, source_type: 'Account'
class Target < ApplicationRecord
# belongs_to :announcement
belongs_to :schedule
belongs_to :target, polymorphic: true
delegate :announcement, to: :schedule
class List < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :account
has_many :targets, as: :target, dependent: :destroy
has_many :lists_users
has_many :users, through: :lists_users
class Account < ApplicationRecord
has_many :announcements, dependent: :destroy
has_many :targets, as: :target, dependent: :destroy
has_many :users, dependent: :destroy
At the moment I'm solving this by creating a method inside the Schedule model that grabs Users this way:
def subscribers
I looked at something similar with this question, but didn't seem to solve it.
I would do that like this:
class Schedule < ApplicationRecord
def subscribers
# fetch all associated user IDs
lists_user_ids = lists.joins(:lists_users).distinct.pluck("lists_users.user_id")
accounts_user_ids = accounts.joins(:users).distinct.pluck("users.id")
user_ids = (lists_user_ids + accounts_user_ids).uniq
# fetch users by IDs
User.where(id: user_ids)

Ransack: Search has_many through association

I am a newbie in Rails and have issues with Ransack:
This is model Project
class Project < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :company
belongs_to :m_category
has_many :project_industries, dependent: :destroy
has_many :m_industries, through: :project_industries
This is model Industry:
class Industry < ApplicationRecord
include M
belongs_to :m_industry_category
has_many :project_industries, dependent: :destroy, foreign_key: :industry_id
has_many :projects, through: :project_industries
And this is model IndustryCategory:
class IndustryCategory < ApplicationRecord
has_many :industries, dependent: :destroy,
foreign_key: :industry_category_id
has_many :projects, through: :industries
Now, I want to search the Project by IndustryCategory but I don't know how. please help me!! tks
You can use something like this
#industrty_category = IndustryCategory.find(params[:id])
#project = #industry_category.projects.all

Two has_many throughs to the same model Rails

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :reports
has_many :social_accounts
has_one :api_client
has_many :integrations
has_many :profiles, through: :integrations
has_many :tags
has_many :profiles, through: :tags
class Tag < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :profile
class Profile < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :integration_profiles
has_many :integrations, through: :integration_profiles
has_many :users, through: :integrations
belongs_to :api_client
has_many :tags
At times I want to retrieve all of the user's profiles through the integrations and other times through tags. How?
The answer:
has_many :profiles_tagged, through: :tags, source: :profile
On the User model
