Embedding TableView in TableViewController into another view - ios

I would like to customize content of table view controller(add some buttons, etc.) but root view for that is table view. Is it a way to embed it into another view and add controls on it?

You can use Container View.
In the storyboard create another view controller that you would use to host those controls. Then drag in Container View from the Object Library (normally the last item in the list) and place it where you want the table view to appear (which could be the whole screen). Doing this, the Container View will create another view controller. Simply delete that and ctrl drag from the Container View to your table view controller and select embed segue.
By doing this, you would not have to change anything in your current table view controller if it doesn't depend on other view controllers to give it data in order for it to work. If it does, however, you could assign the segue identifier to the embed segue, implement prepareForSegue:sender: and do whatever you would normally do with other segues.

You simply add TableView as a subview of a uiviewcontroller. Remember to call for delegates. Normally i don't use storyboards, but if you do it programmatically you can do like this:
On .h file:
#interface EmbeddedTableView : UIViewController <UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource>
And on .m file simply create your tableView by adding it as subview of viewcontroller.
You can look at this for example: How to set up UITableView within a UIViewController created on a .xib file


Swift : How do i make a master page structure in view controllers?

I am working in a project that it contains a header view. There is a UIImageView inside header view. I want to derive this header view and its appearance (constraints,bg color etc.) on all of my other view controllers. So is that possible to do it just using Xcode designer ?
I created a view controller in storyboard and BaseViewController class.
In second view controller, i created another class and derived it from BaseViewController. But this didn't work.
Create the view in xib the use that view in all viewControllers in all storyboards. For creating a custom view you can see this video:

Swift3, How to use same UITableView in different viewController

In my project, I have table including many cell prototypes, outlets and constraints already in xViewController class.
I would like to know how if I want to use this table again in yViewController class.
Is it possible or I have to create the new one?
You can use ContainerView for the same. You can take a separate UITableViewController or UIViewController as per your requirement.Let called this class CommonTableViewController.
In your XViewController , remove tableview and move all code to CommonTableViewController. Drag and drop container view from the object library on XViewController. You can delete pre- defined child of your ContainerView. Now add embed segue between XViewController and CommonTableViewController.
Drag and drop container view on YViewController as well and add segue as mentioned above.
Do let me know if you have any further queries.
Refactor your table view controller to its own dedicated storyboard (In Interface Builder: Select the table view controller, and choose on the Menu bar: Editor > Refactor to Storyboard...).
Make sure your table view controller is the "Initial View Controller" (has an arrow pointint to it from the left, on the storyboard).
Now, on the main view of every view controller on which you wish to display your table view, insert a Container View and replace the target of the Embed segue with a Storyboard Reference to the Table View stotyboard you just created.

iOS Simulator doesn't show prototype cell

I'm currently learning Objective-C by doing tutorials ("the iOS Apprecente")
Now I need to make a checklist
I added in viewController.h
#interface ViewController : UITableViewController
Normal there stands
#interface ViewController : UIViewController
The next is to go to Storyboard place there a TableViewController, give it the name: ChecklistsViewController (Identity inspector > Custom class > class.
I added a label into the first Table view cell. But when I run it there's nothing.
What to do?
Two separate issues here:
The choice of UIViewController with your own IBOutlet for the table view or a UITableViewController is simply a question of whether, in Interface Builder (IB), you added a standard view controller to which you added a table view, or whether you used a table view controller. You use the former if you have other controls on the view in addition to the table view. You'd generally use the latter if the table view is the only thing being presented in that view controller's view. Bottom line, your choice of UIViewController or UITableViewController is dictated by how you added the scene in IB. From your description, it sounds like you went down the UITableViewController approach, which is fine.
In terms of why you're not seeing anything, there are a bunch of possible reasons:
Did you specify the cell identifier for your table view cell prototype? Is it the same identifier you're using in cellForRowAtIndexPath method?
If you manually added a table view to a standard view controller's view, did you specify the view controller as the delegate and dataSource for the table view? Also, did you create an IBOutlet for the table view itself, hooking that up in IB? (If you used a table view controller in Interface Builder, you don't have to do these steps.)
You might want to double-check that the base class for the table view controller was correctly set in IB.
Did you implement all of the UITableViewDataSource methods, notably numberOfRowsInSection? If you don't do that, it will conclude that there are no rows, and no cells will be generated.
You say that you specified the base class for your view controller in IB to be ChecklistsViewController. But in your code snippets, it looks like you're using a custom class called ViewController. Make sure you're using the same UITableViewController subclass for both.

Table View Controller code not getting invoked

I've got an app with a Web View and a Table View. The Web View works fine, but the Table View does not seem to be invoking the TableViewController.h code when displaying. I think I missed a linking step somewhere, but I can't seem to figure it out.
To clarify, I originally set up the project as a single view application but later added a Navigation controller and the Table View manually.
After I manually added the Table View to the storyboard, I created TableViewController.h and TableViewController.m, but I can't figure out how to link the code to the Table View in the story board.
Can someone explain what I'm missing?
Set the class of the controller you're using in the storyboard to be TableViewController
Two scenarios:
First, if you added a tableview to a standard UIViewController (i.e. you dragged a table view to your blank, standard view controller in Interface Builder and the .h for your view controller specifies that it is a subclass of UIViewController), then you have to specify the "data source" and "delegate" properties of your table view manually. Thus, you should make sure to configure the "data source" and "delegate" for your tableview to reference your view controller. You can do this in either Interface Builder (by selecting the tableview, going to the "Connections Inspector" in the far right panel, and then make sure you've specified the outlets for data source and delegate):
Or set dataSource and delegate properties in your UIViewController subclass viewDidLoad code:
self.tableView.dataSource = self;
self.tableView.delegate = self;
In this scenario, you also want to ensure that you created a IBOutlet for your tableview, too.
Alternatively, if you used a UITableViewController (i.e. you removed the blank view controller and added your own table view controller into your storyboard in Interface Builder and have made sure that your view controller is a subclass of UITableViewController, not UIViewController), see Moxy's answer.

Table view inside view, inside viewcontroller. Best way to do it?

I have a main home screen in my app which I am eventually hoping to contain a table view in the centre. When a button is pressed, the table view flips to a map view.
I would do this as part of the main view, but I want the surrounding area to stay the same. I have dragged a view into the centre of the homepage view controller, and have set up my table view there. How do I access the data in this view?
As far as I'm aware, there is no way of setting a tableviewcontroller to it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You can make whatever View Controller is in charge of the views conform to UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource protocols in your header (.h) file:
#interface YourViewControllerClass : UIViewController <UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource>
And then implement the appropriate methods in your implementation (.m) file.
If you're using IB, drag the TableView's datasource and delegate outlets to your view controller subclass.
