Preventing information loss on image subtraction - opencv

I have two images that I am subtracting from one another quite simply:
Mat foo, a, b;
...//imread onto a and b or somesuch
foo = a - b;
Now, as I understand it, any pixel value that goes into the negatives (or over 255 for that matter) will be set to zero instead. If that is so, I'd like to know if there is any way to permit it to go under zero so that I may adjust the image later without information loss.
I'm working with greyscale images if that simplifies things.

This is how a simple convert => substract => convertAndScaleBack application would look like:
int main()
cv::Mat input = cv::imread("../inputData/Lenna.png", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
cv::Mat input2 = cv::imread("../inputData/Lenna_edges.png", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
cv::Mat input1_16S;
cv::Mat input2_16S;
input.convertTo(input1_16S, CV_16SC1);
input2.convertTo(input2_16S, CV_16SC1);
// compute difference of 16 bit signed images
cv::Mat diffImage = input1_16S-input2_16S;
// now you have a 16S image that has some negative values
// find minimum and maximum values:
double min, max;
cv::minMaxLoc(diffImage, &min, &max);
std::cout << "min pixel value: " << min<< std::endl;
cv::Mat backConverted;
// scale the pixel values so that the smalles value is 0 and the largest one is 255
diffImage.convertTo(backConverted,CV_8UC1, 255.0/(max-min), -min);
cv::imshow("backConverted", backConverted);


Is it possible to recognize so minimal changes between noisy images in OpenCV?

I want to detect the very minimal movement of a conveyor belt using image evaluation (Resolution: 31x512, image rate: 1000 per second.). The moment of belt-start is important for me.
If I do cv::absdiff between two subsequent images, I obtain very noisy result:
According to the mechanical rotation sensor of the motor, the movement starts here:
I tried to threshold the abs-diff image with a cascade of erosion and dilation, but I could detect the earliest change more than second too late in this image:
Is it possible to find the change earlier?
Here is the sequence of the Images without changes (according to motor sensor):
In this sequence the movement begins in the middle image:
Looks like I've found a solution which works in MY case.
Instead of comparing the image changes in space-domain, the cross-correlation should be applied:
I convert both images to DFT, multiply DFT-Mats and convert back. The max pixel value is the center of the correlation. As long as the images are same, the max-pix remains in the same position and moves otherwise.
The actual working code uses 3 images, 2 DFT multiplication result between images 1,2 and 2,3:
Mat img1_( 512, 32, CV_16UC1 );
Mat img2_( 512, 32, CV_16UC1 );
Mat img3_( 512, 32, CV_16UC1 );
//read the data in the images wohever you want. I read from MHD-file
//Set ROI (if required)
Mat img1 = img1_(cv::Rect(0,200,32,100));
Mat img2 = img2_(cv::Rect(0,200,32,100));
Mat img3 = img3_(cv::Rect(0,200,32,100));
//Float mats for DFT
Mat img1f;
Mat img2f;
Mat img3f;
//DFT and produtcts mats
Mat dft1,dft2,dft3,dftproduct,dftproduct2;
//Calculate DFT of both images
img1.convertTo(img1f, CV_32FC1);
cv::dft(img1f, dft1);
img2.convertTo(img3f, CV_32FC1);
cv::dft(img3f, dft3);
img3.convertTo(img2f, CV_32FC1);
cv::dft(img2f, dft2);
//Multiply DFT Mats
//Convert back to space domain
cv::Mat result,result2;
//Not sure if required, I needed it for visualizing
cv::normalize( result, result, 0, 255, NORM_MINMAX, CV_8UC1);
cv::normalize( result2, result2, 0, 255, NORM_MINMAX, CV_8UC1);
//Find maxima positions
double dummy;
Point locdummy; Point maxLoc1; Point maxLoc2;
cv::minMaxLoc(result, &dummy, &dummy, &locdummy, &maxLoc1);
cv::minMaxLoc(result2, &dummy, &dummy, &locdummy, &maxLoc2);
//Calculate products simply fot having one value to compare
int maxlocProd1 = maxLoc1.x*maxLoc1.y;
int maxlocProd2 = maxLoc2.x*maxLoc2.y;
//Calculate absolute difference of the products. Not 0 means movement
int absPosDiff = std::abs(maxlocProd2-maxlocProd1);
if ( absPosDiff>0 )
std::cout << id<< std::endl;

(opencv) imread with CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE yields a 4 channels Mat

