trying to rewrite this so it doesnt violate "prinicples discussed in Code Complete 2nd edition - code-complete

function profit(){
int totalSales=0;
for (int i=0; i<12;i++) // computer yearly sales
return get_profit_from_sales(totalsales);
So i've already determined that the 12 in the for loop should be a constant instead of just using an integer and that the montlysales should be passed as a parameter into the function so then a check can be run to see if the length of sales is equal to the integer value of months which is also twelve.
I'm not sure if those are all the violations of the princples cause. I feel the last line
return get_profit_from_sales(totalsales)
is wrong and its really bothering me cause I can't seem to figure out why it is in fact bothering me and I think I might have skipped something else.
can anyone help me verify?

Summary - you should refactor out the call to another function and make this function so that it is pure and does only one thing, reducing complexity, and improving your ability to reason abstractly about your program and its correctness.
Your spidey sense is tingling and you should trust it - you are correct, but what is wrong is subtle.
Routines are best when they do one thing, and one thing only. So purity of vision is important in the prime imperative, management of complexity -- it allows our brains to be able to juggle more things because they are simpler. That is, you can just look at the function and know what it does, and you don't have to say, "it totals the sales, but it also calls another function at the end", which sort of clouds its "mission".
This is also part of functional programming and where I feel that languages have to adopt to try to implement the prime imperative spoken of in Code Complete. Functional programming has as one of its tenets, "no side effects", which is similar to "one mission" or "one purpose". What I've done to your code can also be seen as making it more functional, just inputs and outputs and nothing in or out via any other path.
Note also that function get_profit() reads like pseudocode, making it somewhat self-documenting, and you don't have to delve into any of the functions to understand what the function does or how it does it (ideally).
So, here is my idea of what I explained above (loosely coded, and not checked!).
function get_total_sales(int montlysales[]){
int totalSales=0;
for (int i=0; i<12;i++) // computer yearly sales
return totalSales;
function calc_profit(int all_sales, int all_commissions, int all_losses)(){
// your calculations here
int profit = all_sales - all_commissions - all_losses; // ... etc.
return profit;
function get_profit(){
int montlysales[] = read_from_disk();
int total_sales = get_total_sales(montlysales);
int tot_commissions = get_tot_commissions();
int tot_losses = get_tot_losses();
int profit_made = calc_profit(total_sales, tot_commissions, tot_losses);
return profit_made;
I read Code Complete about once a year, as coding is truly subtle at times, because it is so multidimensional. This has been very helpful to me. Regards - Stephen


How do I get the TimeFrame for an open order in MT mq4?

I'm scanning through the order list using the standard OrderSelect() function. Since there is a great function to get the current _Symbol for an order, I expected to find the equivalent for finding the timeframe (_Period). However, there is no such function.
Here's my code snippet.
for (int i=orderCount()-1; i>=0; i--) {
if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) {
if (OrderMagicNumber()==magic && OrderSymbol()==_Symbol ) j++;
// Get the timeframe here
Q: How can I get the open order's timeframe given it's ticket number?
In other words, how can I roll my own OrderPeriod() or something like it?
There is no such function. Two approaches might be helpful here.
First and most reasonable is to have a unique magic number for each timeframe. This usually helps to avoid some unexpected behavior and errors. You can update the input magic number so that the timeframe is automatically added to it, if your input magic is 123 and timeframe is M5, the new magic number will be 1235 or something similar, and you will use this new magic when sending orders and checking whether a particular order is from your timeframe. Or both input magic and timeframe-dependent, if you need that.
Second approach is to create a comment for each order, and that comment should include data of the timeframe, e.g. "myRobot_5", and you parse the OrderComment() in order to get timeframe value. I doubt it makes sense as you'll have to do useless parsing of string many times per tick. Another problem here is that the comment can be usually changed by the broker, e.g. if stop loss or take profit is executed (and you need to analyze history), and if an order was partially closed.
One more way is to have instances of some structure of a class inherited from CObject and have CArrayObj or array of such instances. You will be able to add as much data as needed into such structures, and even change the timeframe when needed (e.g., you opened a deal at M5, you trail it at M5, it performs fine so you close part and virtually change the timeframe of such deale to M15 and trail it at M15 chart). That is probably the most convenient for complex systems, even though it requires to do some coding (do not forget to write down the list of existing deals into a file or deserialize somehow in OnDeinit() and then serialize back in OnInit() functions).

