Manage link in a partial file in Ruby On Rails - ruby-on-rails

In one of my application I have multiple scopes (admin, trader, manager, seller)
In each scope, I'd like to show the same page (exemple : show a seller) but in this page I've got link to edit the seller :
- admin_edit_seller_path(#seller)
- trader_edit_seller_path(#seller)
The page is exactly the same except for the link.
How can i manage that ?

In this particular case you can use Rails' Polymorphic Routes
For example:
new_polymorphic_path(#manager) # => "/managers/new"
edit_polymorphic_path(#seller) # => "/sellers/1/edit"
polymorphic_path(#trader, format: :json) # => "/traders/1.json"
Or in your case, with scopes, you could use this form:
edit_polymorphic_path([:admin, seller]) # => "
polymorphic_path([:trader, seller]) # => "
Which means you can use this in a view:
<%= render partial: 'shared/my_partial', locals: {scope: :admin, object: #seller} %>
And this in your partial:
<%= link_to edit_polymorphic_path([scope, object]), [scope, object] %>


Pass a parameter to the new action in Active Admin

I have two related models, Bunny has_many BunnyData (which belongs_to Bunny). From the show page of a particular Bunny (in Active Admin), I want to create a link to make a related BunnyData. I've tried a few different ways, with no success, and am currently trying this:
sidebar :data, :only => :show do
link_to 'New Data', new_admin_bunny_datum(:bunny_id =>
The link being generated ends up as something like:
But when you go to that page, the dropdown for Bunny is set to the blank default as opposed to showing the name of Bunny with ID 5.
Thanks in advance.
Rails namespaces form fields to the data model, in this case BunnyData. For the form to be pre-filled, any fields provided must also include the namespace. As an example:
ActiveAdmin.register Post do
form do |f|
f.inputs "Post Details" do
f.input :user
f.input :title
f.input :content
The fields can be pre-filled by passing a hash to the path helper.
link_to 'New Post', new_admin_post_path(:post => { :user_id => })
Which would generate the following path and set the form field.
In the case of BunnyData, it might be slightly different due to the singular and plural forms of datum. But that can be verified by inspecting the generated HTML to find the name attribute of the inputs.

How to “dynamically add options” to 'form_for'?

I am using Ruby on Rails 3.2.2. In order to implement a "dynamic generated" AJAX style file upload form I would like to "dynamically add options" to the FormHelper#form_for statement if some conditions are meet. That is, at this time I am using code as-like the following (note that I am using the merge method in order to add options to the form_for method):
if #article.is_true? && (#article.is_black? || && #article.is_new?)
form_options = {:multipart => true, :target => "from_target_name"}
form_options = {}
<%= form_for(#article, :remote => true, :html => {:id => "form_css_id"}.merge(form_options)) do |form| %>
<% end %>
However, I think that the above code is too much hijacked.
Is there a better way to accomplish what I am making? For example, can I access from view templates some (unknown to me) instance variable named as-like #form and "work" on that so to change related options as well as I would like? Or, should I state a helper method somewhere? How do you advice to proceed?
BTW: Since the upload process is handled by using a HTML iframe, I am using the remotipart gem in order to implement the AJAX style file upload form - I don't know if this information could help someone...
This looks like a good candidate for a helper method. In your view:
<%= form_for(#article, :remote => true, :html => article_form_options(#article, :id => "form_css_id")) do |form| %>
<% end %>
In app/helpers/articles_helper.rb
module ArticlesHelper
def article_form_options(article, defaults = {})
extras = if article.is_true? && (article.is_black? || article.is_new?)
{ :multipart => true, :target => 'form_target_name' }
Helpers are a good place to keep logic that's too complex for a view but still related to the view.

