How to assign multiple users to a Jira Task - jira

I'm wondering how to assign two users to one task in JIRA. I took over a project that was set up by someone else. The problem is we are doing pair programming and we would like to keep track of time.

I dont think you can not actually assign two users to field assignee as it is built-in field.
You can create new required field e.g. pair-assignee and have pair tracked there. Here is a doc about how to setup a custom field.

By design, this is not possible as such - it's a single value field.
But there are ways around this limitation.
Since a number of people had this question, Atlassian has set up a page for the possible solutions/workarounds.


Isn't there any way to execute a post function script for free?

I'd like to perform operations like automatically update a field based on another field's value (for example if the assignee field is empty automatically assign to a default, set an hidden "due date" field based on the release-fix start date, ecc.) or write a custom validator that does validations based on a combination of values.
Every time I go searching on the jira forum I find java fragments of code, so everything seems to be possible, but it seems it is only at one condition: to buy the script runner plugin!
It seems strange to me: of course this plugin seems to be doing a lot of boilerplate for you but...what if I want to make a little more effort but still not payng for something that, in my opinion, should be free? I'm already paying the software license...isn't there another way to perform such post actions?
Try MyGroovy. It provides similar features. For tasks like execution post-functions I suppose it would fits good.

JIRA Agile: How do I assign multiple users to a single subtask

I'm using the JIRA Agile plugin.
I've created a task with a few subtasks inside it and I want to assign multiple users to one subtask.
Any idea how this is possible without rebuilding JIRA from source then tinkering the code?
There is an Atlassian page that covers this topic.
The options they discuss may not match your requirements though. They seem to be focused on the situation where the users you assign to an issue are consistent and part of a group.
One option is to create a custom field of type 'group picker'. Another option is to have a user defined on JIRA that actually represents a group of users and has a mailing list email.

Create a UNIQUE rule over custom field in WorkItem

I'm customizing the Work Item Definition Schema for the 'task' work item in TFS Server 2012. I've created a new field for hold a CustomerReference value. It works as I expected, but I would like add a UNIQUE restriction for security. I'd like add a rule than it makes imposible create two workItems with sme CustomerReference.
I think that none of the rules defined here achieve my target.
Any idea? Thanks in advance,
As a last resort there is a way to write a custom plug-in that can enforce this server-side. See this link for more info on creating an ISubscriber plug-in:
Unfortunately, the plug-in model doesn't allow you to prevent changes; but it could allow you to detect when somebody has violated the rule and react. For example, it could send an email off to somebody, and possibly clear out the CustomerReference field from the duplicate.

How to automatically assign a TFS work item to a particular person/role

I would like to customize a Work Item Type in TFS to automatically set the Assignee to a particular role. For example (to compare to another Issue Tracker), in JIRA the default Assignee is the Project Lead (so that any ticket not otherwise assigned, gets automatically assigned to whatever person is designated in the role of Project Lead). Can I do something similar in TFS?
So, I realize that one difference between JIRA and TFS is that TFS doesn't (to my knowledge) have the concept of "Roles". The closest thing to that is "Groups", but unlike Roles, Groups can have multiple people (which may be the restricting factor in this problem). I know how to configure a TFS Work Item so that only a certain Group gets listed in the "Assign To" field, but I would like to go a step farther, if possible, and create a custom Group with just one member (e.g., "Issue Guru") and then set up the work item to get automatically assigned to that person.
I'm trying to replicate the Jira functionality here, and maybe there is just no good way to do it in the TFS framework. Any suggestions?
There's a Step by Step Guide on Ivan Fioravanti's Blog for enabling it.
If you are unfamiliar with customising Work Item Types, have a look at the following links (stolen from Grant Holliday's blog).
I never tried this in production but here is something I tried quickly and it seems like it could work.
You can set the default value to a Group by editing work item template in template editor.
Just select Assigned to field and add a DEFAULT rule like shown in the image below.
This will also require you to create one or more groups (one global or maybe one per project). Once you set this up you won’t have to make any updates in the future but only manage people who are in the groups.

Guided ticket handeling in Jira?

I wonder if it's possible to specify ticket "types" in Jira and have specific data that MUST be filed in for a given ticket type. Say we have a "campaign start" ticket type. In that the creator must set a few dates, attach a file with some data etc. And also have a default cost in time for a given ticket type so that an estimated date when it could be started and done could be shown. Is this possible?
Edit: By And also have a default cost in time for a given ticket type so that an estimated date when it could be started and done could be shown. I mean if it would be possible to set that a 'campaign start' type of standard ticket would require 3 days of work to get done. So that if we let a specific few people create tickets they could see like a time-line of when their ticket could be started on and when it could be assumed to be completed.
Yes - there is quite a bit possible with JIRA, including enforcing fields at certain stages and so on / so forth. This is all well documented on the Atlassian site, or you can work with one of their partners (like us :-) ...) for setting up your project configuration.
Enforcing certain fields can be done through the field configuration scheme or through the use of specific plugins.
Could you elaborate on
And also have a default cost in time
for a given ticket type so that an
estimated date when it could be
started and done could be shown. Is
this possible?"
The specific documentation is on Field Configuration Schemes. The default cost in time sounds like setting a default value for the system Original Estimate field, which it would be nice if you could also do via the Field Configuration Scheme, but you currently can't. I'd look at some injected javascript to set a default, perhaps using the Behaviours plugin.