How to structure efficiently data in f#

I am quite new with F# and still trying to decide what the best structure for my financial (back testing) program should be.
As data are immutable, I am thinking that "heavy"/all-in-one structures might not be ideal.
Here is what I try to achieve:
A backtesting engine which creates a strategy every business days.
The strategy consists of a few instruments with a seq/list of trades
(trading date / quantity / price)
I then run calculation (value, risks etc) daily on all those positions for each portfolio. I also add trades to each instruments each day as I adjust the position.
How I first constructed it:
List or seq of dates: [D1 .. Dn]
List or seq of Portfolio Pi [P1 .. Pn] (with several instruments). Each portoflio will start its life at a different Di
For each portfolio, I will have some daily trades on the instrusments
when I compute value, profit and losses, risks ...
What I have used for now (very simplified):
type Instrument1 = {
some specifications
type Instrument2 = {
some specifications
type Instrument =
| Inst1 of Instrument1
| Inst2 of Instrument2
type Trade = {
Dt ; DateTime
Qty : float
Price : float }
type Portfolio = {
InitDate : DateTime // one of the Di above
Inst : Instruments
Trades : Trade seq }
type BackTesting =
Dates : DateTime seq
Port : Portfolio seq }
And then I create a seq (Dates) of seq (Portfolio) of seq (Instrument) showing let's say P&L.
However, for each portfolio Pi I am iterating on all dates to check if I need to adjust the portfolio and then add a trade to the trade list, it means that every day, for every portfolio, for every instrument, I am creating a new BackTesting (non mutable). I believe this way of reasoning is way more OOP than FP but I am a bit lost on proper patterns to use (the F# books I have used are not very clear on the data structure that works best for FP - or I did not really understand them).
I might not be very clear but if anyone has a direction into which I should look at (or any useful documentation/support on the issue), please do not hesitate. Thanks a lot for your help.
Since you are starting with F#, my suggestion to you is to not worry too much about programming in a purely functional way. If you come from an imperative style of programming it may be too much of a change and you may be discouraged. The shift from imperative style to functional style takes time and it's gradual.
The good thing is F# lets you be imperative too!
So program like you would in other languages:
Use global mutable variables when it best suits you.
Use for and while
Did you know that array elements are mutable?
As you progress you will learn the functional way, some things are really easy to use
right away:
Definitely use option, never null
Try using map, filter, choose over list, array or seq.
In time you will naturally gravitate more towards the functional style but you don't have to jump all at once. One of the best resources to get started is its full of very good articles, slides, videos conveyed in a clear way.
Good luck!

Why memory leaks with a dynamic array of a custom class?

I'm creating a indicator that recognizes candlestick shapes.
To do that I created a separate class Candlestick that I include to the indicator file.
The problem is that I suffer from memory leaks.
I'm new to pointers and after reading / watching a lot, I still seem to miss something here.
This is the Indicator class. The content of the Candlestick class is irrelevant so I leave that out.
Candlestick *candles[];
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
for(int i = 0; i < ArraySize(candles); i++ ){
int OnCalculate(args here)
ArrayResize(candles, Bars);
for(int i = MathMax(Bars-2-IndicatorCounted(), 1); i >= 0; i--)
candles[i] = new Candlestick();
// Do stuff with this candle (and other candles) here e.g.
if(candles[i+1].type == BULLISH) Print("Last candle was Bullish");
When I do this I get memory leak errors. It seems that I need to delete the pointers to the candles in that dynamic array. The problem is, when and where? Because I need them in the next iteration of the for(){...} loop. So I can't delete it there.
When I delete it in the OnDeinit() function there are still candles out there and I still get the leak error.
How come?
First, Nick, welcome to the Worlds of MQL4
You might have already realised, the MQL4 code is not a C.
Among many important differences, the key here is what does the code-execution platform ( the MetaTrader Terminal 4 ) do in what moment.
OnCalculate() is a zombie-alike process, which gets invoked many times, but anyway, definitely not under your control.
Next, OnCalculate() by-design does not mean a new Bar.
How to?
MQL4 conceptually originates from days, when computing resources were many orders smaller and much more expensive in terms of their time-sharing CPU-MUX-ing during a code execution phase.
Thus the MQL4-user-domain language retains benefits from some hidden gems, that are not accessible directly. One of these is a very efficient register-based update-processing and keeping dynamic resources allocations on miminum, for their devastatingly adverse effects on Real-Time execution predictability.
This will help you understand how to design & handle your conceptual objects way smarter, best by mimicking this "stone-age"-but-VERY-efficient behaviour ( both time-wise & memory-wise ), instead of flooding your memory-pool with infinite amount of unmanaged instances upon each call of OnCalulate() which sprinkles an endless count of new Candlestick(); // *--> candles[]
A best next step:
If in doubts, just read about best practices for ArrayResize() in the platform localhost-help/documentation, to start realise the things, that introduce overheads ( if not blocks ) in a domain, where nano$econd$ count & hurt in professional software design.

