Edittext's text overlapped by softkeyboard's scroll bar - android-edittext

I have a simple app that consists of a multiline edittext, when I try to enter some large text in the landscape mode the and press enter so that the scroll bar appears.The scroll bar overlaps the text I've entered.
How to shift the scrollbar or limit the no. of characters entered in a line so that the scroll bar doesn't overlap with the text??

inside the EditText in your xml will do the trick.
Happy Coding :)

Its the framework issue.Hence the edittex of=r the softkeyboard cannot handle this issue.


iOS Safari header disappears when keyboard is shown

I have a website that uses the iOS safari tag „black-translucent“ and a coloured header that is „sticky“ to the top (the unsafe area), so that the time and battery (text color is white) is visible when the user scrolls.
Now when the user enters a text into a field and the keyboard shows up, the sticky header moves up and the time and battery (which are still white) are on top of my white website background and thus not visible.
How can I keep my header sticky to the top unsafe area when the keyboard is visible?
keyboard not shown
Keyboard shown
I searched stackoverflow and found out that there seems to be some buggieness around the iOS keyboard and the visible areas..
Maybe there’s a sort of hack?
Maybe scroll?
header position absolute did it for me whenever an input is in focus and reverts to sticky when input is out of focus.
With a seperate ontouchmove event listener the text field is blurred and keyboard gets hidden.
It's a bit hacky but it works especially on devices with a notch.

how to always show TextView text above keyboard in swift?

I have a Textview that's covered partially by the keyboard when it shows. As a result, the text which entered into the space covered by the keyboard can not be seen as it is typed.
How do I make the TextView scroll up when the entered text reached the space covered by the keyboard?
I have scroll enabled on the TextView but since all the text is visible on the screen , the vertical scroll bar is not visible. Can I have the vertical scroll bar visible at all time event when editing?
Best solution use IQKeyboardManager
IQKeyboardManager works on all orientations, and with the toolbar.
There are also nice optional features allowing you to customize the
distance from the text field, add the next/previous done button as a
keyboard UIToolbar, play sounds when the user navigations through the
form and more.

Navigation Bar Hidden on Rotation When Keyboard Showing

I have a webview in my application. When the user brings up the keyboard to type into a text field and then rotates the screen the navigation bar scrolls up the screen as well as the text field in question, obscuring the status bar. Not only that but the screen auto scrolls back to that default position when you try to scroll up in the web view.
Any help on fixing this issue?

iOS Partial Keyboard Display

Is it possible to display only the part of the keyboard in iOS 7? For example, I would like to display the keyboard, but I do not want the space bar visible. How would I add the keyboard to display the portion of the keyboard above the space bar?
Research has confirmed that it is not possible to adjust the frame of the keyboard.

iOS7 issue with UISearchBar placeholder text alighment

Hi it's strange behavior in UISearchBar placeholder text alignment while that UISearchbar non-edit mode but that disply fine at editing mode.In non-Edit mode that placeholder text position not displying as center, that text display bit up-side in to UISearchbar like bellow screenshot.
Non-Editing Mode placeholder Looks like:
Editing Mode placeholder Looks like:
As you can see First screenshot that text display bit up-side not look's like second screenshot Center. So i want to make this place Holder text center as search icon Y position.
I just setting search Bar Placeholder text using basic way:
[self.srcbar setPlaceholder:#"Please Enter search Text"];
Please help me in this how can i fix this issue.
What you have described, is technically the default behavior for the search bar. If you'd like to get the text to slide over a bit when editing, you can adjust, in Interface Builder, the offset of the search bar. I've included a screen shot of xcode and the simulator to show you the difference at run time. See the image here: .
