Grails not correct redirect - grails

I have a Grails 2.3.4 webapp and when I try to go to an url, for example:
it always redirects correct how I wanted, but if:
without slash I get 404 error(Page not found).
my UrlMappings class:
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
constraints {
// apply constraints here
//"/"(view: '/error404')
"/"(action: "someAction", controller: "someController")
"404"(view: '/error404')
What I have to do with this?


Grails 4.1 - Static Mapping in URL Mappings not working properly after upgrade

I am currently upgrading to Grails 4.1. In the past version I had a static mapping in my URL Mappings.groovy as follows:
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
name tool: "tool/$controller/$action?/$id?"{
constraints {
// apply constraints here
"/"(controller: "auth", action: "login")
This was working perfectly in previous Grails versions and when I click on a link to redirect to the url localhost:8000/tool/converters/list, converter would be recognized as the Controller, list would be recognized as the Action and the correct view would be displayed. Now that I have upgraded, when I click on the link, the url that it redirect to is localhost:8080/tool%2Fconverters/list and the error message "This page isn't working" is what is displayed in the view. The "%2F" somehow gets inserted into the url and is causing the page to not display.
I have looked at the Grails 4 documentation and I don't see any indication that the format for static mappings in the URL Mappings has changed. Does anyone have any idea as to why this is happening and how I can fix it?
See the project at
package rookycodermapping
class SchemaController {
def show() {
render 'This is being rendered by the show action in SchemaController.'
package rookycodermapping
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
name tool: "/tool/$controller/$action?/$id?" {}
Click <g:link action="show" controller="schema">here</g:link> to invoke the show action (g:link action="show" controller="schema").
Click <g:link uri="/tool/schema/show">here</g:link> to invoke the show action (g:link uri="/tool/schema/show").
Both of those links appear to work as expected.

Grails UrlMapping Redirect to keep DRY

I am working with Grails 2.1.1 and would like to add a handful of customized URLs that map to Controller Actions.
I can do that, but the original mapping still works.
For example, I created a mapping add-property-to-directory in my UrlMappings as follows:
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
"/add-property-to-directory"(controller: "property", action: "create")
constraints {
// apply constraints here
Now, I can hit /mysite/add-property-to-directory and it will execute PropertyController.create, as I would expect.
However, I can still hit /mysite/property/create, and it will execute the same PropertyController.create method.
In the spirit of DRY, I would like to do a 301 Redirect from /mysite/property/create to /mysite/add-property-to-directory.
I could not find a way to do this in UrlMappings.groovy. Does anyone know of a way I can accomplish this in Grails?
Thank you very much!
Here is the solution that I implemented, based on Tom's answer:
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
"/add-property-to-directory"(controller: "property", action: "create")
"/property/create" {
controller = "redirect"
destination = "/add-property-to-directory"
constraints {
// apply constraints here
class RedirectController {
def index() {
redirect(url: params.destination, permanent: true)
It is possible to achieve this:
"/$controller/$action?/$id?" (
controller: 'myRedirectControlller', action: 'myRedirectAction', params:[ controller: $controller, action: $action, id: $id ]
"/user/list" ( controller:'user', action:'list' )
and in the action you get the values normallny in params:
log.trace 'myRedirectController.myRedirectAction: ' + params.controller + ', ' + params.action + ', ' +
As of Grails 2.3, it is possible to do redirects directly in the UrlMappings, without the need for a redirect controller. So in case you ever upgrade, you can redirect in UrlMappings like so, as per the documentation:
"/property/create"(redirect: '/add-property-to-directory')
Request parameters that were part of the original request will be included in the redirect.
In recent Grails version (currently 5.x) you need to pass a Map into the redirect: property:
"/viewBooks"(redirect: [uri: '/add-property-to-directory'])

Grails URL Mapping question

I'm using Grails 1.2.1. I want to set up this mapping ...
So I added this to my URLMappings.groovy file ...
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
‰name mediaproxy: "/mediaproxy" {
controller = "SocialMediaCacheProxy"
action = "index"
However, I'm getting a 404 when I visit the above URL. Here is how I set up my controller
class SocialMediaCacheProxyController {
def index = {
if (params.dumpAll != null) {
} else if (params.url != null) {
doCacheTransport(params, response);
} // if
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? Thanks, - Dave
There are is some weird character in front of your named mapping (‰) and your controller name should be lowercase on the first character so that it points to SocialMediaCacheProxyController.
If you don't need a named mapping the following mapping would do the trick for you:
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
"/mediaproxy"(controller:"socialMediaCacheProxy", action:"index")
It might be some problem with your question formatting but I would expect the url mapping to look like this:
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
"/mediaproxy" {
controller = "SocialMediaCacheProxy"
action = "index"

Weird UrlMappings behavior for Grails 1.2.1

I've created a Grails (1.2.1) application in SpringSource Tools Suite 2.3.2 and here is my UrlMappings.groovy:
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
constraints {
// apply constraints here
"/broadcasters/setInterval" { //cause a 404
controller = "broadcaster"
action = "setRefreshInterval"
"/broadcasters/online/$id?" { //this one is OK
controller = "broadcaster"
action = "listOnlineBroadcasters"
"/broadcasters/$id?" { //this one is OK
controller = "broadcaster"
action = "listAllBroadcasters"
"/" (controller: "login", action:"auth")
"/logout" (controller: "logout")
Here is my controller
package xxx.yyy.controllers
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.springsecurity.Secured
class BroadcasterController {
def broadcasterService
static defaultAction = "listAllBroadcasters"
def listOnlineBroadcasters = {
def listAllBroadcasters = {
def setRefreshInterval = {
When I access the url /broadcasters/setInterval, I've got a 404 both as normal or ajax request. I also write a simple unit test to check the for my UrlMappings:
class GSMUrlMappingTests extends GrailsUrlMappingsTestCase {
void testUrlMapping() {
assertUrlMapping ("/broadcasters/setInterval", controller: "broadcaster", action: "setRefreshInterval")
And the test failed! Is it a bug of Grails 1.2.1 or am I missing something?
Here is the plugins I've used
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
constraints {
// apply constraints here
is closed.
Other mappings need to be within

Creating a Grails catch-all URL-mapping

How do I create a catch-all URL-mapping in Grails?
The following Grails UrlMapping ..
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
controller = "something"
action = "something"
.. appears to match ^/[^/]* but how do I create an UrlMapping matching all URLs (^/.*)?
You're looking for the ** "double wildcard". Example:
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
"/**"(controller: "something", action: "something")