The following code reads an image from a file into a cv::Mat object.
#include <string>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
cv::Mat load_image(std::string img_path)
cv::Mat img = cv::imread(img_path, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
cv::Scalar intensity =<uchar>(0, 0);
std::cout << intensity << std::endl;
return img;
I would expect the cv::Mat to have only one channel (namely, the intensity of the image) but it has 4.
$ ./test_load_image
[164, 0, 0, 0]
I also tried converting the image with
cv::Mat gray(img.size(), CV_8UC1);
img.convertTo(gray, CV_8UC1);
but the gray matrix is also a 4 channels one.
I'd like to know if it's possible to have a single channel cv::Mat. Intuitively, that's what I would expect to have when dealing with a grayscale (thus, single channel) image.
The matrix is single channel. You're just reading the values in the wrong way.
Scalar is a struct with 4 values. Constructing a Scalar with a single value will result in a Scalar with the first value set, and the remaining at zero.
In your case, only the first values make sense. The zeros are as default for Scalar.
However, you don't need to use a Scalar:
uchar intensity =<uchar>(0, 0);
std::cout << int(intensity) << std::endl; // Print the value, not the ASCII character

Writing a float image in openCv with pixel values bigger than 1

I am currently working on a program which should take an LDR images and multiply certain pixel in the image, so that their pixel value would exceed the normal 0-255 (0-1) pixel value boundary. The program i have written can do so, but I am not able to write the image file, as the imwrite() in OpenCV clambs the values back in the range of 0-255 (0-1)
if they are bigger than 255.
Is there anybody there who knows how to write a floating point image with pixel values bigger than 255 (1)
My code looks like this
Mat ApplySunValue(Mat InputImg)
Mat Image1 = imread("/****/.jpg",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
Mat outPutImage;
Image1.convertTo(Image1, CV_32FC3);
for(int x = 0; x < InputImg.cols; x++){
for(int y = 0; y < InputImg.rows; y++){
float blue =<Vec3f>(y,x)[0] /255.0f;
float green =<Vec3f>(y,x)[1] /255.0f;
float red =<Vec3f>(y,x)[2] /255.0f ;<Vec3f>(y,x)[0] = blue;<Vec3f>(y,x)[1] = green;<Vec3f>(y,x)[2] = red;
int pixelValue =<uchar>(y,x);
if(pixelValue > 254){<Vec3f>(y,x)[0] = blue * SunMultiplyer;<Vec3f>(y,x)[1] = green * SunMultiplyer;<Vec3f>(y,x)[2] = red * SunMultiplyer;
imwrite("/****/Nice.TIFF", Image1 * 255);
imshow("hej", Image1);
return InputImg;
For storage purposes, the following is more memory efficient than the XML / YAML alternative (due to the use of a binary format):
// Save the image data in binary format
std::ofstream os(<filepath>,std::ios::out|std::ios::trunc|std::ios::binary);
os << (int)image.rows << " " << (int)image.cols << " " << (int)image.type() << " ";
You can then load the image as follows:
// Load the image data from binary format
std::ifstream is(<filepath>,std::ios::in|std::ios::binary);
return false;
int rows,cols,type;
is >> rows; is.ignore(1);
is >> cols; is.ignore(1);
is >> type; is.ignore(1);
cv::Mat image;
For instance, without compression, a 1920x1200 floating-point three-channel image takes 26 MB when stored in binary format, whereas it takes 129 MB when stored in YML format. This size difference also has an impact on runtime since the number of accesses to the hard drive are very different.
Now, if what you want is to visualize your HDR image, you have no choice but to convert it to LDR. This is called "tone-mapping" (Wikipedia entry).
As far as I know, when opencv writes using imwrite, it writes in the format supported by the image container, and this by default is 255.
However, if you just want to save the data, you might consider writing the Mat object to an xml/yaml file.
cv::FileStorage fs;, cv::FileStorage::WRITE);
//Reading, cv::FileStorage::READ);
fs.release(); //Very Important

