How to create expandable table view in ios? - ios

On click of table cell it will dynamically increase the label height and if user click on another cell previsoly opened cell will collapse and expand selected cell.I was try hard for this bt label text is not working well.I want increase the height of cell.exa- click on question cell it will expand the answer

Connect UITableViewCell to the code behind, have a state for that cell and on didSelectRowAtIndexPath change cell height to whatever value you want. Regarding of the state of the cell ( you can do this by checking its height as well ) shrink or expand the cell.
You can do this by adding another cell below "question" cell and make it visible or hidden on click as well.


Add button as last UICollectionViewCell if all cells do not fit

My UICollection view should have no more than two rows. If all cells do not fit, it should add "Show More" button as last cell. Cells have dynamic width and UICollectionView is non scrollable.
What are my options?
I guess I should check if all cell fits into the screen, maybe using collectionView.visibleCells. If they do not fit, I should probably insert my "Show More" cell. Does this sound reasonable? Any other ideas?
Oh, and all cells have dynamic width.

UITableViewCell is loading content only on scroll

I am trying to create a UITableView
Here is the code sample
The problem is , the UITableViewCell only shows 1 cell and shows other cells only after Scroll
OK, after running your code you have one problem.
Because you have an image as a subView of your cell and the image is larger then the cell, some time it will be drawn outside of the cell and hide other cells
So go the StoryBoard and select the table view cell and in the attribute inspector check the "clip subviews" button.
This should solve your problem (it did for me when i run your code)

position custom cell in a tableview not fully showing a cell

Okay What i want to do is position a custom cell so that the cell looks like only a portion of it is shown in the UITableView. When you swipe it to the left it goes to a new viewcontroller that allows the user to add details for a new cell. My question is how do we position the UITableViewCell to show only a portion of it in the tableView?
What i want to do is position a custom cell so that the row is not shown fully like about 1/4th or 1/2 its actual length only in the table view
here is an app with the functionality i'm trying to implement this is the image url as i can't post images yet
I want to implement my cells just like how they implemented their expenses in cells, the cell is positioned according to the amount in it ,if the amount is high the cell is placed further to the left else only 1/4th of the cell is shown(empty cell no expense )
Can we achieve this by making an imageview in a customcell and then changing the x-axis of the image view according to the amount entered in the cell? Thanks in advance
For this, I would do it this way :
For each of my model cell I add a state, in the delegate of UItableView i use heightForRowAtIndex to set the size depends of the cell's state.
To not show extra view (when the cell is cliped) use :
[myCellview setClipToBounds:YES];
I think it should do the tricks. Even if it's not the best way to do it!
Solved it i Just had to add a scroll view to the cell's content view and then add a view containing the color to the scroll view. So its coding is similar to the swipe deletion in 'UITablView'
this repository helped me out, i only had to make a few changes otherwise that was it thanks for all your suggestions :)

how to add data separately in cell of tableview separately

I'm having three buttons on table view cell and have to show some text on label below it but when i'm clicking on button and selecting text it shows in all row and if second button clicks data of first label get blank so is their any way to fill data seprately to cell of table view
Yes it is you have to test for indexPath to see if that cell will display or not what you want. And keep in mind that cell are reused so you have also to remove content from cells or use different cell identifiers for each type of cell.

how to expand and collapse the UItable view cell on button click

Has anyone seen a script like this or would be willing to help out with one?
Collapse/Expand Button
The uitableview cell to be expanded partially open (giving a preview in essence)
After the button is pressed then the cell of table would expand to show the entire contents (with a nice fade effect). If you chose to collapse the cell then it would return to the original offset (preview) height.
Has anyone seen anything like this? I've found a plethora of these scripts that fully expand or collapse, but not like this
Thank you for any help!!
you have to make custom cell class. While creating cell give the height of the cell as maximum you want (i.e when it expands) and when creating the custom cell drag a UIView and put all the contents in this view and hides this view. Then when button is being Tapped just you have to make it unhidden.
