I've implemented a recursive mergesort algorithm:
case {sorted(L1),sorted(L2)} of
merge([H1|T1],[H2|T2],R) when H1 < H2 ->
merge([H1|T1],[H2|T2],R) when H1 >= H2 ->
ceiling(X) when X < 0 ->
ceiling(X) ->
T = trunc(X),
case X - T == 0 of
true -> T;
false -> T + 1
However I'm irked by the fact that mergesort/3 is not tail recursive (TR), and is verbose.
I guess the problem here is that I'm not particularly aware of the TR 'template' that I would use here - I understand how I would implement a TR function that can be defined in terms of a series, for example - that would just move the arguments to the function up the series, however for the case in which we merge a sublist conditionally to the natural recursion of the rest of the list, I'm ignorant.
Therefore, I would like to ask:
1) How can I make mergesort/3 TR?
2) What resources can I use to understand erlang tail recursion in-depth?
Your merge-sort is not tail recursive because the last function called in mergesort/3 is merge/3. You call mergesort as arguments of merge so stack has to grow - upper called mergesort/3 is not yet finished and its stack frame can't be reused.
To write it in TR approach you need think of it as much imperatively as you can. Every TR function is easily rewritable to iterational while loop. Consider:
loop(Arg) ->
NewArg = something_happens_to(Arg),
loop(NewArg) or return NewArg.
data = something;
break loop or modify data block
} // data equals to NewArg at the end of iteration
Here is my TR merge-sort example. It's bottom-up way of thinking. I used merge/3 function from your module.
ms(L) ->
ms_iteration([[N] || N <- L], []).
ms_iteration([], []) -> % nothing to do
ms_iteration([], [OneSortedList]) -> % nothing left to do
ms_iteration([], MergedLists) ->
ms_iteration(MergedLists, []); % next merging iteration
ms_iteration([L], MergedLists) -> % can't be merged yet but it's sorted
ms_iteration([], [L | MergedLists]);
ms_iteration([L1, L2 | ToMergeTail], MergedLists) -> % merging two sorted lists
ms_iteration(ToMergeTail, [merge(L1, L2, []) | MergedLists]).
It's nicely explained here: http://learnyousomeerlang.com/recursion .
-export([process_csv/1, is_numeric/1, parseALine/2, parse/1, expandT/1, expandT/2,
parseALine(false, T) ->
parseALine(true, T) ->
parse([Name, Colour, Distance, Angle, AngleVelocity, Radius, "1" | T]) ->
T;%Where T is a list of names of other objects in the solar system
parse([Name, Colour, Distance, Angle, AngleVelocity, Radius | T]) ->
parseNames([H | T]) ->
expandT(T) ->
expandT([], Sep) ->
expandT([H | T], Sep) ->
% https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Determine_if_a_string_is_numeric#Erlang
is_numeric(L) ->
S = trim(L, ""),
Float = (catch erlang:list_to_float(S)),
Int = (catch erlang:list_to_integer(S)),
is_number(Float) orelse is_number(Int).
trim(A) ->
trim([], A) ->
trim([32 | T], A) ->
trim(T, A);
trim([H | T], A) ->
trim(T, A ++ [H]).
process_csv(L) ->
X = parse(L),
The problem is that it will calls process_csv/1 function in my module in a main, L will be a file like this:
[["name "," col"," dist"," a"," angv"," r "," ..."],["apollo11 ","white"," 0.1"," 0"," 77760"," 0.15"]]
Or like this:
["planets ","earth","venus "]
Or like this:
I need to display it as follows:
apollo11 =["white", 0.1, 0, 77760, 0.15,[]];
Planets =[earth,venus]
My problem is that no matter how I make changes, it can only show a part, and there are no symbols. The list cannot be divided, so I can't find a way.
In addition, because Erlang is a niche programming language, I can't even find examples online.
So, can anyone help me? Thank you, very much.
In addition, I am restricted from using recursion.
I think the first problem is that it is hard to link what you are trying to achieve with what your code says thus far. Therefore, this feedback maybe is not exactly what you are looking for, but might give some ideas. Let's structure the problem into the common elements: (1) input, (2) process, and (3) output.
You mentioned that L will be a file, but I assume it is a line in a file, where each line can be one of the 3 (three) samples. In this regard, the samples also do not have consistent pattern.For this, we can build a function to convert each line of the file into Erlang term and pass the result to the next step.
The question also do not mention the specific logic in parsing/processing the input. You also seem to care about the data type so we will convert and display the result accordingly. Erlang as a functional language will naturally be handling list, so on most cases we will need to use functions on lists module
You didn't specifically mention where you want to display the result (an output file, screen/erlang shell, etc), so let's assume you just want to display it in the standard output/erlang shell.