How to use jquery-Tokeninput and Acts-as-taggable-on

This is how you use autocomplete with jQuery Tokeninput and ActsAsTaggableOn.
In my situation i am using a nested form but it shouldnt matter. Everything below is code that works.
Product Model:
attr_accessible :tag_list # i am using the regular :tag_list
acts_as_taggable_on :tags # Tagging products
Products Controller:
#1. Define the tags path
#2. Searches ActsAsTaggable::Tag Model look for :name in the created table.
#3. it finds the tags.json path and whats on my form.
#4. it is detecting the attribute which is :name for your tags.
def tags
#tags = ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag.where(" LIKE ?", "%#{params[:q]}%")
respond_to do |format|
format.json { render :json =>{|t| {:id =>, :name => }}}
# It has to find the tags.json or in my case /products/tags.json
get "products/tags" => "products#tags", :as => :tags
$(function() {
$("#product_tags").tokenInput("/products/tags.json", {
prePopulate: $("#product_tags").data("pre"),
preventDuplicates: true,
noResultsText: "No results, needs to be created.",
animateDropdown: false
<%= p.text_field :tag_list,
:id => "product_tags",
"data-pre" => %>
Issue 1(SOLVED)
Must have the line:
format.json { render :json => #tags.collect{|t| {:id =>, :name => }}}
Note - You can use here as well and you dont have to change the form either.
Below are the 2 issues on why you needed to do this:
I have the following Tag: {"id":1,"name":"Food"}. When I save a Product, tagged "Food", it should save as ID: 1 when it searches and finds the name "Food". Currently, it saves a new Tag with a new ID that references the "Food" ID, i.e. {"id":19,"name":"1"}. Instead, it should be finding the ID, showing the name, and doing a find_or_create_by so it doesn't create a new Tag.
Issue 2(SOLVED)
When I go to products/show to see the tags by doing <%= #product.tag_list %>. The name appears as "Tags: 1", when it really should be "Tags: Food".
How can I fix these issues?
You should define a route in your routes.rb which should handle products/tags path. You can define it like:
get "products/tags" => "products#tags", :as => :tags
Thus should give you a tags_path helper which should evaluate to /products/tags. This should get rid of the errors you mentioned in the question. Be sure to add this route before defining resources :product in your routes.rb
Now onto acts-as-taggable-on, I haven't used this gem, but you should look at method all_tag_counts documentation. Your ProductsController#tags method will need some changes on the following lines. I am not sure if its exactly what would be required, as I use Mongoid and can't test it out.
def tags
#tags = Product.all_tag_counts.(:conditions => ["#{ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag.table_name}.name LIKE ?", "%#{params[:q]}%"])
respond_to do |format|
format.json { render :json => #tags.collect{|t| {:id =>, :name => } }
little add-on:
If you want to create the tags on the fly, you could do this in your controller:
def tags
query = params[:q]
if query[-1,1] == " "
query = query.gsub(" ", "")
#Do the search in memory for better performance
#tags = ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag.all
#tags = { |v| =~ /#{query}/i }
respond_to do |format|
format.json{ render :json => }
This will create the tag, whenever the space bar is hit.
You could then add this search setting in the jquery script:
noResultsText: 'No result, hit space to create a new tag',
It's a little dirty but it works for me.
There is a bug in Application.js code. There is an extra ) after "/products/tags.json". Remove the extra ). The code should be:
$("#product_tags").tokenInput("/products/tags.json", {
prePopulate: $("#product_tags").data("pre"),
preventDuplicates: true,
noResultsText: "No results, needs to be created.",
animateDropdown: false
I don't know if this is the entirety of your error, but you are not hitting the proper URL with the tokenInput plugin.
$("#product_tag_list").tokenInput("/products/tags.json"), {
should be
$("#product_tag_list").tokenInput("/products.json"), {
As I said, I don't know if this is the only problem you are having, but if you change this, does it work?
I have never used ActsAsTaggableOn. Does it create a Tag model for you to use?
From the looks of it on github, if you wanted to query all tags, you might have to use its namespace as opposed to just Tag, meaning ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag. For example, you can see how they access Tags directly in some of the specs.
I had problems with editing the tags if for example the model failed to validate,
I changed
<%= p.text_field :tag_list,
:id => "product_tags",
"data-pre" => %>
<%= p.text_field :tag_list,
:id => "product_tags",
"data-pre" => {|tag| {:id => tag, :name => tag } }.to_json %>
If the form failed to validate on first submission, it was creating tags as the ID's of the tags it had created on subsequent submissions.
Two notes: if you're getting the tags changed by numbers on the POST request, use:
tokenValue: "name"
And if you're trying to add non-existent tags, use (undocumented):
allowFreeTagging: true

