iAP work in Sandbox but not in 'Pending Developer Release' version - ios

Our app has passed review, and is pending developer release. I've downloaded a copy using a promo code, but none of our in App purchases work (they work fine using a sandbox account created in iTunes Connect however). iAP are approved and cleared for sale in iTunes Connect.
They are reporting this error in the console on attempted purchase:
Nov 22 20:58:34 iOS-8-tester-takp accountsd[3148] <Warning>: AIDA Notification plugin running
Nov 22 20:58:36 iOS-8-tester-takp backupd[3317] <Warning>: INFO: Account changed (enabled=1, accountID=REDACTED)
Nov 22 20:58:49 iOS-8-tester-takp backupd[3318] <Warning>: INFO: Account changed (enabled=1, accountID=REDACTED)
Nov 22 20:58:49 iOS-8-tester-takp itunesstored[78] <Warning>: Could not load library [21]
Nov 22 20:58:51 iOS-8-tester-takp accountsd[3148] <Warning>: [Warning] Unhandled server key: alert
Nov 22 20:58:52 iOS-8-tester-takp identityservicesd[42] <Warning>: [Warning] IDS access warning: Allowing wildcard access for service: com.apple.private.alloy.bulletinboard entitlement: com.apple.private.ids.registration client: com.apple.Accounts:accountsd:3148 entitlements: {
"com.apple.private.ids.messaging" = (
"com.apple.private.ids.messaging.high-priority" = (
"com.apple.private.ids.registration" = 1;
Perhaps this is a server error - but it's making me really nervous with our release coming up. Can anyone help?

This appears to have been a server error. It fixed itself 3 or 4 days after moving to 'Pending Developer Release' and operates as expected now, with no change in the application's code.


react-native app fail to start after a few days

I'm gonna try to explain the problem as clearly as possible, here are the steps:
I compile the app on the device (width bundled file on disk - Options 2)
The app starts, and work
After a few days, when i click on the app's icon, it open the 'powered by react-native' screen, then it crash
I had the same problem over multiple devices, and multiple times
I'm pretty sure it is not a JS error, since nothings change between the day it work, and the day it doesnt
here's the app logs on app start:
$ cat crachReport|grep MyApp
Aug 29 14:26:47 Abels-iPhone amfid[1524] <Notice>: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/BDC567B0-B341-4B9A-8329-90B5CEC26440/MyApp.app/MyApp not valid: 0xe8008015: A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found.
Aug 29 14:26:47 Abels-iPhone SpringBoard(BaseBoard)[1682] <Error>: Unable to get pid for 'UIKitApplication:org.reactjs.native.example.MyApp[0x9347]': No such process (err 3)
Aug 29 14:26:47 Abels-iPhone SpringBoard(FrontBoard)[1682] <Error>: Bootstrapping failed for <FBApplicationProcess: 0x1705f9500; org.reactjs.native.example.MyApp; pid: -1>
Aug 29 14:26:47 Abels-iPhone sharingd[62] <Notice>: SystemUI unknown identifier: 'org.reactjs.native.example.MyApp'
the unfound provisionning profile error does not appear on the logs when the app work, so i think it may come from here.
However i'm not sure since i'm new to ios developpement,
Thanks in advance
After compilation with a valid provisionning profile, this problem does not appear.
The default provisionning profile was valid for 7 days, so the error was coming from there.

Installed app is crashing everytime on launching

I have installed my app last week on device. I used it for 2 days and after that I haven't used it for 3-4 days. Now I am trying to launch but it is not launching and crashing immediately.
I found logs as follows:
Feb 1 17:17:53 M_iPhone amfid[183] :
not valid: 0xe8008018: The identity used to sign the executable is no
longer valid. Feb 1 17:17:53 M-iPhone kernel[0] : AMFI:
hook..execve() killing pid 984: no code signature Feb 1 17:17:53
M-iPhone kernel[0] : Sandbox: hook..execve() killing pid 984:
application requires container but none set Feb 1 17:17:53 M-iPhone
com.apple.xpc.launchd[1] (UIKitApplication:com.test.test[0xb771][984])
: Service exited due to signal: Killed: 9
When I uninstalled and reinstall app then it is working fine.
Can anyone please help me?
Trying to remove and re-add your apple id, it works for me for months.
xcode: Preferences...
Select your apple account
Remove that (-)
Add again your apple account (+)
Re install your app!