Sample file content test1.txt (please note the dot at the end of each line)
[["name "," col"," dist"," a"," angv"," r "],["apollo11 ","white","0.1"," 0"," 77760"," 0.15"]].
["planets ","earth","venus "].
Howto run: solarSystem:process_file("/Users/macbook/Documents/test1.txt").
Sample Result:
(dev01#Macbooks-MacBook-Pro-3)3> solarSystem:process_file("/Users/macbook/Documents/test1.txt").
apollo11 = ["white",0.1,0,77760,0.15]
planets = ["earth","venus"]
a = ["b"]
Done processing 3 line(s)
Module code:
%%This is the main function, input is file full path
%%Howto call: solarSystem:process_file("file_full_path").
process_file(Filename) ->
%%Use file:consult to convert the file content into erlang terms
%%File content is a dot (".") separated line
{StatusOpen, Result} = file:consult(Filename),
case StatusOpen of
ok ->
%%Result is a list and therefore each element must be handled using lists function
Ctr = lists:foldl(fun process_line/2, 0, Result),
io:format("Done processing ~p line(s) ~n", [Ctr]);
_ -> %%This is for the case where file not available
io:format("Error converting file ~p due to '~p' ~n", [Filename, Result])
process_line(Term, CtrIn) ->
%%Assume there are few possibilities of element. There are so many ways to process the data as long as the input pattern is clear.
%%We basically need to identify all possibilities and handle them accordingly.
%%Of course there are smarter (dynamic) ways to handle them, but below may give you some ideas.
case Term of
%%1. This is to handle this pattern -> [["name "," col"," dist"," a"," angv"," r "],["apollo11 ","white"," 0.1"," 0"," 77760"," 0.15"]]
[[_, _, _, _, _, _], [Name | OtherParams]] ->
%%At this point, Name = "apollo11", OtherParamsList = ["white"," 0.1"," 0"," 77760"," 0.15"]
OtherParamsFmt = lists:map(fun format_item/1, OtherParams),
%%Display the result to standard output
io:format("~s = ~p ~n", [string:trim(Name), OtherParamsFmt]);
%%2. This is to handle this pattern -> ["planets ","earth","venus "]
[Name | OtherParams] ->
%%At this point, Name = "planets ", OtherParamsList = ["earth","venus "]
OtherParamsFmt = lists:map(fun format_item/1, OtherParams),
%%Display the result to standard output
io:format("~s = ~p ~n", [string:trim(Name), OtherParamsFmt]);
%%3. Other cases
_ ->
%%Display the warning to standard output
io:format("Unknown pattern ~p ~n", [Term])
CtrIn + 1.
%%This is to format the string accordingly
format_item(Str) ->
StrTrim = string:trim(Str), %%first, trim it
format_as_needed(Str) ->
Float = (catch erlang:list_to_float(Str)),
case Float of
{'EXIT', _} -> %%It is not a float -> check if it is an integer
Int = (catch erlang:list_to_integer(Str)),
case Int of
{'EXIT', _} -> %%It is not an integer -> return as is (string)
_ -> %%It is an int
_ -> %%It is a float
I am learning F# at the moment but I'm having a hard time understanding this:
let allPrimes =
let rec allPrimes' n =
seq {
if isPrime n then
yield n
yield! allPrimes' (n + 1) }
allPrimes' 2
I am not able to figure out what the yield! operator exactly does even though I've read other simpler examples and it seems yield! returns an inner sequence.
The yield bang operator merges the sub sequence produced by the called sequence expressions into the final sequence. Or in simpler words: it "flattens" the returned sequence to include the elements of the sub sequence in the final sequence.
For your example: Without the yield bang operator you would get something like
{ prime1 { prime2 { prime3 .... }}}
with the yield bang operator you get
{ prime1 prime2 prime3 ... }
where each { denotes a new sequence. Side node: The actual result from my first example would even include more sequences, as it would return sequences only containing sequences as the prime is only returned if n is prime.
