Delphi 7 ISAPI WebBroker file upload - delphi

I am trying to accept file uploads in a Delphi 7 Webbroker CGI.
I'm using Shiv Kumar's TMsMultipartParser, but I have a problem with Chrome. I can't access the parsed data (surprisingly, Explorer works fine).
This is my code:
with TMsMultipartFormParser.Create do
if (lsExternalID='') then
raise Exception.Create('No external ID');
for i := 0 to Files.Count -1 do
//Rename file using external ID (not included for simplicity)
Response.Content := 'OK';
As suggested here, I tried to use but I can't compile it. It uses a unit called UniversalUtils that I can't find anywhere.
I know this is a very obsolete technology. Almost all references to it have already disappeared from the web (believe me, I have searched). Buy any help would be deeply appreciated.

I finally solved my problem, thanks to #mrabat.
This project started in Delphi 5. It was later upgraded to Delphi 7 (it can't be upgraded further, because many parts can't support Unicode strings, we use ANSI).
We were using Shiv's TMsMultipartParser because Delphi 5 didn't have any parser included.
Delphi 7 has TMultipartContentParser in unit ReqMulti.pas, and it works perfectly.
For anyone that need an example, I'll post my working code:
with TMultipartContentParser.Create(Request) do
if (lsExternalID='') then
raise Exception.Create('No external ID');
for i := 0 to Request.Files.Count -1 do
//Rename file using external ID (not included for simplicity)
Response.Content := 'OK';

I wrote something similar once here:
but that may be tightly coupled with SplitHeaderValue that parses the header lines, and TStreamNozzle that throttles incoming data. (and TXxmReqPar... objects, and IXxmContext...)
(Of course you're warmly welcomed to accept file uploads with xxm...)


How to replace glut32.dll library with freeglut.dll in Delphi XE easily (program stops suddenly)

I have the following issue.
I'm using Glut openGL for drawing certain elements in my application written in Delphi. The library file I'm using is called glut32.dll (placed where the EXE file is standing)
Now I decided to compile my app in 64-bit as other libraries it is using are going to be updated only for 64-bit. All fine, but the one thing that stops me is the glut32.dll (it is 32-bit). As the Glut project is not supported for many years already I found the freeglut alternative which claim to be replacement for the original Glut:, and downloaded the freeglut.dll from here: for MSVC.
As I looked at the .h header files it seems more or less the same as my code translation is in the *.pas files.
So I tried to just load the freeglut.dll instead of glut32.dll (dll is set to the correct dll name in the function below)
procedure LoadGlut(const dll: String);
hDLL := LoadLibrary(PChar(dll));
if hDLL = 0 then raise Exception.Create('Could not load Glut from ' + dll);
#glutInit := GetProcAddress(hDLL, 'glutInit');
#glutInitDisplayMode := GetProcAddress(hDLL, 'glutInitDisplayMode');
#glutCreateWindow := GetProcAddress(hDLL, 'glutCreateWindow');
#glutCreateSubWindow := GetProcAddress(hDLL, 'glutCreateSubWindow');
#glutDestroyWindow := GetProcAddress(hDLL, 'glutDestroyWindow');
#glutPostRedisplay := GetProcAddress(hDLL, 'glutPostRedisplay');
It is loading with no errors and so on, also the procedures in it, but when the application start and reach a point to use one of these functions it just stop the debugger with no error message (like pressing Ctrl+F2).
procedure DrawArrow(P1, P2: TRPoint; Color: TRGBAColor);
R : Real;
DrawLine(P1, P2, Color);
SetZAxis(P2, P1);
R := VectorModulus(VectorDifference(P1,P2));
glTranslated(0, 0, R);
glTranslated(0, 0, -ARROW_L);
The debugger shut itself at glutSolidCone(ARROW_W/2, ARROW_L, SOLID_SLICES, SOLID_STACKS); This function is defined in freeglut as well.
EDIT: If I call other simple function like glutInitDisplayMode it doesn't stop, so it seems that the library is correctly loaded. But it still keeps shutting down at glutSolidCone or other drawing functions.
I don't have much experience of using these header files and dll that comes with it, but my Delphi code should be a good translation in this case? Or not? I don't know how to debug this.
What is the way to adapt my code in order to fit freeglut in it. It should be something small I think as most of the things should be the same.
Thank you for the help
It seems that just replacing glut32.dll with freeglut.dll won't do the job properly as I guess functions inside differs a bit (or simply renaming freeglut.dll --> glut32.dll also fails). However I found a workaround published by NVIDIA: NVIDIA Cg Toolkit
It is not supported since 2013, but when installed it brings the dll version of glut32 both for 32-bit and 64-bit development. Quickly try it and it seems to work and cover what I have as definition in Glut.pas.
So if you need 64-bit version and replacement of glut32.dll it can be downloaded from there.
Meanwhile if somebody convert the freeglut headers (.h) to Delphi code it would be great as at the end the Freeglut projecy is still maintained, up-to-date and add some more useful functions in addition to the original Glut. This conversion is still beyond my knowledge.

