Remove iOS app when the status is waiting for review - ios

I submitted an updated iOS app. I want to submit another build instead of that.
I removed the binary from review and i deleted the build. No way to upload the same version build again at the time of validation its showing same build already exists.I want to replace this update with another build.

Hope this will help.
There is an option to Cancel the binary in iTunes. Select that and upload the new binary.
Open Itunes account.....
Select Manage Your Applications....
Click on the application....
Click on View details....
Click on Binary Details....
Select 'Reject Binary'....

Just change the build.
Let's say your build is 2.0 , change it to 2.01 , archive this and upload again.

Once you have submitted an app for review, you have an option to remove the app which is being reviewed. Just navigate to "App Store" in iTunesConnect you can see the message and link to remove your app. You can change the build number and upload a new build to AppStore again using Xcode or Application loader.

The "Remove this version from review" link is on the same page from where you have submitted the app: AppStore Connect > App Store > iOS App > [Your app version]
But it will appear only after a few minutes after your submission, so don't be desperate if you can't find it anywhere. Just wait a few mins and reload the page.
In some rare cases it might not appear after a long time. If that's the case, check answers for this question


How to submit the app for review after the current version of the app is rejected?

I uploaded a new build to AppStore Connect. Currently, the app is in the "prepare for submission" state. I uploaded all of the screenshots required and other things. I can only see the save button in AppStore Connect but the "submit for review" button is missing. How can we submit the app for review now?
Previous versions of the app were present in the App Store. I uploaded an update to the existing app but the current version was rejected. I fixed the issues and added a new build with current rejected version number and with the increased build number. But AppStore Connect only shows the Save button and I can't find the "submit for review" button.
Won't we see the "submit for review" button for rejected binaries?
Remove your rejected build from Build section which is above General App Information.
Add the new build you want to upload.
Click Save button.
You'll now see Submit for review screen.
After the app rejection, only the admin or manager of the AppStore connect account can submit the app for review. I was assigned with only developer role and hence was unable to submit the app for review again.
When Apple rejects an app, they specify the reason of the rejection. So you need to make changes said by apple in order to submit app again to App Store.
The uploading process is same as when you submitted the previous build but the only thing you need to take care of if app version.
You need to change the app version (generally it should be increased by one from the previous number) and upload the app again.
Once you upload build on the App Store you will see it under Activity and it will marked as processing.
Once the processing is finished you can select that build to submit for review.
Create New version (if required)
Select a build to submit for review
You can remove the existing build and select a new build and save it.
Once all the required info. is completed just Save it and then Submit for Review button will be enabled (but it is not the case every time)

how to upload the app again after app rejection from app store

My App was rejected by Apple, Now I have fixed the issues and want to upload the updated app but I don't understand that how to upload the new app replace that rejection app.
Change "Build Number" of your app and upload again.
You don't need to remove rejected build from store and may not need to change version no. also. Just upload a new build with new build no.
You only need to fix your code, change build no. and upload it as you upload it first time.
First, login in to iTunes connect and need to do again "Ready to submit binary". Right now your app status should be "Rejected". So you must do that first before uploading through Application loader.
In the right pane where the description and screenshots appear,
scroll down to "Build".
Click the red minus sign beside the rejected build to remove it.
In your app change your build number.
Resubmit the new uploaded version.

How do I upload a build to iTunes Connect for TestFlight?

