Rails4 validation uniqueness scope check for more than two condition - ruby-on-rails

I have following validation for my email in the model
:uniqueness => { :scope => :company_id, :message => "Email has already been taken" }
How to give two scope condition for validating uniqueness
:uniqueness => { :scope => :company_id and :status => 0, :message => "Email has already been taken" }

Try this out
:uniqueness => { :scope => [:company_id, :status], :message => "Email has already been taken"}, if: Proc.new { |obj| obj.status == 0 }


Rails, validations within a with_options block don't work

I have an old Rails 2 app where I have a User model that handles profiles of users coming from web and mobile applications. I would like to have 2 separate groups of validations for web and mobile users. I use DEVISE for authentication.
In order to recognize if a user relates to web or mobile, I use an attr_accessor called validation_for_mobile that I set on the controller side, before saving/updating the record.
It appears that some validations, especially the "validates_length_of :password", get executed even if they are inside a block with_options that should not be evaluated.
Inside the User model I have this code:
with_options :if => "self.validation_for_mobile == false && !self.remote_sync" do |vm1|
vm1.validates_date :birthday, :allow_blank => true
vm1.validates_presence_of :company, :name, :surname, :address, :city, :province, :postal_code, :position, :company_type, :phone, :unless => :is_imported
vm1.validates_format_of :phone, :with => /\A([0-9]+)\Z/i, :message => 'deve contenere solo numeri', :unless => :is_imported
vm1.validates_presence_of :vat, :if => "!imported && !self.script_imported && company_type != 'individuale' && !company_type.blank?"
vm1.validates_presence_of :social_number, :if => "!imported && !self.script_imported && company_type == 'individuale' && !company_type.blank? "
vm1.validates_presence_of :remote_id, :if => "!came_from_user && !imported && !script_imported"
vm1.validates_acceptance_of :privacy_accepted, :privacy_third_part, :accept => true, :allow_nil => false, :unless => :is_imported
vm1.validates_presence_of :login, :email
vm1.validates_email_format_of :email, :message => "email non valida"
vm1.validates_presence_of :remote_sap_code, :remote_as_code, :if => "!came_from_user"
vm1.validates_uniqueness_of :login, :scope => :branch_id, :case_sensitive => false
vm1.with_options :if => :password_required? do |v|
v.validates_presence_of :password
v.validates_confirmation_of :password
v.validates_format_of :password, :with => /^(?=(.*\d){1})(?=.*[a-zA-Z])[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/i, :message => 'solo lettere e almeno 1 numero!'
v.validates_length_of :password, :within => 6..10, :allow_blank => true
with_options :if => "self.validation_for_mobile == true && !self.remote_sync" do |vm2|
with_options :if => :mobile_validations do |vm2|
vm2.validates_presence_of :company, :vat, :name, :surname, :phone
vm2.validates_format_of :phone, :with => /\A([0-9]+)\Z/i, :message => 'deve contenere solo numeri'
vm2.validates_length_of :vat, :within => 11..15
vm2.validates_presence_of :login, :email, :branch_id
vm2.validates_email_format_of :email, :message => "email non valida"
vm2.validates_uniqueness_of :login, :scope => :branch_id, :case_sensitive => false
vm2.with_options :if => :password_required? do |v|
v.validates_presence_of :password
v.validates_confirmation_of :password
v.validates_format_of :password, :with => /^(?=(.*\d){1})(?=.*[a-zA-Z])[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/i, :message => 'solo lettere e almeno 1 numero!'
v.validates_length_of :password, :within => 1..10, :allow_blank => true
Every time I try to create a new user from mobile, I expect only the second block of validations to be evaluated, where "validates_length_of :password" is "within => 1..10"
But I receive the error that password is too short (at least 6 chars). And that's the first block!!!
Can you help me?
I also tried to move the conditions of with_options inside a method, like this:
with_options :if => :web_validations
with_options :if => :mobile_validations
but nothing changed.
This is the code I use to test it:
#user = User.new
#user.company = "Testuser"
#user.vat = "123456789012"
#user.name = "Fafag"
#user.surname = "Fafag"
#user.phone = "9182624"
#user.email = "utentest9876#test.it"
#user.login = "Utentest63"
#user.branch_id = 2
#user.password = "TEST1"
#user.password_confirmation = "TEST1"
#user.plain_password = "TEST1"
#user.mobile_signup = true
#user.mobile = true
#user.validation_for_mobile = true # model custom validation
#user.came_from_user = true
#user.remote_id = 0
#user.confirmed = nil
#user.active = false
if #user.save
return true
puts #user.errors.full_messages.inspect
Ok, I solved this puzzle!
It seems nested with_options blocks don't inherit the outer condition. So I had to specify the first condition inside the nested with_option block, like this:
with_options :if => :mobile_validations do |vm2|
vm2.validates_presence_of :company, :vat, :name, :surname, :phone
vm2.validates_format_of :phone, :with => /\A([0-9]+)\Z/i, :message => 'deve contenere solo numeri'
vm2.validates_length_of :vat, :within => 11..15
vm2.validates_presence_of :login, :email, :branch_id
vm2.validates_email_format_of :email, :message => "email non valida"
vm2.validates_uniqueness_of :login, :scope => :branch_id, :case_sensitive => false
vm2.with_options :if => [:password_required?, :mobile_validations] do |v2|
v2.validates_presence_of :password
v2.validates_confirmation_of :password
v2.validates_format_of :password, :with => /^(?=(.*\d){1})(?=.*[a-zA-Z])[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/i, :message => 'solo lettere e almeno 1 numero!'
v2.validates_length_of :password, :within => 1..10, :allow_blank => true

