Partial TFS Upgrade - tfs

I've running 2013 TFS Server. We have multiple Projects in a single ProjectCollection. However, we just inherited a bunch of projects from a company we just aquired, and they have all thier code in a 2010 TFS server. I need to migrate the projects from this 2010 instance of TFS into our 2013 TFS server.
I've read about doing a complete 2010 migration to 2013, but one of the steps there is to uninstall 2013 and re-install after attaching the databases from the older 2010 server.
Since this isn't an option, as we already have 2013 projects in our 2013 TFS server, I'm wondering what else I can do for this migration.

You should upgrade your 2010 to 2013 before you move the collection across. As you may have version issues with SQL and Windows you might be best using a temporary server that you restore the TFS 2010 databases to and upgrade to 2013.
Once you have upgraded your server to 2013 you can easily detach and attach to your existing server.

You don't need to uninstall TFS 2013, you can attach 2010 to 2013 directly. I suggest you do the following:
Detach TFS 2010 collection using TFS 2010 management console
Backup 2010 collection database using SQL server management studio
Restore this backup on the SQL server which is hosting TFS 2013 server databases
Open TFS 2013 management console and attach 2010 collection to it. This step will perform the upgrade, so once it's done you can start working with this collection on the 2013 server.
Another thing I would suggest is doing this on the test server first.


Error upgrading to TFS 2018

We are trying to upgrade our TFS 2013 Update 5 to TFS 2018 Update 2. I have checked this thread to make sure we meet the prerequisites.
From the list, it looks like we met the prerequisites, but when i run the TFS2018 installer it gives me an error saying there is no direct upgrade path from 2013 to 2018. Im not sure why we are getting this error when i looked at the Microsoft site, there is a direct upgrade from TFS2013 update 5 to TFS2018. What am i missing?
Here are our specs on our TFS 2013:
SQL: SQL Server 2016 SP2
OS: Windows Server 2012 R2
TFS: TFS 2013 Update5
P.S. we moved the databases to a SQL server 2016 from a 2014 SQL just to comply with the prerequisites.
Ahh yes, the added error message makes sense. What the TFS installer is telling you is that it can't perform the upgrade while TFS 2013 is installed and running on that server.
You first have to uninstall the Application Tier and Build Services on the machine. This doesn't impact your databases in any way.
Then you can install TFS 2018.2 or 3 directly into that server, point it to the existing SQL databases and it will ask you whether you want to upgrade those.
You'll need to verify a few server settings, plus decide whether you want to enable SSH and Search on this machine.
After the integrity check the installer will install the TFS Application tier and start the database upgrade process.
Only of you're on TFS 2005 or 20008 do you need to perform this step multiple times. first with the 2010 installer before you can take it to 2018. This is what's meant by 'not possible to do a direct upgrade' in some parts of the docs and which confused me at first.

Migrate data from TFS 2010 to TFS 2017

I want to migrate TFS data from TFS 2010 (SP 1) that uses SQL Server 2008 R2 to TFS 2017 that uses SQL Server 2016. Is there any way to migrate data from TFS 2010 to TFS 2017?
You cannot upgrade directly from TFS 2010 to TFS 2017, but need to go through TFS 2013 Update 5 (see below).
You can read more here.
I would recommend setting up a new server with SQL Server 2014, where you can migrate your databases using SQL backup. Then first install TFS 2013.5 followed by TFS 2017.2 and finally updating SQL Server to 2016 (See TFS support for SQL Server). I suggest doing a trial migration first to validate that things work and to know how long production downtime is needed for the actual migration.

In-place migration from TFS 2010 to TFS 2015

I have a question about in-place upgrading from Team Foundation Server 2010 to Team Foundation Server 2015
Our current situation contains the following software versions:
- Windows Server 2008 R2
- SQL Server 2008 R2
- Team foundation Server 2010
We would like to perform an in-place upgrade of this server to the following new versions.
- Windows Server 2012 R2
- SQL Server 2014
- Team Foundation Server 2015
It is a single server installation on a VMWare environment. Adding additional resources is not a problem. So for that reason we would like to go for an in-place upgrade.
With the information I found on it does not seem to be possible with our current SQL version to upgrade to TFS 2015 in one go.
Should we first upgrade to TFS 2012 (which still supports SQL Server 2008 R2)? Then upgrade to SQL 2012 SP1, then TFS 2015..and so on.
Or should it be easier in our situation to migrate the TFS 2010 databases to an new server with all the latest versions and then upgrade the databases (and so not performing an in-place upgrade after all)?
There is a lot of documentation describing various migration scenario's so that is causing some confusion.
Can someone give us some suggestions or answer on what is the best way forward?
What you could do is:
Uninstall TFS from the current server
Uninstall SQL Server on the current server
Install SQL Server 2014 on it
Attach the databases to the SQL Server 2014
Install TFS 2015 and walk through the upgrade wizard.
It's sort of an in-place upgrade. Indeed be aware of the Sharepoint issue, it will be your pressing reason to make in in-between upgrade stop along the way, should you need it.
I see many client de-coupling Sharepoint from TFS anyway, as the Sharepoint functionality is rarely used, or even known.
Something else to consider. If you're using any of the sharepoint functionality in TFS 2010, and you want to keep the stuff stored there, then you'll probably want to upgrade to TFS 2012 anyway. TFS 2010 uses WSS 3.0 and TFS 2015 uses the latest version of sharepoint express. There is no direct migration from WSS 3.0 to the latest version so you'll need to use the bundled version in TFS 2012 as an intermediary upgrade.
If sharepoint isn't an issue then I'd suggest building out new infrastructure and migrating the TFS databases. This will be easier and IMHO has a couple of other benefits.
you can do a test migration to flush out any additional issues
get some timings so you know how long the real migration will take

TFS 2015 Upgrade Questions

I'm currently running TFS 2013 on one Windows Server 2012 box and TFS Build 2012 Update 4 on another box. My question is if I upgrade my TFS Build Server box to utilize TFS Build 2015, will I need to upgrade my TFS 2013 Server as well?
Also, what about the opposite? Can I upgrade my TFS 2013 server to TFS 2015 and still use my existing TFS Build 2012 Server which is using web deploy to build and publish to various other servers on our network?
Yes, TFS Build 2015 and Build vNext require your main TFS server to be at least 2015.
The other way around, TFS 2015 can talk to Team Build 2010, 2012, 2013 as well as the new 2015 build agents of course, as long as they're updated to their latest service pack and update version.
Upgrading your TFS 2012 build server would not be too hard either, depending on the amount of customizations made to the build workflows.

In Tfs 2008 to 2010 upgrade how to point tfs database of another server in the configure wizard?

Tfs 2008 to be upgraded to TFS 2010, how do i point the database which is in another server in different domain? Otherwise is it possible to install as fresh and then move the database from TFS 2008 to TFS 2010? is there a option to directly move the database from TFS 2008 to TFS 2010.
Basically you back up the databases, restore them on the new server and use the configuration wizard to upgrade them.
There's a number of blog posts with good walkthroughs.
