update running docker container - docker

I have a running docker container with a base image fedora:latest.
I would like to preserve the state of my running applications, but still update a few packages which got security fixes (i.e. gnutls, openssl and friends) since I first deployed the container.
How can I do that without interrupting service or losing the current state?
So optimally I would like to get a bash/csh/dash/sh on the running container, or any fleet magic?

It's important to note that you may run into some issues with the container shutting down.
For example, imagine that you have a Dockerfile for an Apache container which runs Apache in the foreground. Imagine that you attach a shell to your container (via docker exec) and you start updating. You have to apply a fix to Apache and, in the process of updating, Apache restarts. The instant that Apache shuts down, the container will stop. You're going to lose the current state of the applications. This is going to require extremely careful planning and some luck, and some updates will probably not be possible.
The better way to do it is rebuild the image upon which the container is based with all the appropriate updates, then re-run the container. There will be a (brief) interruption in service. However, in order for you to be able to save the state of your applications, you would need to design the images in such a way that any state information that needs to be preserved is stored in a persistent manner - either in the host file system by mounting a directory or in a data container.
In short, if you're going to lose important information when your container shuts down, then your system is fragile & you're going to run into problems sooner or later. Better to redesign it so that everything that needs to be persistent is saved outside the container.

If the docker container has a running bash
docker attach <containerIdOrName>
Otherwise execute a new program in the same container (here: bash)
docker exec -it <containerIdOrName> bash


Running a `docker` container with `detach=False`

In my Golang program, I am currently spawning a Docker container to perform some work. I chose to use a Docker container here since there are a lot of dependencies and OS-related items that will be much simpler to manage via a packaged container image. I am using the Golang Docker API to manage the containers (github.com/docker/docker/client)
One issue I am facing is if the consumer of my Golang program presses Ctrl-C, the program quits but the Docker container is still running. This will cause actions to keep continuing even if the consumer believes they have stopped the program.
If the Golang program was instead a bash script, I believe that running docker run without the -d flag would cause the container to be stopped as soon as this calling parent is stopped. However, in the Golang docker client at the URL provided previously, I don't see an option to do this. There are two parts here: container_create.go and container_start.go. The structs provided for container_create only contain pre-run based configurations (such as ports to expose, etc.), but there is no mention of background or detached modes. container_start also does not seem to have any options relevant to this.

Ansible commands on docker containers?

Upto now i had setup my ansible-playbook commands running on AWS EC2 instances.
can i run regular ansible commands like (linefile, apt, pip, etc) on container?
can i add my container-ip to hosts file in container-group and then does the same code works, here if i chanage my main.yml file that has
hosts: ec2-group
does all commands work?
i am bit beginner into this..please do confirm me i am actually thinking of making docker-compose files from scratch, and run docker-compose commands using ansible.
You can, but it's not really how Docker is designed to be used.
A Docker container is usually a wrapper around a single process. In the standard setup you create an image that has that application built and packaged, and you can just run it without any further setup. It's not usually interesting to run a bare Linux distribution container (which won't have an application installed) or to run an interactive shell as the main container process. Tutorials like Docker's Build and run your image walk through this sequence.
A corollary to this is that containers don't usually have any local state. In the best case any state a container needs is in an external database; if you can't do that then you store local state in a volume that outlives the container.
Finally, it's extremely routine to delete and recreate containers. You need to do this to change some common options; in a cluster environment like Kubernetes this can happen outside your control. When this happens the new container will restart running its default setup, and it won't know about any manual changes the previous container might have had.
So you don't usually want to try to install software directly in a running container, since that will get lost as soon as the container exits. You can, in principle, get a shell in a container (via docker exec) but this is more of a debugging tool than an administration tool. You could make the only process a container runs be an ssh daemon, but anything you start this way will get lost as soon as the container exits (and I've never seen a recipe that correctly and securely sets up credentials to access it).
I'd recommend learning the standard Dockerfile system and running self-contained Docker images over trying to adapt Ansible to this rather different environment.

Is there a way to hibernate a docker container

I like to use Jupyter Notebook. If I run it in a VM in virtualbox, I can save the state of the VM, and then pick up right where I left off the next day. Can I do something similar if I were to run it in a docker container? i.e. dump the "state" of the container to disk, then crank it back up and reload the "state"?
It looks like docker checkpoint may be the thing I'm attempting to accomplish here. There's not much in the docs that describes it as such. In fact, the docs for docker checkpoint say "Manage checkpoints" which is massively unhelpful.
UPDATE: This IS, in fact, what docker checkpoint is supposed to accomplish. When I checkpoint my jupyter notebook container, it saves it, I can start it back up with docker start --checkpoint [my_checkpoint] jupyter_notebook, and it shows the things I had running as being in a Running state. However, attempts to then use the Running notebooks fail. I'm not sure if this is a CRIU issue or a Jupyter issue, but I'll bring it up in the appropriate git issue tracker.
Anyhoo docker checkpoint is the thing that is supposed to provide VM-save-state/hibernate style functionality.
The closest approach I can see is docker pause <container-id>
The docker pause command suspends all processes in the specified containers. On Linux, this uses the cgroups freezer. Traditionally, when suspending a process the SIGSTOP signal is used, which is observable by the process being suspended. With the cgroups freezer the process is unaware, and unable to capture, that it is being suspended, and subsequently resumed.
Take into account as an important difference against VirtualBox hibernation, that there is no disk persistence of the memory state of the containerized process.
If you just stop the container, it hibernates:
docker stop myjupyter
(hours pass)
docker start myjupyter
docker attach myjupyter
I do this all the time, especially with docker containers which have web browers in them.