I have a map organized as follows.Key is a simple term lets say an integer but the value is complex tuple {BB,CC,DD}. What is the best way to find the minimum CC in the map ? So far I have the following
%% API
init() ->
TheMap = build(maps:new(), 20),
io:format("Map: ~p~n", [TheMap]),
AKey = hd(maps:keys(TheMap)),
AValue = maps:get(AKey, TheMap),
maps:fold(fun my_min/3, {AKey, AValue}, TheMap).
build(MyMap, Count) when Count == 0 ->
build(MyMap, Count) ->
NewMap = maps:put(Count, {random:uniform(100), random:uniform(100), random:uniform(100)}, MyMap),
build(NewMap, Count - 1).
my_min(Key, {A,B,C}, {MinKey, {AA,BB,CC}}) ->
if B < BB -> {Key, {A,B,C}};
B >= BB -> {MinKey, {AA,BB,CC}}
My map is small so I am not too worried about the usage of AKey and AValue to find initial values for the fold, but I was wondering if there was a better way, or other data structure.
What you have is close to a good solution, but it can be improved. There's no need to dig out the first key and value to use an the initial value for the fold, since you can just pass an artificial value instead and make your fold function deal with it. Also, you can improve your use of pattern matching in function heads. Lastly, use start instead of init since that makes it easier to invoke when calling erl from the command line.
Here's an improved version:
%% API
start() ->
TheMap = build(maps:new(), 20),
io:format("Map: ~p~n", [TheMap]),
maps:fold(fun my_min/3, {undefined, undefined}, TheMap).
build(MyMap, 0) ->
build(MyMap, Count) ->
NewMap = maps:put(Count, {random:uniform(100), random:uniform(100), random:uniform(100)}, MyMap),
build(NewMap, Count - 1).
my_min(Key, Value, {undefined, undefined}) ->
{Key, Value};
my_min(Key, {_,B,_}=Value, {_, {_,BB,_}}) when B < BB ->
{Key, Value};
my_min(_Key, _Value, Acc) ->
The my_min/3 fold function has three clauses. The first matches the special start value {undefined, undefined} and returns as the new accumulator value whatever {Key, Value} it was passed. The benefit of this is not only that you avoid special processing before starting the fold, but also that if the map is empty, you'll get the special value {undefined, undefined} as the result and you can handle it accordingly. The second clause uses a guard to check if B of the value is less than the BB value in the fold accumulator, and if it is, return {Key, Value} as the new accumulator value. The final clause just returns the existing accumulator value, since this clause is called only for values greater than or equal to that in the existing accumulator.
You might also look into using a simple list of key/value tuples, since for a small number of elements it might outperform a map. If your measurements indicate you should use a list, a similar fold would work for it as well.
%% API
init() ->
TheMap = build(maps:new(), 24),
io:format("Map: ~p~n", [TheMap]),
List = maps:to_list(TheMap),
io:format("List: ~p~n", [List]),
Fun = fun({_, {_, V1, _}} = Element, {_, {_, V2, _}}) when V1 < V2 ->
(_, Res) ->
Res = lists:foldl(Fun, hd(List), tl(List)),
io:format("Res: ~p~n", [Res]).
build(MyMap, Count) when Count == 0 ->
build(MyMap, Count) ->
NewMap = maps:put(Count, {random:uniform(100), random:uniform(100), random:uniform(100)}, MyMap),
build(NewMap, Count - 1).
You can use maps:to_list/1 to convert the map to a list, then you can use lists:foldl/3 to calculate the minimun value.
There is any way to do it like C/C#?
For example (C# style)
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
if (i == 66)
The short answer is no. You would generally use some higher-order function to express the same functionality. There is a number of functions that let you do this, corresponding to different patterns (so if you describe what exactly you need, someone might give you a better answer).
For example, tryFind function returns the first value from a sequence for which a given predicate returns true, which lets you write something like this:
seq { 0 .. 100 } |> Seq.tryFind (fun i ->
printfn "%d" i
In practice, this is the best way to go if you are expressing some high-level logic and there is a corresponding function. If you really need to express something like break, you can use a recursive function:
let rec loop n =
if n < 66 then
printfn "%d" n
loop (n + 1)
loop 0
A more exotic option (that is not as efficient, but may be nice for DSLs) is that you can define a computation expression that lets you write break and continue. Here is an example, but as I said, this is not as efficient.
This is really ugly, but in my case it worked.
let mutable Break = false
while not Break do
if breakCondition then
Break <- true
This is useful for do-while loops, because it guarantees that the loop is executed at least once.
I hope there's a more elegant solution. I don't like the recursive one, because I'm afraid of stack overflows. :-(
You have to change it to a while loop.
let (i, ans) = (ref 0, ref -1)
while(!i < 100 and !ans < 0) do
if !i = 66 then
ans := !i
(This breaks when i gets to 66--but yes the syntax is quite different, another variable is introduced, etc.)
seq {
for i = 0 to 99 do
if i = 66 then yield ()
|> Seq.tryItem 0
|> ignore
Try this:
exception BreakException
for i = 0 to 99 do
if i = 66 then
raise BreakException
with BreakException -> ()
I know that some folks don't like to use exceptions. But it has merits.