Rails Beginner - How to define 3 buttons enabling a user to make a choice?

I am aware this is a very basic question, we are very new to rails and have been unable to find a specific answer to this question.
Background: We have just 1 database containing product information (called Product), one column (type) contains information regarding the product type and is either a value of 1 or 2.
Aim: create 3 buttons on a page which correspond to different user choices
e.g. Button 1 - show items of type 1; Button 2 - show items of type 2; Button 3 - show all items.
Ideally the information regarding the button pressed should be visible to a number of pages within a class (we have an index page, as well as 3 others in the controller)
Would somebody be able to provide an outline of the code required to do this please?
I am guessing it is some combination involving the ..._controller.rb and..._helper.rb?
Thanks a lot for your patience
What I would do is the following.
First, create a scope or named_scope in your Project model for finding projects by type. You'll then be able to use this scope to query your projects depending on type.
# Rails 3
class Project
scope :by_type, lambda{ |type| where(type: type.to_i) unless type.nil? }
#Rails 2
class Project
named_scope :by_type, lambda do |type|
{ :conditions => { :type => type.to_i } } unless type.nil?
Next, create a before filter in your controller to load the projects of that type. The before filter should be applied to all pages where you want the buttons to be present:
class ProjectsController
before_filter :load_projects, :only => [:index, :action1, :action2]
def load_projects
#projects = Project.by_type(params[:type])
Finally, create a partial for the buttons that you can include in the views that have the option of displaying different project types:
# _project_options.html.erb
<%= link_to "Button 1", :controller => params[:controller], :action => params[:action], :type => '1' %>
<%= link_to "Button 2", :controller => params[:controller], :action => params[:action], :type => '2' %>
<%= link_to "Button 3", :controller => params[:controller], :action => params[:action], :type => '' %>
You can then include this partial in each of your related views. And you'll be able to display the projects by doing something like this (if you have an _projects.html.erb partial defined):
render #projects
You can load all the Products and then hide them selectively with some javascript. Just add a class to your markup for each type of product, like this:
<%= link_to, product_path(#product), :class => #product.type %>

Creating a new nested resource

I'm working on a basic garden logging application which consists of gardens, plants and planted plants. Each user has one or many gardens, plants are master definitions, and a planted plant can be thought of as an instance of a plant in a specific user's garden.
In my routes.rb file I have the following:
map.resources :gardens do |gardens|
gardens.resources :planted_plants, :has_many => :plant_log_entries, :collection => { :filter => :post, :choose_garden => :post}
gardens.resources :garden_log_entries
map.resources :plants
This makes sense to me when retrieving a list of planted_plants in a user's garden, but I'd like to create a planted_plant record from the index of plant. The problem is, a user can have multiple gardens. How can I create a new form for a planted_plant that allows the user to specify which garden should be used?
The current route requires a garden_id - which makes sense for retrieval, but I'd like to supply that as a parameter for creation.
Thanks in advance for any help!
I would add another (non-nested) route, to allow access to the PlantedPlantsController#create action without specifying the garden_id in the URL:
map.resources :planted_plants, :only => :create
This will allow you to post your form to /planted_plants. As for the form itself, you'll probably need something like this:
<% form_for #planted_plant do |p| %>
<%=p.label "garden_id", "Garden" %>
<%=p.collection_select :garden_id, current_user.gardens, :id, :name %>
... other fields ...
<% end %>