Load TGPBitmap from MemoryStream

I have been asked to correct an issue (not related to this question) in a legacy Delphi program. After fixing some issues with missing components, I am now stuck with some GDI Plus functionality, which stops me from compiling the program. One of the functions where this is used is:
function TDownLoadItem.LoadRawBitmapFromStream(var bm: TBitmap): Boolean;
image: TGPBitmap;
Result := False;
if Content.Size = 0 then
// NOTE: Content is a TMemoryStream, declared globally.
image := GDIPlusHelper.LoadBitmapFromStream(Content); // <== This is where the problem is....
bm.Width := image.GetWidth;
bm.Height := image.GetHeight;
with TGPGraphics.Create(bm.Canvas.Handle) do
DrawImage(image, 0, 0, image.GetWidth, image.GetHeight);
Result := True;
I think (not sure) the last Delphi version used was 2006, I am on Delphi Rio 10.3.
Online I have managed to find GDI+ 1.2, but this does not solve the problem. The procedure LoadBitmapFromStream does not exit in these libraries. GDIPlusHelper was apparently renamed to GDIPlusHelpers and most code has changed from classes to interfaces. I suspect an older edition of the GDI Plus libraries were used, but I cannot find these.
Reworking the code would be too complex as it would require Content to be an IStream instead of a TMemoryStream. Also, simply using a TBitmap is not feasible either as other code (not shown) uses functionality specific to TGPBitmap (e.g. RotateFlip).
Any suggestions on how to fix/work around this? Thanks in advance!

Is there a version of Async Pro which works with Delphi XE3?

