Strong params and action mailer issues - ruby-on-rails

I have tried to create a mailer using the following code:
routes code
resources :listings do
member do
put :lead
mailer controller code
def lead(listing)
#listing = listing
mail(to: #listing.leadrecepient, subject: "test")
standard controller code
def lead
<%= form_for lead_listing_path(#listing), method: :put do |listing| %>
<%= listing.text_field :name %>
<%= listing.submit %>
<% end %>
In the context of a business directory, I want it so that there is a enquiry form on each listing page that when filled out and submitted, the information is sent to the relative listing email.
The problem however is that when I type into the form and click submit, I get the following error:
param is missing or the value is empty: listing
This seems to be because I have it in the "listing" controller which controls the showing and creation of the business listing itself. I therefore have strong params for a new listing which contains all the new listing variables:
def listing_params
params.require(:listing).permit(:fullname, :jobtitle, :email, :franchisename, :leadrecepint, :shortdescription, :longdescription, :website, :branchcount, :scale, :mininvestment, :investmentrange, :category, :hexbg, :logourl, :facebook, :twitter, :linkedin, :googleplus, :approved)
How do I go about fixing this? I'm a beginner if I'm honest, could really do with some help to get this mailer working! Thanks.

Strong params are for when you are submitting new resources or modifications to resources. To protect against people adding extra parameters that may circumvent security or other aspects of your application unexpectedly.
If you are adding an action to an existing resource that the user is authorized to access, which this appears to be, you want to just find the object by ID, and use it. So instead of finding it using the params filtered through listing_params, just find it like this in the controller:
def lead
listing = Listing.find(params[:id])
redirect_to listing
And invoke it using a simple link, instead of this:
<%= form_for lead_listing_path(#listing), method: :put do |listing| %>
<%= listing.text_field :name %>
<%= listing.submit %>
<% end %>
Just use this in your view:
= link_to 'Go!', lead_listing_path(#listing), method: :put
Nothing more to it.


Filling additional form parameters from one input

I'm fairly new to Rails and can't find any information on exactly how to do this.
Currently, users create items by filling in a form with URL, Title, Content, etc.
#resource =
def resource_params
params.require(:resource).permit(:title, :url, :content, :name, :tags_as_string)
I want users to be able to input only the URL, and generate the input for the rest of the parameters using the MetaInspector gem (, but then be able to go back to the created item and edit its content manually.
Can somebody point me in the right direction? I have a feeling I need to create some kind of helper method, but this is the real first programming I've encountered in my project.
To prevent users from passing value of any field except url, you will need to remove all fields but url from your new resource form.
<%= form_for(#resource) do |f| %>
<%= f.text_field :url %>
<% end %>
And in your controller action create, permit only :url in params.
def create
#resource =
# Set other attributes using `metainspector`. See documentation for usage.
redirect_to resources_path
render :new
You can have a separate form (with all the fields) for editing a resource manually and a different set of permitted params for update action.
<%= form_for(#resource) do |f| %>
<%= f.text_field :url %>
<%= f.text_field :title %>
<%= f.text_field :content %>
<!-- Add other editable fields here -->
<% end %>
before_action :fetch_resource, only: [:edit, :update]
def update
if #resource.update_attributes(resource_params)
redirect_to resources_path
render :edit
def fetch_resource
# Fetch `Resource` instance from database. Homework for you.
def resource_params
params.require(:resource).permit(:title, :url, :content, :name, :tags_as_string)
Note: This code is not tested. It is just to give you hints on how you should proceed. You might have to change some method/field names to make them suit your application.

Associating two models together in Rails 4+

I have a User model which is working under Devise with no problems (using devise sanitizer to update fields, so no UsersController)
I am working on creating a Quiz model, which belongs_to the User model, and the User model has_one Quiz. In my routes, I have: resources :users, :quizzes (is this supposed to be quizzes or quizs? I know that Rails pluralizes but couldn't seem to find which it'd be in this case).
In my views, I'm trying to open up a modal (which works) and inside have it populated with fields that a User can enter in questions they want (q1 through q5 being the database fields).
Inside the modal content area, I have the code:
<%= form_for #quiz, url: {action: "new"} do |f| %>
<%= f.submit "Create" %>
<% end %>
and I get the error "First argument in form cannot contain nil or be empty"
Inside my quizzes controller, I have defined new as
def new
#quiz =
I would greatly appreciate some assistance here! Thank you.
In your WelcomeController action: index add this line to initialized #quiz
def index
#quiz =
hope you made a good progress in your project.
shoudn't it be like following
<%= form_for #quiz do |f| %>
<%= f.submit "Create" %>
<% end %>

How to update an existing record?

