Swiping of Multiple Views in iOS - ios

I have three ViewControllers. I want to swipe the view controllers one by one which is similar to UIPageViewController. I searched for that in so many tutorials I did not find that.
Iam new to Objective-c.

This tutorial will help you get started, it has multiple views and a persistent view as well. It also has the source code, so you can dive into the code if you don't want to read the tutorial.
If you don't want to use UIPageViewController take the UICollectionView approach to simplify things.
Take a look at this question for an example.


How to create a table in swift with segue?

I'm brand new to Swift but I want to create an app that has a table and each entry in that table will lead to a new screen (but this new screen is the same for all the table entries) but depending on which table cell you click on, that screen has different information posted on it.
What are the steps I need to do to complete this? I have my story board I'm just not sure how to put this all together with code
Thanks in advance!
Well your question is very broad and not very specific. Therefore it is not easy to give a helpful answer. What I would do:
Create a UITableViewController that holds your "table".
Define a UITableViewControllerDelegate for the UITableView that will be informed about UserInteractions (especially when the user
didSelect a certain row of the table).
Based on the specific row (that was selected) you can create a second UIViewController class the shows your intended information.
I can not show some code samples because your question is to broad and things depend on a lot of things (especially on the kind of data you want to show) and how you implement your UIElements on the ViewControllers in InterfaceBuilder.
And if you are not yet familiar with the concept of a UITableViewController and its Delegate, than you should find some tutorials first about that basic technique in developing iOS apps.
You want to use the master/detail pattern. I suggest doing a search on that.

How to organize storyboard with multiple sections in iOS?

I am busy to learn building applications for iOS and started creating one by myself. I am currently running against the following and am curious about the process of other iOS developers out here.
Populair apps like Twitter has multiple sections within a view controller. What is the best method to organize a layout on one Storyboard with multiple sections like a header section with labels, a tableview and a mapview?
"What is the best way to..." type questions are not a good fit for SO. That leads to opinion-based answers, and possible arguments.
Better to ask "What are some options to..." type questions.
If you are looking to create a modular design where you divide your screen into discrete tiles, you can look at using container views and embed segues. With that design you can make a view controller responsible for a section of the screen. Then you can embed one of those view controllers in another view controller wherever you want it.
I won't say it is "the best" way, but it is an approach that can be useful.

How to put several views(not images) in page view controller?

I am a very starter in iOS Developing.
Now I would like to make an app of a children's story book using PageViewController. I have read some tutorials of PageViewController, but unfortunately all of them are about putting images in the PageContentViewController. I want to use views instead of images, because the content will be modified sometimes. Also, I don't want the views overlapped together because I want the workflow be visible.
I wonder whether there is a way to achieve it??? Thanks in advance!!!

(Swift) How to implement a Page Control through paging single views?

I want to implement a page control in my project so that every view can be accessed through swiping left or right. Every example I have looked at is to do with images, not views. I've been studying this and its of course images again. My application is a single view application. I'm not really sure what code snippets to give you so far, I don't think I do because I haven't done anything on this yet. If you need specifics, please comment and ask me, i'll be here all day.
Please help me!
The same idea should apply in the tutorial you cited. They're adding UIImageView to a UIScrollView. So in your case, instead of UIImageView just use UIView. Also you can think of the pageImages array as a data source about your views. For example, instead of an array of UIImage you can just have an array of some model object that helps you configure your view. However, keep in mind that the implementation in the tutorial for your case won't scale if you plan to have a lot of UIViews. That's because you want to effectively reuse views that aren't showing. When it gets to that point, you're better off implementing a UITableView that scrolls horizontally.
You can use UIPageViewController for paging effect. Check out this tutorial. It is written in obj-c but who cares. It will give you idea about using UIPageViewController.

table view is covered with an empty table view when integrate TTCatalog to a Tabbar template project

I created a project with Tabbar template. The First View of my Tabbar project just wants the same function of the TTCatalog sample project. The Second View will integrate a Map function.
I integrate some code from TTCatalog sample project to do so. But when my App starts, only an empty tableview displayed in my first view. It's just a white table with some empty rows. nothing else.
When I quit my App from emulator, and start it again from emulator,first I can see a table view like that of TTCatalog ( with blue titles and labels), But soon the table view is covered with an empty table view.
Please help
There is no need to inherit CatalogController, if the only thing you need is a tableView inside a tabBarController then there is even no need to use three20 at all. To get started I would recommend you use a simpler approach. While three20 and the TTTableViewController can help a lot with a certain kind of setups, it is not the general best way to do things.
Let your FirstViewController inherit from UITableViewController, implement the UITableViewDataSource methods. If you are experiencing problem or need with a specific problem feel free to ask here.
If you got this working and you really need something that three20 can help you achieve, read through the TTTableViewController sources, TTModel, TTTableViewDataSource, find a tutorial and go on.
Maybe this question may help you: Three20's URL-based navigation + tab bar example? especially this link: http://three20.pypt.lt/url-based-navigation-and-state-persistence
