Merge two objects of same type - ios

I have two objects:
deviceConfigInfo and deviceStatusInfo
Both contain an array of devices (so theres a third device object actually).
For each device returned in deviceConfigInfo there are these properties:
and for deviceStatusInfo
(If you hadn't guessed, I just made up some random properties)
So back to that third object I mentioned, device, I created it with all the properties combined. Now, my question is, say the deviceStatusInfo gets updated, how can I update the device object without losing the "old" data that isn't overwritten (in this case, the lookAnotherOne property).
Does it have to be a manual process of getting the device with the matching uuid and then updating each of the properties for deviceStatusInfo or is there a quicker way of doing this? Imagine there were loads of properties.
Hopefully this makes sense. If it helps, I am using Mantle to create the objects/models.

I noticed that Mantle has the following function which I was able to use:
So in my device model, I added two functions:
These functions have access to an array that contains NSString values representing the properties/keys. There is one array for the configInfo and another for statusInfo properties/keys.
I then loop through the keys and use valueForKey to check it has an actual value. If it does, I then call the mergeValueForKey:fromModel:.
Example Code:
- (void)mergeConfigInfoKeysFromModel:(MTLModel *)model
NSArray *configInfoKeys = #[#"uuid", #"name", #"somethingElse", #"lookAnotherOne"];
for (NSString *key in configInfoKeys) {
if ([model valueForKey:key]) {
[self mergeValueForKey:key fromModel:model];
All I have to do now, is call the appropriate merge function on the device object when I get an update, passing over the updated device object. Just as below:
[self.device mergeConfigInfoKeysFromModel:deviceUpdate];


How do I "box" a PFObject inside an iOS push notification?

I want to send a PFObject directly over a push notification. I send the Parse object directly inside the push (e.g. with a custom key "arg") but I couldn't figure out how to construct a real PFObject from the received data. Received data is (obviously) an NSDictionary, with all the keys (object ID, created at, ACLs etc) available. How do I convert it to a PFObject instance?
I need a real way to construct a PFObject with the available data, so don't come with obvious solutions like "send the object ID and then fetch that object at client with Parse's methods." etc. I already know that obvious solution, but it's time/bandwidth/quota inefficient as it requires a new query, while I can have everything I need in that query anyway.
I'm looking for an automatic way, if any. I am targeting iOS 8 so maximum push payload size is also not an issue (2KB is more than enough for my case).
UPDATE: I've tried [PFObject objectWithClassName:#"MyClassName" dictionary:receivedDictionaryObject]; but no avail. It just does not work, the fields are nil even though the dictionary has all the data directly from Parse itself.
I think you can use something like this
+ (PFObject *)objectFromDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dictionaryFromPush{
PFObject *theObject = [[PFObject alloc] initWithClassName:#"MyClassName"];
for( NSString *keys in [dictionaryFromPush allKeys] )
[theObject setObject:[dictionaryFromPush objectForKey:keys] forKey:keys];
return theObject;
This is an untested code but im pretty sure will give you and idea of my point, to get the NSDcitionary from the Push and sent it to this method to be able to convert it to a PFObject
Hope this help

Obj-C setValuesForKeysWithDictionary 64-bit vs 32-bit

I am pulling a JSON object from my API and creating it using the following code (in hindsight not the way to go):
+ (YActivity *)instanceFromDictionary:(NSDictionary *)jsonDictionary
YActivity * instance = [[YActivity alloc] init];
[instance setAttributesFromDictionary:jsonDictionary];
return instance;
- (void)setAttributesFromDictionary:(NSDictionary *)jsonDictionary
if (![jsonDictionary isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) {
[self setValuesForKeysWithDictionary:jsonDictionary];
One of the keys is "type". I have a read-only variable #synthesized called "type". On the 32-bit version of my app, this is set right away before setValue:(id)value forUndefinedKey:(NSString *)key is called. I reference this value in that method, and on the 64-bit version of my app, when the breakpoint hits this method, type is not set yet.
Clearly this isn't the best course of action. I am just wondering if anyone else as seen this or if I'm barking up the wrong tree. I diffed the files between the two versions and they are identical. I am running them both on iOS 8.1 Simulator, the API is returning the same thing for both...I'm stumped. Basically on the old version defined keys are set before undefined, and on the new version it seems the opposite of that.
NSDictionary objects are unordered collections, so code should never make assumptions about the order in which a dictionary will enumerate its own keys. It turns out that there are implementation differences between the 32- and 64-bit runtimes that affect where hashed values end up being stored.
Since the API contract explicitly doesn't guarantee order, that shouldn't cause problems, but it can (and in this case apparently does) have the side-effect of causing code that formerly 'worked' to break when compiled for the 64-bit architecture.
A quick way to fix the problem you're currently having without significantly changing the implementation would be to enumerate the dictionary's keys yourself, which would allow you to provide an array of keys ordered however you wish:
- (void)setAttributesFromDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dictionary
// So instead of doing this...
// [self setValuesForKeysWithDictionary:dictionary];
// You could do something along these lines:
NSMutableArray *keys = dictionary.allKeys.mutableCopy;
// TODO: insert code to change the order of the keys array.
// Then loop through the keys yourself...
for (NSString *key in keys)
[self setValue:dictionary[key] forKey:key];