I have a Books model and it has CRUD operations. In config/routes.rb, I have declared
map.resources :books
My new.html.erb looks like as:
<%= form_for :book, url: books_path do |f| %>
<%= f.label :title %>
<%= f.text_field :title %>
<%= f.submit :Add %>
<% end %>
My create method in controller looks like as:
def create
book =
So, when I submit my form from views, request would go to the 'create' method and an record for the book gets created in database. Fair enough. Now, I want to have an edit page for book. So, my edit method in controller look like as:
def edit
#book = Book.find_by(params[:id])
render :new
When I go to my edit view, it automatically show the value of title in the text box, which is what I expected.. But when I try to submit the form again(ofcourse after changing the title value) it again creates a new record instead of updating it..
Something basic which I missed out in my reading? I googled about it though but did not find satisfactory answer.
The issue is that you are using the 'new' view where form has the post method. If you will check the generated routes, post will be for create method, that is adding a new record. You will have to create a new view for edit where the form target URL will be edit_book_path(#book) and method will be patch. Patch method will route to 'update' function in your controller where you will call #book.update. I am not writing the exact code, but these directions should help you achieve what you want

Why is this form not working?

I'm making a mailer so that I have a business directory, each business listing has a form and when the form is filled out and submitted it is sent to the relative business email with the lead information.
Here's the mailer folder file:
class Enquiry < ActionMailer::Base
default from: ""
attr_accessible :name
def lead(listing)
#listing = listing
mail(to: #listing.leadrecepient, subject: "test")
Here's the listing controller where I'm calling it:
def lead
listing = Listing.find(params[:id])
redirect_to listing
The view:
<%= form_for #listing, url: lead_listing_path(#listing), method: :put do |listing| %>
<%= listing.text_field :name %>
<%= listing.submit %>
<% end %>
The routes:
resources :listings do
member do
put :lead
And the error :(
undefined method `name' for #<Listing:0x4d7c6d8>
On the view line:
<%= listing.text_field :name %>
Any help greatly appreciated, mailers are a nightmare!
When you use form_for helper, it actually rely on a model object. Doing this, when you write listing.text_field :name it will actually look for a field name in the listing model. You get that error because your model (connected to a DB table? we would like to see the listing class) doesn't have this field. I can see it in the Enquiry class.
I would say you have to move it in the model, but is hard to say without seeing the Model or knowing for what you need that field...
Show us the model and explain a little better what are you trying to do, so we can help you :)

Trying to fire an action in my controller when a selection in a drop down menu is made but getting a no route matches error

I'm building a web interface to accompany a mobile app I'm building. I have a drop down select menu that lists a bunch locations.
On selection of a location I want to make a call to a method in my controller and grab some destinations within the location that was selected (each location has several destinations).
I then would like to render my show template with these results allowing the user to select a destination and make a booking.
This is what I have so far:
My view with a list of resorts:
<%= form_tag :url => { :action => :show } do %>
<%= select_tag :resort , options_for_select(#resorts), :prompt => 'Select Resort', :onchange => 'submit()' %>
<% end %>
class HomeController < ApplicationController
def index
#resorts = ["A","B", "C", "D", "E"]
def new
def edit
def create
def show
#activities ="Activity").tap do |a|
a.eq("resort", params[:resort])
Just slightly confused. Using form_for makes more sense to me with CRUD in mind and also because the form is object based.
I'd like to just take the selected resorted and pass it into a method in my controller that goes into a database and grabs a bunch of destinations. I then want to list these destinations on my show page where a user can click and be taken to another page where they can make a booking at that destination.
My above code doesn't work. I have resources :home in my routes file.
However when I try to load my page with the form I get:
No route matches {:action=>"show", :controller=>"home"} missing required keys: [:id]
How do I pull this off?
I went on my lynda account and pulled up a rails essential tutorial which I'll have to use to refresh my memory some time tomorrow but the tutor doesn't cover use of select_tag.
Would appreciate some help here
Thanks for your time
So a few thoughts. Not sure why you are using form_tag and also not sure why you aren't using Rails idiomatic conventions.
Declare a resource in your routes for #resorts, like so:
resources :resorts
Then just use Rails form_for helper like:
<%= form_for #resorts, url: {action: "create"}, html: {class: "nifty_form"} do |f| %>
<%= :resort, (insert your other options) %>
<%= f.submit "Create" %>
<% end %>
I have not tested the above code, so play around with it, but that should work.
However, let me save you some headache. Checkout SimpleForm.
For your models, you would want to setup an association between your locations and destinations.
class Location < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :resort # or whatever the relation is
has_many :destinations
class Destination < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :location # This assumes there is just a one-to-many relationship between Location and Destination
Make sure you have a LocationsController with all the actions.
In this case, your SimpleForm form would look something like this:
<%= simple_form_for #locations do |f| %>
<%= f.input :name %>
<%= f.association :password %>
<%= f.button :submit %>
<% end %>
That approach will make your life much easier. Take a look at the collections methods in Simple Form. Rails can make your life difficult with the built in form helpers.
Hope that helps!
In your routes, add
get '/choose_resort' => 'home#show' #you can name the get whatever
Then in your form...
<%= form_tag choose_resort_path do %>
That being said... you should have your query at a separate endpoint, and redirect to the show page. That should get you moving, methinks.
The show action needs an id of the object you are showing. Change your controller:
class HomeController < ApplicationController
def index
#resorts = [["A",1], ["B",2], ["C",3], ["D",4], ["E",5] ]
And your view
<%= select_tag :id , options_for_select(#resorts), :prompt => 'Select Resort', :onchange => 'submit()' %>
That gives your show action the proper resort id. You'll have to adjust that action to find the right activities relevant to the resort.
