In AngularDart, how should I reference my templates in templateUrl so they work for both Dartium and dart2js? - dart

I currently have this directory layout:
My components look like:
selector: 'app',
templateUrl: 'templates/app.html'
class AppComponent { ... }
My application's index.html (in another project) is served from /client, and project/web is served from /project. The above works in Dartium, but I get errors from pub build:
[Warning from _Serial on project|web/main.dart with input project|web/components/AppComponent.dart]:
line 3, column 1 of web/components/AppComponent.dart: Unable to find templates/app.html at project|templates/app.html
[Warning from _Serial]:
Unable to find webatara|web/main.dart from html_files in pubspec.yaml.
[Warning from TemplateCacheGenerator]:
Can't find asset web/web/templates/app.html.
depending on what combination of paths I use in templateUrl and html_files (for Angular's transformer).
What, exactly, should go where and how should it be referenced in templateUrl and pubspec.yaml?
Update: I can get rid of my build errors by moving my templates to the lib directory and using templateUrl: 'packages/project/templates/app.html', but then Dartium tries to load that as /packages/project/templates/app.html, and not /project/packages/project/templates/app.html, which would be correct. I don't see any way to tell it what the base URL is.

but then Dartium tries to load that as
/packages/project/templates/app.html, and not
/project/packages/project/templates/app.html, which would be correct.
I don't see any way to tell it what the base URL is.
I believe you are using angulardart 1.1.1 or 1.1.2? We had the same issue in our project after switching from 1.1.0 to 1.1.2. This is weird behaviour that was added since version 1.1.1.
For some reason default package root in AngularDart now is '/packages/'. This causes generation of root-relative URLs. In your case it generates
instead of
It's OK while you app is in the root of your domain. But in your case what you need to do is to add following to your initialization method in main.dart:
bind(ResourceResolverConfig, toValue: new ResourceResolverConfig
.resolveRelativeUrls(true, packageRoot: 'packages/'));
This will override angular's default packages root and will make it generate correct relative URLs.
Hope it helps.


URL in CSS no longer works in Vaadin 14.6

After upgrading from Vaadin 14.5 to 14.6 I'm facing problems with CSS that contains URL's that point to content.
For example, the following CSS no longer works:
:host([part="my-part"]) [part="reveal-button"]::before {
content: url("../images/my-image.svg");
It fails to "compile" when running the build-frontend goal of the Vaadin Maven plugin with the following error:
ERROR in ../node_modules/#vaadin/flow-frontend/styles/components/my-component.css
Module build failed (from ../node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js):
Error: Can't resolve '../images/my-image.svg' in '<Project Path>\node_modules\#vaadin\flow-frontend\styles\components'
The same error appears in the browser if I try to run the project. This CSS has worked fine in all previous versions of Vaadin 14.
Has anyone encountered anything similar, or have any ideas as to what has changed that might cause this?
With the new custom theme feature the .css loader has changed from raw-loader to css-loader but it shouldn't touch urls outside of frontend/themes/[theme-name] or node_modules
Is the styles/components/my-component.css located in src/main/resources/META-INF/frontend, src/main/resources/META-INF/resources/frontend or src/main/resources/META-INF/resources to be packaged as an add-on jar or compatibility mode?
As in that case the css would end up inside node_modules which might make a difference to the resolving.
As a workaround if you are not building an add-on you should be able to move the css and image to {project_root}/frontend and it should build fine.
Until release of 14.6.2 you can add the raw-loader dependency to a java class with
#NpmPackage(value = "raw-loader", version = "3.1.0")
and then add to webpack.config.js the lines
if(flowDefaults.module.rules[2].test.toString().includes('.css')) {
flowDefaults.module.rules[2].use = [ {loader: 'raw-loader' }];
} else if(flowDefaults.module.rules[1].test.toString().includes('.css')) {
flowDefaults.module.rules[1].use = [ {loader: 'raw-loader' }];
Did you change the css structure to follow the new theme structure introduced in 14.6? It is not needed, but it is important context. I think it is at least related to your issue.
The path seems a little weird in your error messages, ending up in a node_modules folder. Could you share where this file is in, and what loads the file to your project?
With the new theme structure, I've used the following css to import images in css:
background: url('./images/fire.png');
And that was placed in a file: frontend/themes/mythemename/mythemefile.css

NestJs Swagger how to add custom favicon

I am trying to add a custom favicon to my NestJs documentation. However, I am a bit lost on how the path file gets resolved and not sure how to achieve this.
I am using nestjs/swagger module version 3.1.0 and trying to pass the path file like so when initializing the Swagger Module.
My main.ts file
SwaggerModule.setup('/v1/docs', app, document, {
customCss: CUSTOM_STYLE,
customSiteTitle: 'My API Documentation',
customfavIcon: './public/favicon.jpg'
Searched on the github issues and didn't find anything useful. And as you can see from the code I was able to modify the CSS styles, but I cannot figure out how to make the favicon custom.
Appreciate any help
I have added the custom favicon to my swagger docs using following:
The first thing you make sure is, in your main.ts, the app is initialized with the following:
const app: NestExpressApplication = await NestFactory.create(...)
To serve static content you must initialize your app with NestExpressApplication.
The next thing is to allow the Nest application to look for public content using the following in your main.ts after initialization:
app.useStaticAssets(join(__dirname, '..', 'public'));
Also, create a public directory in your root of the application and paste your favicon.jpg file in it.
Now its time to initialize the Swagger in main.ts
SwaggerModule.setup('/v1/docs', app, document, {
customCss: CUSTOM_STYLE,
customSiteTitle: 'My API Documentation',
customfavIcon: '../favicon.jpg'
You must give a relative path to the root of the application like ../favicon.jpg in case our main.ts is in src folder in root of the application.
Alternative solution, just host your favicon and reference it with external url
SwaggerModule.setup('api', app, getSwaggerDocument(app), {
To iterate on pravindot17's answer, now there's the #nestjs/serve-static package for hosting static files. Which avoid us from type-casting the Nest.js client and relying on our implicit assumption that we're running an Express-backed Nest.js server.
After installing the package, you hook it into your src/app.module.ts. This configuration expects that the root of your project has a /public/ folder where you store your static assets.
import { Module } from '#nestjs/common';
import { ServeStaticModule } from '#nestjs/serve-static';
import { join } from 'path';
imports: [
// Host static files in ../public under the /static path.
* Config options are documented:
rootPath: join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'public'),
serveRoot: '/static',
// ...
export class AppModule {}
Now my own preference is using an absolute path rather than relative, as it makes it independent from the path we picked to host our API documentation under.
SwaggerModule.setup('/v1/docs', app, document, {
customfavIcon: '/static/favicon.jpg'
One last note is that this configuration hosts static files from /static/*, this is done to prevent that API calls to non-existing endpoints show an error message to the end-user that the static file cannot be found.
Otherwise, all 404's on non-existing endpoints will look something like:
{"statusCode":404,"message":"ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '/Users/me/my-project/public/index.html'"}