Don't show other validation messages without presence

Right now, I have a User model with a username field that's being validated by:
validates :username,
:presence => true,
:length => { :in => 3..60 },
:format => { :with => /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_ ]+$/ }
How can I hide the :length and :format validation errors if :presence is not met?
Try :allow_blank => true in 2nd and 3rd validations.
I think you can do like this:
validates :username,
:presence => true,
:length => { :in => 3..60, :allow_nil => true },
:format => { :with => /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_ ]+$/, :allow_nil => true }
It will not care about length and format validations when username is not set, but it will work fine with at least one character typed.

Rails conditional validation of Zip Code for many countries

I need a model-level validation for Zip codes in USA and Canada. This code makes me feel bad:
zip_regex_usa = %r{\d{5}(-\d{4})?}
zip_regex_canada = %r{[ABCEGHJKLMNPRSTVXY]\d[A-Z] \d[A-Z]\d}
validates :shipping_zip, :presence => true, :format => { :with => zip_regex_usa }, :if => :shipping_to_usa?
validates :shipping_zip, :presence => true, :format => { :with => zip_regex_canada }, :if => :shipping_to_canada?
validates :billing_zip, :presence => true, :format => { :with => zip_regex_usa }, :if => :billing_to_usa?
validates :billing_zip, :presence => true, :format => { :with => zip_regex_canada }, :if => :billing_to_canada?
def shipping_to_usa?
shipping_country == 'US'
def billing_to_usa?
billing_country == 'US'
def shipping_to_canada?
shipping_country == 'CA'
def billing_to_canada?
billing_country == 'CA'
How to make this code more elegant, writing a single validation line for each field?
You can use gem validates_as_postal_code
It allows you to check zip codes like this:
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_as_postal_code :postal_code, :country => "CA", :allow_blank => true
and there're more options
There's also one nice gem: going_postal check it out!
I pulled some bits together into this gem: validates_zipcode.
It currently supports 259 countries zipcode formats and plays nice with Rails 3 & 4.
You can use it like this:
class Address < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_zipcode :zipcode
validates :zipcode, zipcode: true
validates :zipcode, zipcode: { country_code: :ru }
validates :zipcode, zipcode: { country_code_attribute: :my_zipcode }

Rails: Custom validation message

I'm trying to make a simple custom validation message. The validation I'm using compiles and runs fine, but I don't see any change in the message:
validates :rating, :inclusion => { :in => 0..5 }, :presence => { :message => " must be within 0-5" }
The message I get is still Rating is not included in the list
I need to validate that rating is present and is a decimal between 0-5
Alright, I solved it. This is the validation that works:
validates :rating, :inclusion => { :in => 0..5, :message => " should be between 0 to 5" }
validates :rating, :presence => { :message => " cannot be blank" }
and I added this
validates :rating, :numericality => { :message => " should be a number" }

Numericality Validations, Catching nil Values on Comparisons

I have an object that contains a number range and a description [min_val, max_val, name].
I need to validate that min_val < max_val. However, if one of them is blank I get a nil comparison error, instead, I'd like to tell the user that a number is required.
Also, how can I change the error message for numericality?
validates :min_val, :presence => true, :numericality => {:greater_than => 0, :less_than => :max_val}
validates :max_val, :presence => true, :numericality => {:greater_than => 0, :greater_than => :min_val}
validates :name, :presence => true, :if => Proc.new { |r| !r.min_val.nil? || !r.max_val.nil? }
You can use :message to specify a custom error message.
validates :max_val, :presence => true, :numericality => {:greater_than => 0, :message => " is an invalid number."}
validates :min_val, :presence => true, :numericality => {:greater_than => 0, :message => " is an invalid number."}
validate do |record|
record.errors.add_to_base("The min_val should be less than max_val") if min_val.to_i >= max_val.to_i
validates :name, :presence => true, :if => Proc.new { |r| !r.min_val.nil? || !r.max_val.nil? }
