Altivec Programming Resource [closed] - sse

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Would be required to port some programming codes on Windows onto PowerPC. The codes would need some kind of optimisation and require the use to Altivec programming.
Would like to ask where to find a good beginner guide to Altivec and any SIMD programming if they would be similar to SSE?

You should still be able to find PowerPC and AltiVec resources on, and Also search the [altivec] tag on StackOverflow as similar questions have come up before.
Apple has (or had) a very useful AltiVec->SSE migration guide that you could use in reverse - a quick Google search turned up a copy here.
Note that IBM calls AltiVec "VMX" these days, so you might also want to use VMX as a search term (in conjunction with POWER or PowerPC).
See also:
can't find materials about SSE2, Altivec, VMX on apple developer
Common SIMD techniques
Porting MMX/SSE instructions to AltiVec


Building concept map for a programming language using wikipedia and/or stackexchange queries [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I've been fiddling around with wiki api and stack exchange queries and thought it would be interesting to create a hierarchy map or a weighted concept (undirected) map for a programming language. Thought it would create a useful generic graph layer that could possibly help people to learn a programming language faster. I haven't really thought of the details of this project yet but I need guidance as to where to start. Can anyone direct me to a good resource or an idea where I can build off of?

Here Maps SDK iOS Swift 3 Documentation [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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is there any further documentation of the Here Maps SDK for Swift? I have only found a simple mapView and nothing more.
Thanks for all your tips!
Unless this is what you were referring to, you might find this site useful. It seems to include more extensive topics than just mapViews.
This comes from the website:
Here iOS SDK Documentation
If you're looking for more depth than this, you might be out of luck. I have just performed some research on this topic and it doesn't seem to me that Here has extensive online resources.
This might be from the original site as well, but you can also check out this list of examples for inspiration/help.
Of course you can also refer to StackOverflow as a resource as well, as I have seen some posts about this service that have been posted on the site, so they may help with some of the problems you are facing.

Architecture docs/diagrams of OTP? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm newbie to erlang. I'm curious about the design of Open Telecom Platform. Is there a design document of OTP itself or pictorial representation of the implementation of OTP in erlang. I tried googling and browsing official docs but all I could get was the architecture of OTP based app, but, couldn't find architectural structure of OTP itself.
Any help is appreciated.
There is thesis Making reliable distributed systems in the presence of software errors written by Joe Armstrong. The work contains fundamentals of which is OTP based on and there is also a very simplified implementation of basic OTP modules.

Text Extraction using Swift [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need to extract text from articles online for an ios app I am developping. Is there something similar to goose that extracts just the article from the html for Swift?
It's very interesting subject. I'm not pretty sure, but it seems to be not an easy job to do. Recently Ivan Titov told about "Inducing Semantic Representations from Text with Little or No Supervision." You can see this presentation here: (in English.)
So, our team recently took part in Swift-hackathon by CocoaHeads Moscow for this subject, but not very good result were earned. We developed recursive grabber and other cool things, but can't attain the goal. If you want to contribute to that project, look at this repo:

Public CLSI servers [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Does anyone know any publicly accessible CLSI (Common LaTeX Service Interface) servers other than ScribTeX? (nothing wrong with ScribTeX, in fact it's great, but I was wondering if there are any alternatives)
EDIT: I'm not looking for online LaTeX equation editors or proprietary APIs (e.g. MonkeyTex), I'm asking specifically about CLSI because it seems to be the standard for server-side LaTeX compilation.
I don't know if it's a CLSI, but there is LaTeXLab, built on google's app engine.
I know it's a little bit old question but you can use
From the overleaf project
Not sure it's a CLSI server but is very nice and can probably be scripted, eg.