Saving NSDictionary in NSUserDefaults - hash fails

I am trying to save a NSDictionary to NSUserDefaults, and am using MD5 hash to check for integrity, using this helpder class: Secure-NSUserDefaults.
The code to set the Dictionary:
#import "NSUserDefaults+MPSecureUserDefaults.h"
NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
[defaults setSecureObject:aDictionary forKey:aKey];
[defaults synchronize];
The code to retrieve it:
BOOL valid = NO;
NSDictionary * aDictionary = [defaults secureDictionaryForKey:aKey valid:&valid];
if (!valid) {
//... hash doesn't match
} else {
//... hash matches
This works great as long as the app is running (testing in the simulator right now), but when I exit the simulator and restart the app, the hash value is different than before.
It's as if exiting the app changes the dictionary value (when it's saved to disk perhaps?) in some way. It's not adding visible characters, though, because it looks exactly the same in the debugger.
Would appreciate any ideas from more experienced programmers!
So this seems to work for me. Thoughts?
Change NSUserDefaults+MPSecureUserDefaults.m like so:
- (NSString *)_hashObject:(id)object
if (_secretData == nil) {
// Use if statement in case asserts are disabled
NSAssert(NO, #"Provide a secret before using any secure writing or reading methods!");
return nil;
// Copy object to make sure it is immutable (thanks Stephen)
object = [object copy];
//added check for array or dictionary
if ([NSJSONSerialization isValidJSONObject:object]) {
NSMutableData *archivedData = [[NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:object options:0 error:nil] mutableCopy];
[archivedData appendData:_secretData];
if (_deviceIdentifierData != nil) {
[archivedData appendData:_deviceIdentifierData];
NSString *hash = [self _hashData:archivedData];
return hash;
// Archive & hash
NSMutableData *archivedData = [[NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:object] mutableCopy];
[archivedData appendData:_secretData];
if (_deviceIdentifierData != nil) {
[archivedData appendData:_deviceIdentifierData];
NSString *hash = [self _hashData:archivedData];
////[archivedData release];
return hash;
The code you are using, Secure-NSUserDefaults, is incorrect.
The code makes assumption about NSKeyedArchiver's archivedDataWithRootObject: which are invalid - namely that if two dictionaries are the same then the archived version of them is the same. The internal ordering of key/value pairs in a dictionary is not defined, two dictionaries can be semantically the same while being structurally different - and if they are structurally different their archived version of them may be also.
Either write your own or fix the library you have used. You need to deal with dictionaries as an ordered collection of key/values pairs - say by sorting based on the key as NSLog does when printing them.
Addendum: After question edit
NSJSONSerialization suffers from the same problem (for this usage) as NSKeyedArchiver, as the simple test I posted on GitHub will show.
It seems you may be missing the core problem here. A dictionary is an unordered collection of key/value pairs. The code you are using is attempting to generate a sequence of bytes which is identical (or at least produces the same hash value) for different dictionaries which contain the same key/value pairs in any order. The issue is compounded as dictionaries/arrays can contain other arrays/dictionaries to any nesting depth.
The obvious way to do generate a byte sequence independent of the (internal) ordering is to order the key/values pairs when producing the byte sequence. However dictionary keys are not required to have an ordering, only an equality, relation.
As there is no ordering requirement on keys the NSKeyedArchiver and NSJSONSerialization cannot assume one exists and so do not guarantee to produce the same byte sequence for dictionaries with the same key/value pairs which are ordered (internally to the type) differently. Furthermore NSKeyedArchiver is preserving the object graph, including any sharing, see Object Graphs, which could also contribute to the differences you observe.
However you are writing property lists and for a dictionary to be valid for inclusion in a property list the keys must be strings (see Apple's About Property Lists). Now strings do have an ordering, e.g. NSString's compare: method, so in this particular case you can order the key/value pairs. So you can either write your own code, or find pre-written code, which produces a byte stream for property list types and orders the dictionary key/value pairs while doing so; then you can use this code in the library you are trying to adopt.
Just an idea how this class may be fixed:
NSDictionary should be archived with NSKeyedArchiver not only to calculate hash over it, but also to be saved like that (archived) in the NSUserDefaults (in opposite to the direct storing as it is done now).
In the get method, upon the hash validation, it will be needed additionally to unarchive it with NSKeyedUnarchiver to get back original value.

