Lua pattern help (Double parentheses) - lua

I have been coding a program in Lua that automatically formats IRC logs from a roleplay. In the roleplay logs there is a specific guideline for "Out of character" conversation, which we use double parentheses for. For example: ((<Things unrelated to roleplay go here>)). I have been trying to have my program remove text between double brackets (and including both brackets). The code is:
ofile ="Output.txt", "w")
rfile ="Input.txt", "r")
p = rfile:read("*all")
w = string.gsub(p, "%(%(.*?%)%)", "")
The pattern here is > "%(%(.*?%)%)" I've tried multiple variations of the pattern. All resulted in fruitless results:
1. %(%(.*?%)%) --Wouldn't do anything.
2. %(%(.*%)%) --Would remove *everything* after the first OOC message.
Then, my friend told me that prepending the brackets with percentages wouldn't work, and that I had to use backslashes to 'escape' the parentheses.
3. \(\(.*\)\) --resulted in the output file being completely empty.
4. (\(\(.*\)\)) --Same result as above.
5. (\(\(.*?\)\) --would for some reason, remove large parts of the text for no apparent reason.
6. \(\(.*?\)\) --would just remove all the text except for the last line.
The short, absolute question:
What pattern would I need to use to remove all text between double parentheses, and remove the double parentheses themselves too?

You're friend is thinking of regular expressions. Lua patterns are similar, but different. % is the correct escape character.
Your pattern should be %(%(.-%)%). The - is similar to * in that it matches any number of the preceding sequence, but while * tries to match as many characters as it can (it's greedy), - matches the least amount of characters possible (it's non-greedy). It won't go overboard and match extra double-close-parenthesis.


How can I remove easly Shortcodes inside a Google Sheet?

I am tryng to get rid of shortcodes inside a Google Sheet column. I have many items such as [spacer type="1" height="20"][spacer] or [FinalTilesGallery id="37"] I just would like to cancel them. Is there any simple way to do it?
Thanks !
For in-place replacement, the quick option would be to use the Find and Replace dialog (Ctrl + H) with Search Using Regular Expressions turned on, which is more powerful than your standard Find and Replace.
Find: \[.*?\] - Match anything within an open-bracket up to the very next close-bracket. This should work assuming you have no nested brackets, e.g. [[no][no]].
If you do have nested brackets, you'll have to change this to \[[^\[\]]*\]. And continue to Replace All until all the codes are gone.
Replace: Nothing.
Replace All. If you don't want to affect other sheets that may be in your document, make sure you select the right range to work with, too.
This just erases everything within the brackets.
If you want to erase any redundant spaces left by this, simply Find and Replace again (with Regular Expressions) on + (space and plus), which will match 1 or more spaces and replace with (single space).
string [] [] string2 -> string string2 after the shortcode replacement.
After replacing spaces, it will become string string2.
Let's say your original strings are in the range A2:A. Place the following into B2 of an otherwise completely empty Column B (or the second cell of any other empty column):
I can't see your data, so I don't know what kind of information is between these shortcodes. If you find that this leaves you with concatenated pieces of data where there should be spaces between them, replace the above with this version:
=ArrayFormula(IF(A2:A="",,TRIM(REGEXREPLACE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A2:A,"["," ["),"]","] "),"\[[^\[\]]+\]",""))))
I can't teach regular expression language here. But I will note that, since square brackets have specific meaning within regex, your literal square brackets must be indicated with the escape character: the backslash.
Here is the regex expression alone:
The opening \[ and the closing \], then, reference your actual opening and closing bracket sets. If we remove those, we have this left:
Again, you see the escaped opening and closing square brackets, which I'll replace with the word these:
What remains there are opening and closing brackets with regex meaning, i.e., "anything in this group." And the circumflex symbol ^ as the first character within this set of square brackets means "anything except." The + symbol means "in any string length of one or more characters."
So that whole regex expression then reads: "A literal open square bracket, followed by one or more characters that are anything except square brackets, ending with a literal closing square bracket."
And we are REGEXREPLACE-ing any instance of that with "" (i.e., nothing).

Don't match dot in beginning of string

I have one path in form of string like this Folder1/File.png
But in this string sometimes if file is hidden or folder is hidden I don't want it to be matched by my regex.
regex = %r{([a-zA-Z0-9_ -]*)\/[^.]+$}
input_path = "Folder_1/.file" # This shouldn't be matched.
input_path = "Folder/file.png" # This should be matched.
But my regex works for first input but its not even matching second one.
You are currently looking for \/[^.]+$, that is a / followed by any character except . until the end. Since the filename+extension format has a . character, it fails to match the second case.
Instead of using [^.]+$, check only that the character following / is not ., and match everything after that:
([a-zA-Z0-9_ -]*)\/[^.].*$
While there are some suggestions here that work, my suggestion would be
It finds a slash, followed by anything but a dot, which in turn is followed by one, or more, of anything but a slash or a newline.
To handle the two lines given as an example,
it takes 8 steps.
The suggested ones all work, but ([a-zA-Z0-9_ -]*)\/[^.] takes 75 steps, ([a-zA-Z0-9_ -]*)\/[^.]+\.[^.]+\z 78 steps and ([a-zA-Z0-9_ -]*)\/[^.].*$ takes 77 steps.
This may be totally irrelevant and I may have missed some angle, but I wanted to mention it ;)
Se it here at regex101.
regex = %r{([a-zA-Z0-9_ -]*)\/[^.]}

