Using the Survey Monkey API i am creating the surveys from my web application with a Web Link Collector.
I want to get the individuals response for the Survey as a Survey template Format with responded data.
Is it possible to get the each individuals response as a web link from survey monkey using Survey monkey API.
I think you should do a add recipient and then get personal links. I dont know about survey monkey but I have done this like tons of times with Examinare.
Paying alittle gets it really easily when coding according to my experience:
There is a howto for CakePHP here :
I found the SurveyMonkey mobile display quite good. I am trying to better integrate it with my app. In particular, once the survey has been responded to, I want to show the "Results" (analyze page which has graphs of user responses).
One thing I realised is that user can't use the analyze url. One way to allow them to view is to create a "Shared Data Link".
I am wondering how can I do this using the SurveyMonkey API. How can I create a "Shared Data Link" using the API? Is there any other way to show the Analyze Page to users?
Response from Survey Monkey team:
Unfortunately, our API doesn't currently offer any endpoints to generate a shared data page or quickly get the data which is contained within it.
I'm sifting through a few Rails 5 API tutorials and all the endpoints are as you would expect: /todos for getting all todos, /todos/:id/items for getting a todo item, etc.
I'm building an API where a Site has Tutorials and TutorialItems. I am first wondering if with a Rails API it is possible to create a custom endpoint like /init_tutorials that would get a site's tutorials and tutorial items OR does it instead make sense to have the endpoint /site/:id that would pull Site's tutorials and tutorial items all in one go like so in app/controllers/sites_controller.rb:
# GET /sites/:id
def show
# get #Site.tutorial.tutorial_items
Either way is obviously possible. One option is to do have the /site/:id endpoint accept a parameter, something like /sites/1?tutorials=true. This works well for simple APIs but can quickly get out of had for larger APIs with more diverse clients and many potential options.
If you are likely to be doing something more complex you might want to start out using an API style more like Facebook's FQL or Netflix's Falcor API style. There are a few Gems which can help you with either one.
With respect to the Qualtrics API (v3) documentation ( there does not appear to be any means to send a GET request through a REST client to get the individual survey responses for a specific survey (I suppose that the developers figured that no would be interested in decoupling the survey results from the admin panel).
The reason why I would like to be able to submit a GET request to get survey results is for real-time data visualization purposes that do not depend on me exporting the data every so often to re-update the visualization. If Qualtrics does not support such a GET request, which service (perhaps SurveyMonkey or its ilk) best facilitates what I'm trying to build? Or do I have to build an entire survey module from scratch? (shudders)
I agree that v3.0 has some big short comings. I have no idea what they are thinking. There should be a way to retrieve a specific response using Response ID.
You can still use v2.5 of the api to do what you want.
SurveyMonkey has a REST API that allows you to fetch all your responses.
You can fetch all your responses by doing:
GET /v3/surveys/<survey_id>/responses
Which will give you a skinny payload (usually IDs only, and maybe a name or title but not in this case).
You can then get a specific response by doing:
GET /v3/responses/<response_id>
You can also fetch all responses as fatter payloads by doing:
GET /v3/surveys/<survey_id>/responses/bulk
Or, depending on your use case, for example if you have some visualization that you want to update in real-time without polling for responses you can set up a webhook.
POST /v3/webhooks
"name": "My Response Webhook",
"event_type": "response_completed",
"object_type": "survey",
"object_ids": ["<survey_id1>", "<survey_id2>", ...],
"subscription_url": "https://mycallback.url"
Where subscription_url is your callback url, and then whenever any new responses for the defined surveys come in you'll be notified to the subscription_url provided and you can then know to refresh your charts.
I have done that by getting contacts, in every contact there are object of Response history where you can get the information of a survey assigned to a respondents.
I am planning to do a survey using survey monkey. I will require API support to automatically pull responses from your datasource. I looked into and it looks like I need to use services like curl to extract data. It also looks like I can extract data in json format. And the data that is extracted using get_responses api, returns only ids.
So my questions are:
1. Do you support REST APIs to download data?
2. Can I download data in csv format?
3. Can I download actual responses with questions and not just ids? What APIs will be return survey, questions asked and user responses?
3. Can you send me an example format of how data will look when downloaded using the APIs?
5. Finally, with $26/month subscription for one month, will I get API support? Is the API support available for free subscription?
SurveyMonkey does have a REST API
You can get all responses (just ids) doing:
GET /surveys/{survey_id}/responses
You can get the details and all answers to questions for a specific response by ID doing:
GET /responses/{response_id}/details
Or you can do this all at once by doing
GET /surveys/{id}/responses/bulk
Answered by akand074.
We only support JSON at this time.
You'll have to make a separate GET to /v3/surveys/{survey_id}/details to get the survey details, and then map it to the response data.
The format, along with response data examples can be found here.
You'll have to contact to find out.
I've put out a survey and gotten >100 responses. However, when I get the survey details using the api (i'm using python if it helps), then get the responses from respondents, I find a question in the response that is not present in the survey details.
I thought that the responses would only have question id's that were present in the survey details -- so I'm not sure what is going on.
Any help/advice?