JQuery Mobile Fixed Toolbar Hide - jquery-mobile

I was trying to simulate "tap to show/hide the fixed toolbar" when I found out that it's already the default function hahaha!
By default works charmly: it starts "show" and when it taps then "hide" and when taps again "shows" etc. PERFECT!
The problem is that I want it to start hidden and when the user taps shows and so on...
I used
but then it doesn't show when tapped! I also tried:
but both of them "stop my App" when triggered!
In order words I need to trigger those hides from javascript and still respond to tapping!

Use .toolbar() method with show, hide or toggle.
$(".ui-header, .ui-footer").toolbar("toggle");
Note that if you are at the top of the page, the header won't be hidden, only the footer, and vice versa.


Ranorex: button.Click() does not work as expected

I'm using Ranorex (v10.1.6) for a Desktop Application written mostly in C#. On a Form there is a table with rows and cells. When clicking on a date cell, it should reveal a button to open the calendar. Therefore I require first a click on the table cell which should make the calendar button visible, after which I then can click the calendar button.
Problem: The click() event does not make the button visible. It seems that the click event does for a fraction of a second make the calendar button visible, but then it disappears again.
It seems that the click event does after the click something different which hides the calendar button again. I also tried to accomplish the same with the Mouse Click, and Mouse.ButtonDown(System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left) followed by Mouse.ButtonUp(System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left), but this didn't work either.
Anything else I could try to get this to work?

How to hide keyboard without closing the dialog box using Appium for IOS?

I have a dialog box that appears and while closing keyboard with hideKeyboard(); all the form is closed and i get back to the home page so that i can't continue the scenario for filling other data.
Here the screen :
Just use UIScrollView in your dialog box, and set scroll view class TPKAScrollViewController. Download class
You can fill up the fields first using driver.sendkey() then tap on keyboard next button to switch the driver to the next field untill the last field. in last field you will get done button then you can tap on that button.
The default "strategy" of hideKeyboard(); is to tap outside the keyboard, but this can be changed to pressing a key on the keyboard instead.
See the java-client documentation (assuming you're using java-client?) for available hideKeyboard strategies: http://appium.github.io/java-client/io/appium/java_client/ios/IOSDeviceActionShortcuts.html
If your app's keyboard has for example a "Next" button to close the keyboard with, then you could use: driver.hideKeyboard("Next");

How to show keyboard programmatically in Firefox OS?

I am working on a ToDo list app wherein I keep the focus on the textbox input after the user adds a ToDo item.
Now, the problem is, when the user adds some text input and hits the add button, the focus on the textbox is lost so the keyboard disappears and then the focus gets back to the textbox. So, the keyboard disappears and appears again in a short interval. As you can imagine, this is bad UX.
How do I set the keyboard to be shown explicitly when the focus is on the input button?
I fixed it by setting the focus onto the textbox first when I click the add button then do the actual adding stuff.

mouseUp firing after button click in mobile Safari (iOS simulator)

I'm trying to build an editing view for a mobile app powered by Backbone.js and Trigger.io. The user goes to a note view and makes changes by tapping "edit" in the top right. When the "edit" button is tapped, we focus on the textarea containing the content and the "edit" button goes away and a "save" button appears. Whenever "edit" is tapped, however, a mouseUp event is firing which results in the textarea losing focus.
The mouseUp event does not fire if the edit button gets hidden and nothing replaces it. The mouseUp does fire if the edit button either A) remains or B) is hidden and save button replaces it.
The only way I've found to fix it is by setting a 200ms+ timeout between hiding the "edit" button and displaying the "save" button.
Is there something with mouseup events firing after click events and/or having them target separate elements? I'd post code but it's all over the place and would not provide much context. If you really need the code, I can post it in parts.
I believe iOs places a delay on the mouseup, to determine if a long touch is being performed. This might help:

Animate only a part of an element

how can I animate only a part of an element?
I show/hide a div using jquery-ui's show method but I'd like to start/end the animation from/to a given height of the element.
My dev website can be seen here (link removed). When clicking on the 'Contact' button the contact page shows up or hides if it's already open. Since I couldn't find how to starts my animation from a given height I added a fixed button when it's closed, but when the contact button of the contact page overlaps the fixed button when it's closing...
Any help welcome!
looking for something like this??
You can also add any fade or whatever effects. This is using a single button to animate both open and close. You could also attach a attribute to the button tag to define it's current state.
