What does filterApplyIdx mean in parse.js? - swig-template

I'm working on swig.js to make it work with Django more friendly,I can understand most of the codes but the parse.js,I wonder what the 'filterApplyIdx' exactly means.Is there anybody else working on this too?

As I posted to the mailing list
filterApplyIdx is an array of indices on the out (output) array at which filters will be applied. When the parser finds a filter it will apply it to the out array at the index of the last value in filterApplyIdx.
For example: if the out array has the following ['(', 'my_var'], the filterApplyIdx should be [0, 1]. (it will apply first to my_var, and second to everything that is encompassed by the opening parenthesis, once the closing parenthesis is found). So, if the next item parsed is a filter, it will pop the filterApplyIdx last value, which is 1, and look at the out array, and apply the filter to the token at out[1].
If, however, the out array was something more complex, like: ['my_func(', 'foo', 'bar'] (note that the closing parenthesis for my_func has not been found yet), the filterApplyIdx will be: [0, 2]. We've removed 1 now because the chance to apply a filter to foo has passed, since a new variable, bar was found.


Why do I get None for key for first level in firebase realtime base with nested 2 levels

I am trying to iter through childs, but I get None for first key which should be e.g. id of case.
example of code
and this is result of code [None, {'-MaISrSqXnill-8W7sG1': {'datum': '22.5.2021', 'idtip_uplate': '11', 'iduplata': '1', 'novaca': '50', 'predmet': '1'}}]
For some reason he don't see first key
When you use numeric keys (like the 1) in your data, you run the risk that Firebase will try to be helpful and interpret those keys as indexes in an array. So in your data it sees it as an array of size 2, with no element at index 0 and the -M... element at index 1. And that's what the output you print shows.
To prevent Firebase from interpreting the keys as an array, ensure they start with a string value. So prefix them with a short known value, like "key1".
For more on this, also see: Best Practices: Arrays in Firebase.

table size difference. are both examples identical?

tNum={[2]=true , [3]=true,[4]=true, [5]=true ,[6]=true }
why such a difference in size?
are both examples identical?
Your two tables are semantically identical, but using # on them is ambiguous. Both 0 and 6 are correct lengths. Here's an abridged version of the docs:
The length operator applied on a table returns a border in that table. A border in a table t is any natural number that satisfies the following condition:
(border == 0 or t[border] ~= nil) and t[border + 1] == nil
A table with exactly one border is called a sequence.
When t is not a sequence, #t can return any of its borders. (The exact one depends on details of the internal representation of the table, which in turn can depend on how the table was populated and the memory addresses of its non-numeric keys.)
This is an example of undefined behavior (UB). (That may not be the right word, because the behavior is partially defined. UB in Lua can't launch nuclear weapons, as it can in C.) Undefined behavior is important, because it gives the devs the freedom to choose the fastest possible algorithm without worrying about what happens when a user violates their assumptions.
To find a length, Lua makes, at most, log n guesses instead of looking at every element to find an unambiguous length. For large arrays, this speeds things up a lot.
The issue is that when you define a table as starting at index [2], the length operator breaks because it assumes that tables start at index [1].
The following code works as intended:
tNum = {[1]=false, [2]=true, [3]=true, [4]=true, [5]=true, [6]=true}
#tNum => 6
The odd behaviour is caused because when you initialize an array with tNum={} it initializes by assigning every index to nil, and the first index is [1] (It doesn't actually initialize every value to nil, but it's easier to explain that way).
Conversely, when you initialize an array with tNum={[2]=true} you are explicitly telling the array that tNum[1] does not exist and the array begins at index 2. The length calculation breaks when you do this.
For a more thorough explanation, see this section of the lua wiki near the bottom where it explains:
For those that really want their arrays starting at 0, it is not difficult to write the following:
days = {[0]="Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
"Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"}
Now, the first value, "Sunday", is at index 0. That zero does not affect the other fields, but "Monday" naturally goes to index 1, because it is the first list value in the constructor; the other values follow it. Despite this facility, I do not recommend the use of arrays starting at 0 in Lua. Remember that most functions assume that arrays start at index 1, and therefore will not handle such arrays correctly.
The Length operator assumes your array will begin at index [1], and since it does not, it doesn't work correctly.
I hope this was helpful, good luck with your code!

