Is there a way to modify the type of survey questions that one can ask?
I'd like to have a simple form where a user inputs their date of birth, but the current Date/Time option requires me to have both a title and a question by the date field. I don't want to have both.
Please find github link for data set and its info.
I'm working on some bank data set where I need predict the customers who are willing to take the loan(Classification). Can I drop that date column or I need to consider that?
M not sure what type of dates you are referring to, e.g. The date column would make sense if its a Birth Date of the customer, as taking a loan would depend on the person age as well which is conveyed by its birth date. So simply asking should i drop date columns does not make sense. In ML it is always important to consider the context related to column
I am currently writing a DBMS program for a project for school. I NEED TO EXTRACT the birthday of the person I search for in a query. the column name is birthday, but when i do:
SELECT birthday from people, I get mm/dd/yyy and then i also get 00:00:00:
how do I get only the birthdate I input when i created the table, and not the time?
i do not want the current date, just the one in the table
I'm working on an app that will allow users to search for any recordings we have in a database, organized by three values: agent (name), phone, and date. date is recorded as a datetime value. I want to provide advanced search features that will allow users to select time ranges following this guideline:
Year: entered into a text field
Month: entered into a text field
Day: entered into a text field
Hours: two select lists representing a range upper and lower bound
Minutes: two select lists representing a range upper and lower bound
I watched this Railscast for help on how to get started with the search logic, but I'm concerned because I don't know how to pass in dateparts into Rails queries. Normally you would run something like select date_part(hh, date) as date_hour from table_name to get the value of hour, but how would you do that in Rails, or in the way Ryan Bates suggests in his Railscast?
You may concat the values in the controller accessing them by the params and then parse to a datetime
Then DateTime.strptime allows you to specify the format and convert a String to a DateTime.
I am trying to create a web-part to show items that relate to a certain field and are before an expiration date using a web-part in SharePoint 2007.
The list has a Title field, a URL field a Related field and an ExpireDate field.
So the list looks like this:
Title URL Related ExpireDate
Resolution http://blah Service 5/14/2013
Solution http://blah2 Records 9/14/2012
So if I need the items that are related to service today's date is before the expiration date I want it to display.
Do I need a calculated Column?
Ended up using a view where ExpireDate is greater than or equal to [Today] And RelatedField contains Service.
I have what is essentially a form, only the fields depend on the previous selections, and the type of form object aren't always typical form objects.
For example, the first choices are simply in the form of links. It could be a list of teachers, where when you select a teachers name, the classes that teacher teaches is then displayed in a drop-down list. Then once a class is selected, the available dates and time are displayed in a calendar. Once a date/time is selected I need to know all of the selections that were made -- the teacher, the class, and the date and time.
How would you recommend keeping track of these selections? I'm using ajax, and although the form fields are hidden at times, i can still access their values. The one exception is the teacher selection. Since it's just a link, I pass the selected value to a method, but then I've lost the selection. I could store the selection in a hidden field, but is that really the best solution?
I would use a session store on a controller action. Then once it's complete extract all the gathered information.