IBM Worklight - App hang at splash screen after applying FixPack

After applying FixPack 1 (for Worklight 6.1.01) on the device, we notice some unexpected behaviour in iOS. We had tried on both iOS 6 and 7.1 and they both display the same behavior.
We had increase the version number of the app (i.e. from 1.2 to 1.3) for the deployment. When the user try to update the app via the AppCenter Mobile Client, after installing, the app will just stop at the splash screen with the IBM logo. Only by delete / uninstall the app and reinstall again the app can work as per usual.
We check the console log in xcode and got the following print out:
May 26 13:16:42 MY-iPad profiled[713] <Notice>: (Note ) profiled: Service stopping.
May 26 13:16:42 MY-iPad kernel[0] <Debug>: launchd[714] Container: /private/var/mobile/Applications/284CEAF0-8B89-467C-BA55-0F277FFA6521 (sandbox)
May 26 13:16:42 MY-iPad backboardd[28] <Error>: HID: The 'Passive' connection 'MyMobileApp' access to protected services is denied.
May 26 13:16:42 MY-iPad MyMobileApp[714] <Warning>: [DEBUG] [WORKLIGHT] -[WLCordovaAppDelegate handleAppWebResources:] in WLCordovaAppDelegate.m:373 :: NativeInitUntilWebViewLoad : START
May 26 13:16:42 MY-iPad MyMobileApp[714] <Warning>: [DEBUG] [OCLogger] Max file size exceeded for log messages.
May 26 13:16:42 MY-iPad MyMobileApp[714] <Warning>: Web resources integrity test is disabled.
May 26 13:16:42 MY-iPad MyMobileApp[714] <Warning>: Application windows are expected to have a root view controller at the end of application launch
May 26 13:16:42 MY-iPad MyMobileApp[714] <Warning>: Multi-tasking -> Device: YES, App: YES
May 26 13:16:42 MY-iPad MyMobileApp[714] <Warning>: Unlimited access to network resources
May 26 13:16:42 MY-iPad MyMobileApp[714] <Warning>: [CDVTimer][splashscreen] 15.210986ms
May 26 13:16:42 MY-iPad MyMobileApp[714] <Warning>: [CDVTimer][TotalPluginStartup] 17.367005ms
May 26 13:16:42 MY-iPad MyMobileApp[714] <Warning>: WARNING: AutoHideSplashScreen key in Cordova.plist is missing or set to NO! SplashScreen will display indefinitley unless you manually hide it. Set value to YES to autohide.
May 26 13:16:42 MY-iPad MyMobileApp[714] <Warning>: [DEBUG] [WORKLIGHT] -[WLCordovaAppDelegate postInitOnMainThread:] in WLCordovaAppDelegate.m:303 :: NativeInitUntilWebViewLoad : END
May 26 13:16:42 MY-iPad MyMobileApp[714] <Warning>: [DEBUG] [OCLogger] Max file size exceeded for log messages.
May 26 13:16:42 MY-iPad MyMobileApp[714] <Warning>: Resetting plugins due to page load.
May 26 13:16:42 MY-iPad MyMobileApp[714] <Warning>: Failed to load webpage with error: The requested URL was not found on this server.
Some googling on the issue lead to this Worklight 6.1 "access to protected services is denied" after app is deployed to App Store. It is a similar issue albeit with a different behaviour.
For now we had instructed the user to clear all their data before they upgrade the app, but we can't use this method going forward as there will be crucial data in the device that we can't erase simply for upgrading the app.
Any info or idea on this is appreciated.
We tried to redeploy the app by using the Server Configuration Tool but still the same problem persists. We checked the log for the Fixpack installation and there was no error reported. Also the IBM Installation Manager shows that the version installed is the latest 6.1.01 and it doesn't allow me to Update it, only Modify.
After deleting the native folder and redeploy the apps (from the .wlapp file to the .ipa file), the same issue still appear. However a pattern is observed.
If the app is rebuild and redeploy, the first install from the AppCenter will run as per usual with no problem, meaning the data will be preserved and the apps run normally, even though there are no changes in the code and version no. However if you click on the install button another time to install again, then the problem will appear.
I figured it out - there's a bug in worklight (not cordova).
In the file:
helloHelloIphone/Classes/hello.m, the Xcode debugger reported that the following auto-generated worklight code was loading an incorrect value for "startPage":
UIViewController* rootViewController = self.window.rootViewController;
// Create a Cordova View Controller
CDVViewController* cordovaViewController = [[CDVViewController alloc] init] ;
cordovaViewController.startPage = [[WL sharedInstance] mainHtmlFilePath];
Because the value of “startPage” turned out to be:
#"worklight:///Users/mrhines/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/6.1/Applications/A2E1427C-7DFF-4843-BF3D-0B7E4B470E43/hello.app/www/default/(null)”
This is clearly wrong - the end of the string should say “index.html”, not null.
So, by replacing the last line of code above with the following line:
cordovaViewController.startPage = [[[WL sharedInstance] mainHtmlFilePath] stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"(null)" withString:#"index.html"];
My application reliably starts up and moves past the hung splash screen, fixing the bug in Worklight.
IBM had released a quick fix patch for the issue, and after installing onto the development server, things look fine.

