IOS Label and View constraints height - ios

I am really confused about constraints is iOS, i've read a lot of articles, but get stuck, when tried to set Height constraints of UIView according to UILabel content height. I know that is the common question, but i really don't understand the solutions. I thought that the main thing in this question is the constraint priority, but i can't set them properly. In one case, the height of UIView wont change to 0, and in other UILabel height does not make any sense.
So. I've got:
UIView with height constraint, and descendants constraints (below)
UIImageView with height=32, width=32, top=10, left=10, bottom>=10
UILabel with left to UIImageView = 10, top=10, right=10, bottom=10
And i want:
If i got any text to place in the UILabel, i want to dynamic height of UIView according to height of content size of UILabel.
And if there is no text to place in UILabel, i want to set the height of UIView equals to 0 (hide the UIView totally).
UIImageView - is just the icon. If there is no text, must be shrink to 0, if there is some text, must have height 32, top constraint 10, bottom constraint more or equals to 10.
Fix the problem, by adding height constraint programmatically. (don't like this)

You can make the constraints take full control of the label,image and view heights, if you set the priorities correctelly.
Set the four vertical margins priorities to less than 1000 (lets say 999)
Set the image height priority to 999 too.
Set lable vertical hugging priority to 1000
Set image height less than or equal label height with 1000 priority
Set label height less than or equal container view height with multiplier 1: 10(or any big number) with priority 1000
Like this
The View is this
and this


Adjust UIImageView to heigth of UILabel

I have an UIImageView and an UILabel next to each other with horizontal spacing constraint 0 and vertical alignment constraint. Now I want the image to be 80% as high as the label, so I set an equal height constraint with multiplier 0.8. But now instead of the image shrinking the image and the label grow insanely big. The constraint is still applied since the image is smaller than the label, but they are just way to big. My guess is that the constraint resizes the label based on the image instead of the other way around. So how can I tell it to do what I want?
Ary you trying to achieve like I shown in following image?
Where UIImageView view will be having 80% height of your UILabel?
If yes then Height Constraint will be key here.
Select both UI elements and apply Equal Heights constraint
It will make both as same height.
Then select the Height Constraint of UIImageView and add
Multiplier = 0.8 in Size inspector
Apply One by One constraints to each element first to show in expected way then add Equal Heights constraint. It will show conflict because other constraints are already present, then apply Multiplier = 0.8 and finally you are good to remove the unwanted constraints i.e. Fixed Height.
To avoid auto resizing of UIImageView according to Image, you need to have fix Height constraint for UILabel.

How do I make the UIView superview of a UILabel fit the intrinsic height of the UILabel using the storyboard only?

I got a UIView whose child is a UILabel. I then aligned the left, top, right, and bottom of the UILabel to that of its superview (the UIView) using constraints.
But what I'm getting is a UILabel that matches the height of its superview but not its intrinsic height (smaller or larger than its text content depending on the size of the UIView). What I expect is for the UIView to resize itself to fit exactly the height of the UILabel.
So how do I do this using only the interface builder?
In order to make the UILabel keep its size and force the outer view to resize you can update the values for Content Hugging Priority to 1000 (a.k.a. Required). This can be done in the measurements panel when selecting the label in Interface Builder.
I think they are set as a default to 750.
This should (if there is nothing else causing the change) make the label take its intrinsic content size and force its superview to conform to that size also.
Align top, trailing, bottom and leading of UILabel with UIView (add constraints).
Remove height and bottom constraints from UIView if any.
If the content is large, you probably need to wrap UILabel into a UIScrollView in place of UIView. and add a bottom constraint to UIScrollView
Content Hugging Priority of UILabel (251) is more than that of UIView (250) by default. Verify this
It's super easy using auto-layout. Just, follow these steps
1 - Drag a UIView and align it vertically and horizontallyin centre.
2 - Now drag UILabel into the UIView and align the label also horizontally and vertically in centre.Now, the IB aligns the label at the centre WRT to the superview and not the UIView.So, change that in the size-inspector section.
3 - Once you have done that and all red lines are removed, select both the label and the UIView together using the command key.
4 - Now, give them constraints as follows
leading = 0, trailing = 0 and select the equal width and equal height.
There you are done.If you wanna test that the UIView size is respective to the label's content, try increasing the label's font to a bigger size and you will see that the size of the view will be the same as the size of the label.
There , you are done :-D. Hope, this was helpful.
If someone is experiencing this issue, while:
Having 2 labels inside the UIView
Doing everything what was suggested here
In my case, I set Vertical Content Hugging Priority of BOTH UILabels to 1000. Then one of the labels had a different font. (ie. one label was supposed to be smaller than the other one)
The height was being ambiguous, because both labels were trying to force their height on the superview. Once I lowered the priority on the smaller label, everything worked fine.

