I'm have TTabControl with some controls (Delphi XE7 Firemonkey app).
All works fine, tabstop too. Now I need to colorize one panel with CheckBox.
Add TRectangle to this panel and set parent for CheckBox to this TRectangle.
Interface looks fine but now this CheckBox not in the taborder list and not received tabstop command.
How to fix this issue?
How to reproduce: Add to the form TRectangle, add 3 CheckBox, move one CheckBox3 to the TRectangle using Structure panel (set TRectangle as parent for the CheckBox3). Run this application and try navigation using Tab key. You can't navigate to the CheckBox3!
You either have to manually set TabOrder to some (reasonable) value because TShape doesn't have it published and is thus set to -1 (which does the same thing as TabStop = False) or doesn't place the TCheckBox in the TRectangle, just place it in front of the TRectangle so it draws over the TRectangle.
Another option is not to use the TRectangle at all and change the style of the TPanel: Right click on the panel in the designer and select Edit Custom Style.... Then select the style newly created for you (something like panel1style: TRectangle) and change Fill property however you need. Click Apply and Close and you're done. By using styles you can create complex looks for any control that may look simple at first. For more information see http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/XE7/en/Customizing_FireMonkey_Applications_with_Styles and related topics.
I am trying to add a fade-out effect to a TMemo control.
In the Form Designer it works quite well with a TLayout, TRectangle, and TMaskToAlphaEffect, as show in the screenshot on the left side. However, I would like to use the Style Designer (TStyleBook), as this seems the predestined approach and offers even more possibilities.
I have recreated it in the Style Designer, and in the Form Designer it looks as expected.
At runtime, however, the fade-out effect is not visible for TMemo styled by the TStyleBook. The "manually" styled TMemo is working fine.
As the Windows resources for the TStyleBook generates a ~83kb .fmx file, I had to upload the MCVE, which can be found on DropBox.
To do it on your own, follow these steps:
Open new FMX project
Add a TMemo to the form
Right click the TMemo and select "Edit Custom Stlyes..."
Select "background" under Memo1Style1 in the structure panel
Add a TRectangle from the component palette by double clicking
Select the Rectange1Style and change
Align to "Client"
Fill -> Kind to "Gradient"
Add a TMaskToAlphaEffect as child from the component palette by double clicking (Rectange1Style still selected)
Close the Style Designer and confirm applying the changes
If I change the Z-order of the TRectangle in the Style Designer, the effect also disappears in the Form Designer.
Am I missing something, or is it due to an incorrect Z-order at runtime, or is my approach fundamentally wrong?
How to change the color of active TAB in a TabControl (on FireMonkey) as shown below?
There are 2 ways to make this happen.
1) First option is you can create CustomStyle for TabControl from TStyleBook (Style Designer).
Then you can add whatever you want to use in your custom design (TRectangle is recommmended for many shape and colors).
2) I prefer to use second way for it. Set the TTabControl's TabPosition to None, then add a TGridPanelLayout to where you want to add tabs in your form. After that, set your TGridPanelLayout's column count for your tab count.
Now you need to know that your each tab box should be same. Drop a TRectangle for first column then set Align to Client (All colors and inner components are depends on your choice).
Be sure that your TRectangle components HitTest parameter is true and inner components' HitTest parameter is false.
Also you can handle your tab selections from OnClick event. Set each TRectangle (for tab) a Tag then connect all tabs to same OnClick event. Then you get Sender's Tag and set your TabControl1.ActiveTab from your Tag.
I've created a style with the Bitmap Style Designer for Delphi XE7.
I've updated the button style to white with a blue border and duplicated it to create an orange button called Button_Copy.
I've exported the style to FireMonkey, but I can't find Button_Copy to assign it to a button on my form. How do I do this?
Also, can I rename Button_Copy to e.g. OrangeButton?
In the Bitmap Style Designer, save the style as a FireMonkey style.
Add a TStyleBook to your form.
Set the StyleBook property to the stylebook.
Double-Click the StyleBook and open your style. Close and Apply.
You can now set the StyleLookup property of a button to Button_Copy and if all is well you will see your new style.
Note that your new style won't appear in the selection list for StyleLookup - the list of available values appears to be hard coded.
And, of course you can change the name - just change the StyleName property of the top level object (probably a TLayout). The normalnaming convention is to append the word 'style', e.g. OrangeButtonStyle.
I am developing an application for mobile (android and ios) by Delphi xe5.
I am willing to create this UI:
I tried TListBox but image on left and right cant be set.
I tried TListView but same problem as TListBox
I tried TGrid with custom column, The problem of texts and images is solved but I can't create headers of each rows (it hasn't something like colspan)
What I need is to create a custom control and repeat it.
What is the best solution?
Any solution or guide line will be appreciated.
Thanks #Mike Sutton for answer, this is the result
The style here is so different from a standard TListBoxItem style that is probably makes sense to start from scratch, in which case the issues with accessing the default styles become immaterial.
Add a TStyleBook to your form.
Set the StyleBook property of the form to point to it.
Double click the icon to open the editor.
Drag a TLayout to the structure panel and drop it on the only item which will be there.
Set the StyleName property of the TLayout (e.g. ScoreListBoxItemStyle).
Drag/drop other components to build up the layout you want (remember TLayouts for 'hidden' positioning).
Set the StyleName property of any components you want reference from your code.
Subclass TLIstBoxItem to TScoreListBoxItem (if using the StyleName suggested above).
Add properties for your text, images etc.
In the setter methods for each of these, cache the data and call a method such as:
procedure SetFlag1;
var O: TFMXObject;
O := FindStyleResource('flag1'); //StyleName of the item
if O is TImage then
Override the ApplyStyle method and call all of your methods that set the data in the style.
Now create your items in code:
Item := TScoreListBoxItem.Create(Self);
Item.Flag1.LoadFromReource ...
Here's an idea that I don't have time to test:
Create a descendant of a TListBoxItem and in that add you two images as normal TImages. I'm pretty sure that a TListBoxItem can parent an object. You'll have to place the images on the listbox item where you want them. Then whenever you add an item to the listbox item just pass in your own descendant.
(If this doesn't work someone let me know and I'll delete this.)
In my Firemonkey HD application I have to edit the default style of a TButton.
Opening the TStyleBook resources I've seen that the TLayout object of each buttons have two different sub-components:
- TSubImage (it set the default background image for each component)
- TText (it shows the text)
When I try to add a TPanel, TRectangle or TImage to my TLayout I see that, after saving and applying the changes, running my application the OnClick event of my TButton doesn't work.
Any advices?
Clear the HitTest property of any components you add which you do not want to respond to mouse clicks and gestures.