iOS Ad-Hoc Install fails with proper provisions made

I have done this a dozen times successfully and cannot figure out what is wrong for this instance. I created the deployment certificate, added my devices, and then created my ad-hoc profile using the deployment cert and all devices.
I have a website that allows the user to install the profile and app. The app starts to install and gets to where it is almost done and then it just sits there. It fails for all devices with different flavors of iOS on them.
Any ideas what could be wrong? This is the console output where (altered) line 3 is bugging me. I think this is the primary failure point and I am investigating further. It works fine from my desktop.
Aug 5 09:08:29 MFI-Test-iPad-Mini installd[62] <Notice>: 0x3cf000 MobileInstallationInstall_Server: Installing app com.marketforce.Auditor
Aug 5 09:08:36 MFI-Test-iPad-Mini profiled[213] <Notice>: (Note ) profiled: Service stopping.
Aug 5 09:08:37 MFI-Test-iPad-Mini securityd[78] <Notice>: http asynchttp_timer_proc Timeout during GET http://ocsp.apple.com/ocsp-wwdr01/ThisHasBeenChangedInTheInterestOfSecurity%2BThisHasAlsoBeenAlteredForSecuritym67h1P0%3D.
Aug 5 09:08:37 MFI-Test-iPad-Mini installd[62] <Error>: entitlement 'keychain-access-groups' has value not permitted by provisioning profile 'Adhoc Distribution'
Aug 5 09:08:37 MFI-Test-iPad-Mini installd[62] <Error>: 0x3cf000 verify_signer_identity: MISValidateSignatureAndCopyInfo failed for /var/tmp/install_staging.nkJObR/foo_extracted/Payload/Auditor.app/Auditor: 0xe8008016
Aug 5 09:08:37 MFI-Test-iPad-Mini installd[62] <Error>: 0x3cf000 do_preflight_verification: Could not verify executable at /var/tmp/install_staging.nkJObR/foo_extracted/Payload/Auditor.app
Aug 5 09:08:37 MFI-Test-iPad-Mini installd[62] <Error>: 0x3cf000 install_application: Could not preflight application install
Aug 5 09:08:37 MFI-Test-iPad-Mini itunesstored[89] <Error>: 0x1c3e000 MobileInstallationInstallForLaunchServices: failed with -1
Aug 5 09:08:37 MFI-Test-iPad-Mini itunesstored[89] <Warning>: ERROR: MobileInstallationInstallForLaunchServices returned nil
Aug 5 09:08:37 MFI-Test-iPad-Mini lsd[166] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installation failed for app com.marketforce.Auditor
Aug 5 09:08:37 MFI-Test-iPad-Mini itunesstored[89] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installPhaseFinishedForProgress: com.marketforce.Auditor.Installing - <NSProgress: phase=Installing; state=Failed;
When I hit ad-hoc distribution errors, I have a couple troubleshooting steps to try to narrow it down.
Can you install just the provisioning profile? You should have either a developer or a distribution profile (depending, often times I install both to be sure).
Can you install the app via the iPhone Configuration Utility?
Answering those two questions will point you in the right direction at least. Good luck!
The app was originally created under a developer's appleID and the published in the Business To Business site. The developer left the company and the company created an appleID to be used for the company's development purposes. (Which is what should have been done to begin with).
The app was then transferred to the company's ID however the transfer didn't work right as it left the AppID under the old developer account so any attempt to use certificates and profiles against either account was doomed to failure while using the original AppID. To do any sort of internal deployment, a different AppID had to be created.
After Apple finally got the app transfer fully complete, all was good and the original AppID could once again be used.

