There is some xAxis and data discrepancy, for example the second curve I need to be pictured as 2014-03 and 2014-04., but it drawn 2013-11; 2013-12
Is there exist some method where HighChart gets data in pairs, because in this case I have folowing json: [{"name":"xAxis","data":["2013-11","2013-12","2014-01","2014-02","2014-03","2014-04"]},{"name":"FIRSTname"","data":[81568256,93170615,92267597,97838553,103930539,103268030]},{"name":"SECONDname"","data":[20705697,23387653]}]
And I don't know how to inform HighChart "Hey, buddy, plz draw this curve from '2014-03' to '2014-04' for example.
Or something like "data": ['not draw this point', '1234', 'not draw this point', '1234']
So in this case he can easily understand that '1234' is for '2013-12', because it goes second.
In the second serie data, points require to be pairs [x,y] instaed of y value. As a result use it: {"name":"SECONDname"","data":[[4,20705697],[5,23387653]]}]
Use null for data you don't want the chart to show
data: [null, 1234, null, 1234]
Here's an example:
In highcharts stock charts, different series types have different parameters for example the paramaters for macd can be seen here:
I would like to be able to get a map of type names, like "macd" or "sm", to parameters. Preferably an example using the typescript version of Highstock, or even better if it was in angular-highcharts.
For example:
"sm" => ["index" : 1 , "period": 2],
"macd" => ["index": 11, "longperiod":12 , "period":23, "shortperiod":22],
To clarify, how would I create an object with the default params across all indicators as shown for MACD here on line 97:
I would like to get the params before adding the series to the chart if possible.
This is a path to find params options for MACD indicator
chart.series[2].options.params. Another indicators can be show as a series linkedto bind to the series.
The params for each type are available through the Highcharts.Series.types variable:
import * as Highcharts from "highcharts/highstock";
import HC_exporting from 'highcharts/modules/exporting';
import {Dictionary, PlotMacdOptions, Series, SeriesOptions} from
import IndicatorsAll from "highcharts/indicators/indicators-all";
const seriesType = "macd";
const types: any= Highcharts.Series.types;
console.log( types[seriesType].defaultOptions.params);
I'm logging sensor data into a SQL table that looks like this
Picture of the table for clarity
I'm processing the data intro arrays like this
$value1 = json_encode(array_reverse(array_column($sensor_data, 'value1')), JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);
I'm processing datetime like this
$reading_time = json_encode(array_reverse($readings_time), JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);
I managed to graph the data into a regular highcharts line graph. And for xAxis/time I used
xAxis: {
type: 'datetime',
categories: reading_time },
I want to graph the data using HighStocks so I'm able to use the navigator etc.
I can't find a way to pass the $reading_time to the x-axis. Do I need to format in a specific way?
Any sample code will be appreciated.
You can not use datetime and category axis type at the same time. Moreover, you can not use categories for Highstock at all. You should provide the date values as timestamps in miliseconds for x data property, for example:
data: [
// x, y
[1584014486654, 1],
[1584014496957, 2],
[1584014502349, 8]
API Reference:
Live example:
I have a Kendo Chart bound to a data model which is receiving a list of different points. The category axis is a date axis in which the maximum and minimum value are bound to the model. Always the span for the category axis is one whole year (12 months, not necessarily beginning from January).
The code for the axis is as follows:
.CategoryAxis(axis => axis
.Labels(labels => labels.Rotation(0).Format("MMM ‘yy"))
The category axis renders correctly when I have more than 1 data point present in the chart, however when I have just one datapoint the category axis becomes a mess (all the labels become stacked and repeated).
i was wondering if there is a way to specify a mandatory number of ticks to the axis as to always have just 12 ticks corresponding to each month.
The only to have all the ticks is to append your data of chart with null values of missing months. So when you have got one data point you need to append other data point with null values but remaining other months. Please see below sample code:
<div id="kk"></div>
var _data=[{"weight":200,"createddate":"1/1/2014"},
dataSource: {
seriesColors: ["Red"],
seriesDefaults: {
type: "column",
series: [{
name: "weight",
field: "weight",
categoryField: "createddate",
categoryAxis: {
type: "date",
baseUnit: "months"
Please find a JSFiddle for the same.
This way when you get your JSON Data from Controller, either you can update the JSON Data at Controller Side and Append Missing Data Points with null value or else you can do it in javascript as well once you get the data in the View and before binding it with chart.
I'm trying to use the type:'datetime' for my x-axis, and am getting a graph on a vertical line and dates going all the way back to 1970. Is there any way to circumvent this error?
Here's my use case: I'm tracking my page performance at regular intervals. if the server goes down for any reason or the metric was unable to be tracked, then we end up with a gap in the line. the requirement is to show this as datetime, but if i populate the series with any null datapoints, Highcharts throws an error 15.
series: [{
data: [
Here's the fiddle:
If i remove the null datapoint, everything works fine. Thanks for the extra eyes!
You have to make the NULL point the same format as your other points.
Or, don't include it. If you have no data for timestamp x why include it or if you have no data at all why include it?
Example of option 1:
series: [{
data: [
For line chart you shouldn't use points with the same x value, becasue a few feateaures like tooltip will not work correct. You need to set scatter type and lineWidth as 2.
I am using highchart, trying to make a chart that shows high and low values for the number of people occupying various rooms. So I have a data like this:
[[roomName, low, high], [roomName, low, high] ...]
For example:
["XRay", 12, 45], ["Waiting Room", 8, 22], ["Admitting", 22, 56]]
What I want to have happen is for the x Axis to use the room names as the values on the category axis. But I can't see to get this to happen. It uses them as the names of the points instead.
If I am just doing a column chart, I can set x and y properties for the points:
[x:"XRay", y:12], [x:"Waiting Room", y:8], [x:"Admitting", y:56]]
But I don't know how I can do this with column ranges.
I can of course manually parse the data and set the categories of the xAxis myself, but I am wondering if there is a better way.
It could be done in two ways, as suggested categories, or using label formatter, both are here:
[ {x: 'string' } ... ]
are not proper.