showing GeoPoints from in MKMapView - ios

I'm trying to build an app showing my favorite spots with swift.
I already store my spot information GeoPoints from But I still can't manage to show retrieve the data (spot name and GeoPoints) and pass it to MKMapView. Can someone show me an example to do this?
I also find this question Parse objects as AnnonationPoints, but since I just started learning swift, I don't understand about Objective-C.
really appreciate if anyone can help me. Thank you in advance.

After googling, and trial and error, this is my best answer right now. Hope helps for others!
// retrieve data from
let query:PFQuery = PFQuery(className: "SpotList")
query.findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock{ (objects:[AnyObject]! , error:NSError!)-> Void in
if !(error != nil){
for object in objects! {
self.SpotNames.append(object["SpotName"] as String)
self.SpotGeoPoints.append(object["SpotLocation"] as PFGeoPoint)
self.SpotLocationLatitudes.append(self.SpotGeoPoints.last?.latitude as CLLocationDegrees!)
self.SpotLocationLongitudes.append(self.SpotGeoPoints.last?.longitude as CLLocationDegrees!)
var annotation = MKPointAnnotation()
annotation.coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(self.SpotLocationLatitudes.last!, self.SpotLocationLongitudes.last!)
annotation.title = self.SpotNames.last!
self.mainMap.showsUserLocation = true


iOS MapKit Get Places information and Reviews

I'm using mapkit and able to get Address for a particular location
let firstPlacemark = placemarks,
let addressDictionary = firstPlacemark.addressDictionary else { return }
// let street = addressDictionary["Street"]
// let city = addressDictionary["City"]
// let state = addressDictionary["State"]
// let zip = addressDictionary["ZIP"]
if let array = addressDictionary["FormattedAddressLines"] as? [Any] {
let address = { "\($0)" }.joined(separator: ",\n")
print("Address : \(address)")
But Can we get more information like reviews contact no. images etc. Like Apple Maps shows (Observe Screeenshot)
Is there any API available in iOS for this or it will be provided via TripAdvisor???
P.S: I don't want to Any Google API.
Dear down voters if don't know the answers then kindly don't waste my points. It's easy to downvote, but you never know how much efforts has been added to earn those points.
OR Kindly provide me solution or show me if question is duplicate.
You can use Tripadvisor API

swift firebase how to set/add data at the top of database

I am building an app that incorporates Firebase and need to be able to be able to add/and or set data at the top of the my database. Currently whenever I add data it places it randomly under the parent node. I've seen some Objective C answers to this but they haven't really made to much sense. Sorry for the lack of code, but I don't know where exactly where to start on this issue. Any help would be great!
When you say it is getting placed 'randomly' under the parent, I think this is the childByAutoId() method getting called. While the name of the nodes appears randomly (e.g. -K6tdghsbci7g8), it will actually ensure that data is added under a given parent node in order. This is very useful for adding new data to lists. For example:
let pointlessData:String = "some data"
// creates a new ordered child node under the `ref` with "some data" as the value
There isn't really a way to order the nodes back to front in this fashion, although you could order negatively by timestamp by adding a negative timestamp to each node you add then order your results using ref.queryOrderedByChild("negativeTimestamp") such that the values you get are the newest first.
let path = FirebaseBaseUrl + "dialogs/" + self.receiverId + "/" + self.senderId
let chilRef = FIRDatabase.database().referenceFromURL(path)
let refChild = chilRef.childByAutoId()
let dic = NSMutableDictionary()
dic .setValue(text, forKey: "text")
dic .setValue(FIRServerValue.timestamp(), forKey: "timestamp")
dic .setValue(true, forKey: "your")
refChild.updateChildValues(dic as [NSObject : AnyObject]) { (error, ref) in
if(error != nil){
print("\n\n\n\n\nAdded successfully...")