I want to use Async Pro in my Delphi XE3. I found a version A407 on SourceForge, which seems to be the latest. When I try to install the runtime package A407_R100.bpl I get an error that a data length is longer than 2GB. When I fix this (with some guesswork) I get 4 other errors. I can try to fix those as well, but I'm afraid I will have to patch so much of the code that it won't work anymore.
Is there a version of Async Pro which works with XE3? Or at least clear and proven instructions how to patch the code?
Here I found an AsyncPro library which seems to be more up-to-date; at least the packages are named A407_*140.bpl instead of A407_*100.bpl. I still had a couple of errors in this part of the code in AwAbsPd.pas:
procedure InitializeUnit;
TmpDateSeparator : char;
TmpDateFormat : string[15];
TmpDateTime : TDateTime;
{Set Unix days base}
TmpDateFormat := ShortDateFormat;
TmpDateSeparator := DateSeparator;
DateSeparator := '/';
ShortDateFormat := 'mm/dd/yyyy';
TmpDateTime := StrToDateTime('01/01/1970');
UnixDaysBase := Trunc(TmpDateTime);
DateSeparator := TmpDateSeparator;
ShortDateFormat := TmpDateFormat;
Although SysUtils is in the "uses" clause I got errors that ShortDateFormat and DateSeparator weren't defined. So I hard-coded them:
procedure InitializeUnit;
TmpDateSeparator : char;
TmpDateFormat : string[15];
TmpDateTime : TDateTime;
// added stevenvh
DateSeparator: char;
ShortDateFormat: String;
ShortTimeFormat: String;
// end addition
// added stevenvh
DateSeparator := '-';
ShortDateFormat := 'yyyy-mm-dd';
ShortTimeFormat := 'HH:mm:ss';
// end addition
{Set Unix days base}
TmpDateFormat := ShortDateFormat;
TmpDateSeparator := DateSeparator;
DateSeparator := '/';
ShortDateFormat := 'mm/dd/yyyy';
TmpDateTime := StrToDateTime('01/01/1970');
UnixDaysBase := Trunc(TmpDateTime);
DateSeparator := TmpDateSeparator;
ShortDateFormat := TmpDateFormat;
Nearly there! Both runtime and designtime packages compile, but when I try to install the designtime package I get an error that "01/01/1970" is not a valid date. This is not an error in the above code, because it remains the same "01/01/1970" when I change the date in the code.
Turns out there is only 1 other file which includes "01/01/1970" as text, but this is a .ocx file, so I'm not sure how or even if I should patch this.
Acording to this blog post:
Async Proffesional is currently maintained by Roman Kassebaum but only for latest versions of RAD studio (both Delphi and CBuilder).
The menioned blog links to next source forge page:
Infromation on the page indicates that the project is closed and that it moved to github but no link is provided.
After doing some searching on GitHub I found the projects page
Anyway since Roman Kassebaum is maintaing the project to be compatible with newest Delphi version it might not work for you.
So I strongly recomend you get in contact with Roman Kassebaum as he will best know which version should you use with your Delphi XE3 instalation or what needs to be fixed to make it compatible.
The official AsyncPro version moved to GitHub. You can find it under TurboPack. It supports the latest Delphi and C++Builder version.
I also created a branch for XE3. You can find it under TurboPack XE3.
Use FormatSettings.ShortDateFormat, FormatSettings.DateSeparator, ... instead of introducing your own variables. That would be closest to the original.
A cleaner approach would be using the date/time functions with a formatsettings overload instead of temporarily changing the global formatsettings.

Delphi Loadlibrary returns 0 (LastErrorcde=3221225616) What does this mean?

I need to use a 3rd party dll in our main app. When I staticly link to the provided DLL it works ok and I can the DLLs exported functions.
But we don't want our main app dependend on this dll on startup so I tried to dynamicly load the DLL when I need it :
DLLHandle := LoadLibrary('3rdparty.dll');
ret := GetLastError();
if DLLHandle = 0 then
err := SysErrorMessage(ret);
end //...
but did doesnt work : The LoadLibrary function returns 0 and the LastErrorcode is 3221225616. Because I don't know what I'm doing wrong I tried the same (on the same pc) coded in c and it works : but what doesn't it work with delphi ? :
I call the same LoadLibrary function on the same dll!
When I monitor with ProcMon I see that the 3rdparty dll gets loaded and that also the dependand dlls of the 3rdparty dll gets loaded. : So windows certainly finds the DLL.
But somewhere it the loading process it fails :
When I try to load the DLL with LoadLibraryEX with DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES or LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE it also works (but I can't offcourse call the needed functions...)
I'm out of ideas : hope you guys can help me further...
thx in adv.
Does this work?
SavedCW: word;
SavedCW := Get8087CW;
Set8087CW(SavedCW or $7);
DLLHandle := LoadLibrary('3rdparty.dll');
if DLLHandle = 0 then
ret := GetLastError();
err := SysErrorMessage(ret);
end //...
Some discussion:
The error code, 3221225616, seems, when asking Google, to be the result of an invalid floating point operation. Now, this seems very technical; indeed, what does loading a library have to do with floating point computations? The floating point control word (CW) is a bitfield where the bits specify how the processor should handle floating-point errors; it is actually rather common that unexpected floating point errors can be dealt with by changing one of these bits to 1 (which by the way is the default state). For an other example, see this question of mine, in which I get a totally unexpected division by zero error, which is dealt with by setting the "div by zero" bit of the control word to 1.
3221225616 = STATUS_FLOAT_INVALID_OPERATION. My wild guess is that the FPU CW is different in your Delphi and C apps, and that your DLL's initialization is sensitive to this.
Possibly related:
Try using SafeLoadLibrary() in the Delphi RTL instead of the Win32 LoadLibrary. This function preserves the FP control word before calling LoadLibrary, and sets it back to what Delphi wants after the LoadLibrary returns.
I think that you should report to 3rdparty.dll's developers about a bug in their DLL.
I know this is an old thread but I just came across the same problem with a DLL written in VB.
This solution works for both x86 and x64
var ret:cardinal;
result:= 1;
If Lib <> 0 Then exit; // already loaded
SetExceptionmask(em+[exInvalidOp,exZeroDivide,exOverflow, exUnderflow]);
Lib := LoadLibrary(DLLname);
ret := GetLastError;
if ret<>0 then
raise exception.create(SysErrorMessage(ret));