Ad hoc OTA deployment working on all ipads except iPad 3 with IOS 6

I am running into a weird issue for my Company. I have setup a build for my ipad app that is built with an AD hoc profile. I followed all the directions on how to set this up and is working correctly with the provision profile and the app for 5 other ipads. What i have noticed is that for some reason its not working on iPad 3 with IOS6. Here is the error i get in the console when trying:
Oct 31 12:00:56 Scotts-iPad SpringBoard[66] <Warning>: could not save thumbnail for downloading icon: image=(null) path='/var/mobile/Library/SpringBoard/DownloadingIconImageCache/com.localbix.online.ipad-9885BA22-13CA-4388-96A0-08EDCABF459E'
Oct 31 12:00:56 Scotts-iPad SpringBoard[66] <Warning>: could not save thumbnail for downloading icon: image=(null) path='/var/mobile/Library/SpringBoard/DownloadingIconImageCache/com.localbix.online.ipad-5C37022E-5875-4C48-A135-03ADD4AA75B8'
Oct 31 12:00:56 Scotts-iPad installd[30] <Error>: 0x343000 handle_install: Install of "/var/mobile/Media/Downloads/8020495531107338408/6723207522652074632" requested by itunesstored
Oct 31 12:00:56 Scotts-iPad installd[30] <Error>: 0x343000 extract_package: Could not extract archive
Oct 31 12:00:56 Scotts-iPad installd[30] <Error>: 0x343000 stage_package: Could not extract /var/mobile/Media/Downloads/8020495531107338408/6723207522652074632 to /var/tmp/install_staging.oIwDCd/foo_extracted
Oct 31 12:00:56 Scotts-iPad installd[30] <Error>: 0x343000 MobileInstallationInstall_Server: Could not stage the package
Oct 31 12:00:56 Scotts-iPad itunesstored[64] <Error>: 0x1c65000 MobileInstallationInstall: failed with -1
Oct 31 12:00:56 Scotts-iPad installd[30] <Error>: 0x343000 handle_install: API failed
Oct 31 12:01:05 Scotts-iPad profiled[4231] <Notice>: (Note ) profiled: Idled.
Oct 31 12:01:05 Scotts-iPad profiled[4231] <Notice>: (Note ) profiled: Service stopping.
The cert does have those ipad UUID's listed so its not that issue. I have ran out of ideas on what could be the issue. Any ideas? I have talked to a few others and said they have noticed the issue on the latest ipads also but have no idea. Any one else running into this issue?
Much Appreciated!
I figured the answer out. It was as simple as my wifi setup on my ipad had our corporate proxy server defined. Because of this websense was blocking downloading of .ipa file. So if i took that same URL and put it on a desktop browser i could see it was getting blocked. Switching off the proxy fixed the issue!
I had something similar, though no VPN, just a plain Wi-Fi setup.
iPhone4, iPhone5 and iPad2 all running iOS6 can install OTA with no issues.
At the same time, iPhone4S and iPad1 running iOS5 fail to install the app OTA.
Normal installation via iTunes sync works fine for all devices.
It's obviously an issue with OS version, but I have no idea where to look for next.
Is it in the build settings for the app or something related to server config (IIS in this case)...