Docker Process Management

I have a deployed application running inside a Docker container, which is, in effect, an websocket client that runs forever. Every deploy I'm rebuilding the container and starting it with docker run using the command set in the Dockerfile.
Now, I've noticed a few times that the process occasionally dies without restarting. When running docker ps, I can see that the container is up, and has been up for 2 weeks, however the process running inside of it has died without the host being any the wiser
Do I need to go so far as to have a process manager inside of the docker container to manage the containerized process?
Dockerfile: https://github.com/DVG/catpen-edi/blob/master/Dockerfile
We've developed a process-manager tailor-made for Docker containers and have been using it with quite a bit of success to solve exactly the problem you describe. The best starting point is to take a look at chaperone-docker on github. The readme on the first page contains a quick link to a minimal base image as well as a fully configured LAMP stack so you can try it out and see what a fully-configured image would look like. It's open-source and fully documented.
This is a very interesting problem here related to PID1 and the fact that docker replaces PID1 with the command specified in CMD or ENTRYPOINT. What's happening is that the child process isn't automagically adopted by anything if the parent dies and it becomes an orphan (since there is no PID1 in the sense of a traditional init system like you're used to). Here is some excellent reading to give you a few ideas. You may get some mileage out of their baseimage-docker image which comes with their simplified init system ("my_app"), which will solve some of this problem for you. However, I would strongly caution you against automatically adopting the Phusion mindset for all of your containers, as there exists some ideological friction in that space. I can't recall any discussion on Docker's Github about a potential minimal init system to solve this problem, but I can't imagine it will be a problem forever. Good luck!
If you have two ruby processes it sounds like the child hasn't exited, the application has just stopped working. It's likely the EventMachine reactor is sitting in the background.
Does the EDI app really need to spawn the additional Ruby process? This only adds another layer between Docker and your app. Run the server directly with CMD [ "ruby", "boot.rb" ]. If you find the problem still occurs with a single process then you will need to find what is causing your app to hang.
When a process is running as PID 1 is docker it will need handle the SIGINT and SIGTERM signals too.
# Trap ^C
Signal.trap("INT") {
# Trap `Kill `
Signal.trap("TERM") {
Docker also has restart policies for when the container does actually die.
docker run --restart=always
Do not automatically restart the container when it exits. This is
the default.
Restart only if the container
exits with a non-zero exit status. Optionally, limit the number of
restart retries the Docker daemon attempts.
Always restart the
container regardless of the exit status. When you specify always, the
Docker daemon will try to restart the container indefinitely. The
container will also always start on daemon startup, regardless of the
current state of the container.
Always restart the
container regardless of the exit status, but do not start it on daemon
startup if the container has been put to a stopped state before.

Strategies for deciding when to use 'docker run' vs 'docker start' and using the latest version of a given image

I'm dockerizing some of our services. For our dev environment, I'd like to make things as easy as possible for our developers and so I'm writing some scripts to manage the dockerized components. I want developers to be able to start and stop these services just as if they were non-dockerized. I don't want them to have to worry about creating and running the container vs stopping and starting and already-created container. I was thinking that this could be handled using Fig. To create the container (if it doesn't already exist) and start the service, I'd use fig up --no-recreate. To stop the service, I'd use fig stop.
I'd also like to ensure that developers are running containers built using the latest images. In other words, something would check to see if there was a later version of the image in our Docker registry. If so, this image would be downloaded and run to create a new container from that image. At the moment it seems like I'd have to use docker commands to list the contents of the registry (docker search) and compare that to existing local containers (docker ps -a) with the addition of some greping and awking or use the Docker API to achieve the same thing.
Any persistent data will be written to mounted volumes so the data should survive the creation of a new container.
This seems like it might be a common pattern so I'm wondering whether anyone else has given these sorts of scenarios any thought.
This is what I've decided to do for now for our Neo4j Docker image:
I've written a shell script around docker run that accepts command-line arguments for the port, database persistence directory on the host, log file persistence directory on the host. It executes a docker run command that looks like:
docker run --rm -it -p ${port}:7474 -v ${graphdir}:/var/lib/neo4j/data/graph.db -v ${logdir}:/var/log/neo4j my/neo4j
By default port is 7474, graphdir is $PWD/graph.db and logdir is $PWD/log.
--rm removes the container on exit, however the database and logs are maintained on the host's file system. So no containers are left around.
-it allows the container and the Neo4j service running within it to receive signals so that the service can be gracefully shut down (the Neo4j server gracefully shuts down on SIGINT) and the container exited by hitting ^C or sending it a SIGINT if the developer puts this in the background. No need for separate start/stop commands.
Although I certainly wouldn't do this in production, I think this fine for a dev environment.
I am not familiar with fig but your scenario seems good.
Usually, I prefer to kill/delete + run my container instead of playing with start/stop though. That way, if there is a new image available, Docker will use it. This work only for stateless services. As you are using Volumes for persistent data, you could do something like this.
Regarding the image update, what about running docker pull <image> every N minutes and checking the "Status" that the command returns? If it is up to date, then do nothing, otherwise, kill/rerun the container.
