Jqgrid breaks properties of other jqgrid - grails

As titled,
In my webpage, i have a jqgrid, and a button that will pop up a modal dialog that contains another jqgrid (displaying different data) on it. The problem is, the jqgrid on the modal dialog breaks the jqgrid on the page, like for example, if i set my jqgrid on the dialog to have no filter function, then it will cause the jqgrid's filter on the webpage to suddenly disappear.
Just want to know if anyone encounter such issues before?
By the way the webpage was created using Grails, so i'm not sure if this is related to Grails's resource issue or not.

It's difficult to help you because you don't posted your code. I can only to suppose that you could have id conflicts between the grid in modal dialog and the grids on the main page. I would suggest you to add idPrefix option with some non-empty unique value in the modal dialog. For example you can add idPrefix: "g1_" in the first grid and idPrefix: "g2_" in the second grid. Then the rows with ids "1", "2", "3" will be "g1_1", "g1_2", "g1_3" in the first grid and there will be "g2_1", "g2_2", "g2_3" in the second grid.


jqGrid: edit form in the subgrid area accordion

We are using Jqgrid but we need to perform a custom editing.
In particular we want to view/edit the detail of a row inside the accordion of a subgrid area (instead of real subgrid)...
Basically we are looking for a way to redirect the content of the edit popup to the subgrid area.
Anyone have some ideas about how to do it?
If I understand correct the problem you may look at this demo in case you use Guriddo jqGrid JavaScript. In your case the html file can contain template form, where you can get the values from the row and put it in the form.
If you have difficulties we can prepare a online demo.

How to overlay a jQuery UI Dialog over a Skillbuilders modal page?

I am using the SkillBuilders Modal Page within my Oracle APEX application, i.e.
SkillBuilders Modal Page
to present the user with a tabular form, where they can enter specific values via select lists.
What I also have is validation based on another thread that I raised in Stackoverflow:
How to perform row by row validation on an Oracle APEX Tabular form using Ajax?
The problem that I am having is within my SkillBuilders Modal Page, I have some validation by where I want to make a call to jQueryUI dialog, in order to present the user a message. I do this by calling:
Unfortunately it doesn't actually seem to appear on screen and I believe it's something to do with the fact that I am trying to overlay a modal dialog over a modal page (skillbuilders modal plugin).
How can I solve this problem?

Calling rowToggle on Page Load using Prime Faces?

I am using primefaces 3.5, the latest release for our development work! In our homepage, we display the rows of data. When we click a row onRowSelect (SelectEvent) event we navigate to the next page with the Navigation Handler. On this landing page, I have a dataTable with expandable rows which has data in it. When I click the rowToggle icon the data is displayed in row expansion section (as it should normally).
What I need is to show the data automatically when page is loaded, with the rowToggler displaying down.
How can I achieve this?
This can be achieved using a bit of JavaScript (jQuery). All you have to do, is as your page loads call the click action of the RowExpander.
Something like this would work :
You can place this in your body onLoad attribute.

"Out of stack space " while using jquery dialog in a jqgrid

I'm having a jqgrid and on the loadComplete of the grid i am calling a function that creates a new div with some custom classes and appends that div to one of the columns where i am displaying the custom image button created in the div.
Now, on the click of the image button i am displaying a modal dialog form. On my modal dialog form i am getting some value by making a ajax call for the selected record .Also there are two buttons ( save and cancel) on the dialog. When .dialog("close") method is called after save or on close, i am getting a error "SCRIPT28: Out of stack space " and Strangely the save also works fine.
Can anybody assist on that.
Thanks in advance.

binding fields in a dialog popup in my view

i have an html table in my asp.net mvc view an i am running into some real estate issues with screen space.
I think in one area of my view i am going to have a button in a column of an html table that says "Details" which, when clicked, loads up some dialog ui. what i am trying to get my head around is that i want the fields in the dialog to also be part of data binding object in the overall form which i am passing to the controller when i submit the form.
is there anything that i should be worried about or anything that you need to do special if you have a form where inside your form you have a button that create a popup with some more details elements. I am just trying to see from a data binding view if there are any issues.
also any examples of doing anything similar would be great.
So i tried doing this an ran into a binding issue. i have a follow up question with the specifics about this binding issue with jquery ui dialog here:
why does jquery ui dialog break asp.net mvc's default model binding .
There shouldn't be any issues if you are binding elements from your popup dialog to corresponding hidden elements in your main view. These hidden elements will bind correctly like any other control in your main form.
Of course, you might be POSTing the form elements from your popup form to its own controller method directly, and that is also a perfectly good approach.