Problems with structuring and retrieving data from Firebase in Swift

I am designing a litte quiz app but I'm having trouble while retrieving the game data.
As you can see in the picture I have an JSON object that contains many single games. Each single game has a unique id. My first problem is that each of the games can be available in multiple languages. I know that I could download the hole snap and then looping throw each game but that would mean really long loading times while the app is growing.
In short form:
I need to retrieve the following data from the JSON above:
A random game wich is available in a specific language (need to have the key en for example)
All games that are available in "en" but not yet in "de"
If it is easier to restructure the data in the JSON, please tell me.
Thanks for helping me.
Answer to your first part :-
let enRef = FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("singleGames").child(singleGamesUID).child("en")
enRef.observeEventType(.Value, withBlock: {(snap) in
if let enQuizQuestion = snap.value as? [String:AnyObject]{
//Question exists : Retrieve Data
//Question in english doesn't exist
For your second part
Since you are trying to save iteration time might i suggest you also save your singleGames id in a separate languagesBased nodes, there is a command in firebase that allows you to search for some keyValues in your child node's , but even that i think would be executing a search algorithm which might be a little more time consuming :--
singleGames :{
uid3 : true
uid1 : true,
uid2 : true
Now all you gotta do :-
let rootRef = FIRDatabase.database().reference().child("deQuestions").observeEventType(.Value, withBlock: {(qSnap) in
if let qDict = qSnap.value as? [String:AnyObject]{
for each in qDict as [String:AnyObject]{
let deUID = each.0
//No question in dutch language

Google Places Picker IOS customization

I'm using the Google Place Picker APi and wanted to know if there is a way to remove the back button and the search button and also prevent the map from moving around, that is created with the _placePicker = [[GMSPlacePicker alloc] initWithConfig:config]; ?
if not, is there an alternative i can use that provides same functionality? Basically, I want the the closest points of interest near a users location..
I'm also trying to figure that out. So far, what I've come up with is to combine GMSMapView and GMSPlacesClient into your own custom viewcontroller.
To gather the nearby points of interest, you'll use the GMSPlacesClient:
placesClient = GMSPlacesClient.sharedClient()
likelyPlace = [GMSPlaces]()
placesClient.currentPlaceWithCallback({ (placeLikelihoods, error) in
if let error = error {
print("Error with Current place: \(error.localizedDescription)")
} else {
if let likelihoodList = placeLikelihoods{
for likelihood in likelihoodList.likelihoods {
let place =
this will put the nearby places in your likelyPlaces array. Then it's up to you how you'd want to display the contents. Maybe put them in a tableView or as annotations on the map.
Hope this helps.

Sending and receiving push notification swift

I created a small messenger app using Parse as my database in swift. I wanted each time any user sends a message only other users within 10 meter to get the notification. The app is working but the push notification is not. I did some research it looks like my code is similar to the one i found but still not working. Please help me. Thank you
var CurrentLocation : PFGeoPoint = PFGeoPoint(latitude: 44.6854, longitude: -73.873) // assume the current user is here
let userQuery = PFUser.query()
userQuery?.whereKey("Location", nearGeoPoint: CurrentLocation, withinMiles: 10.0)
let pushQuery = PFInstallation.query()
pushQuery?.whereKey("username", matchesQuery: userQuery!)
let push = PFPush()
push.setMessage(" New message")
Your problem is the line pushQuery?.whereKey("username", matchesQuery: userQuery!). According to the parse docs Warning: This only works where the key’s values are PFObjects or arrays of PFObjects. Read more here:
Instead change it to chain the query by first performing the first query and then using the strings of the userIds for the second query which is performed inside the first's completionBlock.
Also, just as a side note you are not abiding by the camel case rules of swift and also the rules set out by Parse. You should follow conventions. (See my code for the correct case for keys in Parse and variable names).
var currentLocation : PFGeoPoint = PFGeoPoint(latitude: 44.6854, longitude: -73.873) // assume the current user is here
let userQuery = PFUser.query()
userQuery?.whereKey("location", nearGeoPoint: currentLocation, withinMiles: 10.0) // Note I changed Location to location
userQuery?.findObjectsInBackground({ results, error in
let usernames = (results as! [PFObject]).map { $0.username }
let pushQuery = PFInstallation.query()
pushQuery?.whereKey("username", containedIn: usernames)
let push = PFPush()
push.setMessage("New message")
Also note that you may need to change your structure because the docs for PFInstallation.query note that you must use one of three query parameters and you are using none (you might have to save the installation object id to a field on the user. Then instead of making an array with username make an array with the installation object ids and query PFInstallation like that. However, this may still work so try it first, you never know.