OpenCV 2.4.2 Byte array to Mat produces a strange image pattern

Good afternoon,
I am trying to run OpenCV through a DLL and use it in a LabVIEW application.
I have correctly acquired an image in LV and passed the byte array to the DLL.
I can loop and print out in a text file the values for every pixel and match them to the output in LV, so I know that all my pixels are in the right position, for the exception that LV adds 2 columns at the beginning, with the first 2 values reserved for height and width and the rest are arbitrary numbers. But all this should do is produce a streak on the left side of the image.
Next, I am using the following lines to convert and display the image.
a[0], a[1]... etc. are channels.
The output image comes out as a very horizontally stretched out image with pixels spaced equally 15-20 pixels apart and surrounded by black pixels. I attached a screenshot
_declspec (dllexport) double imageProcess(int **a, int &x, int &y, int &cor,int &cog,int &cob,int &cow, int th, int hth)
y = a[0][0];
x = a[0][1];
Mat image(y, x, CV_8U, a[0]);
namedWindow( "Display window", CV_WINDOW_NORMAL ); // Create a window for display.
imshow( "Display window", image ); // Show our image inside it.
return (0);
Additionally I tried using this code with the same effect:
IplImage* cv_image = cvCreateImageHeader(cvSize(x,y), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
cvSetData(cv_image, a[0], cv_image->widthStep);
Mat image = Mat(cv_image, false);
Can anyone please help me explain why this is happening during my image creation?
Note, Unfortunately, I cannot provide the original image/capture from LV, but I can say that it doesn't look anything like that and I am working with everything in grayscale.
Output Image:
your input ( a ) is a matrix of ints, while opencv wants uchars there.
the way you do it currently, each int (from a) gets spread over 4 consecutive bytes,
( that's exactly, what i see in that picture )
also it's only using the 1st 1/4 of the input data
you probably won't get away with just feeding the pixel pointer into your cv::Mat there,
looping over a[0], casting each pixel to uchar, and then assigning it to the opencv-pixel
should work, imho
You could convert your image to uchar or simple use an int image by replacing CV_8U by CV_32S and then:
int offset = 0;
int scale = 0;
cv::Mat image8U;
image.convertTo(image8U, CV_8UC1, scale, offset );

Otsu thresholding for depth image

I am trying to substract background from depth images acquired with kinect. When I learned what otsu thresholding is I thought that it could with it. Converting the depth image to grayscale i can hopefully apply otsu threshold to binarize the image.
However I implemented (tried to implemented) this with OpenCV 2.3, it came in vain. The output image is binarized however, very unexpectedly. I did the thresholding continuously (i.e print the result to screen to analyze for each frame) and saw that for some frames threshold is found to be 160ish and sometimes it is found to be 0. I couldn't quite understand why this is happening. May it be due to the high number of 0's in the depth image returned by kinect, which corresponds to pixels that can not be measured. Is there a way that I could tell the algorithm to ignore pixels having the value 0? Or otsu thresholding is not good for what I am trying to do?
Here are some outputs and segment of the related code. You may notice that the second screenshot looks like it could do some good binarization, however i want to achieve one that distincly differentiates between pixels corresponding to the chair in the scene and the backgroung.
cv::Mat1s depthcv(depth->getHeight(), depth->getWidth());
cv::Mat1b depthcv8(depth->getHeight(), depth->getWidth());
cv::Mat1b depthcv8_th(depth->getHeight(), depth->getWidth()); =(uchar*) depth->getDepthMetaData().Data();
//apply otsu thresholding
cv::threshold(depthcv8, depthcv8_th, 128, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY|CV_THRESH_OTSU);
std::ofstream output;"output.txt");
//output << "M = "<< endl << " " << depthcv8 << endl << endl;
Otsu is probably good enough for what you are trying to do, but you do need to mask out the zero values before computing the optimal threshold with the Otsu algorithm, otherwise the distribution of intensity values will be skewed lower than what you want.
OpenCV does not provide a mask argument for the cv::threshold function, so you will have to remove those values yourself. I would recommend putting all the non-zero values in a 1 by N matrix, and calling the cv::threshold function with CV_THRESH_OTSU and saving the return value (which is the estimated optimal threshold), and then running the cv::threshold function again on the original image with just the CV_THRESH_BINARY flag and the computed threshold.
Here is one possible implementation:
// move zeros to the back of a temp array
cv::Mat copyImg = origImg;
uint8* ptr = copyImg.datastart;
uint8* ptr_end = copyImg.dataend;
while (ptr < ptr_end) {
if (*ptr == 0) { // swap if zero
uint8 tmp = *ptr_end;
*ptr_end = *ptr;
*ptr = tmp;
ptr_end--; // make array smaller
} else {
// make a new matrix with only valid data
cv::Mat nz = cv::Mat(std::vector<uint8>(copyImg.datastart,ptr_end),true);
// compute optimal Otsu threshold
double thresh = cv::threshold(nz,nz,0,255,CV_THRESH_BINARY | CV_THRESH_OTSU);
// apply threshold
