How do I get notification when a Facebook friend installed an app - ios

I am writing an iOS app and authentication is handled by Facebook SDK. I want to get an notification in my App when a friend of mine starts using the app. How do I retrieve this information from API ?

You can authorize users with user_friends, use /me/friends to get all the friends who authorized the App too and then send a message to all the friends in the list if the user is new.


How invite facebook friends and get their id from ios app?

I develop ios app with chats (it's not game). I have a task to invite all fb friends(not only who using my app) to a defined chat in my app. So for do this I need get all friend list, choose friens, send them notification(post on wall or message) and save fb friiend's id to my server. What I should use for implemetation this all things?
Facebook iOS sdk has all the features you need. You can see the friend list of the user logged in using Facebook session, etc more info at

Invite friends via facebook - Is it possible?

According to latest Facebook SDK (V 2.0+), "This will only return any friends who have used (via Facebook Login) the app making the request." But my requirement is sending private message to my facebook friends to let them know that I am using this particular app. Is there any way to achieve this feature. Any help is appreciated.
Since Graph API v2.0, /me/friends returns a person's friends who also use the app.
You can use /me/invitable_friends. But /me/invitable_friends only available to apps classified as Games
more info :
This article explains exactly how to invite friends (in a Game or App):
Games on Facebook Canvas ( Invite Dialog and invitable_friends
Any other App: Message and Send Dialogs (depending on platform)
In your case (iOS platform), you can only use the Message Dialog.

how can i get fb friend list in new facebook SDK for ios.

I want to get Facebook friends list in my iOS application and want to send a invitation. But in new SDK i can only get the friends which are already using application.
Note That facebook me/friends got only thats friend who install or use the same app . not get all friends. if you apps is created before 30,April-2014 ,then me/friens got all friends.
If you apps type is GAME then you can invite your friends using invitable_friends graph API.
See Facebook invitable_friends API : invitable_friends
you can also get all friend list using Facebook taggable_friends API
See Facebook taggable_friends API : taggable_friends

Redirect facebook request to appstore or google play

Im sending facebook invitation to my facebook friends through my iOS app. And my friends receives it successfuly.
But when the user clicks on the request i want redirect the user Google Play or App store.
Can anyone help me out with this thanks.

Inviting Facebook friends through iPhone App

I've been searching this question, and I haven't been able to find anything that works. I have an iPhone app that allows users to link their Facebook account. It would look something like this:
Once a user has successfully linked to FB, I want to present them with a list of their FB friends and an option to invite selected friends.
FB Friend 1........... Invite
FB Friend 2........... Invite
FB Friend 1000..... Invite
Basically, I want to send a message to FB friends that says something like "Check out this app". I'm pretty sure this has to go to either their notifications or wall and cannot go as a FB message, but I can't figure out how to do it.
Also, I don't need to select a group of friends to invite -- this can be done one at a time. So it would look like this:
FB Friend 1........... invited
FB Friend 2........... Invite
FB Friend 1000..... Invite
Thanks so much for any help you can provide.
Unfortunately there isn't anything in the iOS SDK that presents the apprequests dialog, and a user has to have installed/approved your application before you can send them application notifications via a POST request...
Requests are a great way to enable users to invite their friends,
accept a gift or help them complete a mission in your app. There are
now two types of requests that can be sent from an app:
User-generated requests: These requests are confirmed by a user’s
explicit action on a request dialog. These requests update the
bookmark count for the recipient. You send requests by using the
recently launched Request Dialog.
App-generated requests: These
requests can be initiated and sent only to users who have authorized
your app. Developers can send these requests using the Graph API. Use
these requests to update the bookmark count to encourage a user to
re-engage in the app (e.g., your friend finished her move in a game
and it’s now your turn).
The only way to get this is via Facebook's Requests 2.0 dialog (which is not currently available to the Facebook iOS SDK):
See more here in this related question...
Sending application requests that appear in the left column on Facebook home page?