Webpack 2 with angular 2 and mvc cshtml as template

I've a project running with Angular 2 and webpack 2 but currently I load all my templates directly into the js file with no addional template loading from the server. That works great.
selector: 'logmonitor',
styleUrls: [ './logmonitor.component.less' ],
templateUrl: './logmonitor.component.html'
}) ...
but I need to load only some Templates from a cshtml view and the views should only get loaded with an extra server request when I open these views.
I've created a simple cshtml view in my views folder an I can directly "show" it when typing the right controller/action into the url. That "works"
but I've tried to set this to get the Template loaded
selector: 'testView',
templateUrl: 'Logviewer/TestLogview',
}) ...
but webpack will not compile the view it gives a error
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './Logviewer/TestLogview' in 'C:\SourceControl\WebLogViewer\App\Views\LogViewer'
thats right the file is daved in
but I don't want that webpack tries to resolve this url, angular itself need to call this url when the view gets loaded. I've thought webpack will not try to load the cshtml file when I don't write the "./" in front of the file name, but thats not working. Is there a solution how I can prevent webpack from parsing all templateUrl ?
thats my current Loader for html files, but this should not parse the string because there is not .html at the end :-/
test: /\.html$/,
use: ['raw-loader'],
exclude: [helpers.root('App/index.html')]
You can find a working example in this repo.
The key is lazy loading and
in loading the ts template dependencies

How to import a component in one angular2-dart package into another angular2-dart package

I understand how to import one dart-polymer package into another package and use a component from the imported package.
There seems to be a difference in angular2-dart.
I created an angular2-dart component in package A and import it into package B.
The specific component I want to use is NameComponent.
In polymer I would simply do the following to used the imported component's markup
Doing something similar does not work in angular2-dart.
I have not been able to find information on importing a component from one dart package into another for angular2-dart.
A graphical summary of what I am trying to do is shown below - package B. The name-component is from package A.
Does anyone know how this is done?
After making the suggested corrections I receive the following
"P:\Program Files\Dart\dev\dart-sdk\bin\pub.bat" serve web --port=57435
Loading source assets...
Loading angular2 and dart_to_js_script_rewriter transformers...
Serving epimss_ng2_app web on http://localhost:57435
[DirectiveProcessor on epimss_ng2_reg|lib/components.dart]:
ERROR: Invalid argument (url): "Could not read asset at uri asset:epimss_ng2_reg/lib/name_component.html"
[Warning from TemplateCompiler on epimss_ng2_app|lib/app_component.ng_meta.json]:
Could not find Directive entry for name: NameComponent
. Please be aware that Dart transformers have limited support for reusable, pre-defined lists of Directives (aka "directive aliases"). See for details.
Build completed with 1 errors.
[web] GET Served 13 assets.
[web] GET packages/epimss_ng2_reg/components.dart => Could not find asset epimss_ng2_reg|lib/components.dart.
[web] GET Served 17 assets.
I am going to place the components directory directly on lib and see if it makes a difference.
My package is actually packages/epimss_ng2_reg/src/components.dart.
I can only think of 2 things you might be missing.
You need to add the component to directives
#Component(..., directives: const [NameComponent]) af the parent component.
You need to add the Angular2 transformer in pubspec.yaml of the component

All angularJs templateUrl paths invalid

So I'm writing a small app and currently working on the angular js front end. The backend is written in RoR but thats besides the point. I have a dependency ui.router in my angular.module so I can move around pages.
Link to github branch if interested: linky link
-app.js (where the routing lies)
-dashboard.html (this is the template I want to render)
-Index.html.erb <- this is the index
Heres the problem:
angular.module('SwoleMetrics', [
.config(function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $locationProvider) {
* Routes and States
.state('dashboard', {
url: '/dashboard',
templateUrl: 'dashboard.html', <<--- RIGHT HERE
controller: 'DashboardCtrl'
// default fall back route
// enable HTML5 Mode for SEO
No matter what path I put into templateUrl, it never works. I have the same html file in basically every folder around app.js to see if it could read any of those but it always fails and just recursively inserts the parent div into the . Do any front end engineers know why?
The issue was the way the files were being served via rails. The sprockets gem was updated and no longer compatible with angular-ui-templates and broke everything. Downgraded to sprockets v. 2.x and it worked.
Its going to be relative to index.html. If index.html is under App then your path is going to be templateUrl: 'Templates/dashboard.html'.
