How to navigate page with Vaadin menubar? - grails

These are my first steps with java, I took grails and vaadin plugin. I want to make simple app with menu bar navigation, so I have got some Vaadin example:
created some commands:
edit.addItem("Cut1", menuCommand1);
edit.addItem("Cut1", menuCommand1);
Each command just draw table from another example:
Unfortunately each time I hit menu item it draws one table under another table, but what I was expecting is to draw each table in place of previous one.
How to achieve this?

vaadin's UI is stored as state (in a session) on the server. if you add several items they stay unless removed. so e.g. if you want to replace the table there you two options. either removeAllComponents and then add the new one or if you have hold of the original table then you can replaceComponent in the wrapping layout (most likely a VerticalLayout?).
if the table is just supposed to change content, then you are better off to just change/modifiy the dataSource of the table.


Codename one list scrolled down when returning to form

I've had some testers reporting an intermittent issue on a search page that contains a list.
They say when they have been on the page and navigate to a sub page then return that the list is sometimes scrolled all the way to the bottom of the screen.
I've disabled tensile drag on the list, but I wanted to know if there was any other work-around for this issue?
This has nothing to do with tensile drag. When you navigate from one form to another in the old GUI builder the form is re-created from scratch and re-positioned based on the data.
We try to select the previously selected item but if something in the list changed this might trigger issues.
You can override restoreComponentState in the state machine with a blank implementation to see that this is the cause of this behavior. Assuming that it is you can create a special case for the list instance.

How to reload parent view in Vaadin without table reseting sort order

I'm using PagedFilterTable in Vaadin to manage pagination. When loading default page, I have set something like this - and I include sorting by some field:
if(this.sortField != null){
table.setColumnWidth(this.sortField, 80);
So that happens when the page is loaded and that is fine. After I submit new entry (entries are being added through new, popup window), table gets new row, but the table loses it's sort order in view after popup closes, so sorting is no longer keeped. Problem is I do not know how to get to that table element from that popup window and set sorting again. Why table is being updated and I see it, and sort doesen't? Problem is bigger because I have both windows in separate files and seems to me I can't grab table element easily without modifiying the logic because I am in another window.
How to reload table so that the sort stays same?
I managed to do this after submit:
With that it works, but I am not satisfied. After that line of code, everything reloads again (meaning all queries execute again). Result is good but I don't want after submit whole reloading of page happens (also because none of my other buttons do reload). So I would like only to reload table in parent window.
How can I grab table object from outside window and for example set it's change to immediate and correct change?
Something like this I suppose needs to be written:
Or better question, how to manage to table sort remains the same after inserting new entry through new window?
I managed to solve it. On the parent window in the windowCloseListener I just added:
myTable.sortTable(); // my custom method that was Invoked on the page load too

How to create a Hierarchical menu in iOS?

In my application, I have a menu that is defined as follows. Each item on the menu is a node that has the following data attributes:
MenuText : (the text that would appear for that item)
isView : Whether this item is a leaf level item or not
subMenus : if isView is false, then there are multiple menu items under this attribute.
Thus, it is a tree structure that can go till any depth. The items in the menu can change periodically and hence the implementation has to be kept flexible. This data is stored in a plist file and read into an NSArray in the code (already implemented).
I now need to create a slide out menu on the left that will be populated by this data hierarchy. I have created the menu pane and added swipe gestures to it, all of which work fine. The menu has to be a collapsible one where clicking on one menu item expands the subViews below it. If the item clicked on is a view, then a new view is loaded on the rest of the screen with appropriate data.
The problem I am facing is the logic to populate the menu (which is a UITableView) from the NSArray data. The following are the two approaches I came up with.
Create a UITableView with as many sections as there are items at the top level of the menu. Then iterate through the menu items recursively. For each menu item that is not a view (i.e. it has subMenus), create a new section with number of rows equal to the number of subMenus under it. When I come across a menu item that is a view and has no further subMenus, add it as a row to the subsection created for the menu one level above it.
Create a menu with one section and as many rows as the number of menu items at the top level. When a menu item is clicked, insert rows under it to represent its sub-menus. When another menu item on the same level is clicked, collapse the previously expanded menu by deleting the inserted rows. When a menu item with no sub menus is clicked, the rest of the screen is populated with data.
I have tried both the approaches and not been able to go beyond the initial steps. For the first method, I understand that I need to add a UITableView as a part of UITableViewCells, which is good, but I need to do that recursively. For the second approach, I need to know the indexPath of each item clicked which can go to many levels.
I would like some suggestions here about which approach I should take and some guidance over how to go about it. Also, if there is any better way to do this, kindly advice. Thanks.
In my opinion, using UINavigationController is the easiest way. You can push as many UITableViews as you want.
If it doesn't fit your design requirement, you can try expandable UITableViews. There are few open sources:
Thanks for the responses. I ended up doing this using the following control:
Accordion for iOS
It has served my purpose beautifully and I posted it here so that someone with the same requirement may find it.
Take a look at TLIndexPathTools. It has a "Tree" extension that can do this. Try running the Outline sample project. The main task in adapting the sample project would be to write a recursive function to convert your array of nodes into an array of TLIndexPathTreeItem objects. All of the code in the controller:willChangeNode: method is examples of lazy loading and it doesn't sound like you'd need any of that.

How to add table styles back to table after it has been updated using jQuery Mobile

I create a table dynamically from json data. I then allow the user to update certain elements in the table. Before the update the table looks as follows:
I inspect the element and it has the following:
Then after I update the table, the styles added to the input boxes and selects in the table are removed:
I would like to know, how would I add back these styles (i.e ui-select, ui-btn-inner etc) so that the tables dont lose their styling when I recreate the tables. I want to know how to add back the styles to the select, input and the colour of the "Update TextBooks".
just to shed some more light on the answer so that people understand everything 100%. I was always calling code that basically kept reconstructing the above table, as seen in the pictures above.
In order to keep adding the jQuery Mobile formatting and css to the table everytime one has to call the .trigger() method on the table. So for example I would dynamically create an a table based in the users values entered previously. For this solution lets say my table has an id of id = 'updatetable'.
Thus to fix the above problem simply use:
after you have dynamically created the table.

Bring Control to Front when Selected in the Structure Pane

I would like to build a Wizard component, where I can guid the user through different pages. When the last page is reached, an action is performed.
That component should work similar as the TPageControl, where I can create sheets at design-time. Creating that 'sheets' is already done, but my problem is, that the last added sheet is always on top of the other sheets, and I cannot select another one anymore (which are behind). In the TPageControl component, I can select a sheet in the Structure Pane, and it comes to the front, where can I put controls on it.
And this is my question: How can I bring a control (my wizard sheet) to the front, when it is selected in the Structre Pane?
I have to override the TWinControl.ShowControl function. That function is fired when you click in the structure pane on the child control. Then, I just need to invoke the BringToFront function of that child.