You don't have to think about complicated recursive function. Of
cause you can do that, but sometimes it is unnecessarily bothersome
and using exception is simpler.
This method allows you to break at halfway of the loop body. (Break "flag" method is simple too but it only allows to break at the end of the loop body.)
You can easily escape from nested loop.
For these kind of problems you could use a recursive function.
let rec IfEqualsNumber start finish num =
if start = finish then false
start = num then true
let start2 = start + 1
IfEqualsNumber start2 finish num
Recently I tried to solve a similar situation:
A list of, say, 10 pieces of data. Each of them must be queried against a Restful server, then get a result for each.
let lst = [4;6;1;8]
The problem:
If there is a failed API call (e.g. network issue), there is no point making further calls as we need all the 10 results available. The entire process should stop ASAP when an API call fails.
The naive approach: use List.map()
lst |> List.map (fun x ->
use sqlComd = ...
sqlComd.Parameters.Add("#Id", SqlDbType.BigInt).Value <- x
sqlComd.ExecuteScala() |> Some
| :? System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException as ex -> None
But as said, it's not optimal. When a failed API occurs, the remaining items keep being processed. They do something that is ignored at the end anyway.
The hacky approach: use List.tryFindIndex()
Unlike map(), we must store the results somewhere in the lamda function. A reasonable choice is to use mutable list. So when tryFindIndex() returns None, we know that everything was ok and can start making use of the mutable list.
val myList: List<string>
let res = lst |> List.tryFindIndex (fun x ->
use sqlComd = ...
sqlComd.Parameters.Add("#Id", SqlDbType.BigInt).Value <- x
|:? System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException as ex -> true
match res with
| Some _ -> printfn "Something went wrong"
| None -> printfn "Here is the 10 results..."
The idiomatic approach: use recursion
Not very idiomatic as it uses Exception to stop the operation.
exception MyException of string
let makeCall lstLocal =
match lstLocal with
| [] -> []
| head::tail ->
use sqlComd = ...
sqlComd.Parameters.Add("#Id", SqlDbType.BigInt).Value <- x
let temp = sqlComd.ExecuteScala()
temp :: makeCall (tail)
|:? System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException as ex -> raise MyException ex.Message
let res = makeCall lst
printfn "Here is the 10 results..."
| :? MyException -> printfn "Something went wrong"
The old-fashion imperative approach: while... do
This still involves mutable list.
On my journey to learning F#, I've run into a problem I cant solve. I have defined a custom type:
type BinTree =
| Node of int * BinTree * BinTree
| Empty
I have made a function which takes a tree, traverses it, and adds the elements it visits to a list, and returns it:
let rec inOrder tree =
match tree with
| Node (data, left, right) ->
yield! inOrder left
yield data;
yield! inOrder right
| Empty -> ()
|> Seq.to_list;
Now I want to create a function, similar to this, which takes a tree and a function, traverses it and applies a function to each node, then returns the tree:
mapInOrder : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a BinTree -> 'b BinTree
This seems easy, and it probably is! But I'm not sure how to return the tree. I've tried this:
let rec mapInOrder f tree =
match tree with
| Node(data, left, right) ->
mapInOrder f left
Node(f(data), left, right)
mapInOrder f right
| Empty -> ()
but this returns a unit. I havent worked with custom types before, so I'm probably missing something there!
Try this:
let rec mapInOrder f = function
| Node(a,l,r) ->
let newL = mapInOrder f l
let b = f a
let newR = mapInOrder f r
| Empty -> Empty
If the function is side-effect free, then traversal order is unimportant and you can instead write:
let rec map f = function
| Node(a,l,r) -> Node(f a, map f l, map f r)
| Empty -> Empty
A match is an expression. It returns the value of the matching case. That implies that all match cases must have the same type. The match expression itself then has that type.
In your first attempt, your Empty clause returned (), and thus had unit type--not the tree type you were looking for.
Since mapInOrder just returns the match result, it too took on unit return type.
The Node clause was fine because its return value is the result of calling mapInOrder, so it also took on unit type and the requirement that all match clauses have the same type was satisfied.
A key change in kvb's suggestion was making the Empty clause return a tree instead of unit. Once you do that, you get compiler errors and warnings pointing to the other problems.
You can often work through issues like this by explicitly coding the type you'd like, and then seeing where the compile errors and warnings show up.