How do I upload my app I made in Xcode to iTunes Connect to invite Beta testers to download it?
I read the documentation and I tried what it said but it never uploaded my app.
If you have a ready app,
1) Choose "generic iOS device" (don't choose any other devices connected or a simulator)
2) Go to Product --> Archive
3) If everything is fine, it should open the archive in the Organizer - there you can change the name of your upload if you wish. When ready click "validate" and then "Submit to App Store".
*) When creating the next version of the archive don't forget to change the version number from 1.0 to something different (it's "Bundle Version" somewhere in supporting files)
As the above answers are bit old and there have been some changes in iTunesConnect. You can follow these steps to upload build for beta testing :
Archive the project by clicking Product->Archive(make sure that the device selected is "Generic iOS Device", else the archive option will be disabled)
Xcode will take some time to archive the project, after successful archive a window will open (archive window).
There will be option "Validate" (it is always recommended to validate a build before uploading to app store). Click on the "Validate" option and if everything is alright you will see a green tick.
Next click on the "Submit to App Store" option, it will take some time to upload the build.
Once upload is complete login to your iTunesConnect account. There MyApps ->
There you will see a option Testflight. Inside that option you will see "iOS Builds". Check if the uploaded build is shown there, if not, don't worry it takes few minutes.
Now coming to the adding beta testers part. There are 2 ways ie. either you can add the testers as internal testers or external testers
a) Internal Testers
Check this link. You do not need beta review for adding internal testers.
b) External Testers
This requires beta App review. Beta app review takes less time than the actual app review. For submitting for beta app review click on the build no in Testflight->iOS Builds->build no.(something like 1.0)
Click on the "Add Testers to the build" and follow the steps. Once the app is beta reviewed, invite will be send to the testers automatically(if you choose to). You only need to submit once per build for beta review. Once a build is beta reviewed you can add upto 2000 testers.
Hope this helps.
From the Xcode menu, go to Window, then choose Organizer
From there, validate your build, then if it's good, click "Submit to app store."
After it goes through, log in to iTunes Connect and you will see your build toward the bottom of the screen
The following are the steps that are valid as of July, 2019:
Change the version number and/or build number for the app in the general properties.
Select Generic IOS Device to build.
Choose Product/Archive to create an archive of the app. The Archive Organizer window will appear.
Validate the App.
Choose Distribute to upload the App.
After the app processes, you will get an email. This usually takes less than an hour.
Log in to and select your new build/version. Then add test groups or individual testers. You may have to answer the encryption export question, and you will be asked to describe the changes in this new version. After you hit submit, the app goes to Apple for review.
After about a day, Apple will approve your app for distribution and automatically notify your testers (if you selected that option). Your testers then should go to the Test Flight app on their phones to download the latest version of your app.
Submit your app build to the App Store like normal via Xcode.
Then go into iTunes Connect -> My Apps -> Your App -> then go to the Prerelease tab.
In the Prerelease tab it will show your builds you've uploaded. There you will see the ability to Submit For Beta App Review.
Once they approve it then you're golden :)
You need to build - submit your app via Xcode to App Store, make sure you have proper icons embedded, otherwise, xcode will stop and warn you what you need to include for your app.
Then, (create if needed) and login to iTunes Connect, go to my apps, you will see your app. Then you could add testers for beta test, you will get some crash logs if any.

itunes connect replace binary when status is "waiting for review"

We found bug after we submit the binary for approval in itunes connect and we upload a new build but we can not figure out how to replace the new build in itunes connect. the status of the build active.
Any of you knows how can replace the binary is for a approval with the new version of the binary?
I found this : How to replace app in itunes connect, while waiting in review?
But it seems to make reference to the old version of itunes connect.
Create a new build with new version, say your app version is 1.0, you need a new build with 1.0.1 but keep the version same.
Submit the build from xCode and wait for sometime, it takes a while to show up in the iTunes connect
In your app detail page now you should be able to click Build and select the right build version
I think this is what i did when i had the same scenario. Hope it helps!
Create a new Archive with new Bundle version Short,String In Your Info.plist. Ex.1.1 After That And Yes Donot Change Your version keep it same as previous vesion.
After That Upload Your Binary
Your App Detail Page Go to build setting and Remove Old Binary And Choose new binary that you previosly uploaded..It may Be help you.
You can't remove and replace the build anymore until you remove the app from review.
You go to your app detail page, under App Store, in app store connect, then at the top of the page there's a blue notification that indicates and confirms that in order to submit a new-build you must remove the version from review and gives you a link to click to do that.
Once you do, you can scroll down to builds and click the minus button on your build to remove it and then add a new one.
You just need to change the build number (from 1 to 2 for example) in the application info page (inside Xcode). The build number is enough (do not change the version ... I mean leave x.y as it was before). The build number would be enough to have a new entry in the list of builds in iTunes Connect. If you have already submitted the app, you have a button to cancel the review (if it's is not completed yet). Then resend the app for review (choosing by the list of available builds) and that's it.

Is it possible to change the iOS Build Under review Over App Store

Today I noticed that there is a bug in the app, an unwanted string displaying an id (used for testing purposes) in the build submitted to the app store, because I forgot to comment it out. The current review status is:
July 03, 2014 00:17 | Apple | Waiting For Review
Is it possible to change the iOS build under review?
For Sure You Can Reject the app under review .Please do follow the steps given Below:
In iTunes connect, go into
'Manage Your Applications' then click your application. Then
'View details' and press
'Binary Details' under 'Links'. You'll see the
'Reject this binary' in the upper right corner.
in iTunes Connect select your app, under Version press View Details, then under Links press Binary Details, finally on the top right there is a Reject this Binary Button.
Then you can submit a new version.
The app status is "Waiting for review" and the only way to change the binary is to reject it yourself (status will then be "developer rejected"). Then you must go through the process again to upload the new binary.
This will consequently put you to the back of the queue.
Yes it is totally possible, I changed it because I had a missmatch between the version of the app described in the plist and the version my customer set on itunes connect.
0 problems. Hope it helps you.
Note you will have to reject the current one
In iTunes connect, go into
Manage Your Applications' then click your application. Then
click App Store
you will see this "You can edit some information while your version is waiting for review. To submit a new build, you must remove this version from review."
click on remove this version from review
Finally reject it for review