Rails strip all except numbers commas and decimal points

Hi I've been struggling with this for the last hour and am no closer. How exactly do I strip everything except numbers, commas and decimal points from a rails string? The closest I have so far is:-
rate = rate.gsub!(/[^0-9]/i, '')
This strips everything but the numbers. When I try add commas to the expression, everything is getting stripped. I got the aboves from somewhere else and as far as I can gather:
^ = not
Everything to the left of the comma gets replaced by what's in the '' on the right
No idea what the /i does
I'm very new to gsub. Does anyone know of a good tutorial on building expressions?
rate = rate.gsub(/[^0-9,\.]/, '')
Basically, you know the ^ means not when inside the character class brackets [] which you are using, and then you can just add the comma to the list. The decimal needs to be escaped with a backslash because in regular expressions they are a special character that means "match anything".
Also, be aware of whether you are using gsub or gsub!
gsub! has the bang, so it edits the instance of the string you're passing in, rather than returning another one.
So if using gsub! it would be:
rate.gsub!(/[^0-9,\.]/, '')
And rate would be altered.
If you do not want to alter the original variable, then you can use the version without the bang (and assign it to a different var):
cleaned_rate = rate.gsub!(/[^0-9,\.]/, '')
I'd just google for tutorials. I haven't used one. Regexes are a LOT of time and trial and error (and table-flipping).
This is a cool tool to use with a mini cheat-sheet on it for ruby that allows you to quickly edit and test your expression:
You can just add the comma and period in the square-bracketed expression:
rate.gsub(/[^0-9,.]/, '')
You don't need the i for case-insensitivity for numbers and symbols.
There's lots of info on regular expressions, regex, etc. Maybe search for those instead of gsub.
You can use this:
rate = rate.gsub!(/[^0-9\.\,]/g,'')
Also check this out to learn more about regular expressions:

What does these two regex match?

I can't figure out what does this regex match:
A: "\\/\\/c\\/(\\d*)"
B: "\\/\\/(\\d*)"
I suppose they are matching some kind of number sequence since \d matches any digit but I'd like to know an example of a string that would be a match for this regex.
The pattern syntax is that specified by ICU. Expressions are created with NSRegularExpression in an iOS app and are correct.
The first matches //c/ + 0 or more digits. The second matches // + 0 or more digits. In both the digits are captured.
An example of a match for A) is //c/123
An example of a match for B) is //12345
When I use Cygwin which emulates Bash on Windows, I sometimes run into situations where I have to escape my escape characters which is what I think is making this expression look so weird. For instance, when I use sed to look for a single '\' I sometimes have to write it as '\\\\'. (Funny, StackOverflow proved my point. If you write 4 backslashes in the comment, it only shows two. So if you process it again, they might all disappear depending on your situation).
Considering this, it might be helpful to think of pairs of backslashes as representing only one if you're coming from a similar situation. My guess would be you are. Because of this I would say Erik Duymelinck is probably spot on. This will capture a sequence of digits that may or may not follow a couple slashes and a c:
This regex matches an odd sequence of characters, which, at first glance, almost seem like a regex, since \d is a digit, and followed by an asterisk (\d*) would mean zero-or-more digits. But it's not a digit, because the escape-slash is escaped.
So, for instance, this one matches the following text:
This one is almost the same
except you just delete the c\/ from the above results:
In both cases, the final \ and optional d is [capture group][1] one.
My first impression was that these regexes were intended for escaping in Java strings, meaning they would be completely invalid. If the were escaped for Java strings, such as
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\/\\/c\\/(\\d*)");
It would be invalid, because after un-escaping, it would result in this invalid regex:
The single escape-slashes (\) are invalid. But the \d is valid, as it would mean any digit.
But again, I don't think they're invalid, and they're not escaped for a Java string. They're just odd.

Regular expression in Ruby

Could anybody help me make a proper regular expression from a bunch of text in Ruby. I tried a lot but I don't know how to handle variable length titles.
The string will be of format <sometext>title:"<actual_title>"<sometext>. I want to extract actual_title from this string.
I tried /title:"."/ but it doesnt find any matches as it expects a closing quotation after one variable from opening quotation. I couldn't figure how to make it check for variable length of string. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
. matches any single character. Putting + after a character will match one or more of those characters. So .+ will match one or more characters of any sort. Also, you should put a question mark after it so that it matches the first closing-quotation mark it comes across. So:
The parentheses are necessary if you want to extract the title text that it matched out of there.
The parentheses create a capturing group. Inside is first a character class. The ^ means it's negated, so it matches any character that's not a ". The * means 0 or more. You can change it to one or more by using + instead of *.
I like /title:"(.+?)"/ because of it's use of lazy matching to stop the .+ consuming all text until the last " on the line is found.
It won't work if the string wraps lines or includes escaped quotes.
In programming languages where you want to be able to include the string deliminator inside a string you usually provide an 'escape' character or sequence.
If your escape character was \ then you could write something like this...
This is a railroad diagram. Railroad diagrams show you what order things are parsed... imagine you are a train starting at the left. You consume title:" then \" if you can.. if you can't then you consume not a ". The > means this path is preferred... so you try to loop... if you can't you have to consume a '"' to finish.
I made this with
but there is now a plugin for Atom text editor too that does this.