Understanding GameMonkey Script Mixed Arrays

I was just reading some introductory stuff from GameMonkey Script on https://www.gamedev.net/articles/programming/engines-and-middleware/introduction-to-gamemonkey-script-r3297/ and when they were explaining about Mixed Arrays they say that you can access the elements using and index or a key depending on how the value was declared, so for example if i have the next array
myMixedArray = table( 1, 3, 4, KeyV = "Test", 33);
then i can access 1, 2, 4 and 33 using the next indices 0, 1, 2, 3 and
to access "Test" i'll do it like this
myMixedArray["KeyV"] <- ("Test")
now according with the following image that you can find in the above link
The number expected to be at myTest[3] is 7, but that would mean that both regular values and key-val elements are not really separated in the array.
If not then why would 7 be at the index 3 of the array?
While you can treat a gm Table as an Array or Map, you can't effectively do both at the same time.
Internally, the Table is just a hash table, and your index access method is a bit like an iterator.
In your example, because value "Test" is assigned to key 'KeyV', it messes up the otherwise contiguous index order.
Hopefully that gives you an idea of the cause. Try iterating a table with no 'keys' and again with all key value pairs. Observe the different behavior.
If you are serious about arrays, you may be better off using a binding to create an Array type with the behavior you want. GM source has an example of an array container.

Why does splitting a string return a (bad) value across multiple lines in my Rails API application, but not the console?

I have a GrapeSwaggerRails API application that takes a two dates and a comma-delimited string of category IDs. It should query the database for Records with a created_at within the two given dates and a category_id that matches one of the IDs passed to it. I'm not having any trouble with the dates, so I'll skip that for now. But let's say I want Records with categories matching 8, 2, or 1. In the code, it looks like "8,2,1". In the URL, it gets appended as &categories=%228%2C2%2C1%22.
Anyway, I figured one decent way of getting this to do what I want would be to convert that string into an array of integers like this: categories = params[:categories].split(',').map(&:to_i)
But given "8,2,1", the output is this (ignore the comment):
0 # <-- ?????
Very strange. In the definition of the API, params[:categories] looks like this: "8,2,1". But params[:categories].split(',') becomes the following:
That's a bit odd, isn't it? Running the map method on that turns it into that nonsense higher up, converting the "8 to a 0 for reasons I'm hoping to find out here. I know I could probably come at this problem from a different angle and sidestep the issue, but I'd rather try to get to the root of what's going wrong, so I can learn something from it. For reference, here's what the Rails console does when I put (as far as I can tell) the same data into it:
>> "8,2,1".split(',')
#=> ["8", "2", "1"]
map then works as expected.
>> "8,2,1".split(',').map(&:to_i)
#=> [8, 2, 1]
So my question is twofold. What's going wrong with this split function? Why does it behave differently in the console?
Because params[:categories] is actually
'"8,2,1"' # <- the outer ''s are just for illustration of a string.
If you pass &categories=8%2C2%2C1 it should work as expected.

remove all entries with specified value in table

I want to delete all entries from a table, wich equals a given value.
Now, I got a pretty little problem one might to know, how to handle.
This is the Code:
function(list_to_search_in, compared_value, invert)
for k,v in pairs(list_to_search_in) do
if invert and v ~= compared_value then
table.remove(list_to_search_in, v)
if not invert and v == compared_value then
table.remove(list_to_search_in, v)
The Problem:
Let's say the table is { 1, 2, 3, 2 }. So when I'm iterating through that loop and come to the first match, it's removed from the table. This means the value and the key is deleted.
Now the key of the deleten value is assigned to the next value in line. But due the skript will check the value of the next key, this value (whichs kay has been just altered) will never be checked.
I thought, a simple
k = k - 1
after a remove would do the job, but it doesn't.
v = nil
would do great I think, but only if garbage-collector does not do his job in this very moment the pairs iterates to the next value.
Anyone has an idea? I would prefer an text-based hint to a finished syntax which solves the problem.
Don't use table.remove for this. It squeezes the "hole" out of array-like tables. That's not allowed during an iteration using pairs/next. Just set the value to nil.
If you need to squeeze holes out of the table then you can either create a new table and populate it with only the values you want to keep or do the removals during the first pass and then squeeze out holes in a second pass.
Also the order of item traversal when using pairs is not guaranteed in any way.