AutoLayout to dynamically size UILabel Height and Width

I have one UILabel and One UIView contains other subviews side by side in Storyboard. The UIView should butt up against the right edge of the UILabel(trailing constraint of 1), but I also need the UIlabel (the one on the left) to set it's width equal to it's content size unless it hits a max width. Visually:
|Label text| |UIViewWithSubviews|
And I need the following constraints:
1) Label should resize width wise unless it hits a max size and height is also dynamic that means when text reaches the maximum width then the word wrap will break the sentence to another line. and UIview will become vertical to UIlabel.
2) UIView should always be butted up against the right edge of label one in vertical center.
How do I set this up in Storyboard?
Thanks In advance.
Is this what you need?
Here is how i did in Interface Builder.
1) Set a width constraint on the UILabel that is "Less Than Or Equal" to the max width you want.
2) Set the number of lines for the UILabel in the storyboard to be 0. This enables the wrapping you are looking for. Don't set any height constraint at all.
3) Set up constraint to center the UIView vertically with the UILabel.
4) Your other existing constraints sound fine. Just make sure that the UILabel has a clear x and y position, for example by anchoring to the leading and top edges of the superview. And make sure the UIView similarly has sufficient constraints as needed in addition to the vertical centering and the leading edge alignment with the UILabel.

Expanding UIView as UILabel inside grows

I have a UIView which is a superview of UIImageView and UILabel. UILabel can have different size depending on the amount of text in it. So, I need the UIView to grow and shrink together with the UILabel but can not make it working.
The screenshot of how it looks is below:
As you can see the spacing above and below of the label are too big. In the .xib I set up top and bottom constraints on the UILabel to be just 10 but apparently these are somehow violated. UIView has top constraint to the frame above with the image as >=10, so that it could grow from 10.
You can see .xib below:
I tried to increase Content Hugging Priority of the UIView but it does not help. UILabel has just 4 constraints: top, bottom, left, right relative to its superview UIView. I have also tried to change Content Hugging Priority of UILabel relative to UIView but no success. The UIImageView is the actual border of the UIView that is shown in the picture.
Think you're missing:
Constraint: Height >= 20
Lines: 0
Constraint: Top and bottom margins to the (super) View
Constraint: Height >= 10
Screenshot of a working example:
Tip: use the preview
So, in my case the solution was to set constraints of UILabel relative to the UIImageView and then set the Content Compression Resistance Priority to 250. Then everything started to work. Thank you matt! I opened your github project and found that Content Compression Resistance Priority of UIImageView should be 250 - this was crucial.
Set the label to .sizeToFit(), or in InterfaceBilder the number of lines to 0, and either you set the max width (prefererred width) or make >=/<= constraints. As my experience, you have to play a bit with constraints to make it work, the preview in assistant editor is very useful in that case. Then you can set the width/height of the superviews to be the same as the label and some to make it bigger. Hope this works.

XCode Interface Builder Auto Layout issue

i have UILabel (red colored) on top and UIScrollView (blue colored) at the bottom of it. I have set all constraints for UILabel and at the same time I have set UIScrollView Top Space To: UILabel = 10.
Now when my app is loaded everything looks good. But, i am dynamically changing height of my UILabel depending on its text and logically when height of UILabel increases UIScrollView should automatically go down to keep constraint. But this does not happen. ScrollView stays as it is and overlaps with increased UILabel.
Here is what you should do.
With all of your current settings,
Don't use height constraint for label,
set number of line to 0 to label
You don't need to add any calculation of height of label, it will adjust it's height according to text
PS: if you want to have some height constraint to set minimum height of label, you can use "Greater or equal to instead of equal"