iOS RestKit artificial identification attributes

linked RestKit issue #1604
If my API gives me no id attribute, but i still want to cache the objects via Core Data, what should i use to identify my object.
For example i have
response = {
translation = {
text = "longlongtext";
dictionary = "general";
lang = "en";
otherdata = {
author = "May";
date = "434134";
So i would be glad to use hashed (md5) translation text as an id string.
Notice that my future requests which happen without network connection should be able to identify this cached entity and give it as a result.
I cant declare mapping to fill responseID property from [translation.text md5hash] to use as responseMapping.identificationAttributes = #[ responseID ]; because mappings doesnt have such feature.
As proposed by #segiddins in the github issue discussion:
... in your managed object subclass, hook into one of the core data callbacks to generate a compound key that is saved as part of the model and just use that key as your identification attribute.
The approach may look like this:
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *identifier;
- (void)willSave
[super willSave];
NSString *computedIdentifier = [[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%#", self.text, self.langCode] md5hash];
[self setPrimitiveValue:computedIdentifier forKey:#"identifier"];
I also wanted to do a hash of the JSON fields like you, but as you know it's not possible. I ended up doing the following to achieve (I believe) the same end result, which is for JSON objects returned without a unique ID, a unique identification attribute is generated by RestKit:
entityMapping.identificationAttributes = #[ #"text",#"dictionary",#"lang",#"author",#"date" ];
You should keep this kind of functionality outside of RestKit if you have no identifiers being provided by the server.
I would generate a custom identifier for each request you make (a GUID), I'd save that identifier into each of the result objects in the RestKit success completion block. I'd also save the request details and the identifier into user defaults.
Now, when the user makes a request and they are offline you can analyse user defaults to determine if it's a repeat request and find the identifier with which to query the results from the data store.
Just to clarify about offline requests after discussion.
In the end, such feature (offline requests) does not exist inside RestKit. The way you can achieve it is complicated, but possible. Steps are:
you use CoreData with RestKit (RKEntityMapping, managed objects etc)
Your provide good identification attributes for entities. It can be URL of request from #metadata.
on both success and failure callbacks from getObjectsAtPath you query CoreData with fetch request and return the result just the same way as if it was loaded directly and taken from mappingResult.firstObject and mark it as cached if it is old result loaded on failure.

If Statement Failing sometimes with id BoolValue Comparison?

I am pulling data from the web that is formatted in JSON and when I parse the data using "ValueForKeyPath" it stores the string value as an id object.
So I store the data into a NSMutableArray
In the debugger window it shows all the elements added as (id) null.
I have an if statement
if ([[self.activeCategories objectAtIndex:selected] boolValue] == true)
Sometimes I would say 20% of the time it fails the if statement when it should not.
I was wondering if it was because the self.activeCategories is storing id types. Do I need to do [NSString stringWithFormat#"%#", x] to all the objects inside the array? It seems like when I just straight cast it by using (NSString *) it is still type id in the debugger.
It's a very strange error to me... as the error is not consistently reproducible.
Try it like that:
if ([[self.activeCategories objectAtIndex:selected] boolValue])
According to that article a BOOL may hold values other than 0 and 1 which may fail the comparison.