What algorithm can I use to turn a drunkards walk into a correlated RNG?

I'm a novice programmer (the only reason I say this is because I'm not super familiar with all the terms yet) and I'm trying to make walls generate in respect to the wall before it. I've posted a question about it on here before
Randomly generated tunnel walls that don't jump around from one to the next
and sort of got the answer. What I was mainly looking for was the for loop that was used (I think). Th problem is I didn't know how to implement it properly without getting errors.
My problem ended up being "I couldn't figure out how to inc. this in to it. I have 41 walls altogether that i'm using and the walls are named Left1 and Right1. i had something like this
CGFloat Left1 = 14; for( int i = 0; i < 41; i++ ){
CGFloat offset = (CGFloat)arc4random_uniform(2*100) - 100;
Left1 += offset;
Right1 = Left1 + 100;
but it was telling me as a yellow text that Local declaration of "Left1" hides instance variable and then in a red text it says "Assigning to 'UIImageView *__strong' from incompatible type 'float'. i'm not sure how to fix this"
and I wasn't sure how to fix it. I realize (I think) that arc4random and arc4random_uniform are pretty much the same thing, as far as i know, with slight differences, but not the difference i'm looking for.
As I said before, i'm pretty novice so any example would really be helpful, especially with the variables i'm trying to use. Thank you.
You want a "hashing" function, and preferably a "cryptographic" one because they tend to be significantly higher quality - at the expense of requiring additional CPU resources. But on modern hardware the extra CPU power usually isn't a problem.
The basic idea is you can give any data to the function, and it will spit out a completely random result, but always the same result if you provide the same input.
Have a read up on them here:
There are hundreds of different algorithms in common use, which is best will depend on what you need.
Personally I recommend sha256. A quick search of "sha256 ios" here on stack overflow will show you how to make one, with the CommonCrypto library. The gist is you should create an NSString or NSData object that contains every offset, then run the entire thing through sha256. The result will be a perfectly random 256 bit number.
If 256 bits is too much, just cut it up. For example you could grab just the first 16 bits of the number, and you will have a perfectly random 16 bit number.

Running time and memory

If you cannot see the code of a function, but know that it takes arguments. Is it possible to find the running time speed and memory. If so how would you do it. Is there a way to use Big O in this case?
No, it's not possible to find either the memory or performance of a function by just looking at its parameters. For example, the same function
void DoSomething(int x, int y, int z);
Can be implemented as O(1) time and memory:
void DoSomething(int x, int y, int z) { }
or as a very, very expensive function taking O(x*y*z):
void DoSomething(int x, int y, int z)
int a = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < y; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < z; k++) {
And many other possibilities. So, it's not possible to find how expensive the function is.
Am I allowed to run the function at all? Multiple times?
I would execute the function with a range of parameter values and measure the running time and (if possible) the memory consumption for each run. Then, assuming the function takes n argument, I would plot each data point on an n+1-dimensional plot and look for trends from there.
First of all, it is an interview question, so you'd better never say no.
If I were in the interview, here is my approach.
I may ask the interviewer a few questions, as an interview is meant to be interactive.
Because I cannot see the code, I suppose I can at least run it, hopefully, multiple times. This would be my first question: can I run it? (If I cannot run it, then I can do literally nothing with it, and I give up.)
What is the function used for? This may give a hint of the complexity, if the function is written sanely.
What are the type of argument? Are some they primitive types? Try some combinations of them. Are some of them "complex" (e.g. containers)? Try some different size combinations. Are some of them related (e.g. one for a container, and one for the size of the container)? Some test runs can be saved. Besides, I hope the legal ranges of the arguments are given, so I won't waste time on illegal guesses. Last, to test some marginal cases may help.
Can you run the function with a code? something like this:
start = clock();
//call the function;
end = clock();
time = end-start;
Being an interview question, you should never answer like "no it cannot be done".
What you need is the ability to run the code. Once you can run the code, call the same function with different parameters and measure the memory and time required. You can then plot these data and get a good estimate.
For big-O type notations also, you can follow the same approach and plot the results WRT the data set size. Then try to fit this curve with the known complexity curves like n, n^2, n^3, n*log(n), (n^2)*log(n) etc using a least square fit.
Lastly, remember that all these methods are approximations only.
no you cannot, this would have solved the Halting Problem , since code might run endlessly O(infinity). thus, solving this problem also solves HP, which is of course proven to be impossible.