TIdHTTP in Indy 10

I used to use Indy back in the Delphi 6 days, and I am playing with Indy 10 now. What I want to do is incredibly simple, but I don't see a simple way of doing it, so I must be missing something.
What I want to do is something like this:
Here is the actual code I am using:
procedure TForm1.btnGetURLClick(Sender: TObject);
moBody.text := IdHttp1.Get(edURL.text);
When the request is complete, the http_result should contain the HTML from the URL specified. This doesn't seem to work however, so I get the feeling I should perhaps be using the IOHandler property or the OnWork event of the component - however the usage doesn't seem obvious to me, and I couldn't find any working examples with google. I am sure this is something that has been done before, so any help would be appreciated.
Additional Information:
In the spirit of being more specific, I want to know:
1. Am I doing this right to begin with (or did I miss something?).
2. If so, why might it not be working.
3. It is always possible that there is a bug in the combination of compiler/os/Indy I am using. (Although it should be working).
I should mention, I always get a popup "Connection Closed Gracefully". This seems to be an exception, and it could be interfering with the result of the function. I attempted to trap this with a TRY...FINALLY, but it doesn't work. Probably because Indy is triggering the exception in the background after the Get method runs I suppose.
Finally, here is a screencast of the program running to clear up any confusion:
I expect the HTML to fill the second memo box.
i think you have the TIdHTTP.HandleRedirects property set to false, if you get the error "HTTP/1.1 302 Found" you can try this
http_result := IdHTTP1.Get('');
Another option, would be to use synapse. This is all that is needed to retrieve a webpage using this library:
Result : TStrings;
if HTTPGetText('',Result) then
// do something with result
Synapse is a lightweight TCPIP library. The library is being actively maintained and the current version runs fine in Delphi 2009/2010. It is NOT a component based framework, so it is very easy to use with other threading techniques (OmniThreadLibrary or AsyncCalls for example).
You have to set the property HandleRedirects to true.
There's no need for a form, using GExperts components to code I got this:
IdHTTP := TIdHTTP.Create(Self);
with IdHTTP do
Name := 'IdHTTP';
AllowCookies := True;
HandleRedirects := True;
HTTPOptions := [hoForceEncodeParams];
Just paste this in your unit, it should be all you need.
Iirc if the website redirects, you also need to override some handler (onredirect or so). But this was also the case in indy9 iirc.
This question has lingered open for quite some time, so I am closing it out. My solution was to just use Synapse, as one of the posters suggested. It works on windows/Linux/Mac OS with minimal modifications, and works fine in libraries/threads.
